63 resultados para fault recovery


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The aim of this study was to test the protective roles of superoxide dismutases (SODs), guaiacol peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and glutathione reductase (GR) against oxidative damage and their activities in different phases of the dry down process in Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim. leaves. Drought stress was imposed during 100 consecutive days and rewatering after 16, 72, and 100 days. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), malondialdehyde, and SODs activities were elevated significantly with progressing drought stress. POD and CAT activities increased markedly in the early phase of drought and decreased significantly with further drought stress continuation, and POD activity was unable to recover after rewatering. Ascorbate, reduced glutathione, APX, and GR activities declined in the initial stages of drought process, elevated significantly with further increasing water deficit progression and recovered after rewatering. These results indicate that: (1) iron SODs-removing superoxide anion is very effective during the whole drought stress; (2) CAT scavenges H2O2 in the early phase of drought and enzymes of ascorbate-glutathione cycle scavenge H2O2 in further increasing drought stress; and (3) POD does not contribute to protect against oxidative damage caused by H2O2 under drought stress.


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C-phycocyanin was purified on a large scale by a combination of expanded bed adsorption, anion-exchange chromatography and hydroxyapatite chromatography from inferior Spirulina platensis that cannot be used for human consumption. First, phycobiliproteins were extracted by a simple, scaleable method and then were recovered by Phenyl-Sepharose chromatography in an expanded bed column. The purity (the A(620)/A(280) ratio) of C-phycocyanin isolated with STREAMLINE (TM) Column was up to 2.87, and the yield was as high as 31 mg/g of dried S. platensis. After the first step, we used conventional anion-exchange chromatography for the purification steps, with a yield of 7.7 mg/g of dried S. platensis at a purity greater than 3.2 and with an A(620)/A(650) index higher than 5.0. The fractions from anion-exchange chromatography with a level of purity that did not conform to the above standard were subjected to hydroxyapatite chromatography, with a C-PC yield of 4.45 mg/g of dried S. platensis with a purity greater than 3.2. The protein from both purification methods showed one absolute absorption peak at 620 nm and a fluorescence maximum at 650 nm, which is consistent with the typical spectrum of C-phycocyanin. SDS-PAGE gave two bands corresponding to 21 and 18 kDa. In-gel digestion and LC-ESI-MS showed that the protein is C-phycocyanin. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The onshore-offshore deep seismic experiment was carried out for the first time and filled the blankness of the seismic surveys in the transition area between South China and northeastern South China Sea. The seismic data were analyzed and processed. The different seismic phases were identified and their travel time arrivals were modeled by ray-tracing to study the P-wave velocity crustal structure of this area. The crustal structure of this area is the continental crust. The crust thickness is gradually decreasing southward along the on-shore-offshore seismic line. The low-velocity layer (5.5 similar to 5.9 km (.) s(-1)) exists generally in the middle crust (about 10.0 similar to 18.0km)with about 2.5 similar to 4.0 km thickness, which is also thinning seaward. No obvious high-velocity layer appears in the lower crust. The Binhai (littoral) fault zone is a low velocity zone, which is located about 35km southeast to the Nan'ao station and corresponding to the gradient belt of gravity & magnetism anomalies. The depth of the fault zone is close to the Moho discontinuity. The littoral fault zone is a boundary between the normal continental crust of South China and the thinned continental crust of the sea area.


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Offshore active faults, especially those in the deep sea, are very difficult to study because of the water and sedimentary cover. To characterize the nature and geometry of offshore active faults, a combination of methods must be employed. Generally, seismic profiling is used to map these faults, but often only fault-related folds rather than fracture planes are imaged. Multi-beam swath bathymetry provides information on the structure and growth history of a fault because movements of an active fault are reflected in the bottom morphology. Submersible and deep-tow surveys allow direct observations of deformations on the seafloor (including fracture zones and microstructures). In the deep sea, linearly aligned cold seep communities provide indirect evidence for active faults and the spatial migration of their activities. The Western Sagami Bay fault (WSBF) in the western Sagami Bay off central Japan is an active fault that has been studied in detail using the above methods. The bottom morphology, fractured breccias directly observed and photographed, seismic profiles, as well as distribution and migration of cold seep communities provide evidence for the nature and geometry of the fault. Focal mechanism solutions of selected earthquakes in the western Sagami Bay during the period from 1900 to 1995 show that the maximum compression trends NW-SE and the minimum stress axis strikes NE-SW, a stress pattern indicating a left-lateral strike-slip fault.


