52 resultados para Scale 1:1,000,000None


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本研究构建了迟缓爱德华氏菌(Edwardsiella tarda)LSE40 基因组fosmid文库,该文库共包含2 500个克隆,插入片段平均大小为33.6kb,文库总容量约84Mb,覆盖E.tarda LSE40基因组(按5Mb计算)超过16倍。随机挑取1 000个fosmid克隆进行双末端测序共得到1 741条高质量的序列,序列平均长度546 bp,全长949 997bp,约为E.tarda基因组的19%。将这些序列提交到KEGG自动注释服务器KAAS对所得序列进行代谢途径分析,得到E.tarda LSE40的KO (KEGG Orthology) 注释。分析结果表明,与代谢途径相关的基因有932条序列,与环境信息处理相关基因283条,与遗传信息处理相关基因220条,与细胞进程和人类疾病相关的基因分别为64条和16条。同时将序列进行BlastX,按照微生物致病性共同主题找到61个毒力相关基因。Fosmid文库的建立和部分基因组序列的生物信息学分析为进一步研究E.tarda LSE40的致病机制、代谢机制和生理生态机制提供了丰富的物质基础。 通过比较基因组的方法,从E.tarda LSE40 fosmid文库克隆到编码寡肽透过酶的opp基因簇,该基因簇全长6 741bp,含有5个ORF,依次编码OppA-B-C-D-F 5个蛋白;位于oppA和oppB的间隔区和oppF之后的非编码区各有一个茎环结构,推测分别为oppA和opp基因簇的转录终止子。以细菌OppA的保守结构域SBP_bac_5构建系统发生树,结果显示E.tarda LSE40与同属细菌E.ictaluri的亲缘关系最近,与肠杆菌科细菌的亲缘关系较近,与革兰氏阳性细菌的亲缘关系较远,表明OppA的SBP_bac_5结构域可作为细菌分类鉴定的依据。 从E.tarda LSE40 fosmid文库克隆aroA基因全序列,该序列全长1 287bp,编码428个氨基酸,与鲶鱼爱德华氏菌(E. ictaluri)氨基酸相似性在94%,与其他肠杆菌科菌如Escherichia coli和Yersinia enterocolitica相似性在73%-74%。通过In-frame deletion构建了E.tarda LSE40 aroA缺失突变株。与野生型相比,aroA突变株的半数致死量LD50提高了62倍。在牙鲆接种~106cfu/ml的E.tarda细菌时,接种野生型细菌的牙鲆在6天内全部死亡,濒死鱼的细菌数达7.97×108cfu/ 100mg;而接种aroA突变株的牙鲆没有出现死亡,28天后检测不到细菌的存在。实验结果为进一步评价aroA突变株作为减毒活疫苗打下了基础。


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In many molluses, it has been found that Ca2+ signaling pathway is involved in the resumption of meiotic maturation in oocytes. To better understand the possible role of Ca2+ signaling pathway in regulating meiotic maturation in oocytes of the northern quahog Mercenaria mercenaria, free extracellular Ca2+, A23187 (calcium ionophore), verapamil (calcium channel blocker), and trifluoperazin (calmodulin antagonist) were used to incubate oocytes or serotonin-induced oocytes by pharmacological methods. Results show that extracellular Ca2+ (50 similar to 200 mM) and A23187 (1 similar to 10 mu M) can stimulate the meiotic maturation. In addition, verapamil (1 similar to 100 mu M) and trifluoperazin (10 similar to 1,000 mu M) could inhibit serotonin-induced oocyte maturation. Therefore, Ca2+ is essential for the reinitiation of meiotic maturation in oocytes of the northern quahog. Moreover, an increase i [Ca2+]i can promote meiotic maturation.


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High-molecular-weight dissolved organic matter (HMW-DOM, > 1,000 Daltons) is actively involved in the global biogeochemical cycling of many elements, but its carbon sources and detailed formation pathways are still not well understood. In this study, we measured bulk stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios, lipid composition, and compound-specific carbon isotopic ratios of HMW-DOM samples collected from four U.S. estuaries (Boston Harbor/Massachusetts Bay, Delaware/Chesapeake Bay, San Diego Bay, and San Francisco Bay). Analytical results show (1) a fraction of HMW-DOM (lipid associated) in estuarine and coastal waters is derived from bacteria and phytoplankton; (2) this fraction of HMW-DOM is formed by various release processes of bacterial membrane components and bacterial reworking of phytoplankton-derived material; (3) this fraction of HMW-DOM is generally present in all samples from different coastal systems despite variable organic matter inputs and environmental conditions, suggesting an important bacterial role in HMW-DOM formation.


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对青藏高原海北站区的自然土壤和扰动土壤进行高分辨率采样,测定土壤根系、有机碳及其~(14)C含量;用~(14)C示踪技术探讨土地利用变化对高寒草甸土壤有机质更新的影响.研究表明,土地利用变化对高寒草甸土壤碳循环影响显著. 耕作活动导致扰动土壤有机碳储量比自然土壤增加29.35%;扰动土壤剖面10~50 cm深土壤有机质的14C含量相对富集;自然土壤大多数有机碳储存在土壤表层,更新时间<50 a,同一深度扰动土壤有机碳储量显著少,更新时间长(171~294 a);自然土壤10 cm以下有机碳主要为更新时间>1 000 a的稳定碳所控制,扰动土壤的相应值出现在40 cm以下;自然土壤有机质更新产生的CO2通量为114 gC•m~(-2)•a~(-1),扰动土壤为48.7 gC•m~(-2)•a~(-1).


