151 resultados para Thermal convection Rayleigh-Bénard plume energy cascade Kolmogorov equation


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We present a study on the facet damage profile of quantum cascade lasers (QCLs). Conspicuous cascade half-loop damage strips on front facet are observed when QCLs catastrophically failed. Due to the large difference on thermal conductivities between active region and the substrate, dominant heat is compulsively driven to the substrate. Abundant heat accumulation and dissipation on substrate build large temperature gradient and thermal lattice mismatch. Thermal-induced stress due to sequential mismatch leads to the occurrence of the multistep damages on front facet. Good agreement is achieved between the observed locations of damaged strips and the calculated results.


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The diffusive transport properties in microscale convection flows are studied by using the direct simulation Monte Carlo method. The effective diffusion coefficient D is computed from the mean square displacements of simulated molecules based on the Einstein diffusion equation D = x2 t /2t. Two typical convection flows, namely, thermal creep convection and Rayleigh– Bénard convection, are investigated. The thermal creep convection in our simulation is in the noncontinuum regime, with the characteristic scale of the vortex varying from 1 to 100 molecular mean free paths. The diffusion is shown to be enhanced only when the vortex scale exceeds a certain critical value, while the diffusion is reduced when the vortex scale is less than the critical value. The reason for phenomenon of diffusion reduction in the noncontinuum regime is that the reduction effect due to solid wall is dominant while the enhancement effect due to convection is negligible. A molecule will lose its memory of macroscopic velocity when it collides with the walls, and thus molecules are hard to diffuse away if they are confined between very close walls. The Rayleigh– Bénard convection in our simulation is in the continuum regime, with the characteristic length of 1000 molecular mean free paths. Under such condition, the effect of solid wall on diffusion is negligible. The diffusion enhancement due to convection is shown to scale as the square root of the Péclet number in the steady convection regime, which is in agreement with previous theoretical and experimental results. In the oscillation convection regime, the diffusion is more strongly enhanced because the molecules can easily advect from one roll to its neighbor due to an oscillation mechanism. © 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3528310


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As a simple and reliable propulsion system, arcjet thrusters have been used in multiple satellite missions. In order to improve the efficiency of arcjet thrusters, energy dissipation study was carried out in a 1 kW arcjet thruster with pure N2, H2-N2 and H2 as the propellant. Using a 698 nm interference filter, thermal radiation was isolated from arc and plume emissions and the internal nozzle temperature was obtained by converting the thermal radiation signals. Results show that the addition of hydrogen leads to higher nozzle temperature, which is the determining factor for the mode of arc root attachment. At lower nozzle temperatures, constricted type attachment with unstable motions of the arc root was observed, while a fully diffused and stable arc root was observed at elevated nozzle temperatures. Output energy distribution analysis shows that losses from frozen flow and exhaust thermal losses are the main parts in limiting the efficiency of arcjet thrusters.


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As a simple and reliable propulsion system, arcjet thrusters have been used in multiple satellite missions. In order to improve the efficiency of arcjet thrusters, energy dissipation study was carried out in a 1 kW arcjet thruster with pure N2, H2-N2 and H2 as the propellant. Using a 698 nm interference filter, thermal radiation was isolated from arc and plume emissions and the internal nozzle temperature was obtained by converting the thermal radiation signals. Results show that the addition of hydrogen leads to higher nozzle temperature, which is the determining factor for the mode of arc root attachment. At lower nozzle temperatures, constricted type attachment with unstable motions of the arc root was observed, while a fully diffused and stable arc root was observed at elevated nozzle temperatures. Output energy distribution analysis shows that losses from frozen flow and exhaust thermal losses are the main parts in limiting the efficiency of arcjet thrusters.


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Polyurea microcapsules about 2.5 mum in diameter containing phase change material for thermal energy storage application were synthesized and characterized by interfacial polycondensation method with toluene-2,4-diisocyanate and ethylenediamine as monomers in an emulsion system. Hexadecane was used as a phase change material and OP, which is nonionic surfactant, and used as an emulsifier. The chemical structure and thermal behavior of the microcapsules were investigated by FTIR and thermal analysis respectively. The results show encapsulated hexadecane has a good potential as a solar energy storage material.


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Lanthanum-zirconium-cerium composite oxide (La-2(Zr0.7Ce0.3)(2)O-7, LZ7C3) coatings were prepared under different conditions by electron beam-physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD). The composition, crystal structure, surface and cross-sectional morphologies, cyclic oxidation behavior of these coatings were studied. Elemental analysis indicates that the coating composition has partially deviated from the stoichiometry of the ingot, and the existence of excess La2O3 is also observed.


