71 resultados para Reactive Oxygen Species


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杨树具有分布广、适应性强的特征,在生态环境治理和解决木材短缺方面均占有重要位置。青杨(Populus cathayana Rehd.)是青杨派树种的重要成员之一,也是生长较迅速、易繁殖的重要杨树资源。本研究选取了来自不同气候地区的青杨两种群为材料,采用植物生态学、生理学和生物化学的研究方法,系统地研究了青杨对干旱与遮荫、干旱与外源脱落酸(ABA)喷施的生长、形态、生理和生化响应及种群间差异,研究成果可为我国干旱半干旱地区的造林以及生态恢复提供理论依据和科学指导。主要研究结论如下:1.青杨在干旱胁迫下的适应机制为:生长性状及生物量的分配变化:干旱胁迫下虽然植株生长受抑,株高、基茎及各部分生物量都显著减小,但有相对较多的生物量向根部分配,根/冠比以及细/粗根比增加。青杨对干旱胁迫的光合作用表现为:干旱胁迫降低了青杨的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度以及光合氮利用效率,提高了瞬时用水效率。干旱还引起了活性氧的产生,使得膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)增加,同时也增强了植物抗氧化酶系统(如超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性的增加)及非酶系统的能力(如抗坏血酸(AsA)含量的增加)。干旱降低了植物叶片的相对含水量,而促进了渗透调节物质(游离脯氨酸及可溶性糖)的积累,增加了植物的渗调能力。干旱下青杨两种群的内源ABA含量显著增加,碳同位素组分(δ13C)也显著提高。这些结果证明植物遭受干旱胁迫后发生一系列的形态、生理和生化响应,这些变化能提高植物在干旱下的存活和生长能力。2.青杨两种群对干旱胁迫反应的种群差异:与来自湿润地区的汉源种群相比,来自干旱地区的乐都种群在干旱条件下生物量向根系分配的可塑性更强,同时具有更强的抗氧化系统能力,所受到活性氧的伤害也更少,并且累积更多的脯胺酸和ABA,具有更高的δ13C。这些都说明了乐都种群对干旱的适应性比汉源种群更强。两种群对干旱的响应差异应归于它们的用水策略的不同:汉源种群来自湿润地区,采用了耗水型的用水策略,抗旱能力较弱;而乐都种群,来自干旱地区,通常采用节水型的用水策略,有更强的抗旱能力。3.遮荫对青杨两种群抗旱性的影响:遮荫对青杨抗旱性的影响决定于遮荫程度的不同,我们的结果表明中度的遮荫可以有效的提高干旱下植物的生长,对干旱胁迫有明显的缓解作用,具体体现在中度遮荫下受旱植物的叶片相对含水量得到提高,使得植物体内水分状况得到了改善;光合速率并未降低,植物光合氮利用效率增加,说明中度的遮荫并未明显限制植物的碳获得;抗氧化酶活性与膜脂过氧化产物MDA含量的同时降低,说明中度遮荫下所受到的活性氧伤害减少;中度遮荫下的ABA及δ13C的变化也不如在全光下变化明显,这也说明中度遮荫缓解了干旱胁迫。但是重度的遮荫却对干旱胁迫有明显的加剧作用,主要表现在重度遮荫降低了植物的光合速率,严重抑制了植物的生长;同时重度遮荫下脯胺酸含量和抗氧化酶活性的急剧下降,导致了植物渗调能力的下降及膜脂过氧化产物MDA的显著升高;重度遮荫还显著降低了内源ABA的累积和δ13C,降低了植物的抗旱能力。此外,青杨两种群在对干旱和遮荫的响应中,也表现出种群差异。汉源种群,来自湿润且年日照辐射较少的地区,表现出相对更强的耐荫性和需水性。而乐都种群,来自干旱且年日照辐射丰富的地区,表现出相对更强的耐旱性和需光性。这说明了植物对环境胁迫的耐受性是其长期适应原生境的结果,并且来自不同气候地区的两种群在面临环境胁迫时会采取不同的生存策略。4. 外源ABA喷施对青杨两种群抗旱性的影响:外源ABA的喷施可以提高两种群的抗旱性,具体表现为外源ABA喷施促进了青杨根系的生长,显著提高了干旱下植物的根/冠比和细/粗根比,减少了比叶面积;在生理生化方面,外源ABA降低了干旱下植物叶片的气孔导度,降低了蒸腾速率和净光合速率,但提高了瞬时用水效率,提高了叶片的相对含水量,增加了干旱下植物的保水能力。外源ABA进一步增加了干旱下植物内源ABA的积累,促进了植物渗调物质如脯胺酸和可溶性糖的积累,增加了抗氧化酶系统(如SOD、APX、CAT)的活性和非酶系统AsA的含量,降低了活性氧(如超氧阴离子(O2和过氧化氢(H2O2))对植株的伤害。此外,外源ABA还进一步提高了干旱下植物的δ13C,提高了植物的长期用水效率,由此提高了植物的抗旱能力。另一方面,两种群对外源ABA和干旱的响应也有所差别。来自湿润地区的汉源种群,对干旱较为敏感,所受干旱的影响也较大,而外源ABA的喷施对汉源种群抗旱性的提高作用也更为突出。乐都种群,由于其长期适应干旱地区的生长,本身已具有较强的抗旱能力,因此外源ABA喷施对其抗旱性的提高不如对汉源种群的效果明显。由此我们可以得出对于一些抗性弱或干旱敏感的物种或者种群,可以采用外施ABA的方法来提高其抗性。Poplars play an important role in lumber supply, and are important component ofecosystems due to their wide distribution and well adaptation. Populus cathayana Rehd.,which belongs to Populus Sect. Tacamahaca Spach, is one of the most important resources ofpoplars for its fast growth and reproductive. In this study, different populations of P.cathayana were used as experiment material to investigate the adaptability to drought stressand population differences in adaptability, and the effects of shade and exogenous abscisicacid (ABA) application on the drought tolerance. Our results could provide a strongtheoretical evidence and scientific direction for the afforestation, and rehabilitation ofecosystem in the arid and semi-arid area, and provide a strong evidence for adaptivedifferentiation of different populations, and so may be used as criteria for species selectionand tree improvement. The results are as follows:1. A large set of parallel response to drought stress: Drought stress caused pronouncedinhibition of the growth and increased relatively dry matter allocation into the root. For thetwo populations, the shoot height, basal diameter and total biomass were decreased but