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The stratigraphic architecture, structure and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Tan-Lu fault zone in Laizhou Bay, eastern China, are analyzed based on interpretations of 31 new 2D seismic lines across Laizhou Bay. Cenozoic strata in the study area are divided into two layers separated by a prominent and widespread unconformity. The upper sedimentary layer is made up of Neogene and Quaternary fluvial and marine sediments, while the lower layer consists of Paleogene lacustrine and fluvial facies. In terms of tectonics, the sediments beneath the unconformity can be divided into four main structural units: the west depression, central uplift, east depression and Ludong uplift. The two branches of the middle Tan-Lu fault zone differ in their geometry and offset: the east branch fault is a steeply dipping S-shaped strike-slip fault that cuts acoustic basement at depths greater than 8 km, whereas the west branch fault is a relatively shallow normal fault. The Tan-Lu fault zone is the key fault in the study area, having controlled its Cenozoic evolution. Based on balanced cross-sections constructed along transverse seismic line 99.8 and longitudinal seismic line 699.0, the Cenozoic evolution of the middle Tan-Lu fault zone is divided into three stages: Paleocene-Eocene transtension, Oligocene-Early Miocene transpression and Middle Miocene to present-day stable subsidence. The reasons for the contrasting tectonic features of the two branch faults and the timing of the change from transtension to transpression are discussed. Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The recovery and fate of three species of dinoflagellates, Alexandrium tamarense, Cochlodinium polykrikoides and Scrippsiella trochoidea, after having been sedimented by yellow clay, were investigated in the laboratory. The effect of burying period in yellow clay pellet and mixing on the recovery of settled algal cells were studied. The morphological changes of algal cells in yellow clay pellet were also tracked. Results showed that there was almost no recovery for A. tamarense and C. polykrikoides, and the cells decomposed after 2-3 days after visible changes in morphology and chloroplasts. There was some recovery for S. trochoidea. Moreover, S. trochoidea cysts were formed in clay pellet during the period of about 14 days, with the highest abundance of 87 000 cysts g(-1) clay and the incidence of cyst formation of 6.5%, which was considered as a potential threat for the further occurrence of algal blooms. S. trochoidea cysts were isolated from yellow clay and incubated to test their viability, and a germination ratio of more than 30% was obtained after incubation for 1 month. These results showed the species specificity of the mitigation effect of yellow clay. It is suggested that cautions be taken for some harmful species and thorough risk assessments be conducted before using this mitigation strategy in the field.


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Studies were carried out to optimize the conditions for the recovery of protein. The results showed that pH of 6.00 for wastewater, the dosage of 1% chitosan solution in 1% acetic acid aqueous solution of 2.0 ml for 50 ml wastewater and 1% FeCl3 aqueous solution of 2 ml for 50 ml wastewater, the flocculation time of 4.0 h were the optimal conditions for the recovery of protein. The obtained protein sediment contained abundant amino acids, especially isoleucine, methione and lysine that are absent in other protein resource. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work describes the preparation of a chelating resin from chemically modified chitosan. The resin was synthesized by using O-carboxymethylated chitosan to cross-link a polymeric Schiffs base of thiourea/glutaraldehyde and characterized by IR. Batch method was applied for testing the resin's adsorption behavior. Adsorption experiments showed the resin had good adsorption capacity and high selectivity for Ag(I) in aqueous solution. The maximum uptake of Ag(I) exhibited was 3.77 mmol/g, at pH 4.0. The results also indicated that the adsorption process was exothermic and fit well with the pseudosecond-order kinetic model. Ag(I) desorption could reach 99.23% using 0.5 M thiourea-2.0 M HCl solution. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The chlorophyll fluorescence in soybean leaves was observed by a portable fluorometer CF-1000 under field conditions. On clear days, F-0 increased while F, and F-v/F-m decreased gradually in the morning. At midday F-O reached its maximum while F-v and F-v/F-m reached their minimum. The reverse changes occurred in the afternoon. At dusk these parameters could return to levels near those at dawn. Following exposure to a strong sunlight for more than 3 h, the dark-recovery process displayed three phases: (1) slow increases in F-0, F-v and F-v/F-m within the first hour; (2) a faster decrease in F-0 and faster increases in F-v and F-v/F-m within subsequent two hours; (3) a slow decrease in F-0 and slow increases in F-v and F-v/F-m within the fourth hour. In comparison with darkness, weak irradiance had no stimulating effect on the recovery from photoinhibition. Hence the photoinhibition in soybean leaves is mainly the reflection of reversible inactivation of some photosystem 2 reaction centres, but not the result of D1 protein loss.


