100 resultados para Stratum-corneum Reservoir


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Our analysis of approximately 40,000 km of multichannel 2-D seismic data, reef oil-field seismic data, and data from several boreholes led to the identification of two areas of reef carbonate reservoirs in deepwater areas (water depth >= 500 in) of the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB), northern South China Sea. High-resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis revealed that the transgressive and highstand system tracts of the mid-Miocene Meishan Formation in the Beijiao and Ledong-Lingshui Depressions developed reef carbonates. The seismic features of the reef carbonates in these two areas include chaotic bedding, intermittent internal reflections, chaotic or blank reflections, mounded reflections, and apparent amplitude anomalies, similar to the seismic characteristics of the LH11-1 reef reservoir in the Dongsha Uplift and Island Reef of the Salawati Basin, Indonesia, which house large oil fields. The impedance values of reefs in the Beijiao and Ledong-Lingshui Depressions are 8000-9000 g/cc x m/s. Impedance sections reveal that the impedance of the LH11-1 reef reservoir in the northern South China Sea is 800010000 g/cc x m/s, whereas that of pure limestone in BD23-1-1 is > 10000 g/cc x m/s. The mid-Miocene paleogeography of the Beijiao Depression was dominated by offshore and neritic environments, with only part of the southern Beijiao uplift emergent at that time. The input of terrigenous sediments was relatively minor in this area, meaning that terrigenous source areas were insignificant in terms of the Beijiao Depression: reef carbonates were probably widely distributed throughout the depression, as with the Ledong-Lingshui Depression. The combined geological and geophysical data indicate that shelf margin atolls were well developed in the Beijiao Depression, as in the Ledong-Lingshui Depression where small-scale patch or pinnacle reefs developed. These reef carbonates are promising reservoirs, representing important targets for deepwater hydrocarbon exploration. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To explore typhoon effects on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics, field investigations (tributary and dam site) and laboratory experiments (bioassay and DOC consumption) were conducted in a subtropical reservoir. A tributary survey indicated that after typhoon disruption, upstream areas were the sources of phosphate (P) but not DOC for the dam site located downstream. Bioassay experiments verified P-limitation on bacteria and phytoplankton during summer stratification, and bacteria showed a faster response than algae to added P. Experiments indicated that DOC consumption was determined by the availability of P. The 4 yr typhoon period (June-September) data of the dam site denoted that DOC concentration (27 to 270 mu M C) and its rate of change (-13 to 24 mu M C d(-1)) varied more dramatically in the weak (2006 and 2007) than in the strong (2004 and 2005) typhoon years. The negative correlation of DOC with the ratio of bacterial production (BP) to primary production (PP) in the euphotic zone (0 to 10 m) signified the interactive effects of auto- and heterotrophic processes on DOC variation. In the aphotic zone, the variation of DOC could be ascribed to the change of BP, which showed a positive correlation with P concentrations. This study documents that DOC concentration in the studied system varied at multiple time scales. Such variation can be explained by the decoupling between BP and PP, which is believed to be a function of the limiting nutrient's availability. More importantly, this study suggests that the P supply introduced by strong typhoons might have substantiated a tighter coupling between BP and PP, so that the amplitude of DOC oscillation during the summer period was effectively reduced.


