58 resultados para SIMILARITIES


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Two ectoparasitic ciliates, Trichodina fugu Imai et al., 1997 and T. jadranica Raabe, 1958, found on the gills and skin of the maricultured tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes on the China coast of the Yellow Sea, were studied using the dry silver nitrate method. Trichodina fugu is distinguished by its almost rod-shaped denticle blades. Trichodina jadranica is usually described as a small trichodinid with a clear central circle in the adhesive disc and with a low number of denticles. However, the data available suggest that the species is highly variable in morphometry and the Chinese population represents the largest in body size and denticle dimensions found to date. Based on the revision of T. jadranica, two major morphotypes, each represented by several populations are classified, differing in the shape of the blades, viz., distinctly curved and sickle-shaped with pointed distal ends (as in the classical T. jadranica) vs. less curved and more or less rectangle-like with rounded distal ends (as in T. domerguei gobii). Trichodina domerguei gobii Raabe,.1959, which was synonymised with T. jadranica, is thus elevated to species rank. Furthermore, Trichodina jadranica noblei Lom, 1970 has straight and stout blades with broadly rounded distal ends and is raised to species rank: T noblei Lom, 1970. Trichodina jadranica sensu Xu et al., 1995 shows high similarities in denticle shape and dimensions as well as the central granule pattern with T chlamydis Xu et al., 1999. Thus, it is synonymised with the latter species.


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Two new species of Naticidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) collected from the coast of China are described: Cryptonaitca huanghaiensis sp. nov. and Sinum. vittatum sp. nov. The morphological characteristics between the new species were described and the related information was provided. The similarities and differenees between the new species and related species were also compared and discussed. The new species Cryptonaitea huanghaiensis differed from Cryptonaitca hirasei and Cryptonaitca andoi in outer shape, operculum and radula. The new species Sinum, vittatum is similar to Sinum, japonicum (Lischke, 1869), but the shell of the former is flat-elliptical in shape, spire very small, slightly convex. While the latter is flat-globular in shape, apex light brown in color, without a brown band on the body whorl. The comparison results revealed that Cryptonaitca huanghaiensis and Sinum vittatum were two new species from the coast of China. Specimens studied were obtained from collections in the Marine Biological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


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Chromosomal location of the 5S ribosomal RNA gene was studied in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica Gmelin. using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Metaphase chromosomes were obtained from early embryos, and the FISH probe was made by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) amplification of the 5S rRNA gene and labeled by incorporation of digoxigenin-1 1-dUTP during PCR. Hybridization was detected with fluorescein-labeled antidigoxigenin antibodies. Two pairs of FISH signals were observed on metaphase chromosomes. Karyotypic analysis showed that the 5S rRNA gene cluster is interstitially located on short arms of chromosomes 5 and 6. On chromosome 5, the 5S rRNA genes were located immediately next to the centromere, whereas on chromosome 6, they were located approximately half way between the telomere and the centromere. Chromosomes of C. virginica are difficult to identify because of their similarities in size and arm ratio, and the chromosomal location of 5S rRNA genes provides unambiguous identification of chromosomes 5 and 6. Previous studies have mapped the major rRNA gene cluster (18S-5.8S-28S) to chromosome 2. and this study shows that the 5S rRNA gene cluster is not linked to the major rRNA genes and duplicated during evolution.


