73 resultados para ddc:760


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The temperature dependences of the light output of CsI(Tl) crystal grown at IMP and of the gain of the Hamamatsu S8664-1010 avalanche photodiode (APD) have been investigated systematically. The light output of the CsI(Tl) crystal increases with temperature by 0.67%/degrees C in the region from -2 degrees C to 8 degrees C, and by 0.33%/degrees C in the region from 8 degrees C to 25 degrees C, while the gain of the tested APD decreases by -3.68%/degrees C (working voltage 400V) on average in the room temperature range. The best energy resolution 5.1% of the CsI(Tl) with APD was obtained for the 662keV gamma ray from Cs-137 radiation source.


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The behavior of different species during the temperature-programmed surface reaction (TPSR) of methane over various catalysts is traced by an online mass spectrometer, It is demonstrated that the transformation of MoO3 to molybdenum carbide hinders the activation of methane as well as the succeeding aromatization in the TPSR, If this transformation process is done before the reaction, the temperature needed for methane activation and benzene formation will be greatly lowered (760 and 847 K, respectively). On the basis of comparison of the catalytic behavior of molybdenum supported on different zeolites, it is suggested that the initial activation of methane is the rate-determining step of this reaction. For the cobalt catalysts supported on HMCM-22 or Mo catalysts supported on TiO2, no benzene formation could be observed during the TPSR, However, the prohibition of benzene formation is different in nature over these two catalysts: the former lacks the special properties exhibited by molybdenum carbide, which can continuously activate methane even when multiple layers of carbonaceous species are formed on its surface, while the latter cannot accomplish the aromatization reaction since there are no Bronsted acid sites to which the activated intermediates can migrate, although the activation of methane can be achieved on it. Only for the catalysts that possess both of these properties, together with the special channel structure of zeolite, can efficient methane aromatization be accomplished. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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调查分析了延安宝塔区和安塞县 7个乡镇近三年来的粮食生产 ,肥料投入以及各土地类型的土壤肥力状况 ,表明 :投入的化肥中 ,氮肥以低浓度养分的碳铵为主 ,平均占肥料总量的 38.3% ,从施入土壤的 N、P、K养分来看 ,K比例很小 ,结构不合理。土壤肥力总体水平低 ,且不同土地类型差异大 ;由于各乡镇自然和经济状况的差异 ,土地投入量不同 ,从而导致粮食产量相差悬殊 ,并且年际波动大。提高土地生产力的有效途径是培肥土壤和大力推广农作物高产栽培技术


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在湖泊富营养化治理过程中,除了要注意控制氮、磷的输入,还应考虑铁(Fe)的调控作用.本文基于"Fe假说",探索性地将植物光谱效应应用于湖泊水体富营养化遥感预警机制研究.在水培条件下分析了亚铁(Fe2+)胁迫对水稻(Oryza sativaL.)体内Fe含量、叶绿素浓度及可见-近红外特征光谱的影响,并对其相关关系进行了深入探讨;同时,应用3个光谱定量化指标A1(Fe2+胁迫水稻叶片在460~670nm波段反射率变化积分值)、A2(Fe2+胁迫水稻叶片在760~1000nm波段反射率变化积分值)、S(Fe2+胁迫水稻叶片光谱曲线红边"蓝移"强度)分别建立了水稻叶片Fe含量与叶片光谱之间的定量相关关系模型.结果表明,随培养液中Fe2+浓度的升高,水稻体内Fe含量逐渐增加,叶绿素浓度降低,叶片光谱反射率在可见光波段升高,在近红外波段降低,同时红边发生"蓝移".水稻叶片的3个光谱指标A1,A2,S与叶片中Fe含量都具有显著相关性,相关系数分别为0.933(P<0.01),-0.965(P<0.01)和0.946(P<0.01),且A1,A2和S3个参数都能够较好地模拟(复相关系数R2>0.96)和估测水稻叶片Fe含量.