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On the basis of analyzing the principle and realization of geo-steering drilling system, the key technologies and methods in it are systematically studied in this paper. In order to recognize lithology, distinguish stratum and track reservoirs, the techniques of MWD and data process about natural gamma, resistivity, inductive density and porosity are researched. The methods for pre-processing and standardizing MWD data and for converting geological data in directional and horizontal drilling are discussed, consequently the methods of data conversion between MD and TVD and those of formation description and adjacent well contrast are proposed. Researching the method of identifying sub-layer yields the techniques of single well explanation, multi-well evaluation and oil reservoir description. Using the extremum and variance clustering analysis realizes logging phase analysis and stratum subdivision and explanation, which provides a theoretical method and lays a technical basis for tracing oil reservoirs and achieving geo-steering drilling. Researching the technique for exploring the reservoir top with a holdup section provides a planning method of wellpath control scheme to trace oil and gas reservoir dynamically, which solves the problem of how to control well trajectory on condition that the layer’s TVD is uncertain. The control scheme and planning method of well path for meeting the demands of target hitting, soft landing and continuous steering respectively provide the technological guarantee to land safely and drill successfully for horizontal, extended-reach and multi-target wells. The integrative design and control technologies are researched based on geology, reservoir and drilling considering reservoir disclosing ratio as a primary index, and the methods for planning and control optimum wellpath under multi-target restriction, thus which lets the target wellpath lie the favorite position in oil reservoir during the process of geo-steering drilling. The BHA (bottomhole assembly) mechanical model is discussed using the finite element method, and the BHA design methods are given on the basis of mechanical analyses according to the shape of well trajectory and the characteristics of BHA’s structure and deformation. The methods for predicting the deflection rate of bent housing motors and designing their assemblies are proposed based on the principle of minimum potential energy, which can clearly show the relation between the BHA’s structure parameters and deflection rate, especially the key factors’ effect to the deflection rate. Moreover, the interaction model between bit and formation is discussed through the process of equivalent formation and equivalent bit considering the formation anisotropy and bit anisotropy on the basis of analyzing the influence factors of well trajectory. Accordingly, the inherence relationship among well trajectory, formation, bit and drilling direction is revealed, which lays the theory basis and technique for predicting and controlling well trajectory.


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With the continuously proceeding of petroleum exploratory development in China, exploratory development becomes more and more difficult. For increasing reserve volume and production, lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir has been the most workable, potential and universality exploration targets. In the past, Dagang Oil Field use the complicated fault reservoir theory as the guide, develop and form a suit of matching construction and instrument in prospecting complicated fault reservoir that reach top of exploration industry in China. But the research of lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir is not much, which affects the exploitation progress of lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir. In this thesis, is object, through the depth study of lithologic deposition in Shasan segment of Zhouqingzhuang Oil Field, a suit of holographic fine reservoir bed forecasting techniques is built up and finally gets following main results: 1. Applying geology, seism, drilling, logging and other information to sensitivity preferences, geological model, inversion and integrated stratum evaluation, realizing the method and flow of refined multi-information stratum forecast. 2. Built up a full three dimensional fine structural interpretation method: in view of r problem of accurately demarcating 90% inclined well, propose a inclined well air space demarcating method, make bed demarcating more exactly; in view of problem of faults demarcating and combination in seismic interpretation, propose a computational method of seismic interference based on wavelet translation, make identify the fault in different level more dependable and reasonable; for exactly identifying structural attitude, propose a velocity modeling method under multi-well restriction, make structural attitude closer to the facts. 3. Built up a high accuracy reservoir bed inversion method: in view of problem in exactly identifying reservoir and nonreservoir with conventional wave impedance inversion method in this place, propose a reservoir log response characteristic analysis and sensible log parameter inversion method. ①analysis log response of reservoir and nonreservoir in region of interest, make definite the most sensible log parameter in identifying reservoir and nonreservoir in this region; ②make sensible log parameter inversion based on wave impedance inversion, to improve inversion accuracy, the thickness of recognizable reservoir bed reach 4-5m. 4. Built up a 4-D reservoir forcasting circuit: in view of difficulty that in lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir making reservoir space characteristic clear by using structural map and reservoir forecasting techniques once only, propose a 4-D reservoir forcasting circuit. In other words, based on development conceptual design, forcast reservoir of different time, namely multiple 3D reservoir forcasting in time queue, each time the accuracy degree of reservoir forcasting is improved since apply the new well material, thereby achieve high quality and highly efficient in exploratory development. During exploratory development lithologic depositin in Shasan segment of Zhouqingzhuang Oil Field, there are thirteen wells get 100% success rate, which sufficiently proves that this suit of method is scientific and effective.