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Complex fault block reservoir is very important type in chinese oilfield.The reservoir have for many years and it has been the important issue of oil-gas exploration and development in china that how to increase reserves and production. Therefore,taking the Pucheng-oil field as an example, the article intensive study the geologic feature of oil pool, correctly recognize the rule of oil-gas accumulation and based on the fine representation of the characteristic of reservoir, research the remaining oil in high developed area,which is important for progressive exploratioon and development and taping the remaining oil. The article multipurpose uses the data of geology,drilling,wellloging, analysis and assay and so on, under the guidance multi-disciplinary theory, intensify the comprehension of the geologic feature of oil pool in high developed oil field. Based on the high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework ,the article points out that Es_2 upper 2+3 reservoir in the south area of Pucheng oilfield is in the depositional environment of Terminal Fan, which has constant supply of sedimentary source ,and build the sedimentation model. Studies have shown that the major reservoir in work area is the distributary channel sandbody in central Sub-facies of Terminal Fan,secondary is both lateral accretion sandbodies of channel sands,nearby and far away from the channel overflowing sandbodies in front of the fan. The article analyze the effect of depth of burial of the reservoir, sandstone structure, strata pressure and bioturbate structure on control action of physical property for reservoir and indicate that deposition and diagenesis are major controlling factors.By building the model of reservoir heterogeneity, the article show the magnitude of reservoir heterogeneity ,the genesis and identification mark of Interlayer and build the the model of interlayer. in this area the vertical distribution of interlayer is complicated,but the intraed interlayer distribute steady. Thick interlayer is steady and the thin is relatively spreaded. By building models of fault sealing,stress field and fluid potential field of the south of the pucheng oil field, the regular pattern of fluid migration and accumulation runs out. By researching the elements of oil accumulation, migration pathway and accumulation period with quantification and semiquantitative methods,we bulit the oil-gas reservoir-forming mode of the south of the pucheng oil field,which will be the foundation of the rolling exploratory development in the future. We promulgated the master control element and the rule of distribution of the remaining oil with the upside 2+3 oil layer in shaer in the south of the pucheng oil field as an example.In this area, the formation and the distribution of the remaining oil is controled by the sedimentary microfacies, reservoir heterogeneity,fault and reservoir engineering. The remaining oil is concentrated in the vicinity of the gas cap, updip of the fault block and the area with incomplete flooding. Remaining oil saturation in some area can get 50%, so there are many places in which we can enhance oil recovery.


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Based on the study of fluvial sandstone reservoir in upper of Guantao group in Gudao and Gudong oilfields, this paper first introduces A.D.Miall's(1996a) architectural-element analysis method that was summarized from ground outcrop scale into the reservoir formation research of the study area, more subtly divides sedimentary microfacies and establishes sedimentary model of research area.on this base, this paper summarizes the laws of residual oil distribution of fluvial formation and the control effect of sedimentary microfacies to residual oil distribution, and reveals residual oil formation mechanism. These results have been applied to residual oil production, and the economic effect is good. This paper will be useful for residual oil research and production and enhancement of oil recovery in similar reservoir. The major conclusions of this paper are as follows. 1. Using the architectural-element analysis method to the core data, a interfacial division scheme of the first to the dixth scale is established for the studied fluvial formation. 2.Seven architectural-elements are divided in upper of Guantao group of study area. The sandstone group 5~1+2 of Neogene upper Gutao group belongs to high sinuous fine grain meandering river, and the sandstone group 6 is sandy braided river. 3. Inter layer, the residual oil saturation of "non-main layer" is higher than "main layer", but the residual recoverable reserve of former is larger. Therefore, "main layer" is the main body of residual oil distribution. The upper and middle part of inner layer has lower permeability and strong seeping resistance. Addition to gravity effect in process of driving, its driving efficiency is low; residual oil saturation is high. Because of controlling of inside non-permeable interlayer or sedimentary construction, the residual oil saturation of non-driving or lower driving efficiency position also is high. On plane, the position of high residual oil saturation mostly is at element LV, CS, CH (FF), FF etc, Which has lower porosity and permeability, as well as lens sand-body and sand-body edge that is not controlled by well-net, non-perfect area of injection and production, lower press difference resort area of inter-well diffiuent-line and shelter from fault, local high position of small structure. 