theroot/shoot ratio and fine root/coarse root ratio were increased under drought conditions;Drought stress caused pronounced inhibition of photosynthesis, decreased the stomatalconductance, transpiration rate, and photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE) butincreased the instantaneous water use efficiency. Drought significantly improved the levels ofreactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde (MDA) and to induce the entire set ofantioxidative systems including the increase of activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD),ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate (AsA) content. Drought decreased the leaf relative water content (RWC) but improved the capability of osmotic adjustmentindicated by the higher proline accumulation. Drought also increased the ABA content andcarbon isotope composition (δ13C), which indicating the long period water use efficiency wasimproved under drought. These results demonstrate that there are a large set of parallelchanges in the morphological, physiological and biochemical responses when plants areexposed to drought stress; these changes may enhance the capability of plants to survive andgrow during drought periods.2. Difference in adaptation to drought stress between contrasting populations of P.cathayana: Compared with the Hanyuan population (wet climate), the Ledu population (dryclimate) showed higher root/shoot ratio and water use efficiency, exhibited higherantioxidative systems capability thus resulting in less oxidative damage, accumulated moreABA and free proline content under drought conditions. The results suggested that there weredifferent water-use strategies between the two populations. The Ledu population, whichcomes from dry climate region, with higher drought tolerance, may employ a conservativewater-use strategy, whereas the Hanyuan population, which comes from wet climate, withlower drought tolerance, may employ a prodigal water-use strategy. These variations indrought responses may be used as criteria for species selection and tree improvement.3. The effects of shade on the drought tolerance: The reduction in the availability of lightand water affected the morphological and physiological responses of the two P. cathayanapopulations. In addition, the light environment modified the growth responses of P.cathayana seedlings to varying water environments in different ways depending upon theintensity of the light levels considered. There is an apparent alleviation to drought effects bymoderate shade in P. cathayana seedlings, as indicated by the higher leaf RWC, and unchanged net photosynthesis and PNUE, as well as by the lower antioxditative enzymeactivity, MDA, ABA and δ13C levels, which implied moderate shade did not significantlylimited the carbon acquisition or inhibited the plant growth, but ameliorated the detrimentaleffects of drought. On the other hand, an apparent aggravation to drought effects by severeshade was also observed, as indicated by the pronounced decrease of plant growth and net photosynthesis, the lower total biomass, ABA level, δ13C, free proline content andantioxditative enzyme activity and higher MDA accumulation. By contrast, the twopopulations showed different responses to shade and drought. The Hanyuan population,which comes from a riparian basin having a relatively wet climate and less annual