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The phylogenetic relationships among worldwide species of genus Ochotona were investigated by sequencing mitochondrial cytochrome b and ND4 genes. Parsimony and neighbor-joining analyses of the sequence data yielded congruent results that strongly indicated three major clusters: the shrub-steppe group, the northern group, and the mountain group. The subgeneric classification of Ochotona species needs to be revised because each of the two subgenera in the present classification contains species from the mountain group. To solve this taxonomic problem so that each taxon is monophyletic, i.e., represents a natural clade, Ochotona could be divided into three subgenera, one for the shrub-steppe species, a second for the northern species, and a third for the mountain species. The inferred tree suggests that the differentiation of this genus in the Palearctic Region was closely related to the gradual uplifting of the Tibet (Qinghai-Xizang) Plateau, as hypothesized previously, and that vicariance might have played a major role in the differentiation of this genus on the Plateau, On the other hand, the North American species, O. princeps, is most likely a dispersal event, which might have happened during the Pliocene through the opening of the Bering Strait. The phylogenetic relationships within the shrub-steppe group are worth noting in that instead of a monophyletic shrub-dwelling group, shrub dwellers and steppe dwellers are intermingled with each other. Moreover, the sequence divergence within the sister tars of one steppe? dweller and one shrub dweller is very low. These findings support the hypothesis that pikes have entered the steppe environment several times and that morphological similarities within steppe dwellers were due to convergent evolution. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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In Tarim Basin, extensive carbonates of Lower Paleozoic occur, in which thick Cambrian and Lower Ordovician dolostones are widespread and show a potential perspective in hydrocarbon exploration. So they are viewed as an important target for exploration. Tarim Basin is a poly phase composite basin, which underwent multiphase tectonic modification and volcanic activities; these exerted significant influences on the basin-fills and basin fluid evolution, thereby the diagenetic history, particularly on the deep-buried Lower Paleozoic dolostones. Referring to the classification of dolomite texture proposed by Gregg & Sibley (1984) and Sibley & Gregg (1987). In view of crystal size, crystal shape, crystal surface and contact relation, eight genetic textures of dolomite crystals are identified, based on careful petrographic examinatoins. These textures include: 1) micritic dolomite; 2) relict mimetic dolomite; 3)finely crystalline, planar-e(s), floating dolomite; 4)finely crystalline, planar-e(s) dolomite; 5) finely-coarse crystalline, nonplanar-a dolomite; 6)coarse crystalline, nonplanar saddle dolomite; 7) finely-medium crystalline, planar-e(s) dolomite cement; 8) coarse crystalline, nonplanar saddle dolomite cement, in which the former six textures occurs as in matrix, the latter two in the cements. Detailed geochemistry analysis is carried out on the basis of genetic textures of dolomite and related minerals such as quartz and calcite. The result showed that the calcite has the highest average content in Sr, which can be sorted into two groups; micritic dolomite has the highest average content in Sr among all kinds of dolomites; the REE patterns of all kinds of dolomites is similar to those of marine limestone samples. Saddle dolomite cement has δ13C values from -2.44‰ to 1.27‰ PDB, and δ18O values from -13.01‰ to -5.12‰ PDB, which partially overlap with those of matrix dolomite (δ13C values from -2.83‰ to 2.01‰ PDB, δ18O values from -10.63‰ to -0.85‰ PDB). Saddle dolomite cement has 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.7086 to 0.7104, which totally overlap with those of matrix dolomite (0.7084 ~ 0.7116). Compared with saddle dolomite derived from other basins all over the world, the saddle dolomites of Tarim Basin have similar δ13C, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr ratios values with those of matrix dolomite. This scenario reflects the unusual geological setting and special dolomitizing liquid of Tarim Basin. The values of δ18O, δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of calcite also can be sorted out two groups, which may been resulted from the one stage of extensive uplift of Tarim Basin from Mesozoic to Cenozoic. Fluid inclusion microthermometry data of the diagenetic mineral indicates that matrix dolomite has relatively low homogenization temperatures (Th) of 80~105oC and salinities of 12.3% (wt% NaCl equivalent); saddle dolomite has highest Th values, which concentrate in 120~160oC and salinities of 13.5~23.7% (wt% NaCl equivalent); quartz has relatively low Th of 135~155oC and salinities of 17.8~22.5% (wt% NaCl equivalent); calcite has relatively low Th of 121~159.5oC and salinities of 1.4~17.5% (wt% NaCl equivalent). These data suggest that the saddle dolomites could have formed in thermal brine fluids. Based on comprehensive petrographical study, detailed geochemistry and fluid inclusion microthermometry analysis on Lower Paleozoic dolomite of Tarim Basin, three types of dolomitisation mechanism are proposed: Penecontemporaneous dolomitisation (Sabkha dolomitisation & Reflux dolomitisation); Burial dolomitisation (shallow-intermediate burial dolomitisation & Deep burial dolomitisation ); Hydrothermal cannibalized dolomitisation. In view of host-specified occurrences of hydrothermal dolomite, the low abundance of saddle dolomite and high geochemical similarities between saddle dolomite and host dolomite, as well as highest Th and high salinities , the hydrothermal dolomite in Tarim Basin is thus unique, which could have been precipitated in modified fluid in the host dolomite through intraformational thermal fluid cannibalization of Mg ions from the host. This scenario is different from the cases that large scale dolomitizing fluid migration took place along the fluid pathways where abundant saddle dolomite precipitated. Detailed observations on 180 petrographic and 60 casting thin sections show original pores in Lower Paleozoic dolomite were almost died out by complicated diagenetic process after a long time geologic evolution. On the other hand, deep-buried dolomite reservoirs is formed by tectonic and hydrothermal reforming on initial dolomites. Therefore, the distribution of structure-controlled hydrothermal dolomite reservoirs is predicted in Tabei and Tazhong Area of Tarim Basin based on the geophysical data.