4.Microscopic residual oil mainly includes the non-moved oil in the structure of fine pore network, oil in fine pore and path, oil segment in pore and path vertical to flow direction, oil spot or oil film in big pore, residual oil in non-connective pore. 5.The most essential and internal controlling factor of fluvial formation residual oil distribution is sedimentary microfacies. Status of injection and production is the exterior controlling factor of residual oil distribution. 6. The controlling effect of formation sedimentary microfacies to residual oil distribution indicates inter-layer vertical sedimentary facies change in scale of injection and production layer-series, planar sedimentary face change and inner-layer vertical sedimentary rhythm and interbed in single layer to residual oil distribution. 7. It is difficult to clear up the inter-layer difference in scale of injection and production layer-series. The using status of minor layer is not good and its residual oil saturation is high relatively. It is obvious that inter-layer vertical sedimentary facies changes control inter-layer residual oil distribution at the same or similar conditions of injection and production. For fluvial formation, this vertical sedimentary facies change mainly is positive gyration. Namely, from down to top, channel sediment (element CHL, LA) changes into over-bank sediment (element LV, CR, CS). 8. In water-injection developing process of transverse connecting fluvial sandstone oil formation, injection water always comes into channel nearby, and breaks through along channel and orientation of high pressure gradient, does not expand into side of channel until pressure gradient of channel orientation changes into low. It brings about that water-driving status of over-bank sedimentary element formation (LV, CR, CS) is not good, residual oil saturation is high. In non-connective abandoned channel element (CH) formation with channel, because this reverse is difficult to control by injection and production well-series, its using status is not good, even terribly not good, residual oil is enrichment. 9. The rhythm and sedimentary structure, sedimentary facies change in single sand body brings about vertical changes of formation character, growth character of inner layer interbed. These are important factor of controlling and affecting vertical water spread volume and inner layer residual oil forming and distribution in single sand body. Positive rhythm, is the principal part of fluvial sandstone inner layer sedimentary rhythm. Namely, from down to upside, rock grain granularity changes from coarse to fine, seeping ability changes from strong to feebleness. It brings about that water-driving status of inner layer upside is not good, residual oil saturation is high. Inner layer interbed has different degree affecting and controlling effect to seeping of oil and water. Its affecting degree lies on interbed thickness, extending scale, position, and jeted segment of production or injection well. The effect of interbed at upside of oil formation to oil and water seeping is less; the effect of interbed at middle of oil formation to oil and water seeping is more. 10. Indoor experiment and research indicate that wettability, permeability step, vertical permeability, position of Kmax and ratio of oil viscousity and water viscousity all have great effect on the water-driving recovery ratio. 11. Microscopic residual oil distribution is affected and controlled by formation pore network structure, pressure field distribution, and oil characteristic. 12.The residual oil forming mechanism: the over-bank sedimentary element and upper part of a positive rhythm sandstone have fine pore and throat network, permeability is low, displacement pressure of pore and throat is high. The water-driving power usually falls short of displacement pressure that brings about injection water does not spread into these pore and throat network, thereby immovable oil area, namely residual oil, is formed. At underside of channel sedimentary element and positive rhythm sandstone, porosity and permeability is relatively high, connecting degree of pore and throat is high, displacement pressure of pore and throat is low. Thereby injection water is easy to enter into pore and throat, driving oil in them. Because the pore space is irregular, the surface of pore wall is coarse and non-flat. That the oil locate on concave hole of pore wall and the dead angle of pore, and the oil attaches on surface of pore wall by surface tension, are difficult to be peeled off, becoming water-driving residual oil (remaining oil). On the other hand, Because flowing section lessens, flowing resistance increase, action of capillary fore, or seeping speed decreases at process of transfer at pass narrow throat path in the course carried by driving water. The "oil drop", "oil bead", or "oil segment" peeled off by driving water is difficult to carry and to drive out by water at less pressure difference. Thereby they are enclosed in pore to form discontinuous residual oil. 13.This results described above have been applied in nine develop blocks of Gudao and Gudong oilfield. Its applying effect is marked through local injection production adjustment, deploying replacement well, repair hole, replacement envelop, block off water and profile control etc. Relative method and technology can be applied to other oil production area of Shengli oilfield, and obtain better economic and societal effect.