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The lithology of the buried hill of Triassic Budate group in Beier depression is epimetamorphic clastic rock and volcanic clastic rock stratum. Recently the favorable hydrocarbon show was discovered in buried hill of base rock, and large-duty industrial oil stream was obtained in some wells in Beier depression. Based on the information of seismos and wells, the tectonic framework, tectonic deformation times and faulted system of the Beier depression are comprehensively studied, then configuration, evolutional history, genetic type and distributed regularity of buried hill are defined. According to observing description and analysis of core sample, well logging and interpretive result of FMI, the lithological component, diagenetic type and diagenetic sequence of buried hill reservoir are confirmed, then reservoir space system of buried hill is distinguished, and vegetal feature, genetic mechanism and distributed regularity of buried hill fissure are researched, at the same time the quantitative relationship is build up between core fissures and fissures interpreted by FMI. After that fundamental supervisory action of fault is defined to the vegetal degree of fissure, and the fissure beneficial places are forecasted using fractal theory and approach. At last the beneficial areas of Budate group reservoir are forecasted by reservoir appraisal parameters optimization such as multivariate gradually regression analysis et. al. and reservoir comprehensive appraisal method such as weighing analyze and clustering procedure et. al. which can provide foundation for the next exploratory disposition. Such production and knowledge are obtained in this text as those: 1. Four structural layers and two faulting systems are developed, and four structural layers are carved up by three bed succession boundary surfaces which creates three tectonic distortional times homology. Three types of buried hill are divided, they are ancient physiognomy buried hill, epigenetic buried hill, and contemporaneous buried hill. 2. Reservoir space of Budate buried hill is mainly secondary pore space and fissure, which distributes near the unconformity and/or inside buried hill in sections. The buried hill reservoir experienced multi-type and multi-stage diagenetic reconstruction, which led to the original porosity disappeared, and multi secondary porosity was created by dissolution, superficial clastation and cataclasis et. al. in diagenetic stage, which including middle crystal pore, inter crystal pore, moldic pore, inter particle emposieu, corrosion pore space and fissure et. al. which improved distinctly reservoir capability of buried hill. 3. The inner reservoir of buried hill in Beier depression is not stratigraphic bedded construction, but is fissure developing place formed by inner fault and broken lithogenetic belt. The fissures in inner reservoir of buried hill are developed unequally with many fissure types, which mainly are high angle fissure and dictyonal fissures and its developing degree and distribution is chiefly controlled by faulting. 4. The results of reservoir comprehensive evaluate and reservoir predicting indicates that advantageous areas of reservoir of buried hill chiefly distributes in Sudeerte, Beixi and Huoduomoer, which comprehensive evaluate mainly Ⅱand Ⅲ type reservoir. The clues and results of this text have directive significance for understanding the hydrocarbon reservoir condition of buried hill in Beier depression, for studying hydrocarbon accumulated mechanism and distributed regularity, and for guiding oil and gas exploration. The results of this text also can enrich and improve nonmarine hydrocarbon accumulated theory.


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What geophysical inversion studied includes the common mathematics physical property of inversion and the constitution and appraisal method of solution in geophysics domain, i.e. using observed physical phenomenon from the earth surface to infer space changing and physical property structure of medium within the earth. Seismic inversion is a branch of geophysical inversion. The basic purpose of seismic inversion is to utilizing seismic wave propagating law in the medium underground to infer stratum structure and space distribution of physical property according to data acquisition, processing and interpretation, and then offer the vital foundation for exploratory development. Poststack inversion is convenient and swift, its acoustic impedance inversion product can reflect reservoir interior changing rule to a certain degree, but poststack data lack abundant amplitude and travel time information included in prestack data because of multiple superimpose and weaken the sensitiveness which reflecting reservoir property. Compared with poststack seismic inversion, prestack seismic inversion has better fidelity and more adequate information. Prestack seismic inversion, including waveform inversion, not only suitable for thin strata physical property inversion, it can also inverse reservoir oil-bearing ability. Prestack seismic inversion and prestack elastic impedance inversion maintain avo information, sufficiently applying seismic gathering data with different incident angle, partial angle stack, gradient and intercept seismic data cube. Prestack inversion and poststack inversion technology were studied in this dissertation. A joint inversion method which synthesize prestack elastic wave waveform inversion, prestack elastic impedance inversion and poststack inversion was proposed by making fully use of prestack inversion multiple information and relatively fast and steady characteristic of poststack inversion. Using the proposed method to extract rock physics attribute cube with clear physical significance and reflecting reservoir characterization, such as P-wave and S-wave impedance, P-wave and S-wave velocity, velocity ratio, density, Poisson ratio and Lame’s constant. Regarding loose sand reservoir in lower member of Minghuazhen formation, 32-6 south districts in Qinhuangdao,as the research object, be aimed at the different between shallow layer loose sand and deep layer tight sand, first of all, acquire physical property parameters suitable for this kind of heavy oil pool according to experimental study, establishing initial pressure and shear wave relational model; Afterwards, performing prestack elastic wave forward and inversion research, summarizing rules under the guidance of theoretical research and numerical simulation, performing elastic impedance inversion, calculating rock physics attributes; Finally, predicting sand body distribution according to rock physics parameters, and predicting favorable oil area combine well-logging materials and made good results.


