77 resultados para ammonium phosphates


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The phase diagram of the dodecyl dimethyl ammonium hydroxyl propyl sulfonate(DDAHPS)/1-pentanol(C5H11OH)/water ternary system has been established. It contains two isotropic monophase regions (L-1 and L-2) and a liquid crystalline region (L.C.). The isotropic phase regions have been investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy and conductivity.


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EEnzyme activity of commercial glucose oxidase was enhanced after purification through a strong anionic exchange resin. In order to get a better insight into this phenomenon, surface pressure–area ( –A) isotherms and surface pressure–time ( –t) isotherms was used to study the interaction and the absorption at different pH values of the subphases between octadecylamine and glucose oxidase purified by a styrene system quaternary ammonium type strongly basic anionic exchange resin. Circular dichroism (CD), electrophoresis and enzyme activity measurements were conducted to study these phenomena. A preliminary hypothesis has been suggested to explain why the enzyme activity of purified glucose oxidase was higher than that of the commercial one. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The phase behavior of liquid crystalline in the ternary system of dodecyl dimethyl ammonium hydroxyl propyl sulfonate(DDAHPS)/1-pentanol(C5H11OH)/water deuteron (D2O) has been investigated by polarizing optical microscopy, H-2 NMR spectroscopy methods. The results indicate that two kinds of liquid crystals (the lamellar, and the hexagonal) exist in the liquid crystalline phase region. In this paper, we also use the polarized Raman spectroscopy method to measure the values of the order/disorder parameters and the values of the environment polarity parameters for the samples selected from the liquid crystalline phase region, and compare these two parameters of the samples with those of solid state DDAHPS and liquid state pentan-1-ol.


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研究了Al2O3 ,B2O3对P2O5-Al2O3-B2O3-ZnO-Na2O-CuCl玻璃形成区的影响规律;包边玻璃的物化性质随B/(B+Al)的变化规律;以及特定组分包边玻璃的透射光谱和吸收系数。这些研究工作对高功率大尺寸钕磷酸盐激光包边玻璃的研制具有非常重要的意义。


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包边技术是提高大尺寸激光玻璃饱和增益系数的关键技术。采用传统的方法熔制玻璃,研究了 P2O5含量对 P2O5-Al2O3-B2O3-CuCl-Na2O-ZnO磷酸盐包边玻璃的折射率、热膨胀系数、玻璃转变温度、膨胀软化温度以及化学稳定性的影响。结果表明:当 P2O5的摩尔分数为 60%左右,玻璃样品具有最高的折射率(1.522 0)、最低的玻璃转变温度(352.4 ℃)、较好的化学稳定性[0.52 mg/(cm^2·d)]和适宜的热膨胀系数(128.427×10^-7/℃),是用作钕磷酸盐激光玻璃硬包边的理


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Transparent and homogeneous aluminophosphate gels and glasses have been widely synthesized through an aqueous sol-gel route, extending significantly the glass-forming range compared to that accessible via the melt-cooling route. Different phosphorus precursors, sodium polyphosphate (NaPO3) and orthophosphate species (NaH2PO4 and/or H3PO4) were compared with regard to the macroscopic properties and the microscopic structure of the resultant gels and glasses as characterized by extensive high-resolution liquid- and solid-state NMR. Sodium polyphosphate solution results in a substantially wider composition range of homogenous gel formation than orthophosphate solutions, and the two routes produce significant structural differences in the sol and xerogel states. Nevertheless, the structures of the glasses obtained upon gel annealing above 400 degrees C are independent of the P-precursors used. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Broadband infrared luminescence is observed in various Bi-doped oxide glasses prepared by conventional melting-quenching technique. The absorption spectrum of the Bi-doped germanium oxide glass consists of five broad peaks at below 370, 500, 700, 800 and 1000 nm. The fluorescence spectrum exhibits a broad peak at about 1300 nm with full width at half maximum (FWHM) of more than 300 nm when excited by an 808 nm laser diode. The fluorescence lifetime at room temperature decreases with increasing Bi2O3 concentration. Influence of the glass composition and melting atmosphere on the fluorescence lifetime and luminescent intensity is investigated. The mechanism of the broadband infrared luminescence is suggested. The product of stimulated emission cross-section and lifetime of the Bi-doped aluminophosphate glass is about 5.0 X 10(-24) cm(2) s. The glasses might be promising for applications in broadband optical fiber amplifiers and tunable lasers. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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从构建具有稳定泌氨能力的联合固氮工程菌的目的出发,首先构建Enterobacter gergoviae57-7 (E57-7)基因文库并与所筛选的泌氨突变株进行遗传互补实验,得到可互补 泌氨特性的克隆,经Southern杂交后推测其中包含与glnA、amtB基因无关的另一类与泌 氨相关的基因。同时根据铵载体基因amtB的已知序列设计两对简并性引物,经PCR从 E57-7 DNA中扩增得到约340bp的片段,序列分析和Blast序列同源性比较后确定为amtB 基因片段,申报并获得序列号AJ132232,最终从基因库中筛选到两个包含E57-7 amtB 基因的克隆。 用K. pneumoniae的glnA基因片段为探针,通过Southern杂交从E57-7基因库中筛选到包含有glnAntrBC基因的克隆,经亚克隆后对包含有这个操纵元的4316bp片段进行了全序列分析,申报GenBank获得序列号AF072440。在体外实验中构建了Km-cassette 插入glnA的重组质粒pA,将此质粒转入E57-7野生型菌株后经筛选同源重组子获得glnA 突变的具有稳定泌氨能力的菌株15、I9。并进行了盆栽玉米接种实验,确定在灭菌上壤实验体系下I5对玉米幼苗有显著促生效应。 利用绿色荧光蛋白(GFP-S65T,V68L,S72A)基因建立分子生物学研究手段,构建了新 型克隆载体pGreenLD,建立了绿白斑筛选重组质粒的的技术。构建组成型表达gfp的质粒载体研究了E57-7在玉米根际的定殖模式;构建nifH-gfp表达载体,确定在与植物联合生活时其固氮酶结构基因nifHDK的表达与碳源物质供应密切相关。利用不同抗性基因和gfp基因片段构建出在E57-7中组成型表达抗性和GFP的质粒载体,建立了监测接种菌在土壤中释放的双标记系统。 最后克隆了E57-7 glg cluster并测定部分glgCA和glgP基因序列,申报后获得序列号AJ132233和AJ132234,这是首例从联合固氮菌中克隆得到glg cluster的报道。