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In this paper, the complex faulted-block oil reservoir of Xinzhen area in Dongying depression is systematically studied from basic conditions forming faulted-block oil and gas reservoir integrating geology, seismic, logging and reservoir engineering information and computer; guided by petroleum geology, geomechanics, structural geology and geophysics and other theories. Based on analysis of background condition such as regional strata, structure and petroleum geology, structural research on geometry, kinemaitcs and dynamics, oil-controlling fault research on the seal features, sealing mechanism and sealing pattern, and research on enrichment rules and controlling factors of complex faulted-block oil reservoir are carried out to give out the formation mechanics of oil reservoir of Xinzhen complex faulted-block oil reservoir. As a result, the reservoir formation pattern is established. At the same time, through dissecting the characteristics and hydrocarbon enrichment law of complex faulted-block oil reservoir, and studying its distribution law of remaining oil after entering extra high water-cut period, a set of technologies are formed to predict complex faulted-block oil reservoir and its remaining oil distribution and to enhance oil recovery (EOR). Based on the time relationship between migration of hydrocarbon and trap formation, accumulating period of Xinzhen oil reservoir is determined. The formation of Xinzhen anticlinal trap was prior to the primary migration. This is favorable to formation of Xinzhen anticlinal hydrocarbon reservoir. Meanwhile, because anticline top caving isn't at the sane time as that of moving or faulted-trap forming inner anticline, oil and gas migrated many times and Xinzhen complex faulted-block oil reservoir formed from ES_3~(upper) to EG. Accumulating law and controlling factors of complex faulted-block reservoir are analyzed from many aspects such as regional structure background controlling hydrocarbon accumulating, plastic arch-open structure controlling oil-bearing series and reservoir types, sealing-opening of fault controlling hydrocarbon distribution and structure pattern controlling enriched trap types. Also, we established the structure pattern in Xinzhen a'ea: the arch-open of underlying strata cause expanding fracture. The main block groups developed here are shovel-like normal fault block group in the north area of Xinzhen and its associated graben block group. Block groups dominate the formation and distribution of reservoirs. We studied qualitatively and quantitatively the sealing characteristics, sealing history and sealing mechanism of faults, too. And, the sealing characteristics are evaluated and the distribution pattern of hydrocarbon controlled by faults is researched. Due to movement intensity of big faults, deep falling of downthrown block, high degree of repture and development of fracture, shallow layers close to the downthrown block of secondary faults are unfavorable to hydrocarbon accumulation. This is confirmed by the exploration practice in Xinzhen anticline. In terms of the downthrown blocks of sencondary contemporaneous faults lied in the south and north area of Xinzhen, hydrocarbon is poor close to fracture belt, while it is relatively abundant in tertiary companion faults. Because of long-term movement of faults that control hydrocarbon, fi'om ES3 to EG, six set of oil-bearing series formed. And their opening causes the inhomogeneity in hydrocarbon abundance among each block--in two flanks of anticline reservoirs are abundant while in the axial area, oil and gas are sporadic. There the sealing characteristics control oil-bearing area of oil/gas accumulation and the height of oil reservoir. Longitudinally, oil and gas are enriched in dip-flat areas in mid-plane of faults. It is established that there are four types of accumulating patterns in complex faulted-block oil reservoirs in Xinzhen. The first is accumulating pattern of lithologic oil reservoirs in E~S_3~(mid-lowwer), that is, self-generating-self-reserving-self-covering lithologic trap pattern. The second is drag-anticline accumulating pattern in Xinzhen. The structure traps are drag anticlines formed by the contemporaneous faults of the second basement in the north of Xinzhen, and the multiple source rocks involve Ek_2, Es_4, Es_3 and Es_1 members. The reservoirs are fluvial-delta sandstones of the upper member of Shahejie formation and Guantao formation, covered by regional thick mudstone of the upper member of Guantao formation and MingHuazhen formation. The third is the accumulating pattern of reverse listric fault, the third-degree fault of Xinzhen anticline limb and the reservoirs form reservoir screened by reverse listric faults. The forth is accumulating pattern of crossing faults which form closing or semi-closing faulted-blocks that accumulate hydrocarbon. The technologies of predicting remaining oil in complex faulted-block reservoir during the mid and late development stage is formed. Remaining oil in simple large faulted-blocks enriches in structural high, structural middle, structural low of thick bottom water reservoirs, points near bent edge-fault oftertiary faults and part the fourth ones with big falling displacement, microstructure high place of oil-sandbodies and areas