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As we all know, rock-like materials will absolutely show very different mechanical properties under the compressive stress and tensile stress respectively. Similarly, under the dynamic compressive stress or dynamic tensile stress, the characteristics of the dynamics showed by the rock-like materials also have great differences from the mechanical behavior under static force. Studying their similarities and differences in rock mechanics theory and practical engineering will be of great significance. Generally, there are compression modulus of elasticity and tensile modulus of elasticity corresponding to compressive stress state and the tensile stress state in the rock. Both the two kinds of elastic modulus play an extremely important role in calculation of engineering mechanics. Their reliability directly affects the accuracy and reliability of the calculation results of internal stress field and displacement field of engineering rock mass. At present, it is easy to obtain the compression modulus of elasticity in laboratory; but it is very difficult to determine the tensile modulus of elasticity with direct tensile test due to that direct tensile test is difficult to perform in laboratory in general. In order to solve this problem, this thesis invents and develops several indirect test methods to determine the static or dynamic tensile modulus of elasticity of rock-type materials with high reliability and good interoperability. For the static tensile modulus of elasticity, the analytical stress field solution has been given out for the Brazilian disc under the radial and linear concentration load with Airy stress function method. At the same time, the stress field has been modeled for the Brazilian disc test by using the finite element software of ANSYS and ADINA. The analytical stress field solution is verified to be right by comparatively researching the analytical stress field solution and the numerical stress field solution. Based on the analytical stress field solution, this thesis proposes that a strain gauge is pasted at the Brazilian disc center along the direction perpendicular to the applied force to indirectly determine the static tensile modulus of elasticity, and related measurement theory also has been developed. The method proposed here has good feasibility and high accuracy verified by the experimental results. For the dynamic tensile modulus of elasticity, two measuring methods and theories are invented here. The first one is that the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar is used to attract the Brazilian disc to generate the dynamic load, make the dynamic tensile stress is formed at the Brazilian disc center; and also a strain gauge is pasted at the Brazilian disc center to record the deformation. The second is that, in the Hopkinson effect phenomenon, the reflection tensile stress wave is formed when the shock wave propagates to the free end of cylindrical rock bar and reflect, which can make the rock bar is under dynamic tensile stress state; and some strain gauges are pasted at the appropriate place on the rock bar to record the strain coursed by the tensile or compressive stress wave. At last, the dynamic tensile modulus of elasticity can be determined by the recorded strain and the dynamic tensile stress which can be determined by related theories developed in this thesis.