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 通过研究都江堰地区三个不同林型下(般若寺亚热带常绿阔叶林、龙池杉木林、月亮湾楠木林)土壤氮素分布的异质性及其矿化动态、凋落物的分解,得出以下结论:   1. 在野外用顶盖埋管法培养土壤,测定土壤中的速效氮含量变化,我们发现,尽管铵态氮含量在三种林型下都大于硝态氮含量,但只有在龙池杉木纯林下净氨化速率和净硝化速率基本持平,其它两种林型下,净硝化速率都远远大于净氨化速率。净硝化速率的增强,暗示着土壤的退化程度的加剧。   2. 净氨化速率和净氮矿化速率在三种林型下均和土壤温度呈现一定程度的负相关,其中净氨化速率在龙池杉木纯林下和土壤温度达到了显著的负相关。而硝化速率在三种林型下均和土壤温度呈一定程度的正相关。这说明,虽然温度是影响净硝化速率、净氨化速率和净氮矿化速率的最重要的环境因子之一,但温度是通过影响土壤微生物的种群、数量和活力等来影响上述过程的,而由于生长环境的巨大差异性,温度的影响效果会出现很大的差异。另外,土壤含水量对三种林型下的净硝化速率、净氨化速率和净氮矿化速率也有很大的影响,但均没有达到显著的相关。   3. 不同的林型下具有不同物种多样性,而物种多样性会通过凋落物的质量和数量,土壤微生物类群的组成和性质以及植被盖度等角度对森林生态系统的土壤氮素循环产生深刻的影响。生物多样性的丧失会导致土壤无机氮(特别是硝态氮)流失的潜力增加,导致无机氮库的逐渐缩小。速效氮含量迅速降低。   4.铵态氮和硝态氮共同组成了土壤无机氮的绝大部分。但由于硝态氮易于淋溶, 从地表径流中流失,易被植物吸收,也可能通过反硝化损失掉,因此硝态氮的含量常常表现出较大的波动性,而且硝态氮的含量要远低于铵态氮的含量。但硝态氮占总速效氮的比例在不同的研究地点和时间上有很大的差别。   5 通过地统计学的变异函数和时间序列分析,我们发现,全氮和铵态氮在整个研究区域的异质性很大,并且异质性随着时间的推移发生了很大的变化,其中全氮和铵态氮的自相关尺度变化不大,但空间自相关度随着时间的推移变化明显,这说明,随着时间的推进,全氮和铵态氮的空间格局在大尺度上的变化很小,在小尺度的却发生了很大的变化。本研究还发现,对于全氮和铵态氮的空间异质性格局进行地统计学分析时,最小取样间隔应小于5米,并且铵态氮由于其自身的不稳定性,其在小尺度的空间异质性格局更明显,而其取样间隔应小于全氮的取样间隔。   6. 应用网袋法进行凋落物分解的实验,发现混合凋落物的分解速率在第一年就比按各组分混合比例计算的理论值更低。说明在本实验中几种凋落物——黄牛奶树、青冈栎、栲树和润楠的混合对分解没有促进作用。   7. 土壤湿度和凋落物干物质分解密切相关,而不同林地的温度差异对干物质分解影响不大。但对于具体元素(本文中的C和N)的分解而言,分解受更复杂的机制调节,其中可能包括不同林型土壤中的分解微生物群落以及土壤理化性质的差异,相比之下,土壤湿度影响就不重要了。   8. 初始凋落物中的C/N浓度的比值显著影响分解速率,和腐解率呈显著负相关。因此可以用它来预测分解。在N的分解中,初始凋落物中的N浓度也会影响分解,具体反映在初始N浓度和实验截止时的N浓度成正比。   9. 亚热带气候下,凋落物的分解比在暖温带分解要快,并且初始凋落物中N元素的含量普遍较高,因而在分解中没有出现大量富集。   10.凋落物质量本身分解较快的树种,有机质的分解并没有相应快,说明在凋落物干物质降解过程中占主要地位的不是有机质。