solarradiation, is more sensitive to drought but more tolerant to shade. The Ledu population, whichcomes from a mountainous plateau with less rainfall and with more annual solar radiation, ismore tolerant to drought but more sensitive to shade. The results demonstrated that theendurance of plants to stress is a result of long-term evolution and adaptation to theenvironment, as suggested by the different strategies employed by the P. cathayanapopulations originating from contrasting habitats when they were exposed to drought andshade.4. The effects of exogenous ABA application on the drought tolerance: For bothpopulations under drought conditions tested, exogenous ABA application significantlyimproved the root/shoot ratio, fine root/coarse root ratio, and decreased the specifical leaf area.On the physiological and biochemical traits, exogenous ABA application significantlydecreased stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and net photosythesis but increased theinstance water use efficiency and leaf RWC. On the other hand, exogenous ABA applicationsignificantly increased endogenous ABA, proline, solube sugar and AsA content, as well asSOD, APX and CAT activities, thus reduced the damage of reactive oxygen species. Moreover,the long period water use efficiency as indicated by δ13C was also improved by exogenousABA application. In additionally, there was different responsive between the two populationsto drought and exogenous ABA application. The Hanyuan population, which comes from wetclimate region, is more sensitive to drought, and the effect of exogenous ABA is moreobviously than that in the Ledu population, which comes from dry climate region and is moredrought-responsive. Therefore, we can use exogenous ABA application to improve theresistance of plants, especially for the drought- sensitive species or populations.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the protective effects of different doses and administration modes of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) against X-ray-induced liver damage in mice. Kun-Ming mice were divided into four groups, each composed of six animals: two control groups and two NAC-treated groups. An acute study was carried out to determine alterations in lipid peroxidation (determined by measuring malondiadehyde (MDA) level), glutathione (GSH) content and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity (assayed by colorimetric method), and DNA damage (characterized by DNA-single strand break using with comet assay) as well as cell apoptosis (measured by flow cytometry) at 12 h after irradiation. The results showed that there were dose-related decreases in MDA level, DNA damage and cell apoptosis, and dose-dependent increases in GSH content and SOD activity in all NAC-treated groups compared to control groups, indicating that pre-treatment or post-treatment with NAC significantly attenuates the acute liver damage caused by X-ray. In addition, significant positive correlations were observed between MDA level and DNA damage or cell apoptosis, implying that lipid peroxidation plays a major role in X-ray-induced liver injury. The data suggest that NAC exerts its radioprotective effect by counteracting accumulated reactive oxygen species in the liver through its properties as a direct antioxidant and a GSH precursor, when administered before or after X-ray irradiation.