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Widespread black chert-shales occur in the Ediacaran-Cambrian(E-C) boundary successions along the flank of Yangtze Platform, South China, remarkable changes in sedimentology, geochemistry and biology were recorded. Although extensive studies were carried out upon this boundary succession, the origin of black chert-shales still remain controversial. This paper focuses on the E-C black chert-shales in western Hunan, South China, upon which detailed depositional and geochemical changes are documented, accordingly a depositional model for black chert-shales is proposed. Stratigraphic anatomy across the depositional strike demonstrates that the shallow-water Dengying dolostone along the platform margin sharply pass basinward into the Liuchapo chert successions, which indicate syndepositional extensional faulting at depth could have occurred along the platform margin. The deep-water Niutitang phosphorite-rich black shales are either underlain by the Dengying dolostones on the platform margin toward platform interior or directly by the Liuchaopo chert successions farther basinwards. By detailed investigation, silica chimneys are firsly identified approximately in the chert along platform margin; two types of silica chimneys, including mounded and splayed/funnelized chert(generally brecciated) bodies are further sorted out. The mounded chert are exitbited by domed or hummocky surfaces on the top and irregular spongy to digitiform internal fabrics; within the silica mounds, abundant original vesicles/voids and/or channels were mostly plugged by initial chalcedony, quartze crystals with minor dolomite and bladed barite crystals. Splayed/funnelized brecciated chert “intrusion” cross-cut the uppermost dolostones capping to the horizon underneath, and are directly overlain by the Niutitang phosphorite-rich black shales. Their similarities to the silica chimneys reported from the oceanic spreading centres suggest a similar origin responsible for these unique silica bodies which is also supported by the microthermonmetric data and element geochemistry. High P, Ba, Fe contents and positive correlation between Fe and TOC concentrations in the Niutitang black shales indicate a high palaeo-productivity in the Early Cambrian ocean. The low Th/U and the high V/Cr, V/Sc, V/(V+Ni) ratios in the black shales suggest an anoxic water condition during this interval. Furthermore, Positive Eu anomalies and high Ba contents in the sediments also imply a hydrothermal influence on the formation of Niutitang black shales. To better constrain the placement of deep-water successions straddling the E-C boundary and the timing of hydrothermal silica chimneys, sensitive high-resoluton ion microprobe(SHRIMP) U-Pb dating of zircon grains from tuffs within the chert succession of Liuchapo Formation at Ganziping was conducted and yields a weighted-mean 206Pb/238Pb age at 536.6±5.5Ma, younger than E-C boundary age(542.0±0.3Ma). This age combined with carbon isotopic data is then proposed to correspond to the U-Pb age of zircons(538.2±1.5Ma) from the Zhongyicun member of Meishucun Formation at Meishucun in eastern Yunna, thus, the E-C boundary in Gazngziping was placed between the Dengying formations and Liuchapo formatioms. therefore, the silica chimneys took place at the beginning of the Cambrian period. The temporal coincidence of silica chimneys and negative excursions of δ13C and δ34Spy pairs suggest hydrothermal activities were likely responsible for the isotopic changes. Under such a circumstance, vast amounts of greenhouse gases(CO2, CH4, H2S), with highly 13C-depleted carbon and 34S-depleted sulfur would be released into the ocean and atmosphere. A positive shift in δ34Scas and Δ34S values from the late Ediacaran to the Early Cambrian could be a reflection of enhanced bacterial sulfate reduction(BSR), strengthened by the intensified oceanic anoxia stimulated by hydrothermal activities. Based on the analyses of sedimentology and geochemistry, a model- “oceanic anoxia induced by hydrothermal–volcanic activies” was proposed to responsible for the formation of black chert-shales during this E-C transition. Under this case, hydrothermal-volcanic activies could release large large amount of greenhouse into atmosphere and metal micronutrients into the ocean, which may lead to global warming, stratified ocean, thereby a high palaeoproductivity; on the other hand, the massive releasing of reduced hydrothermal fluids with abundant H2S, could have in turn enhanced the ocean anoxia. All of these were favourable the for preservation of organic matter, and subsequent extensive deposition of black silica-shales.


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Phosphorus is an important biological and ecological element that to a certain degree constrains ecological environment and nutrient (including carbon) cycling. Marine sedimentary phosphorites are the principal phosphorus supply of the mankind. In the eastern to southern margins of the Yangtze Craton, South China, there are two phosphogenetic events at the Doushantuo stage of the Late Sinian and the Meishucun stage of the Early Cambrian respectively, corresponding two explosion events of life across the Precambrian\Cambrian boundary. Phosphorus ores from the Sinian and Cambrian phosphate in South China can be classified roughly into two categories, namely, grained and non-grained phosphorites. Grained phosphorites, hosted in dolostone type of phosphogenetic sequences and with larger industrial values, occur mainly in margins of the Upper Yangtze Platform, formed in shallow-water environments with high hydraulic energy and influenced by frequent sea-level change. Non-grained phosphorites, hosted principally in black-shale type of phosphogenetic sequences and with smaller industrial values, are distributed mainly in the Jiangnan region where deeper-water sub-basins with low hydraulic energy were prevailing at the time of phosphogenesis. Secular change ofδ~(13)C, δ~(18) O, ~(86)Sr/~(87)Sr values of carbonates from Sinian and Cambrian sequences were determined. A negative abnormal ofδ~(13)C, δ~(18)O values and positive abnormal of 86Sr/87Sr values from the fossiliferous section of the Lowest Cambrian Meishucun Formation implies life depopulation and following explosion of life across the PrecambriamCambrian boundary. Based on a lot of observations, this paper put forward a six-stage genetic model describing the whole formational process of industrial phosphorites: 1) Phosphorus was transported from continental weathering products and stored in the ocean; 2) dissolved phosphates in the seawater were enriched in specific deep seawater layer; 3) coastal upwelling currents took this phosphorus-rich seawater to a specific coastal area where phosphorus was captured by oceanic microbes; 4) clastic sediments in this upwelling area were enriched in phosphorus because of abundant phosphorus-rich organic matters and because of phosphorus absorption on grain surfaces; 5) during early diagenesis, the phosphorus enriched in the clastic sediments was released into interstitial water by decomposition and desorption, and then transported to the oxidation-reduction interface where authigenic phosphates were deposited and enriched; 6) such authigenic phosphate-rich layers were scoured, broken up, and winnowed in shallow-water environments resulting in phosphate enrichment. The Sinian-Cambrian phosphorites in South China are in many aspects comparable with coastal-upwelling phosphorites of younger geological ages, especially with phosphorites from modern coastal upwelling areas. That implies the similarities between the Sinian-Cambrian ocean and the modern ocean. Although Sinian-Cambrian oceanic life was much simpler than modern one, but similar oceanic planktons prevail, because oceanic planktons (particularly phytoplanktons) are crucial for phosphate enrichment related to coastal upwelling. It implies also a similar seawater-layering pattern between the Sinian-Cambrian ocean and the modern ocean. The two global phosphate-forming events and corresponding life-explosion events at the Sinian and Cambrian time probably resulted from dissolved-phosphate accumulation in seawater over a critical concentration during the Earth's evolution. Such an oceanic system with seawater phosphorus supersaturation is evidently unstable, and trends to return to normal state through phosphate deposition. Accordingly, this paper put forward a new conception of "normal state <=> phosphorus-supersaturation state" cycling of oceanic system. Such "normal state <=> phosphorus-supersaturation state" cycling was not only important for the three well-known global phosphate-forming events, also related to the critical moments of life evolution on the Earth. It might be of special significance. The favorable paleo-oceanic orientation in regard to coastal-upwelling phosphorite formation suggests a different orientation of the Yangtze Craton between the Sinian time and the present time (with a 135° clockwise difference), and a 25° anti-clockwise rotation of the Yangtze Craton from late Sinian to early Cambrian. During the Sinian-Cambrian time, the Yangtze Craton might be separated from the Cathaysia Block, but might be still associated with the North China Craton.


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Under the direction of Geo-informatic Tupu theory, based on comprehensive natural division in Xinjiang and 1:100000 land use and land cover vector data in 2000 from resource and environment database of CAS, the paper gave out some distribution Tupu of land resource types in different regions of Xinjiang. GIS tools such as ARCTOOLS and ARCV1EW were used to clip the unit of each natural division. Some useful conclusions were established. Then the lower reaches of Tarim River were selected as typical area to analyze the ecological environment evolvement from 2000 to 2004 since the beginning of ecological water delivering. The comprehensive space-time analysis provided a method to monitor the effect dynamically. The main contents of the thesis are listed as follows: (1) Similarities and differences between North Xinjiang and South Xinjiang, 6 second-classified regions and 37 third-classified regions. The conclusion of each region emphasized the percentage of area of main land types, characteristic description and distribution of cultivated land > woodlands grassland-, water area^ urban and rural land and unused land. (2) Thematic Tupu of each region. It concluded artificial oasis Tupu, the proportion between dense-grass% moderate-grass and sparse-grass, pattern of land resources and the land use degree. The artificial oasis mean cultivated land^ woodland^ urban & rural land and other construction land. The proportion of grassland disclosed the quality of all grassland and showed the development of them. Pattern of land resources and the land use degree gave out the detailed development direction and development degree of each region. (3) Ecological environment evolvement of the lower reaches of Tarim River. The effects of each ecological water delivering were compared.