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Classical cultivation and molecular methods based on the ammonia monooxygenase gene (amoA) were used to study the abundance and diversity of beta-proteobacterial ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in lake sediments. The eutrophic and oligotrophic basins of a Chinese shallow lake (Lake Donghu), in terms of ammonium (NH4+) concentrations, were sampled. The AOB number was significantly lower in the oligotrophic basin, but significantly higher in the eutrophic basin. In addition, using restriction fragment length polymorphism targeting the amoA, ten restriction patterns including six unique ones were found in the eutrophic basin, while five patterns were observed in the oligotrophic basin with only one unique restriction group. Phylogenetic analysis for AOB revealed that Nitrosomonas oligotropha- and Nitrosomonas ureae-related AOB and Nitrosospira-affiliated AOB were ubiquitous; the former dominated in the eutrophic basin (87.2%), while the latter dominated in the oligotrophic basin (65.5%). Furthermore, Nitrosomonas communis-related AOB was only detected in the eutrophic basin, at a small proportion (3.2%). These results indicate significant selection and adaptation of sediment AOB in lakes with differing trophic status. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Submersed macrophytes in eutrophic lakes often experience high NH4+ concentration and low light availability in the water column. This study found that an NH4+-N concentration of 1 mgL(-1) in the water column apparently caused physiological stress on the macrophyte Potamogeton crispus; L The plants accumulated free amino acids (FAA) and lost soluble carbohydrates (SC) under NH4+ stress. These stressful effects of NH4+ were exacerbated under low light availability. Shading significantly increased NH4+ and FAA contents and dramatically decreased SC and starch contents in the plant shoots. At an NH4+-N concentration of 1 mg L-1 in the water column, neither growth inhibition nor NH4+ accumulation was observed in the plant tissues of P. crispus under normal light availability. The results showed that 1 mg L-1 NH4+-N in the water column was not toxic to P. crispus in a short term. To avoid NH4+ toxicity. active NH4+ transportation out of the cell may cost energy and thus result in a decline of carbohydrate. When NH4+ inescapably accumulates in the plant cell, i.e. under NH4+ Stress and shading, NH4+ is scavenged by FAA synthesis. (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A limnological study was carried out to determine the responses of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities and soluble protein (SP) contents of 11 common aquatic plants to eutrophication stress. Field investigation in 12 lakes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River was carried out from March to September 2004. Our results indicated that non-submersed (emergent and floating-leafed) plants and submersed plants showed different responses to eutrophication stress. Both SOD activities of the non-submersed and submersed plants were negatively correlated with their SP contents (P < 0.000 1). SP contents of non-submersed plants were significantly correlated with all nitrogen variables in the water (P < 0.05), whereas SP contents of submersed plants were only significantly correlated with carbon variables as well as ammonium and Secchi depth (SD) in water (P < 0.05). Only SOD activities of submersed plants were decreased with decline of SD in water (P < 0.001). Our results indicate that the decline of SOD activities of submersed plants were mainly caused by light limitation, this showed a coincidence with the decline of macrophytes in eutrophic lakes, which might imply that the antioxidant system of the submersed plants were impaired under eutrophication stress.


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The submersed macrophyte, Vallisneria natans L., was cultured in laboratory with NH (4) (+) -enriched tap water (1 mg L-1 NH4-N) for 2 months and the stressful effects of high ammonium (NH (4) (+) ) concentrations in the water column on this species was evaluated. The plant growth was severely inhibited by the NH (4) (+) supplement in the water column. The plant carbon and nitrogen metabolisms were disturbed by the NH (4) (+) supplement as indicated by the accumulation of free amino acids and the depletion of soluble carbohydrates in the plant tissues. The results suggested that high NH (4) (+) concentrations in the water column may hamper the restoration of submersed vegetation in eutrophic lakes.