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The sediment and diagenesis process of reservoir are the key controlling factors for the formation and distribution of hydrocarbon reservoir. For quite a long time, most of the research on sediment-diagenesis facise is mainly focusing on qualitative analysis. With the further development on exploration of oil field, the qualitative analysis alone can’t meet the requirements of complicated requirements of oil and gas exploreation, so the quantitative analysis of sediment-diagenesis facise and related facies modling have become more and more important. On the basis of the research result from stratum and sediment on GuLong Area Putaohua Oil Layer Group, from the basic principles of sedimentology, and with the support from the research result from field core and mining research results, the thesis mainly makes the research on the sediment types, the space framework of sands and the evolution rules of diagenesis while mainly sticking to the research on sediment systement analysis and diagenetic deformation, and make further quantitative classification on sediment-diageneses facies qualitatively, discussed the new way to divide the sediment-diagenesis facies, and offer new basis for reservoir exploration by the research. Through using statistics theory including factor analysis, cluster analysis and discriminant analysis, the thesis devided sediment-diagenesis facies quantitatively. This research method is innovative on studying sediment-diagenesis facies. Firstly, the factor analysis could study the main mechanism of those correlative variables in geologic body, and then could draw a conclusion on the control factors of fluid and capability of reservoir in the layer of studying area. Secondly, with the selected main parameter for the cluster analysis, the classification of diagenesis is mainly based on the data analysis, thus the subjective judgement from the investigator could be eliminated, besides the results could be more quantitative, which is helpful to the correlative statistical analysis, so one could get further study on the quantitative relations of each sediment-diagenesis facies type. Finally, with the reliablities of discriminant analysis cluster results, and the adoption of discriminant probability to formulate the chart, the thesis could reflect chorisogram of sediment-diagenesis facies for planar analysis, which leads to a more dependable analytic results.According to the research, with the multi-statistics analysis methods combinations, we could get quantitative analysis on sediment-diagenesis facies of reservoir, and the final result could be more reliable and also have better operability.


