109 resultados para SPECTRAL STABILITY


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phases should be specified when the particle Reynolds number is higher than


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The stability (evolutionarity) problem for a kind of MHD shock waves is discussed in this paper. That is to solve the interaction problem of MHD shock waves with (2-dimensional) oblique incident disturbances. In other words, the result of gasdynamic shocks is generalized to the case of MHD shocks. The previous conclusion of stability theory of MHD shock waves obtained from the solution of interaction problem of MHD shock wave with (one-dimensional) normal shock wave is that only fast and slow shocks are stable, and intermediate shocks are unstable. However, the results of this paper show that when the small disturbances are the Alfven waves a new stability condition which is related to the parameters in front of and behind the shock wave is derived. When the disturbances are entropy wave and fast and slow magneto acoustic waves the stability condition is related to the frequency of small disturbances. As the limiting ease, i. e. when a normal incident (reflection, refraction) is consid...更多ered, the fast and slow shocks are unstable. The results also show that the conclusion drawn by Kontorovich is invalid for the stability theory of shock waves.


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In this paper, we first present a system of differential-integral equations for the largedisturbance to the general case that any arbitrarily shaped solid body with a cavity contain-ing viscous liquid rotates uniformly around the principal axis of inertia, and then develop aweakly non-linear stability theory by the Lyapunov direct approach. Applying this theoryto the Columbus problem, we have proved the consistency between the theory and Kelvin'sexperiments.


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The shear strength of soils or rocks developed in a landslide usually exhibits anisotropic and nonlinear behavior. The process of sedimentation and subsequent consolidation can cause anisotropy of sedimentary soils or rocks, for instance. Nonlinearity of failure envelope could be attributed to "interlocking" or "dilatancy" of the material, which is generally dependent upon the stress level. An analytical method considering both anisotropy and nonlinearity of the failure envelops of soil and rocks is presented in the paper. The nonlinearfailure envelopes can be determined from routine triaxial tests. A spreadsheet program, which uses the Janbu's Generalized Procedure of Slice and incorporates anisotropic, illustrates the implementation of the approach and nonlinearfailure envelops. In the analysis, an equivalent Mohr-Coulomb linear failure criterion is obtained by drawing a tangent to the nonlinear envelope of an anisotropic soil at an appropriate stress level. An illustrative example is presented to show the feasibility and numerical efficiency of the method.


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Ocean-current-induced pipeline stability on sandy seabed was simulated physically in a flow flume. The process of pipeline losing onbottom stability in currents was recorded and analyzed. Experimental data show that, for a pipeline directly laid on sandy seabed, there exists a linear relationship between the dimensionless submerged weight of pipeline and Froude number, in which the current-pipe-soil coupling effects are reflected. The sand-particle size effects on pipeline onbottom stability are further discussed. The new established empirical relationship may provide a guide for the engineering practice of current-induced on-bottom stability design of a submarine pipeline.


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Slope failure due to rainfall is a common geotechnical problem. The mechanics of rainfall induced landslides involves the interaction of a number of complex hydrologic and geotechnical factors. This study attempts to identify the influence of some of these factors on the stability of soil slope including rainfall intensity, hydraulic conductivity and the strength parameters of soil.


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Effects of wall temperature on stabilities of hypersonic boundary layer over a 7-degree half-cone-angle blunt cone are studied by using both direct numerical simulation (DNS) and linear stability theory (LST) analysis. Four isothermal wall cases with Tw/T0= 0.5, 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9, as well as an adiabatic wall case are considered. Results of both DNS and LST indicate that wall temperature has significant effects on the growth of disturbance waves. Cooling the surface accelerates unstable Mack II mode waves and decelerates the first mode (Tollmien–Schlichting mode) waves. LST results show that growth rate of the most unstable Mack II mode waves for the cases of cold wall Tw/T0=0.5 and 0.7 are about 45% and 25% larger than that for the adiabatic wall, respectively. Numerical results show that surface cooling modifies the profiles of rdut/dyn and temperature in the boundary layers, and thus changes the stability haracteristic of the boundary layers, and then effects on the growth of unstable waves. The results of DNS indicate that the disturbances with the frequency range from about 119.4 to 179.1 kHz, including the most unstable Mack modes, produce strong mode competition in the downstream region from about 11 to 100 nose radii. And adiabatic wall enhances the amplitudes of disturbance according to the results of DNS, although the LST indicates that the growth rate of the disturbance of cold wall is larger. That because the growth of the disturbance does not only depend on the development of the second unstable mode.


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Experimental particle dispersion patterns in a plane wake flow at a high Reynolds number have been predicted numerically by discrete vortex method (Phys. Fluids A 1992; 4:2244-2251; Int. J. Multiphase Flow 2000; 26:1583-1607). To address the particle motion at a moderate Reynolds number, spectral element method is employed to provide an instantaneous wake flow field for particle dynamics equations, which are solved to make a detail classification of the patterns in relation to the Stokes and Froude numbers. It is found that particle motion features only depend on the Stokes number at a high Froude number and depend on both numbers at a low Froude number. A ratio of the Stokes number to squared Froude number is introduced and threshold values of this parameter are evaluated that delineate the different regions of particle behavior. The parameter describes approximately the gravitational settling velocity divided by the characteristic velocity of wake flow. In order to present effects of particle density but preserve rigid sphere, hollow sphere particle dynamics in the plane wake flow is investigated. The evolution of hollow particle motion patterns for the increase of equivalent particle density corresponds to that of solid particle motion patterns for the decrease of particle size. Although the thresholds change a little, the parameter can still make a good qualitative classification of particle motion patterns as the inner diameter changes.


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Space-resolved spectra of line-shaped laser-produced magnesium plasmas in the normal direction of the target have been obtained using a pinhole crystal spectrograph. These spectra are treated by a spectrum analyzing code for obtaining the true spectra and fine structures of overlapped lines. The spatial distributions of electron temperature and density along the normal direction of the target surface have been obtained with different spectral diagnostic techniques. Especially, the electron density plateaus beyond the critical surface in line-shaped magnesium plasmas have been obtained with a fitting technique applied to the Stark-broadened Ly-alpha wings of hydrogenic ions. The difference of plasma parameters between those obtained by different diagnostic techniques is discussed. Other phenomena, such as plasma satellites, population inversion, etc., which are observed in magnesium plasmas, are also presented.


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We investigate the spectra of a femtosecond pulse train propagating in a resonant two-level atom (TLA) medium. it is found that higher spectral components can be produced even for a 2 pi femtosecond pulse train. Furthermore, the spectral effects depend crucially on both the relative shift phi and the delay time tau between the successive pulses of the femtosecond pulse train.


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A constrained high-order statistical algorithm is proposed to blindly deconvolute the measured spectral data and estimate the response function of the instruments simultaneously. In this algorithm, no prior-knowledge is necessary except a proper length of the unit-impulse response. This length can be easily set to be the width of the narrowest spectral line by observing the measured data. The feasibility of this method has been demonstrated experimentally by the measured Raman and absorption spectral data.