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The transient thermal stress problem of an inner-surface-coated hollow cylinder with multiple pre-existing surface cracks contained in the coating is considered. The transient temperature, induced thermal stress, and the crack tip stress intensity factor (SIF) are calculated for the cylinder via finite element method (FEM), which is exposed to convective cooling from the inner surface. As an example, the material pair of a chromium coating and an underlying steel substrate 30CrNi2MoVA is particularly evaluated. Numerical results are obtained for the stress intensity factors as a function of normalized quantities such as time, crack length, convection severity, material constants and crack spacing. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new model of thermocapillary convection in floating half zone was suggested in the present paper. The liquid bridge floats between two co-axis rods, the lower rod consists of metal with constant temperature and the upper rod consists of thermal insulating materials, where the normal gradient of temperature is nearly zero. In this case, the new model is relatively closer to simulate a half part of floating full zone in microgravity environment in comparison with the usual model of floating half zone. Basic features of the new model were studied by both numerical simulation and experiments, and the comparisons with the usual model were also discussed.


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An optical diagnostic system consisting of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer with the phase shift device and an image processor has been developed for the study of the kinetics of the crystal growing process. The dissolution and crystallization process of NaClO3 crystal has been investigated. The concentration distributions around a growing and dissolving crystal have been obtained by using phase-shift of four-steps theory for the interpretation of the interferograms. The convection (a plume flow) has been visualized and analyzed in the process of the crystal growth. The experiment demonstrates that the buoyancy convection dominates the growth rate of the crystal growing face on the ground-based experiment.


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An experimental investigation of Benard-Marangoni convection has been performed in double immiscible liquid layers of rectangular configuration. The two kinds of liquid are 10cst silicon oil and FC-70 respectively. The velocity fields in the vertical cross-section are obtained by PIV. Flow patterns and/or temperature distributions on the horizontal interface are displayed by using thermal color liquid crystal (TLC), and the velocity distributions on the interface were also obtained with the help of the serial particle image of TCL. The evolution processes of convection are observed in the differential thickness ratio of two liquid layers, and the convection styles are discussed.


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This paper presents a summary of cellular and dendritic morphologies resulting from the upward directional solidification of Al - Ni alloys in a cylindrical crucible. We analysed the coupling of solid-liquid interface morphology with natural and forced convection. The influence of natural convection was first analyzed as a function of growth parameters (solute concentration, growth rate and thermal gradient). In a second step, the influence of axial vibrations on solidification microstructure was investigated by varying vibration parameters (amplitude and frequency). Experimental results were compared to preliminary numerical simulations and a good agreement is found for natural convection. In this study, the critical role of the mushy zone in the interaction between fluid flow and solidification microstructure is pointed out.


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An aromatic polyimide and its mixture with randomly distributed carbon nanotubes (NTs) are simulated by using molecular dynamics, repeated energy minimization and cooling processes. The glass transition temperatures are identified through volume-temperature curves. Stress-strain curves, Young's moduli, densities and Poisson ratios are computed at different temperatures. It is demonstrated that the carbon NT reduces the softening effects of temperature on mechanical properties and increases the ability to resist deformation.


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In order to improve the safety of high-energy solid propellants, a study is carried out for the effects of damage on the combustion of the NEPE (Nitrate Ester Plasticized Polyether) propellant. The study includes: (1) to introduce damage into the propellants by means of a large-scale drop-weight apparatus; (2) to observe microstructural variations of the propellant with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and then to characterize the damage with density measurements; (3) to investigate thermal decomposition; (4) to carry out closed-bomb tests. The NEPE propellant can be considered as a viscoelastic material. The matrices of damaged samples axe severely degraded, but the particles are not. The results of the thermal decomposition and closed-bomb tests show that the microstructural damage in the propellant affects its decomposition and burn rate.


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Classical theories have successfully provided an explanation for convection in a liquid layer heated from below without evaporation. However, these theories are inadequate to account for the convective instabilities in an evaporating liquid layer, especially in the case when it is cooled from below. In the present paper, we study the onset of Marangoni convection in a liquid layer being overlain by a vapor layer.A new two-sided model is put forward instead of the one-sided model in previous studies. Marangoni-Bénard instabilities in evaporating liquid thin layers are investigated with a linear instability analysis. We define a new evaporation Biot number, which is different from that in previous studies and discuss the influences of reference evaporating velocity and evaporation Biot number on the vapor-liquid system. At the end, we explain why the instability occurs even when an evaporating liquid layer is cooled from below.


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Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) can be easily deformed to a new shape by applying a small external load at low temperature, and then recovers its original configuration upon heating. This unique shape memory phenomenon has inspired many novel designs. SMA based heat engine is one among them. SMA heat engine is an environment-friendly alternative to extract mechanical energy from low-grade energies, for instance, warm wastewater, geothermal energy, solar thermal energy, etc. The aim of this paper is to present an applicable theoretical model for simulation of SMA-based heat engines. First, a micro-mechanical constitutive model is derived for SMAs. The volume fractions of austenite and martensite variants are chosen as internal variables to describe the evolution of microstructure in SMA upon phase transition. Subsequently, the energy equation is derived based on the first thermodynamic law and the previous SMA model. From Fourier’s law of heat conduction and Newton’s law of cooling, both differential and integral forms of energy conversion equation are obtained.