129 resultados para miR-498


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Horizontal self-organized superlattice structures consisting of alternating In-rich and Al-rich layers formed naturally during solid-source molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of In0.52Al0.48As on exactly (001) InP substrates, with In and At fluxes unchanged. The growth temperatures were changed from 490 to 510 degrees C, the most commonly used growth temperature for In0.52Al0.48As alloy. No self-organized superlattices (SLs) were observed at the growth temperature 490 degrees C, and self-organized SLs were observed in InAlAs layers at growth temperatures ranging from 498 to 510 degrees C. The results show that the period of the SLs is very highly regular, with the value of similar to 6 nm, and the composition of In or Al varies approximately sinusoidally along the [001] growth direction. The theoretical simulation results confirm that the In composition modulation amplitude is less than 0.02 relative the In composition of the In0.52Al0.48As lattice matched with the InP substrate. The influence of InAs self-organized quantum wires on the spontaneously formed InxAl1-xAs/InyAl1-yAs SLs was also studied and the formation of self-organized InxAl1-xAs/InyAl1-yAs SLs was attributed to the strain-mediated surface segregation process during MBE growth of In0.52Al0.48As alloy. (C) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Transport phenomena in radial flow metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) reactor with three concentric vertical inlets are studied by two-dimensional numerical modeling. By varying the parameters such as gas pressure, flow rates combination of multi-inlets, geometric shapes and sizes of reactor and flow distributor, temperatures of susceptor and ceiling, and susceptor rotation, the corresponding velocity, temperature, and concentration fields inside the reactor are obtained; the onset and change of flow recirculation cells under influences of those parameters are determined. It is found that recirculation cells, originated from flow separation near the bend of reactor inlets, are affected mainly by the reactor height and shape, the operating pressure, the flow rates combination of multi-inlets, and the mean temperature between susceptor and ceiling. By increasing the flow rate of mid-inlet and the mean temperature, decreasing the pressure, maintaining the reactor height below certain criteria, and trimming the bends of reactor wall and flow distributor to streamlined shape, the recirculation cells can be minimized so that smooth and rectilinear flow prevails in the susceptor region, which corresponds to smooth and rectilinear isotherms and larger reactant concentration near the susceptor. For the optimized reactor shape, the reactor size can be enlarged to diameter D = 40 cm and height H = 2 cm without flow recirculation. The susceptor rotation over a few hundred rpm around the reactor central axis will induce the recirculation cell near the exit and deflect the streamlines near the susceptor, which is not the case for vertical reactors. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two types of InAs self-assembled Quantum dots (QDs) were prepared by Molecular beam epitaxy. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements showed that, compared to QDs grown on GaAs substrate, QDs grown on InGaAs layer has a significantly enhanced density. The short spacing (several nanometer) among QDs stimulates strong coupling and leads to a large red-shift of the 1.3 mu m photoluminescence (PL) peak. We study systematically the dependence of PL lifetime on the QDs size, density and temperature (1). We found that, below 50 K, the PL lifetime is insensitive to temperature, which is interpreted from the localization effects. As T increases, the PL lifetime increases, which can be explained from the competition between the carrier redistribution and thermal emission at higher temperature. The increase of carriers in QDs migrated from barriers and wetting layer (WL), and the redistribution of carriers among QDs enhance the PL lifetime as T increases. The thermal emission and non-radiative recombination have effects to reduce the PL lifetime at higher T. As a result, the radiative recombination lifetime is determined by the wave function overlapping of electrons and holes in QDs, and QDs with different densities have different PL lifetime dependence on the QDs size. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two types of InAs self-assembled Quantum dots (QDs) were prepared by Molecular beam epitaxy. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements showed that, compared to QDs grown on GaAs substrate, QDs grown on InGaAs layer has a significantly enhanced density. The short spacing (several nanometer) among QDs stimulates strong coupling and leads to a large red-shift of the 1.3 mu m photoluminescence (PL) peak. We study systematically the dependence of PL lifetime on the QDs size, density and temperature (1). We found that, below 50 K, the PL lifetime is insensitive to temperature, which is interpreted from the localization effects. As T increases, the PL lifetime increases, which can be explained from the competition between the carrier redistribution and thermal emission at higher temperature. The increase of carriers in QDs migrated from barriers and wetting layer (WL), and the redistribution of carriers among QDs enhance the PL lifetime as T increases. The thermal emission and non-radiative recombination have effects to reduce the PL lifetime at higher T. As a result, the radiative recombination lifetime is determined by the wave function overlapping of electrons and holes in QDs, and QDs with different densities have different PL lifetime dependence on the QDs size. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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本文通过LnCl_3·nTHF和[C_5H_4(SiMe_3)]Na反应得到了两类配合物[C_5H_4(SiMe_3)] LnCl_2·nTHF (Ln = Nd,Sm,Gd;n = 0,1,2)、[C_5H_4(SiMe_3)] LnCl_2·HCl·nTHF (Ln = Nd,Sm,Gd;n = 1,2)。通过元素分析、红外分析、质谱、核磁共振和热重分析确定了配合物的分子组成,特别是带氯化氢的产品在红外光谱中有1250 cm~(-1),835 cm~(-1),748 cm~(-1)自的三甲基硅基特征吸收峰。对氯化稀上进行了结构分析,结果发现LnCl_3·4THF (Ln = Sm,Gd)是与NdCl_3·4THF之间存在着变态关系。GdCl_3·4THF。晶体属单斜晶系,空间群为P21/C,晶胞参数为a = 30.765(7),b = 8.219(3),C = 17.534(3)A~·,β = 93.71(2)°;SmCl_3·4THF。晶体属单斜晶系,空间群为P21/C,晶胞参数为a = 30.921(13),b = 8.287(7),C = 17.665(8),β = 94.17(4)°。LnCl_3·4THF的单位晶胞中存在着八个分子,每对分子互相等同,但每对分子内部两个分子之间互不等同。SmCl_3·2THF·DME晶体属单斜晶系,空间群为P21/a,晶胞参数为a = 13.547(8),b = 8.607(4),C = 16.029(9)A°,β = 90.53(5)°。铲原子与三个氯原子。两个四氢呋喃中的氧原子以及DME中的两个氧原子键合,形成七配位的配合物,但是配位多面体不是理想的五角双锥,而是形成了比五角双锥(D_(5h))对称性更低的多面体(C_(3v))。它能看作是在正八面体的一个面的中心加上第七个原子的结果,而且这八面体主要受到决定上述那个面的三个原子伸展开的畸变。在制备C_5H_5SiMe_3时,如果不用减压蒸馏,而在常压下直接蒸馏,则得到的不是C_5H_5SiMe_3而是它的二聚体(C_5H_5SiMe_3)_2。用红外光谱和核磁共振确定了它的组成和结构,特别是在1650 cm~(-1)处出现(C_5H_5SiMe_3)_2的孤立双键吸收峰。