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The exploration in recent years shows that the Yanchang Formation in the southwest of Ordos Basin is of great resource potential and good exploration and exploitation prospect. In the thesis ,sedimentary source analysis,sedimentary system,sedimentary microfacies,sandstones distribution and reservoir characteristic are studied and favorable oil area are forecasted in Chang6-Chang8 of Yanchang formation in HuanXian region, by mainly study on the data of field section observation ,core observation, well logging explaination and routine microscope slice identification,scanning Electron Microscope and reservoir analysis of lithology and physical property , Under the guidance of such advanced theories and methods as sedimentology,reservoir sedimentology,lithological oil pool and so on. The stratum of Chang6-Chang8 of Yanchang formation could be divided into pieces of member following the principles that firstly contrasting the big segments, then contrasting the small segments, being controlled by cycle and consulting the thickness etc.And the characteristic of stratum are detailed discussed , respectively. Based on the source direction of the central basin, heavy and light minerals are used to analyse source direction of Chang6 and Chang8 member, in HuanXian area. Research result shows that the source of Chang6 and Chang8 member is mixed provenance,including west-south,west and east-north. By the study of rock types、 sedimentary conformation、lithology and electromotive curve combination and palaeo-biology,lake、delta and braided delta mianly developed in study area are recognized, Subaqueous distributary channels in delta front and in braided delta front, and sand body in deep-lake turbidite, are the main reservoir.forthermore,the characteristic of depositional system and sandy body in space are discussed. Applied with routine microscope slice identification, Scanning Electron Microscope, reservoir lithology and physical property analysis and other analytic machinery, Feldspar-lithic fine-sandstone and feldspar fine-sandstone are mainly sandstone of Y Chang6-Chang8 in Huanxian area, small pore and tiny pore are the main pore types, tiny throat type and micro-fine throat type are widely developed , secondary dissolution porosity, intercrystal porosity, tiny pore and micro-crack are main pore types.Intergranular porosity and dissolution porosity secondary is the main pore secondary. The dominant diagenesis types in the area are compaction, cementation, replacement and dissolution. Chlorite films cementation facies, carbonate cementation facies ,mud cementation compaction facie, compaction 、pressure solution facies are the main diagenetic facies,in which Chlorite films cementation facies is the best diagenetic facies in study area. Reservoir influence factor analysis ,rock types are the main factor forming this low-pore and low-permeability of Chang6-Chang8 member in study area,and relatively higher permeability area are cortrolled by sedimentary facies distribution, diagenesis improved reservoir physical property. According to the distributing of sedimentary micro-facies and sandy body , and the test oil, favorable region in Chang6-Chang8 are forecasted.


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In this paper we base on the anisotropic theory and Zoeppritz function of the transmission theory and the law of amplitude versus offset simplify seismic reflection coefficient of different media, analyze the characteristic of the gas or oil saturated stratum or the VTI and HTI models. Discuss the P wave reflection relationship and the meanings of the different parameters. We use measured parameters of a reservoir to simulate the characteristic of the reservoir, study the different effects of stratum saturated with gas or oil and analyze the characteristic of the seismic response of different models which change with different incident angles and different azimuths. Using the field data of logs ,analyze the rock property parameters, build the relationship of logs and parameters by Gassmann theory or empirical function. Calculate the density and the shear modulus and bulk modulus, reconstruct the log curves, calculate shear wave logs and correlate the logs affected by mud and other environmental factors. Finally perform the relationship of the seismic data log of saturated stratum and enhance the ability and reliability in reservoir prediction. Our aim is by the prestack seismic processing to get high solution and amplitude preserved seismic data. Because in incident angle gathers or azimuthal gathers, the low signal to noise ratio and low different covers affect the result of the prestack reservoir prediction. We apply prestack noise erase, cell regularization process and relatively amplitude preservation in the high solution seismic process routine to preserve the characteristic of stratum response, and erase the effects of the noise. In this paper we finished prestack invertion in the BYT survey and fractured reservoir depiction in MB survey. By the invertion and multiple attributes crossplot. we can get the stratum profiles and oil indicator profiles which can predict the distribution of the reservoir and oil. In the MB survey, we get orientation and density of fractured reservoir by the azimuthal seismic amplitude and depict the potential oil and gas reservoir. Prestak invertion works better in distinguishing oil and reservoir.


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In research field of oil geophysical prospecting, reservoir prediction is refers to forecasting physical properties of petroleum reservoir by using data of seismic and well logging, it is a research which can guide oil field development. Singularities of seismic and logging data are caused by the heterogeneity of reservoir physical property. It's one of important methods that using singularity characteristics of seismic and logging data to study the reservoir physical property in recently. Among them, realization of reservoir quantitative prediction by analyzing singularity of the data and enhancing transition description of data is difficulty in method research. Based on wavelet transform and the fractal theory, the paper studied the singularity judgment criterion for seismic and logging data, not only analyzed quantitative relation between singularity data and reservoir physical property, but also applied it in practical reservoir prediction. The main achievements are: 1. A new method which provides singular points and their strength information estimation at only one single scale is proposed by Herrmann (1999). Based on that, the dissertation proposed modified algorithm which realized singularity polarity detection. 2. The dissertation introduced onset function to generalize the traditional geologic boundaries variations model which used singularity characteristics to represent the abruptness of the lithologic velocity transition. We show that singularity analysis reveals generic singularity information conducted from velocity or acoustic impedance to seismogram based on the convolution seismic-model theory. Theory and applications indicated that singularity information calculated from seismic data was a natural attribute for delineating stratigraphy boundaries due to its excellent ability in detecting detailed geologic features. We demonstrated that singularity analysis was a powerful tool to delineate stratigraphy boundaries and inverse acoustic impedance and velocity. 3. The geologic significances of logging data singularity information were also presented. According to our analysis, the positions of singularities indicate the sequence stratigraphic boundary, and there is subtle relationship between the singularity strength and sedimentary environment, meanwhile the singularity polarity used to recognize stratigraphic base-level cycle. Based on all those above, a new method which provided sedimentary cycle analysis based on the singularity information of logging data in multiple scales was proposed in this dissertation. This method provided a quantitative tool for judging interface of stratum sequence and achieved good results in the actual application.