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We investigated the effects of Ginsenoside R-e on human sperm motility in fertile and asthenozoospermic infertile individuals in vitro and the mechanism by which the Ginsenosides play their roles. The semen samples were obtained from 10 fertile volunteers and 10 asthenozoospermic infertile patients. Spermatozoa were separated by Percoll and incubated with 0, 1, 10 or 100 mu M of Ginsenoside R-e. Total sperm motility and progressive motility were measured by computer-aided sperm analyzer (CASA). Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity was determined by the H-3-arginine to H-3-citrulline conversion assay, and the NOS protein was examined by the Western blot analysis. The production of sperm nitric oxide (NO) was detected using the Griess reaction. The results showed that Ginsenoside R-e significantly enhanced both fertile and infertile sperm motility, NOS activity and NO production in a concentration-dependent manner. Sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 100 nM), a NO donor, mimicked the effects of Ginsenoside R-e. And pretreatment with a NOS inhibitor N-omega-Nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 100 mu M) or a NO scavenger N-Acetyl-L-cysteine (LNAC, 1 mM) completely blocked the effects of Ginsenoside R-e. Data suggested that Ginsenoside R-e is beneficial to sperm motility, and that induction of NOS to increase NO production may be involved in this benefit.


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ROS (reactive oxygen species) take an important signalling role in angiogenesis. Although there are several ways to produce ROS in cells, multicomponent non-phagocytic NADPH oxidase is an important source of ROS that contribute to angiogenesis. In the present work, we examined the effects of H2O2 on angiogenesis including proliferation and migration in HUVECs (human umbilical vein endothelial cells), new vessel formation in chicken embryo CAM (chorioallantoic membrane) and endothelial cell apoptosis, which is closely related to anti-angiogenesis. Our results showed that H2O2 dose-dependently increased the generation of O-2(-) (superoxide anion) in HUVECs, which was suppressed by DPI (diphenylene iodonium) and APO (apocynin), two inhibitors of NADPH oxidase. H2O2 at low concentrations (10 mu M) stimulated cell proliferation and migration, but at higher concentrations, inhibited both. Similarly, H2O2 at 4 nmol/cm(2) strongly induced new vessel formation in CAM, while it suppressed at high concentrations (higher than 4 nmol/cm(2)). Also, H2O2 (200 similar to 500 mu M) could stimulate apoptosis in HUVECs. All the effects of H2O2 on angiogenesis could be suppressed by NADPH oxidase inhibitors, which suggests that NADPH oxidase acts downstream of H2O2 to produce O-2(-) and then to regulate angiogenesis. In summary, our results suggest that H2O2 as well as O-2(-) mediated by NADPH oxidase have biphasic effects on angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo.


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随着肿瘤认识的不断深入,肿瘤外科学、肿瘤放射治疗学、肿瘤化学治疗学构成了现代肿瘤治疗学的三大支柱,而放射治疗学的研究对于肿瘤的治疗有重要的临床意义。本文通过对HeLa进行辐射来观察其产生的旁效应信号通路,从而对临床工作的起到一定的帮助。辐照过的细胞通过释放信号分子引起周围未辐照细胞产生一系列的生物学反应的现象,称之为辐射诱导的旁效应。活性氧(Reactive oxygen species, ROS)和一氧化氮(Nitric oxide, NO)是辐射诱导的旁效应信号通路中的两个重要信号分子。本文研究了这两种重要的信号分子在辐射诱导的HeLa细胞旁效应信号通路中的关系。通过微核实验,我们发现X射线以及12C6+ 辐照过的HeLa细胞及其旁观者细胞的微核形成明显增加,而1%的二甲亚砜(Dimethyl sulfoxide,DMSO,ROS清除剂)预处理X射线辐照的细胞则显著抑制了受辐照细胞及其旁观者细胞的微核形成。1 Gy的X射线辐照能够抑制细胞的增殖速率而0.5%和1%的DMSO预处理则能减少X射线的增殖抑制作用,并且DMSO预处理的效果与浓度有关:1%的DMSO比0.5%的DMSO处理更大程度的恢复了受辐照细胞的增殖速率。另一方面,接受条件培养基(Conditioned medium)的旁观者细胞的增殖速率增加,而DMSO预处理产生条件培养基的受辐照细胞则使旁观者细胞的增殖速率降低,且DMSO预处理的效果同样与其浓度相关:浓度越高,条件培养基的刺激生长作用越小。Western blotting和DAF-FM DA荧光探针检测分别显示了辐照过后细胞的诱导型一氧化氮合酶(Inducible nitric oxide synthase, iNOS)和NO水平均升高,而DMSO预处理则降低其水平。因此,我们推测在X射线辐照的HeLa细胞旁效应信号通路当中ROS是NO的上游信号。另外,我们采用培养基转移后立即加DMSO或BMS-345541(IKK/NF-κB抑制剂)的方法研究了旁观者细胞当中的旁效应信号通路。我们发现DMSO和BMS-345541均显著抑制了旁观者细胞的NO水平。因此,在旁观者细胞当中ROS与NF-κB均为NO的上游信号