用C_5H_5SiMe_3和Ee(CO)_5回流反应制得了[C_5H_4(SiMe_3) Ee(CO)_2]_2。经过元素分析,红外光谱,质谱,顺磁共振确定了配合物的组成,红外光谱中有桥羰基的吸收峰,质谱图中498的离子峰的出现标志着上述二聚体的存在。用[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]_2作为制备双金属配合物的原料,用Na/Hg并还原[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]_2。反应时间为6-7小时得到中间体[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]_2Na·4THF的深紫红色晶体。反应时间加长,中间体被破坏,反应到15小时时生成了[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]Na·TMEDA的黄色晶体,特别是中间体的获得及晶体结构的测定对我们解释反应的机理非常重要。[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]_2Na·4THF为单斜晶系,空间群为P21/n,晶胞参数为a = 10.155(5),b = 17.121(4),C = 18.667(6)A°,β = 97.61(3)°,V = 3216.9A°~3, 2 = 4。铁的配位数为七,钠的配位数为六,钠离子和桥连羰基氧以配位键结合,每个钠离子连结着两个[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]_2~-,而每个[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]_2~-又连结着两个钠离子,组成一个无限链状分子,键状分子间以Van de W力结合。[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]Na·TMEDA正交晶系,空间群为P_(2,2,2,)。晶胞参数为a = 6.001(4),b = 10.644(6),C = 24.214(11)A~·。α = β = r = 90°。z = 4 V = 1546·7A°~3,铁的配位数为五。钠的配位数为四,钠离子和羰基氧以配位键结合,每个钠离子连结着两个[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]~-,每个[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]~-又连结着两个钠离子,体系就是以这种连结方式或正负电荷交替的形式无限螺旋分子,每个链节存在着两个[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]Na·TMEDA分子,链节的长度为a轴的轴长,说明螺旋分子以a轴轴长向上平移。用LnCl_3·nTHF和[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]Na反应制得了[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2] LnCl_2·nTHF (Ln = Nd, Sm, Gd; n = 1, 2),用[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2] LnCl_2和[C_5H_4(SiMe_3)]Na或用[C_5H-4(SiMe_3)] LnCl_2和[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]Na得到[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2] [C_5H_4(SiMe_3)] LnCl·nTHF (Ln = Nd, Sm, Gd; n = 0, 1, 3),配合物[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2] LnCl_2·nTHF及[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2] [C_5H_4(SiMe_3)] LnCl·nTHF中存在着2000 cm~(-1)左右的终端羰基吸收峰及1766 cm~(-1)左右的桥连羰基吸收峰。说明稀土和铁之间是以羰基相连的。在TOTOE质谱仪上,配合物[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]Gd~·Cl·THF出现[C_5H_5Fe(CO)]GdCl_2、[Fe(CO)_2] Gd~+Cl_2的离子峰,配合物[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]-[C_5H_4(SiMe_3)] GdCl·THF出现[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2] [C_5H_4]Gd~+Cl、[C_5H_5Fe(CO)_2]Gd~+Cl·[C_5H_4C(SiMe_3)] Gd~+Cl等离子峰。所有稀土有机配合物都溶于四氢呋喃、苯,对空气和水敏感。


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人类区别于其它动物的最本质特征是其拥有其他动物所无法比拟的大脑容量及高 级的认知能力。即使与其近亲-非人灵长类相比,人也拥有比非人灵长类大好几倍的脑 容量和更为发达的认知能力。现在一般认为,人类大脑的形成是适应性选择(达尔文正 选择)的结果。但是到目前为止,对人类起源过程中大脑容量增大及认知能力提高的遗 传学机制却知之甚少。以前的研究表明,几个与大脑发育相关的蛋白质编码基因在人类 起源中受到了正向选择。同时,也有证据表明人类大脑的进化也可能是基因表达调控变 化的结果。因此寻找人与非人灵长类大脑表达基因的调控差异或许能够进一步为人与非 人灵长类为何有如此巨大的差异提供分子生物学水平上的解释。 MicroRNA(miRNA)是一类在转录后水平调控基因表达的不编码蛋白质的小 RNA(长度20-24个碱基)。通过调控靶基因的表达,miRNA参与了众多的生理过程。而 很多大脑表达的miRNA的表达量在大脑发育过程中呈显著的变化,这表明miRNA参与 了大脑的发育调控。由此可知,miRNA对其靶基因调控效率的改变很可能引起大脑发育 调控的改变。 本文通过寻找大脑表达的保守microRNA 及对其靶基因的预测,同时用比较基因组 学的方法发现:有很多microRNA 的靶基因3’UTR 的靶位点中存在人类特异突变位点。 我们推测这些人类特异突变位点可能改变microRNA 对其靶基因的表达调控效应,而调 控效应的改变可能在进化过程中对认知能力的提高发挥重要作用。利用体外报告基因系 统,我们发现有几个预测的靶基因是对应miRNA 的真实靶基因。其中,miR-127 的靶 基因(SEMA3F)3’UTR 的靶位点中所含的一个人类特有的突变增强了miR-127 对 SEMA3F 的调控效率。将该位点突变回复为黑猩猩的位点使得miR-127 对SEMA3F 的 调控效率降低到黑猩猩的水平。这表明miR-127 对SEMA3F 的调控效率的改变确实是 由该人类特异突变位点引起的。我们提供了人类特异突变位点能够引起miR-127 对SEMA3F 的调控效率的改变的体外证据,但是体内的调控模式是否如此尚需进一步的工 作。 总之,本文通过体外试验表明,miRNA靶基因3’UTR的序列变异具有功能效应,它 有可能是人类中枢神经系统在起源和演化中发挥关键作用的重要遗传机制之一。