where local well pattern isn't perfect. While that in small complex faulted-blocks enriches near small nose, small high point, angle of small faults, small oil-bearing faulted-blocks without well and areas with non-perfect well pattern. The technologies of enhancing recovery factor in complex faulted-block reservoir during the mid and late development stage is formed as follows: fine reservoir description, drilling adjust wells, designing directional wells, sub-dividing layer series of development, improving flooding pattern, changing water-injection direction and enhancing swept volume, cyclic waterflooding and gas-injection, etc. Here, directional wells include directional deflecting wells, lateral-drilling wells, lateral-drilling horizontal wells and horizontal wells. The results of this paper have been used in exploration and development of Shengli oilfield, and have achieved great social and economic profit, especially in predicting distribution of complex faulted-block reservoir, remaining oil distribution during middle and late stage of development, and in EOR. Applying the achievement of fault-closure research, new hydrocarbon-bearing blocks are discovered in flanks of Dongying central uplift and in complex blocks with proved reserves 15 million tons. With the study of remaining oil distribution law in complex faulted-block reservoirs, recovery factors are increased greatly in Dongxin, Xianhe and Linpan complex faulted-block reservoirs and accumulated oil production increment is 3 million tons.


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The central uplift in the Huimin depression is famous for its large amounts of faults and small-scale fault-block area, and it is the famed typical complicated fault-block group oil & gas field in the whole world. After many years of rolling exploration and exploitation, many complex oil &gas field have been discovered in the central uplift, and won the splendent fruit. With the gradual deepening and development of the rolling exploitation, the exploration faces more and more difficulties. Therefore, it is important to reveal the forming mechanism and distributing rule of the complex fault-block reservoir, and to realize the forecast of the complex fault-block reservoir, sequentially, expedite the exploration step. This article applies the new multi-subject theory, method and technique such as structure geometry, kinematics, dynamics, structural stress field, fluid potential field, well logging record and constrained inversion of seismic records, coherence analysis, the seal mold and seal history of oil-bounded fault etc, and try to reveal the forming mechanism and distributing law of the complex fault-block reservoir, in result, implements the forecast of the fault-block reservoir and the remaining oil distributing. In order to do so, this article synthetically carries out structural estimate, reservoir estimate, fault sealing history estimate, oil-bearing properties estimate and residual. This article also synthetically researches, describes and forecast the complex fault-block in Huimin depression by use of the techniques, e.g. seismetic data post-stack processing technique, multi-component demarcating technique, elaborate description technique for the fault-block structure, technique of layer forecasting, fault sealing analysis technique, comprehensive estimate technique of fault-block, comprehensive analysis and estimate technique of remaining oil etc. The activities of the faults varies dramatically in the Huimin depression, and most of the second-class and the third-class faults are contemporaneous faults, which control the macroscopical distribution of the reservoir in the Huimin depression. The fourth-class faults cause the complication between the oil & gas among the fault-blocks. The multi-period strong activities of the Linyi fracture resulted in the vertical migration of large amount of oil & gas along with the faults. This is the main reason for the long vertical distribution properties near the Linyi fracture in the Huimin depression. The sealing ability of the fault is controlled by the property,size and direction of the main stress, the contact relationship of the both sides of the fault, the shale polluting factor, and the configuration relationship between the fault move period and the migration period of oil & gas. The article suggest four fault-sealing modes in the research zone for the first time, which establishes the foundation for the further forecast of the complex fault-block reservoir. Numerical simulation of the structural stress field reveals the distribution law and the evolvement progress of the three-period stress field from the end of the Dongying period to the Guantao period to nowadays. This article puts forward that the Linyi and Shanghe regions are the low value of the maximum main stress data. This is combined with the fault sealing history estimate, then multi-forming-reservoir in the central uplift is put forward. In the Shanghe oilfield, the article establishes six reservoir geological modes and three remaining oil distributing modes(the plane, the inside layer and the interlayer), then puts forward six increase production measure to enhance the remaining oil recovery ratio. Inducting the exploitation of oilfield, it wins notable economic effects and social effects.