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毫秒延迟发光测定结果表明低温弱光处理黄瓜叶片导致类囊体原位 (in situ)耦联度显著降低。DCCD可以恢复低温弱光处理的黄瓜叶片的毫秒延迟发光的慢相强度和反映类囊体膜质子吸收的 9- AA(9- Aminoacridine)荧光猝灭能力 ,说明类囊体耦联度降低的原因是质子由 CF0 大量快速渗漏。进一步研究结果表明 ,活性氧和 CF1的脱落不是低温弱光引起黄瓜类囊体耦联度降低的根本原因。


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A novel approach of generating cathodic electrochemiluminescence lof Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) at -0.4 V triggered by reactive oxygen species is reported for detecting alkylamines and some organic acids.


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The worldwide shrimp culture is beset with diseases mainly caused by white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and suffered huge economic losses, which bring out an urgent need to develop the novel strategies to better protect shrimps against WSSV. In the present study, CpG-rich plasmid pUC57-CpG, plasmid pUC57 and PBS were employed to pretreat shrimps comparatively to evaluate the protective effects of CpG ODNs on shrimps against WSSV. The survival rates, WSSV copy numbers, and antiviral associated factors (Dicer, Argonaute, STAT and ROS) were detected in Litopenaeus vannamei. There were higher survival proportion, lower WSSV copy numbers, and higher mRNA expression of Dicer and STAT in pUC57-CpG-pretreatment shrimps than those in pUC57- and PBS-pretreatment shrimps after WSSV infection. The Argonaute mRNA expression in pUC57-CpG-, pUC57- and PBS-pretreatment shrimps after WSSV infection was significantly higher than that of shrimps post PBS stimulation on the first day. The ROS levels in pUC57-CpG-pretreatment shrimps post secondary stimulation of PBS were significantly higher than those post WSSV infection on the first day. These results together demonstrated that pUC57-CpG induced partial protective immunity in shrimps against WSSV via intermediation of virus replication indirectly and could be used as a potential candidate in the development of therapeutic agents for disease control of WSSV in L. vannamei. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) can stimulate the immune system, and therefore are widely used as a therapeutic vaccination and immune adjuvant in human. In the present study, CpG-C, a combination of A- and B-class ODN, was injected into Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis at three doses (0.1, 1 and 10 mu g crab-1), and the reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, activities of total intracellular phenoloxidase (PO) and lysozyme-like activities, the mRNA transcripts of EsproPO, EsCrustin and EsALF were assayed to evaluate its modulating effects on the immune system of crab. The ROS levels in all treated and control groups were significantly increased from 6 to 24 h, except that ROS in 0.1 mu g CpG-C-treated crabs was comparable to that of the blank at 6 h. The PO activity was significantly enhanced and EsproPO transcripts were down-regulated (P < 0.01) at 6 h after the injection of 0.1 mu g CpG-C, with no significant changes in the other dosage treatments. The lysozyme-like activities and EsCrustin transcripts in the CpG-C-treatment groups were significantly higher than those of controls. The mRNA expression of EsALF remained almost constant in all the groups during the treatment. These results collectively suggested that CpG-C could activate the immune responses of E. sinensis, and might be used as a novel immunostimulant for disease control in crabs.


