48 resultados para Reni, Guido, 1575-1642.
When used in the determining the total electron content (TEC), which may be the most important ionospheric parameter, the worldwide GPS observation brings a revolutionary change in the ionospheric science. There are three steps in the data processing to retrieve GPS TEC: (1) to estimate slant TEC from the measurements of GPS signals; (2) to map the slant TEC into vertical; and (3) to interpolate the vertical TEC into grid points. In this scientific dissertation we focus our attention on the second step, the mapping theory and method to convert slant TEC into vertical. This is conventionally done by multiplying on the slant TEC a mapping function which is usually determined by certain models of electron density profile. Study of the vertical TEC mapping function is of significance in GPS TEC measurement. This paper first reviews briefly the three steps in GPS TEC mapping process. Then we compare the vertical TEC mapping function which were respectively calculated from the electron density profiles of the ionospheric model and retrieved from the observation of worldwide GPS TEC. We also perform the statistical analysis on the observational mapping functions. The main works and results are as follows: 1. We calculated the vertical TEC mapping functions for both SLM and Chapman models, and discussed the modulation of the ionosphere height to the mapping functions. We use two simple models, single layer model (SLM) and Chapman models, of the ionospheric electron density profiles to calculate the vertical TEC mapping function. In the case of the SLM, we discuss the control of the ionospheric altitude, i.e., the layer height hipp, to the mapping function. We find that the mapping function decreases rapidly as hipp increases. For the Chapman model we study also the control mapping function by both ionospheric altitude indicated by the peak electron density height hmF2, and the scale height, H, which present the thickness of the ionosphere. It is also found that the mapping function decreases rapidly as hmF2 increases. and it also decreases as H increases. 2. Then we estimate the mapping functions from the GPS observations and compare them with those calculated from the electron density models. We first, proposed a new method to estimate the mapping functions from GPS TEC data. This method is then used to retrieve the observational mapping function from both the slant TEC (TECS) provided by International GPS Service (IGS)and vertical TEC provide by JPL Global Ionospheric Maps (GIMs). Then we compare the observational mapping function with those calculated from the electron density models, SLM and Chapman. We find that the values of the observational mapping functions are much smaller than that from the model mapping functions, when the zenith angle is large enough. We attribute this to the effect of the plasmasphere which is above about 1000 km. 3. We statistically analyze the observational mapping functions and reveal their climatological changes. Observational mapping functions during 1999-2007 are used in our statistics. The main results are as follows. (1) The observational mapping functions decrease obviously with the decrement of the solar activity which is represented by the F10.7 index; (2) In annual variations of the observational mapping functions, the semiannual component is found at low-latitudes, and the remarkable seasonal variations at mid- and high-latitudes. (3) The diurnal variation of the observational mapping functions is that they are large in daytime and small at night, they become extremely small in the early morning before sunrise. (4) The observational mapping functions change with latitudes that they are smaller at lower latitudes and larger at higher. All of the above variations of the observational mapping functions are explained by the existence of the plasmasphere, which changes more slowly with time and more rapidly with latitude than the ionosphere does . In summary, our study on the vertical TEC mapping function imply that the ionosphere height has a modulative effect on the mapping function. We first propose the concept of the 'observational mapping functions' , and provide a new method to calculate them. This is important in improving the TEC mapping. It may also possible to retrieving the plasmaspheric information from GPS observations.
本文采用蒸馏-乙基化结合GC-CVAFS法对贵州红枫湖水库及其各人库和出库河流中的甲基求日寸空分布和控制因素进行研究在春、秋、冬季节总甲基汞浓度和分布无明显时空变化, 在0.053-0.333ng/L之间,春季河流是水库甲基汞一个重要的输入源夏季水库下层甲基汞显著升高, 缺氧层最高值达0.923ng/L,同时发现, 缺氧层升高的甲纂未主要来自于水体自己产生或上层水体甲基汞的沉降, 而不是来自于沉积物的释放各季节湖水和河流样异, 的总甲基未和溶解氧存在显著的负相关关系,Personal相关系数r为-0.81(78)。在春、秋、冬季节溶解态甲基汞比例略低于颗粒态甲基汞, 但在夏季, 特别是缺氧层甲基汞主要以溶解态存在夏季河流入水经水库蓄水后到再流出时已经富含甲基未出库河流中总甲基汞浓度已达到各人湖河流总甲基汞平均值的5.5倍, 很明显在夏季红枫湖已成为下游水体甲基未的输人源, 必将会对下游生态系统产牛一定影响