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实验室条件下用远紫外线 (UV BC)光源照射紫杉幼苗 ,随照射时间延长 ,针叶的离子渗出率、膜脂过氧化水平、组织自动氧化速率及H2 O2 含量显著增加 ,可溶性蛋白、抗坏血酸、类胡萝卜素和叶绿素含量下降 ,叶绿体光系统II电子传递活性显著下降 ,外源活性氧清除剂苯甲酸钠和抗坏血酸对针叶膜脂过氧化有抑制作用 ;甲基紫精和DDC对针叶膜脂过氧化有促进效果 ,远紫外线引起的紫杉伤害可能和针叶树的越冬光氧化伤害有类似之处 .紫杉苗对紫外辐射的抗性远高于一般农作物 .


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In this paper. the undercut structures were fabricated by microtransfer printing of metal films on the surface of photoresist combined with UV exposure and photoresist film developing. The patterned metal films were used as mask to realize the selective UV exposure of photoresist Firstly. The undercut structures. which consist of the top metal films and the patterned bottom photoresist, formed in the subsequent developing process because of the lateral dissolving of photoresist at the edge of the unexposed regions. The method proposed in this paper has wider tolerance to the changing of the patterning parameters. but, without effect on patterning resolution since the metal film was used as the top layer. The undercut Structures were Used as separators to pattern passive-matrix display of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). No visible difference of the device performance was observed Compared with the OLEDs patterned by the shadow mask.


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Gd(OH)(3) nanobundles, which consisted of bundle-like nanorods, have been prepared through a simple and facile hydrothermal method. The crystal, purity, morphology and structural features of Gd(OH)(3) nanobundles are investigated by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX). A possible formation mechanism of Gd(OH)(3) nanobundles is briefly discussed.


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The synergistic extraction of rare earths (La, Nd, Gd, Y and Yb) with a mixture of 2-ethylhexyl 2-ethylhexylphosphonate (EHEHPA) (HA) and trialkylphosphine oxide (Cyanex 923) (B) from a hydrochloride medium was investigated. The mixed system significantly enhances the extraction efficiency for lighter lanthanides and the synergistic enhancement coefficients for La (4.52), Nd (3.35), Gd (2.08), Y (1.31) and Yb (1.08) decrease with decreasing ionic radius of the rare earths. The extraction equilibrium of La, Nd and Gd indicate that La and Nd were extracted as MA(3)(.)B, whereas Gd was extracted as Gd(OH)A(2)(HA)(2)B-.. The equilibrium constants, thermodynamic functions such as Delta G, Delta H and Delta S and formation constants of the extracted species were determined. The stripping properties were also studied.


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Crystal and molecular structure of (2.6-dipropylphenylamide) dimethyl (tetra-methyl cyclopentadienyl) silane titanium dichloride (I) was fully characterized by X-ray diffraction. The crystal is obtained from a mixture of ether/hexane as orthorhombic. with a = 12.658 (3) Angstrom. b = 16.62 (3) Angstrom. c = 11.760 (2) Angstrom. V = 2474.2 (9) Angstrom(3). Z = 4, space group Pnma. R = 0.0399; Componud I compose of the pi-bounded ring with its dimethylsilyl-dipropyl phenyl amido group and the two terminal chloride atoms coordinated to central metal to form a so-called constrained geometry catalyst (CGC) structure. The result of molecular mechanics (MM) calculations on compound I shows that bond lengths and bond angles from the MM calculation are comparable to the data obtained from the X-ray diffraction study. The relation of the structure of CGCs and their catalytic activity by MM calculations is also discussed.


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In this paper, the graft copolymers of styrene to nascent linear polyethylene reactor powders were prepared through plasma graft polymerization. The grafting reaction was initiated by the alkyl radicals formed on the surface of nascent polyethylene with plasma treatment as indicated by electron spin resonance spectra. In graft copolymerization by alkyl radicals, the grafting yield increased with either the plasma power or the plasma treatment lime. Compared with ordinary polyethylene powders, nascent polyethylene reactor powders were found to be more easily plasma-grafted. This has been attributed to the greater sensitivity to irradiation in producing reactive centres under the same conditions. High density polyethylene showed almost the same grafting yield as linear low density polyethylene at 50 degrees C. The surface morphology of nascent polyethylene observed by scanning electron microscope before and after the grafting showed that the silk-like fibrils were not destroyed by plasma treatment.