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CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) can stimulate the immune system, and therefore are widely used as a therapeutic vaccination and immune adjuvant in human. In the present study, CpG-C, a combination of A- and B-class ODN, was injected into Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis at three doses (0.1, 1 and 10 mu g crab-1), and the reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, activities of total intracellular phenoloxidase (PO) and lysozyme-like activities, the mRNA transcripts of EsproPO, EsCrustin and EsALF were assayed to evaluate its modulating effects on the immune system of crab. The ROS levels in all treated and control groups were significantly increased from 6 to 24 h, except that ROS in 0.1 mu g CpG-C-treated crabs was comparable to that of the blank at 6 h. The PO activity was significantly enhanced and EsproPO transcripts were down-regulated (P < 0.01) at 6 h after the injection of 0.1 mu g CpG-C, with no significant changes in the other dosage treatments. The lysozyme-like activities and EsCrustin transcripts in the CpG-C-treatment groups were significantly higher than those of controls. The mRNA expression of EsALF remained almost constant in all the groups during the treatment. These results collectively suggested that CpG-C could activate the immune responses of E. sinensis, and might be used as a novel immunostimulant for disease control in crabs.


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The aim of this study was to test the protective roles of superoxide dismutases (SODs), guaiacol peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and glutathione reductase (GR) against oxidative damage and their activities in different phases of the dry down process in Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim. leaves. Drought stress was imposed during 100 consecutive days and rewatering after 16, 72, and 100 days. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), malondialdehyde, and SODs activities were elevated significantly with progressing drought stress. POD and CAT activities increased markedly in the early phase of drought and decreased significantly with further drought stress continuation, and POD activity was unable to recover after rewatering. Ascorbate, reduced glutathione, APX, and GR activities declined in the initial stages of drought process, elevated significantly with further increasing water deficit progression and recovered after rewatering. These results indicate that: (1) iron SODs-removing superoxide anion is very effective during the whole drought stress; (2) CAT scavenges H2O2 in the early phase of drought and enzymes of ascorbate-glutathione cycle scavenge H2O2 in further increasing drought stress; and (3) POD does not contribute to protect against oxidative damage caused by H2O2 under drought stress.


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Peroxiredoxin is a superfamily of antioxidative proteins that play important roles in protecting organisms against the toxicity of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, the full-length cDNA encoding peroxiredoxin 6 (designated EsPrx6) was cloned from Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis by using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length cDNA of EsPrx6 was of 1076 bp, containing a 5' untranslated region (UTR) of 69 bp, a 3' UTR of 347 bp with a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 660 bp encoding a polypeptide of 219 amino acids with the predicted molecular weight of 24 kDa. The conserved Prx domain, AhpC domain and the signature of peroxidase catalytic center identified in EsPrx6 strongly suggested that EsPrx6 belonged to the 1-Cys Prx subgroup. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR was employed to assess the mRNA expression of EsPrx6 in various tissues and its temporal expression in haemocytes of crabs challenged with Listonella anguillarum. The mRNA transcript of EsPrx6 could be detected in all the examined tissues with highest expression level in hepatopancreas. The expression level of EsPrx6 in haemocytes was down-regulated after bacterial challenge and significantly decreased compared to the control group at 12 h. As time progressed, the expression level began to increase but did not recover to the original level during the experiment. The results suggested the involvement of EsPrx6 in responses against bacterial infection and further highlighted its functional importance in the immune system of E sinensis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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R-phycoerythrin (R-PE) is one of important proteins involved in capturing light during photosynthesis in red algae, and it is highly fluorescent, and water-soluble chromophores. In vivo, it can transfer the light energy into photosynthetic center, however, it can deliver the captured light energy captured to the surrounding oxygen in vitro and produce reactive oxygen species such as singlet oxygen, which is toxic to tumor cells. R-PE was added to the culture medium of tumor cells, subsequently with irradiation of 488 nm, Argon laser of 25.6 J/cm(2). The result by MTT assay showed that the survival rate decreased with the increase of R-PE concentration from 1 to 100 mg/L. The result from H-3-TdR incorporation demonstrated that the synthesis of DNA reduced when the concentration of R-PE increased from 0.01 to 0.32 mg/L. Besides, pUC18 DNA showed a conversion from supercoiled into linear conformation. The conclusion comes that R-PE mediated PDT can influence the conformation of DNA, and it may be one of the mechanisms of R-PE mediated photodynamic therapy.