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This dissertation tries to combine the new theories of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and reservoir architecture with fine sedimentology to form a integral theory system -"high-resolution sequence sedimentology", which can be applied widely ranging from the early petroleum exploration to the tertiary recovery stage in marine and terrestrial basin. So the west slope area in south of Songliao basin, in which, early-fine exploration have been developed, and Xingnan area of Daqing placantictine in high water-bearing and tertiary recovery stage, are selected as target areas to research and analyze. By applying high-resolution sequence stratigraphy theory as well as analysis of source area-facies, the west slope area has been divided into two source areas and three drainage systems and the following conclusions have been drawn: three high values sandstone areas, two sandstone pinchout zones and one stratigraphic pinchout overlap; the facies between Baicheng-Tongyu drainage system is frist ascertained as large-scale argillaceous filled plain facies; fine-grained braided channel-delta depositional system has been found; plane sedimentary facies and microfacies maps of different-scale sequence have been completed, and then twenty-eight lithologic traps have been detected in the east of Taobao-Zhenlai reverse fault zone; In no exploration area of the west, large-scale stratigraiphic overlap heavy oil reservoirs has first been found, which has become an important prograss. In Xingnan area, in the view of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, the surface of unconformity (the bottom of SSC13) in P I group has been identified, and the following method and technique have been advanced: the division and correlation methods of short-scale base-level cycle sequence (SSC); the comprehensive research methods of SSC plane microfacies; the division technique of hierarchy and type of flow unit, the origin of large-scale composite sandbody and flow unit; And ,on the basis of these, 103 monosandstone bodies and 87 flow units of the third levels have been identified, and four levels of flow units model of five sandstone-bodies types have been established. Because it is a very difficult task all over the world to research architecture in subsurface monosandstone body, brings forward a series of techniques as follows: technique of researching architecture of thin interbed in subsurface monosandstone body; classification, type and liquid-resisting mechanism of thin interbed; multiple-remember vertical subsequence model of remaining oil in monosadstone body. Models of heterogeneity and architecture of thin interbed in five types of monosandstone body have been established. Applying these techniques, type and distribution of remaining oil in different types of monosandstone bodies have been predicated.


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Based on the study of the combined flooding test block of Guantao formation in Third faulted block of Yangsanmu oil field, this paper carries out the integration of reservoir precise characterization for very high water cut reservoir, establishes precise 3D geologic model for high water cut development period and states the changing law of the reservoir architecture dtiring development by combined flooding. Then, by subdivided the thick oil reservoir, the study of remaining oil saturation monitoring in fiber glass cased well and tracer monitoring is developed. According the study of multiple constrained combined flooding reservoir numerical simulation, remaining oil distribution are predicted, the methods architecture of predicting remaining oil distribution are established for fluvial facies reservoir at late development stage, develops plan is designed and adjustment associating technologies for enhancing oil recovery. On these base, related measures for tapping the potential are given, it is verified and optimized through the field former test and the good economic effect is achieved . The major achievements of this paper are as follows. The changing law of the reservoir architecture and it's property parameters is revealed, The result indicates that the temperature-pressure of the injecting material and the interaction effect of the injecting material and reservoir petrography are the main factors of the dynamic changes of the reservoir architecture. The quantitative reservoir geologic model, which is tallied with dynamic reservoir parameters of the study area, is established. Subdivided the thick oil reservoir is very important for the study of the remaining oil distribution within the thick oil reservoir. Subdivided the thick oil reservoir technology, which consists of six technologies as follow: micro-cyclic divided, flow unit method, architectural element method, high resolution log technology, high resolution-process technology for normal logging data and using the production data is presented. 3. It is established dynamic monitoring system of remaining oil saturation quantitative research which are inner and interlayer remaining oil saturation from time-lapse logging in fiber glass cased well, inter-well remaining oil saturation from the technology of isotopic tracer monitoring technology, and 4d remaining oil saturation distribution from combined flooding numerical modeling integrated by production datao The forming mechanism of remaining oil for polymer flooding and alkali/polymer combined flooding is clarified, and the plane and vertical distribution law of remaining oil after combined flooding is revealed. Predicting methods and technologies for the combined flooding reservoir of fluvial facies is developed. Combined flooding has been achieved good displacement result in the pilot of Third fault block in Yangsanmu oil field, and accumulated types of important parameters and optimum plans, this technology of combined flooding is expected to increase recovery ratio by 4.77%.