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在中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统开放实验站进行的燕麦与箭舌豌豆、红豆草、毛苕子3 种豆科牧草混播栽培的试验研究, 采用正交设计及极差分析方法对混播组合作择优评判。结果表明: 红豆草在年均温-1. 7 ℃, ≥5 ℃积温1 000 ℃, 海拔3 200 m 的高寒地区可与燕麦建立一年生混播割草地。其产量水平高于毛苕子与燕麦混播的草地而与箭舌豌豆与燕麦混播的草地相当。对豆科牧草种(A )、混作方式(B)、混播总密度(C) 和混播比例(D) 4 个因素进行择优组合可提高单位面积牧草产量。4 种试验因素对混播草地牧草产量的效应大小依次为C> A > D> B。本试验最优组合为5 号组合(A 2B2C3D1)。


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In this study, 172 mollusk assemblages from the Weinan loess section in the southeast of Loess Plateau, China, were identified quantitatively at relative high resolution. The results show: 1) the history and processes of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes in Weinan since the last 70 ka; 2) the characteristics of climatic changes during the period of the last glacial maximum (LGM); 3) the spatial pattern of paleoclimate variations at the south and middle parts of the Loess Plateau during the LGM period; 4) the timing of the last deglaciation and the return event of rapid climate change during the last deglaciation. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) 172 mollusk samples taken from the uppermost 9 m deposits cover the past 70 ka, which were sampled at the internals of 5 cm for S_0, 3 cm for L_(1-1) and L_(1-2), and 10 cm for L_(1-3), L_(1-4) and L_(1-5). Author analyzed quantitatively all individuals including broken pieces of snail shells, percentages of 15 species identified from 172 samples. Three main groups were determined according to the ecological requirement of each taxon. Based on the variations of three ecological groups and typical ecological species, The author intended to reconstruct the history of and processes of climate and environment since the last 70 ka in the Weinan region. The climate and environment in this region experienced the following changes: relative warm and humid stage from 67.5-20.3 cal. ka B.P., a period of forest-steppe or steppe developed; cold and arid stage from 20.3-15.5 cal. ka B.P., a dry steppe period, later wetter and colder; cold and humid period once time from 15.5 to 12.3 cal. ka B.P., a typical steppe or forest-steppe stage; cold and humid again from 12.3 cal. ka B.P. to 8.2 cal. ka B.P., a tropical steppe stage; warm and humid climate, a forest-steppe developed. 2) The climate during the period of the last glacial maximum (LGM) in Weinan was characterized by a general cold-humid condition, represented by occurrence of a number of the cool-humidiphilous mollusk species such as Gastocopta amigerella and Vallonia cf. pulchella in the section. 3) Comparison of the variations in abundance of Puncture orphana at Weinan with those at Luochuan and Changwu sections suggests that the summer monsoon intensity influenced differently at the three regions during the LGM period. The Weinan was weaker summer monsoon impact during all the period, the Luochuan was influenced occasionally, and Changwu was only a very short time affected, which indicated it might be located at the western margin of the summer monsoon influence during that period. 4) The ratio of thermo-humidiphilous mollusk group to cold-aridiphilous one shows an increase tendency at about 15 cal. ka B.P., reflecting the climate warming after the deglaciation in Weinan, which is approximately corresponding to the timing of warming period of the last deglaciation, found in the East Atlantic Ocean, the South China Sea and the Loess Plateau (indicated by the phytolith study). 5) A remarkable decrease in the number of thermo-humidiphilous and cool-humidiphilous mollusk species from 12.7 - 11.6 cal. ka B.P. indicates a cooling in climate and might be the reflection of the Younger Dryas event in Weinan. 6) Variations in the ratios of thermo-humidiphilous mollusk species to cold-aridiphilous ones reflect the climate instability in Holocene. There were four warm-humid periods (10-8.1 cal. ka B.P., 6.9-6.1 cal. ka B.P., 5.2-2.6cal. ka B.P., 1.6cal. ka B.P. to the present ) and three relative cold-arid periods (8.1-6.9 cal. ka B.P., 6.1-5.2 cal. ka B.P., 2.6-1.6 cal. ka B.P.), showing about a 1,000 year climatic oscillation.


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贵州喀斯特山区是我国乃至世界喀斯特分布面积最大的片区之一,由于其生态系统的脆弱性,加之人类活动的干扰,使得该区的植被退化较为严重。文章选择该区的12 种主要植物作为研究对象,对其营养元素进行了研究。结果表明:>1 000μg·g-1 的元素有N、P、K、Ca、Mg、S,100~1 000 μg·g-1 的元素有Fe、Mn、Al,10~100 μg·g-1 的元素有Zn、Sr,<10 μg·g-1的元素为Cu、Mo,其中Mo 含量最低,仅为0.17 μg·g-1。这些元素中,Ca、P、K 元素高于所报道的陆生植物的含量范围。元素含量特点是Ca>K>Mg 型。N、P、K、Mg 元素的频数分布为正态分布,Ca、Al、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn、Sr、S 元素为对数正态分布。变异系数大于100%的元素有Al、Fe、Mn、Sr,变异系数小于60%的元素有N、P、K、Ca、Mg、S、Cu,其中Ca 的变异系数最小,仅为11.8%。不同生境下相同植物的营养元素含量有较大的差异,石灰土上植物的N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Al、Cu、Mo 元素含量要高于黄壤上植物的。元素间的相关分析表明:P 和K、P 和Cu、Al 和Fe、Al 和Zn、Fe 和Zn 元素具有显著相关关系;N 和P、P 和Mg、K 和Al、K 和Cu、Ca 和Sr、S 和Mo 元素具有一般相关关系。