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The Ordos Basin is a large-scale craton superimposed basin locating on the west of the North China platform, which was the hotspot of interior basin exploration and development. Qiaozhen oil field located in the Ganquan region of south-central of Ordos Basin. The paper is based on the existing research data, combined with the new theory and progress of the sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, reservoir sedimentology, petroleum geology, etc, and analyzes systematically the sedimentary and reservoir characteristics in the chang2 and chang1 oil-bearing strata group of Yanchang formation On the basis of stratigraphic classification and comparison study, the strata chang2 and chang1 were divided into five intervals. Appling the method of cartography with single factor and dominance aspect, we have drawn contour line map of sand thickness, contour line map of ratio between sand thickness and stratum thickness. We discussed distribution characteristics of reservoir sand body and evolution of sedimentary facies and microfacies. And combining the field type section , lithologic characteristics, sedimentary structures, the sedimentary facies of single oil well and particle size analysis and according to the features of different sequence, the study area was divided into one sedimentary facies、three parfacies and ten microfacies. The author chew over the characteristics of every facies, parfacies and microfacies and spatial and temporal distribution. Comprehensive research on petrologic characteristics of reservoir , diagenesis types, pore types, distribution of sand bodies, physical properties, oiliness, reservoir heterogeneities, characteristics of interlayer, eventually research on synthetic classifying evaluation of reservoir.The reservoir is classified four types: Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ and pore type, fracture-porosity type. Take reservoir's average thickness, porosity, permeability, oil saturation and shale content as parameters, by using clustering analysis and discriminant analysis, the reservoir is classified three groups. Based on the evaluation, synthetizing the reservoir quality, the sealing ability of cap rock, trap types, reservoir-forming model ,in order to analyze the disciplinarian of accumulation oil&gas. Ultimately, many favorable zones were examined for chang23,chang223,chang222,chang221,chang212,chang12,chang11 intervals. There are twenty two favorable zones in the research area. Meanwhile deploy the next disposition scheme.


