216 resultados para aperture-coupled-striplines


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Current fluctuations can provide additional insight into quantum transport in mesoscopic systems. The present work is carried out for the fluctuation properties of transport through a pair of coupled quantum dots which are connected with ferromagnetic electrodes. Based on an efficient particle-number-resolved master equation approach, we are concerned with not only fluctuations of the total charge and spin currents, but also of each individual spin-dependent component. As a result of competition among the spin polarization, Coulomb interaction, and dot-dot tunnel coupling, rich behaviors are found for the self- and mutual-correlation functions of the spin-dependent currents.


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The properties of plasmonic very small aperture lasers are shown: these integrate surface plasmon structures with very small aperture lasers. The transmission field can be confined to a spot of subwavelength width in the far field, and according to the finite difference time domain simulation results the focal length of the spot can be modulated using different ring periods. Scanning of the subwavelength gating in the far field has been realized numerically. Such a device can be used with a high-resolution far-field scanning optical microscope.


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This paper presents a novel scheme to monolithically integrate an evanescently-coupled uni-travelling carrier photodiode with a planar short multimode waveguide structure and a large optical cavity electroabsorption modulator based on a multimode waveguide structure. By simulation, both electroabsorption modulator and photodiode show excellent optical performances. The device can be fabricated with conventional photolithography, reactive ion etching, and chemical wet etching.


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We investigate theoretically the spin splitting of the exciton states in semiconductor coupled quantum dots (CQDs) containing a single magnetic ion. We find that the spin splitting can be switched on/off in the CQDs via the sp-d exchange interaction using the electric field. An interesting bright-to-dark exciton transition can be found and it significantly affects the photoluminescence spectrum. This phenomenon is induced by the transition of the ground exciton state, arising from the hole mixing effect, between the bonding and antibonding states. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The Rashba spin splitting of the minibands of coupled InAs/GaAs pyramid quantum dots is investigated using the k center dot p method and valence force field model. The Rashba splitting of the two dimensional miniband in the lateral directions is found due to the structure inversion asymmetry in the vertical direction while the miniband in the vertical direction has no Rashba spin splitting. As the space between dots increases, the Rashba coefficients decrease and the conduction-band effective mass increases. This Rashba spin splitting of the minibands will significantly affect the spin transport properties between quantum dots. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Light transmission through a single subwavelength slit surrounded by periodic grooves in layered films consisting of Au and dielectric material is analyzed by the finite difference time domain method in two dimensions. The results show that the transmission field can be enhanced by the corrugations on the output plane, which is a supplementary explanation for the extraordinary optical transmission.


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Strongly vertically coupled InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) with modulation doping are investigated, and polarization dependence of two-color absorptions was observed. Analysis of photoluminescence (PL) and absorption spectra shows that s-polarized absorptions at. 10.0 and 13.4 mu m, stem from the first excited state E-1 and the second excited state E-2 in the QDs to the bound state E-InGaAs in the InGaAs spacer, respectively, whereas p-polarized absorptions at 10.0 and 8.2 mu m stem from the first excited state E-1 and the ground E-g in the QDs to the bound state E-InGaAs in the InGaAs spacer, respectively. These measurements illustrate that transitions from excited states are more sensitive to normal incidence, which are very important in designing QD infrared detector. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We designed a two-dimensional coupled photonic crystal resonator array with hexagonal lattice. The calculation by plane-wave-expansion method shows that the dispersion curve of coupled cavity modes in the bandgap are much flattened in all directions in the reciprocal space. We simulated the transmission spectra of transverse electric (TE) wave along the Gamma K direction. Compared with the PC single cavity structure, the transmission ratio of the coupled cavity array increases more than three orders of magnitude, while the group velocity decreases to below 1/10, reaching 0.007c. The slow wave effect has potential application in the field of miniaturized tunable optical delay components and low-threshold photonic crystal lasers.


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We study the disentanglement evolution of two spin qubits which interact with a general XY spin-chain environment. The dynamical process of the disentanglement is numerically and analytically investigated in the vicinity of a quantum phase transition (QPT) of the spin chain in both weak and strong coupling cases. We find that the disentanglement of the two spin qubits may be greatly enhanced by the quantum critical behavior of the environmental spin chain. We give a detailed analysis to facilitate the understanding of the QPT-enhanced decaying behavior of the coherence factor. Furthermore, the scaling behavior in the disentanglement dynamics is also revealed and analyzed.


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This paper reports that the complex-coupled distributed feedback laser with the sampled grating has been designed and fabricated. The +1st order reflection of the sampled grating is utilized for laser single mode operation, which is 1.5387 mu m in the experiment. The typical threshold current of the device is 30 mA, and the optical output power is about 10 mW at the injection current of 100 mA.


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The authors developed an inductively coupled plasma etching process for the fabrication of hole-type photonic crystals in InP. The etching was performed at 70 degrees C using BCl3/Cl-2 chemistries. A high etch rate of 1.4 mu m/min was obtained for 200 nm diameter holes. The process also yields nearly cylindrical hole shape with a 10.8 aspect ratio and more than 85 degrees straightness of the smooth sidewall. Surface-emitting photonic crystal laser and edge emitting one were demonstrated in the experiments.


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A 1.55 mu m InGaAsP-InP index-coupled two-section DFB self-pulsation laser (SPL) with a varied ridge width has been fabricated. A record wide self-pulsation tuning range above 450 GHz has been achieved for this index-coupled DFB SPL. Furthermore, frequency locking to an optically injected modulated signal is successfully demonstrated.


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A new evanescently-coupled uni-traveling-carrier photodiode (EC-UTC PD) based on a multimode diluted waveguide (MDW) structure is fabricated, analysed and characterized. Optical and electrical characteristics of the device are investigated. The excellent characteristics are demonstrated such as a responsivity of 0.36 A/W, a bandwidth of 11.5 GHz and a small-signal 1-dB compression current greater than 18 mA at 10 GHz. The saturation current is significantly improved compared with those of similar evanescently-coupled pin photodiodes. The radio frequency (RF) bandwidth can be further improved by eliminating RF losses induced by the cables, the probe and the bias tee between the photodiode and the spectrum analyzer.


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A novel integratable and high speed InGaAsP multi-quantum well (MQW) complex-coupled distributed feedback (DFB) laser is successfully fabricated on a semi-insulating substrate. The fabricated ridge DFB laser exhibits a threshold current of 26 mA, a slope efficiency of 0.14 W.A(-1) and a side mode suppression ratio of 40 dB together with a 3 dB bandwidth of more than 8 GHz. The device is suitable for 10 Gbit/s optical fiber communication.


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For an electron spin in coupling with an interacting spin chain via hyperfine-type interaction, we investigate the dynamical evolutions of the pairwise entanglement of the spin chain, and a correlation function joined the electron spin with a pair of chain spins in correspondence to the electron-spin coherence evolution. Both quantities manifest a periodic and a decaying evolution. The entanglement of the spin bath is significant in distinguishing the zero-coherence status exhibited in periodic and decoherence evolutions of the electron spin. The periodical concurrence evolution of the spin bath characterizes the whole system in a coherence-preserving phase, particularly for the case that the associated periodic coherence evolution is predominated by zero value in the infinite chain-length limit, which was often regarded as the realization of decoherence.