82 resultados para gauge symmetry


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We review recent progress in the determination of the subsaturation density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy from heavy-ion collisions as well as the theoretical progress in probing the high density behavior of the symmetry energy in heavy-ion reactions induced by high energy radioactive beams. We further discuss the implications of these results for the nuclear effective interactions and the neutron skin thickness of heavy nuclei.


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We investigate the decomposition of noncommutative gauge potential (A) over cap (i), and find that it has inner structure, namely, (A) over cap (i) can he decomposed in two parts, (b) over cap (i) and (a) over cap (i), where (b) over cap (i) satisfies gauge transformations while (a) over cap (i) satisfies adjoint transformations, so close the Seiberg-Witten mapping of noncommutative, U(1) gauge potential. By, means of Seiberg-Witten mapping, we construct a mapping of unit vector field between noncommutative space and ordinary space, and find the noncommutative U(1) gauge potential and its gauge field tensor can be expressed in terms of the unit vector field. When the unit vector field has no singularity point, noncommutative gauge potential and gauge field tensor will equal ordinary gauge potential and gauge field tensor


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We study the relationship between the properties of the isovector giant dipole resonance of finite nuclei and the symmetry energy in the framework of the relativistic mean field theory with six different parameter sets of nonlinear effective Lagrangian. A strong linear correlation of excited energies of the dipole resonance in finite nuclei and symmetry energy at and below the saturation density is found. This linear correlation leads to the symmetry energy at the saturation density at the interval 33.0MeV <= S(po) <= 37.0 MeV. The comparison to the present experimental data in the soft dipole mode of (132) Sn constrains approximately the symmetry energy at p = 0.1 fm(-3) at the interval 21.2MeV similar to 22.5 MeV. It is proposed that a precise measurement of the soft dipole mode in neutron rich nuclei could set up an important constraint on the equation of state for asymmetric nuclear matter.


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Hard photons from neutron-proton bremsstrahlung in intermediate energy heavy-ion reactions are examined as a potential probe of the nuclear symmetry energy within a transport model. Effects of the symmetry energy on the yields and spectra of hard photons are found to be generally smaller than those due to the currently existing uncertainties of both the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections and the photon production probability in the elementary process pn -> pn gamma. Very interestingly, nevertheless, the ratio of hard photon spectra R-1/2(gamma) from two reactions using isotopes of the same element is not only approximately independent of these uncertainties but also quite sensitive to the symmetry energy. For the head-on reactions of Sn-132 + Sn-124 and Sn-112 + Sn-112 at E-beam/A = 50 MeV, for example, the R-1/2(gamma) displays a rise up to 15% when the symmetry energy is reduced by about 20% at rho = 1.3 rho(0) which is the maximum density reached in these reactions. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We examine the electric and magnetic strange form factors of the nucleon in the pseudoscalar-vector SU(3) Skyrme model, with special emphasis on the effects of isospin symmetry breaking (ISB). It is found that ISB has a nontrivial effect on the strange vector form factors of the nucleon and its contribution to the nucleon strangeness is significantly larger than one might naively expect. Our calculations and discussions may be of some significance for the experimental extraction of the authentic strangeness.


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We discuss the effect of slow phase relaxation and the spin off-diagonal S-matrix correlations on the cross-section energy oscillations and the time evolution of the highly excited intermediate systems formed in complex collisions. Such deformed intermediate complexes with strongly overlapping resonances can be formed in heavy-ion collisions, bimolecular chemical reactions, and atomic cluster collisions. The effects of quasiperiodic energy dependence of the cross sections, coherent rotation of the hyperdeformed similar or equal to(3 : 1) intermediate complex, Schrodinger cat states, and quantum-classical transition are studied for Mg-24 + Si-28 heavy-ion scattering.


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Based on the isospin- and momentum-dependent transport model IBUU04, the transverse momentum distributions of the free neutron-proton ratio in the Sn-132+(124) Sn reaction system at mid-central collisions with beam energies of 400/A MeV, 600/A MeV and 800/A MeV are studied by using two different symmetry energies. It is found that the free neutron-proton ratio as a function of the transverse momentum at the mid-rapidity is very sensitive to the density dependency of the symmetry energy especially at incident energies around 400/AMeV.


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Based on the isospin- and momentum-dependent transport model IBUU04, we calculated the reaction of the Sn-132+Sn-124 systems in semi-central collisions at beam energies of 400/A MeV, 600/A MeV and 800/A MeV by adopting two different density dependent symmetry energies. It was found that the proton differential elliptic flow as a function of transverse momentum is quite sensitive to the density dependence of symmetry energy, especially for the considered beam energy range. Therefore the proton differential elliptic flow may be considered as a robust probe for investigating the high density behavior of symmetry energy in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions.


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Within a transport model it is shown that the neutron/proton ratio of squeezed-out nucleons perpendicular to the reaction plane, especially at high transverse momenta, in heavy-ion reactions induced by high energy neutron-rich nuclei can be a useful tool for studying the high density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy.


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The double neutron-proton differential transverse flow taken from two reaction systems using different isotopes of the same element is studied at incident beam energies of 400 and 800 MeV/nucleon within the framework of an isospin- and momentum-dependent hadronic transport model IBUU04. The double differential flow is found to retain about the same sensitivity to the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy as the single differential flow in the more neutron-rich reaction. Because the double differential flow reduces significantly both the systematic errors and the influence of the Coulomb force, it is thus more effective probe for the high-density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy.


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Based on the isospin- and momentum-dependent transport model IBUU04, we investigated the neutron-proton differential flow in the (132) Sn + (124) Sn mid-central collisions at beam energies of 400MeV/A, 600MeV/A and 800MeV/A by adopting two different symmetry energies. It was found that the neutron-proton differential flow as a function of rapidity is very sensitive to the density dependence of symmetry energy, especially at incident energies around 400MeV/A


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Within the IBUU transport model, flipping of the symmetry potential in heavy-ion collisions is studied. It is found that there exist flipping of the symmetry potential in the isospin fractionation, the single neutron to proton ratio, the double neutron to proton ratio and the neutron-proton differential flow from lower to higher incident energies. The flipping of the symmetry potential results from the change of the relative magnitude of the hard and soft symmetry energies at lower and higher densities. Future observations of the flipped symmetry potential in experiment will help the study of the density-dependent symmetry energy.


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Here we study fermionic zero modes in gauge and gravity backgrounds taking a two-dimensional compact manifold T-2 as extra dimensions. The result is that there exist massless Dirac fermions which have normalizable zero modes under quite general assumptions about these backgrounds on the bulk. Several special cases of gauge background on the torus are discussed and some simple fermionic zero modes axe obtained.


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Based on a transport model IBUU04, the double n/p ratio is studied. It is found that the double n/p ratio has almost the same sensitivity to the density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy as the single n/p ratio does. Because the double n/p ratio of nucleon emissions taken from two reaction systems can reduce systemic errors effectively, it is thus more useful for constraining the density-dependent symmetry energy further.


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Based on the isospin- and momentum-dependent hadronic transport model IBUU04, effects of the nuclear symmetry energy on the single and double pi(-)/pi(+) ratios in central reactions of Sn-132+Sn-124 and Sn-112+Sn-112 at a beam energy of 400 MeV/nucleon are studied. It is found that around the Coulomb peak of the single pi(-)/pi(+) ratio the double pi(-)/pi(+) ratio taken from the two isotopic reactions retains about the same sensitivity to the density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy. Because the double pi(-)/pi(+) ratio can significantly reduce the systematic errors, it is thus a more effective probe for the high-density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy.