47 resultados para Rh-Hr blood-group system


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The platinum-group elements (PGE), including Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt and Pd, axe strongly siderophile and chalcophile. On the basis of melting temperature, the PGE may be divided into two groups: the Ir group (IPGE, >2000°C) consisting of Os, Ir and Ru, and the Pd group (PPGE, <20GO°C) consisting of Rh, Pt and Pd. Because of their unique geochemical properties, PGE provide critical information on global-scale differentiation processes, such as core-mantle segregation, late accretionary history, and core-mantle exchange. In addition, they may be used to identify magma source regions and unravel complex petrogenetic processes including partial melting, melt percolation and metasomatism in the mantle, magma mixing and crustal contamination in magma chambers and melt crystallization.Compared with other rocks, (ultra)mafic rocks have lower REE content but higher PGE content, so PGE have advantages in studying the petrogeneses and evolution of them. In this study, we selected (ultra)mafic rocks collected in Dabie Orogen and volcanic rocks from Fuxin Region. Based on the distribution and behaviour of platinum-group elements, combined with other elements, we speculate the magma evolution and source mantle of these (ultra)mafic rocks and volcanic rocks.Many (ultra)mafic rocks are widely distributed in Dabie Region. According to their deformation and metamorphism, we classed them into three types. One is intrusive (ultra)mafic rocks, which are generally undeformed and show no or little sign of metamorphism, such as (ultra)mafic intrusions in Shacun, zhujiapu, Banzhufan, qingshan, Xiaohekou, Jiaoziyan, Renjiawan and Daoshichong. The other one is ultrahigh pressure metamorphic (ultra)mafic rocks, some of them appeared as eelogites, such as complex in Bixiling and adjacent Maowu. Another one is intense deformed and metamorphic, termed as tectonic slice, alpine-type (ultra)mafic rocks. The most representative is Raobazhai and Dahuapin. However, there are many controversies about the formation of those (ultra)mafic rocks. Here, we select typical rocks of the three types. The PGE were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) ater NiS fire-assay and tellurium co-precipitation.The PGE tracing shows that three components are needed in the source of the cretaceous (uitra)mafic intrusions. They could be old enriched sub-continental lithospheric mantle, lower crust and depleted asthenospheric mantle. The pattern of PGE also shows the primitive magma of these intrusions underwent S saturation. According to palladium, we can conclude that the mantle enrich in PGE. Distribution of PGE in Bixiiing and Maowu (ultra)mafic rocks display they are products of magmas fractional crystallization. The (ultra)mafic rocks in Bixiiing and Maowu are controlled by various magmatic processes and the source mantle is depleted in PGE. Of interest is that the mantle produced UHP (ultra)mafic rocks are PGE-depleted, whereas the mantle of cretaceous (ultra)mafic intrusions are enrich in PGE. This couldindicate that the mantle change from PGE-enriched to PGE-depleted during120-OOMa, which in accord with the time of tectonic system change in the East China. At the same time, (ultra)mafic intrusions in cretaceous took information of deep mantle, which means the processes in deep mantle arose structural movement in the crust The character of PGE in alpine-type (ultra)mafic rocks declared that the rocks had experienced two types of metasomatic processes - hydrous melt derived from slab and silicate melt. In addition, we analyze the platinum-group elements in volcanic rocks on the northern margin of the North China Craton, Fuxin. The volcanic rocks characterized by negative anomalies of platinum. This indicates that platinum alloys, which may host some Pt resided in the mantle. The PGE patterns also show that Jianguo alkali basalts derived from asthenospheric mantle source, but wulahada high-Mg andesites derived from lithospheric mantle.


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Objective: To study the episodic memory, semantic memory, cognitive planning ability and inhibition ability in MHD patients. Method: Neuropsychological research methods such as Action memory of verb-object phrase, Trail Making Test (A and B), Verbal Fluency Test, Go-No/Go test and Stroop Color Naming Task were used to investigate Episodic Memory 、Semantic Memory、Executive Function of 40 MHD and 40 NC. Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), Self-Rating Depression Scale(SDS), Social Support Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale, and biochemical examination were applied and their relationships with cognitive function were analized. The mean age and education level of MHD group and NC group have no significant difference. Result: 1.Action memory of verb-object phrase differed significantly between MHD group and NC group. 2.Two tests of Verbal Fluency differed significantly between MHD group and NC group. 3.Trail Making Test A, Trail Making Test B, the baseline condition of Go-No/Go Test and Stroop Color Naming Test differed significantly between MHD group and NC group. 4.There is no significant difference between MHD group and NC group on the correct rate of No/Go Test and the baseline condition. Both groups showed Stroop Effect in Go-No/Go test, but MHD group performed significantly worse. 5.In Stroop Color Naming Task Test, NC group showed Stroop Effect, significant Repeated Distraction Promotion Effect and significant Negative Priming Effect,while MHD group showed only Stroop Effect and no Repeated Distraction Promotion Effect and no Negative Priming Effect. There is significant difference in Stroop Effect between MHD group and NC group. Conclusion: 1.Comparing with NC group, episodic memory, semantic memory, cognitive planning ability, and inhibition ability of MHD group were impaired significantly. 2.The pathological aging of Executive Function in MHD group showed: executive Function should be a unitary system. 3.Cognitive impairment is negatively correlated with serum creatinine, blood pressure and anxiety score in MHD patients; and is related with hemoglobin, hematocrit, social support and life satisfaction. Keyword: maintenance hemodialysis, episodic memory, semantic memory, cognitive planning, inhibition ability.