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Catalase is one of the central enzymes involved in scavenging the high level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by degradation of hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water. The full-length catalase cDNA of Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri (denoted as CfCAT) was identified from hemocytes by expressed sequence tag (EST) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The nucleotide sequence of CfCAT cDNA consisted of 3146 bp with a 5' UTR of 103 bp, an unusually long 31 UTR of 1519 bp with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a potyA tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 1521 bp encoding a polypeptide of 507 amino acids with predicted molecular weight of 57.5 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence of CfCAT has significant homology to catalases from animals, plants and bacteria. Several highly conserved motifs including the proximal heme-ligand signature sequence RLFSYNDTH, the proximal active site signature FNRERIPERVVHAKGGGA, and the three catalytic amino acid residues of His(72), Asn(145) and Tyr(355) were identified in the deduced amino acid sequence of CfCAT. The CfCAT was demonstrated to be a peroxisomal glycoprotein with two potential glycosylation sites and a peroxisome targeting signal of ANL that was consistent with human, mouse and rat catalases. The time-course expression of CfCAT in hemocytes was measured by quantitative real-time PCR. The expression of CfCAT increased gradually and reached the highest point at 12 h post-Vibrio infection, then recovered to the original level at 24 h. All these results indicate that CfCAT, a constitutive and inducible protein, is a member of the catalase family and is involved in the process against ROS in scallop. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Cu, Zn superoxide dismutases (SODs) are rnetalloenzymes that represent one important line of defence against reactive oxygen species (ROS). A cytoplasmic Cu. Zn SOD cDNA sequence was cloned from scallop Chlamys farreri by the homology-based cloning technique. The full-length cDNA of scallop cytoplasmic Cu, Zn SOD (designated CfSOD) was 1022 bp with a 459 bp open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 153 amino acids. The predicted amino acid sequence of CfSOD shared high identity with cytoplasmic Cu. Zn SOD in molluscs, insects, mammals and other animals, such as cytoplasmic Cu, Zn SOD in oyster Crassostrea sostrea gigas (CAD42722), mosquito Aedes aegypti (ABF18094), and cow Bos taurus (XP_584414). A quantitative reverse transcriptase real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) assay was developed to assess the mRNA expression of CfSOD in different tissues and the temporal expression of CfSOD in scallop challenged with Listonella anguillarum, Micrococcus luteus and Candida lipolytica respectively. Higher-level mRNA expression of CfSOD was detected in the tissues of haemocytes, gill filaments and kidney. The expression of CfSOD dropped in the first 8-16 h and then recovered after challenge with L. anguillarum and M. litteus, but no change was induced by the C. lipolytica challenge. The results indicated that CfSOD was a constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein, and could play an important role in the immune responses against L. anguillarum and M. luteus infection. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.