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High sensation seekers have unusual creativities. Recent years Furnham Adrian et al, found that the groups have different arts tendency have higher difference in Sensation seeking dimension than in Big 5. Some studies found arts students have higher level in many dimension. Sensation seeking has an important influence to peoples` aesthetic conception. This thesis measured art (including painting, music, dancing) students and non-art students` trait of sensation seeking Personality, and looked for the similarities and differences between art students and non-art students in development of sensation seeking personality. Try to find the influence of different procession of art study to sensation seeking level. The outcome of this study: 1. In non-art students, sensation seeking level has a decrease from Grade 1 to Grade 3 in college students, especially in males. Male has higher sensation seeking level than female, especially in TAS, DIS and GEN. 2. There are differences between art students and non-art students in sensation seeking. In ES and GEN Painting students have higher level than non-art students, but in TAS dancing students have lower level than non-art students, in BS students studied in music have lower level than non-art students. 3. Tendency of arts development in art students and non-art students has difference from grade 1 to grade 3. Tendency in non-art students has a decrease, but in art students is not so obviously. The developments in TAS、ES、GEN of painting students, in ES、BS、GEN of dancing students, in TAS、ES、GEN of music major students have differences towards to non-art students. Different art studies have possibility to improve opening of experiment and normal sensation seeking level. All the Different art kinds may affect the development of ES and GEN, and ES and GEN may become commonness gradually within all kind art groups. But this commonness is not so notable in Grade 1-3. 4. Between different art kinds have differences. TAS Scores of dancing group is notably lower than scores of music and painting groups, score of painting group in ES BS and GEN is remarkably higher than that of music and dancing groups, and painting group in DIS has a higher score than music group and dancing group. Painting group has highest sensation seeking in all art kinds students, and dancing group has lowest score in TAS. 5. For female, development tendency of all art kinds dimensions have no remarkable difference, except DIS. Interaction in female DIS dimension may be aroused by scores increase of painting group. In other scores development tendency of different kinds arts have no notable difference.


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There are a lot of differences in the neural mechanisms underlying between drug reward and natural reward despite the common neual basis. Undoubtedly, revealing the common and the different mechanisms underlying drug reward and natural reward will promote the development of research on drug addiction. Among diversified natural rewards, sex is often compared to drug because sexual reward has more similarities to drug. The mesolimbic dopamine system (VTA-NAc pathway) is a common pathway activated by natural reinforcers and addictive drugs, mediating reward, emotion and motivation under physiological conditions. The neuroadaptations taking place in the central nervous system including the mesolimbic dopamine system after repeatedly drug taking leads to persistent drug craving, Orexin, a neuropeptide produced in the lateral hypothalamus, plays an important role in reward-associated, motivated behaviors. Orexin neurons have extensive projections to the mesolimbic dopamine system. In order to further investigate the roles of orexin A in drug reward, this study examined the regulatory roles of orexin A in the VTA and NAcSh on drug reinforcement (acqusition of morphine CPP) and drug-seeking behavior (expression of morphine CPP). Moreover, the roles of orexin A on drug reward were compared with sexual reward. The main results are as follows: 1. The expression of morphine CPP was inhibited by intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) administered OX1R antagonist SB334867; 2. The male unconditioned sexual motivation was not affected by i.c.v. administered SB334867. However, i.c.v. given orexin A inhibited unconditioned sexual motivation in sexually high-motivated rats but did not affect sexual motivation in low-motivated rats; 3. The acquisition and expression of morphine CPP was inhibited by SB334867 microinjected into the VTA. SB334867 or orexin A injected into the NAcSh did not influence the acquisition of morphine CPP, but orexin A increased the locomotor activity in rats treated with morphine (3mg/kg); 4. SB334867 microinjected into the VTA did not affect male copulatory behavior, neither affect the acqusition of copulatory CPP; 5. The expression of copulatory CPP was associated with increased Fos protein expression in hypothalamic orexin A neurons, and SB334867 microinjected into the VTA inhibited expression of copulatory CPP. These results suggest that, (1) endogenous orexin A is not involved in male unconditioned sexual motivation, but involved in drug craving; (2) orexin A in the VTA instead of in the NAc is involved in drug reinforcement; (3) orexin A in the VTA is critical for drug-seeking behavior, but it is still unclear for the role of orexin A in the NAcSh; (4) in contrast to drug reinforcement, orexin A in the VTA is not involved in reinforcing effect of sexual reward. Orexin A plays a role both in drug-seeking behavior and in sexual reward-seeking behavior, but the different orexin A neuron populations may be responsible for the roles of orexin A in two types of reward. In a word, the differential roles of orexin A in drug and sexual reward are found in the present study, which provides some evidence for further research on the mechanisms of drug addiction.