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Sedimentary provenance direction,sedimentary facies,reservoir geological characteristic,pore structure; physical property characteristic,reservoir classification and evaluation ,forthermore,favorable area area are forecasted of Yanchang formation in ZhiDan region, by mainly study on the data of field section observation ,core observation, well logging explaination and routine microscope slice identification,scanning Electron Microscope and reservoir analysis of lithology and physical property , Under the guidance of such advanced theories and methods as sedimentology,reservoir sedimentology,lithological oil pool and so on,in the thesis. The following fruits are mainly achieved in this paper: Yanchang formation stratum is divided and correlated in this entire region, and the characteristic of oil layer unit is detailed discussed , respectively. According to main marker bed and supplementary ones.and research result shows that the source of provenance direction during Yanchang Formation mianly is north-east. Delta and lake are mainly developed in study area ,sub-facies and micro-facies are divided,distribution of sedimentary micro-facies in plane and palaeogeographic evolution are described,and gentle slope type- shallow water delta depositional model is established. Fine-grain arkose sandstone is the main reservoir,and which have experienced such different degree diagenesis as compaction, cementation, replacement and dissolution, and in which compaction and cementation are mainly factors to reduce sandstone physical property and dissolution effectively improved physical property during burial diagenesis procedure. All reservoirs of Yanchang Formation have entered A period of late diagenetic stage according to scheme of diagenesis period division . Intergranular porosity,dissolution porosity,fissure porosity are main pore types. And porosity structure are analyse by mercury penetration capillary pressure parameter,fine-shortness type and fine- length throat type are mainly developed. as a whole,the reservoir, with the characteristic of porosity and permeability altering apparently,strong inhomogeneity , is a medium- porosity and medium permeability one. In plane,higher- porosity and higher-permeability are corresponded well with distributary channel area, physical property and inhomogeneity are affected by both deposition and diagenesis,and distributary channel and underwater distributary channel are favorable facies . According to such characteristic as lithology,physical property,pore structure ,diagenesis and sandstone distribution, the sandy reservoir can be classified 4 types, and the main sandy in every oil layer unit are evaluated according to the standard. The analysis result of petroleum concentration rule shows that Yanchang Formation are with not only favourable oil source rock,reservoir,covering combination ,but also good entrapment condition in study area. Lithology and structure-lithology oil pool are mainly developed ,based on condition of favorable reservoir developments,accounting for deliverability and sandstone superface elevation,zone of profitabilitis are forecasted.


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According to the basic geologic conditions, the paper is directed by the modem oil-gas accumulation theory and petroleum system in which typical oil pools are analyzed and the shape of lithologic trap and geologic factors are pointed out. The process during which oil and gas migrate from source rock to lithologic trap is rebuilt, and the accumulation model of oil pool is set up. With the comprehensive application of seismic geologic and log data and paying attention to the method and technology which is used to distinguish lithologic accumulation. Promising structural-lithofacies zones are got and the distribution rule of various lithologic accumulation is concluded. With making use of the biologic mark compound, different reservoirs are compared. As a result, the oil and gas in HeiDimiao come from Nenjiang Group's source rocks; in SaErTu from QingShenkou Group's and Nenjiang Group's, and in PuTaohua. GaoTaizi and FuYang from QingShankou Group's. According to the development and distribution of effective source rock, oil distribution and the comparison in the south of SongLiao basin, the characteristic of basin structure and reservoir distribution is considered, and then the middle-upper reservoir of SongLiao basin south are divided into two petroleum system and a complex petroleum system. Because of the characteristic of migration and accumulation, two petroleum systems can furtherly be divided into 6-7 sub-petroleum systems,20 sub-petroleum systems in all. As a result of the difference of the migration characteristic, accumulation conditions and the place in the petroleum system, the accumulation degree and accumulation model are different. So three accumulation mechanism and six basic accumulation model of lithologic trap are concluded. The distribution of lithologic pools is highly regular oil and gas around the generation sag distribute on favorable structural-lithofacies zones, the type of lithological pool vary regularly from the core of sandstone block to the upper zone. On the basic of regional structure and sedimentary evolution, main factors which control the form of trap are discovered, and it is the critical factor method which is used to discern the lithologic trap. After lots of exploration, 700km~2 potential trap is distinguished and 18391.86 * 10~4 tons geologic reserves is calculated. Oil-water distribution rule of pinch-out oil pool is put up on plane which is the reservoirs can be divided into four sections. This paper presented the law of distribution of oil and water in updip pinch-out reservoir, that is, hydrocarbon-bearing formation in plane can be divided into four zones: bottom edge water zone, underside oil and water zone, middle pure oil zone and above residual water zone. The site of the first well should be assigned to be middle or above pure oil zone, thus the exploration value of this type of reservoir can be recognized correctly. In accordance with the characteristics of seism and geology of low permeability thin sandstone and mudstone alternation layer, the paper applied a set of reservoir prediction technology, that is: (1)seism multi-parameter model identification; (2) using stratum's absorbing and depleting information to predict reservoir's abnormal hydrocarbon-bearing range. With the analysis of the residual resource potential and the research of two petroleum system and the accumulation model, promising objective zones are predicted scientifically. And main exploration aim is the DaRngZi bore in the west of ChangLin basin, and YingTai-SiFangZi middle-upper assembly in Honggang terrace.