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Although the research into coworker relationship quality has been recognized one of key factors related to organization performance, and has been thought a new trend in organization behavior research with the flatting of organization structure and complication of task assignment, there is relatively little empirical research on the mechanism between coworkers’ interaction, contraring to the fruitful results on member exchange research based on social network theory, say nothing of the influence of cultural differences such as GUANXI. This research developed the scale for the assessment of Coworker Relationship Quality by literature review, deep interview, and questionnaires, compared the predictable ability of Coworker Relationship Quality (CRQ) scale and Coworker Exchange (CWX) scale on employees’ work attitudes and behaviors. Finally, the mediating effect of Coworker Relationship Quality between employees’ similarities on personality and their work attitudes and behaviors was investigated. Following are main results. Firstly, we found that the interpersonal communication, trust, and mutual support are the key factors of coworker relationship quality, which is similar to the result getting from western samples. But Chinese people are more GUANXI ORIENTATION, means they want to build longtime relationship with others, not only when they are coworkers, but also when one of them left the organization. Secondly, though the core meaning of CRQ and CWX are same, their predictable ability on organization outcomes is different. CRQ is more powerful than CWX, especially on turnover intention. The result showed that after controlling the effect of demographic variables and CRQ, CWX cannot predict turnover intention significantly, but CRQ can still predict turnover intention significantly after controlling demographic variables and CWX. Thirdly, the partial mediating effect of CRQ between positive affectivity similarity and organizational citizenship behavior, coworker satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention are validated, but we did not find the mediating effect of CRQ between demographic variable similarity and workers’ attitudes and behaviors. The Similarity Attraction Paradigm, Social Identity Theory, and Self Category Theory were supported.


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From the organizational behavior point, this study initially explored how factors of educational changes influenced on teachers. This study adapted the questionnaire made up by Consortium for Cross-Culture Research in Education (CCCRE), by cooperating with other countries, interviewed 513 teachers in nine countries. The main results are as follows: 1. Factors of educational changes include: domain, origin, objective, teachers' role, and timetable. Comparative results show: More similarities than differences tend to be presented in five factors. The detail results are: in domain, it mainly involves teaching change and learning outcomes change; in origin, the educational change most teachers participated was initialed by government; in role, teachers more act as the implementer; in timetable, gradual development is the chief characteristic. 2. The domain of change, origin and teachers' role has a significant impact on the quality of worklife of teachers, but timetable of change has not. The further study about the influence of educational origin on the quality of worklife of teachers shows: Changes of teachers' time -using, professional development were significantly impacted by the origin of education, and there is a significant difference in the change of time-using among nine countries. 3. Change on students, change on teachers' relationship are two important factors to impact the teachers' evaluation about educational change. But the teachers' evaluation, teaching age and the change on relationship are valid factors to predicate teachers participate in next educational change. 4. Compared with the educational change of other eight countries, the change in school system management and the change in learning outcomes are more carried on in China. There is no significance about other factors between China and overall nine countries. In China, the educational change has a more positive impact on teachers' time-using and professional development, but professional development is also a important factor to impact teachers' evaluation on change; however there is a negative relationship between the Chinese teachers' evaluation and the teachers' participation in next change.