100 resultados para Random Rooted Labeled Trees


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LDA(Latent Dirichlet Allocation)模型是近年来提出的一种能够提取文本隐含主题的非监督学习模型.通过在传统LDA模型中融入文本类别信息,文中提出了一种附加类别标签的LDA模型(Labeled-LDA).基于该模型可以在各类别上协同计算隐含主题的分配量,从而克服了传统LDA模型用于分类时强制分配隐含主题的缺陷.与传统LDA模型的实验对比表明:基于Labeled-LDA模型的文本分类新算法可以有效改进文本分类的性能,在复旦大学中文语料库上micro_F1提高约5.7%,在英文语料库20newsgroup的comp子集上micro—F-提高约3%.


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Numerical simulations of freak wave generation are studied in random oceanic sea states described by JONSWAP spectrum. The evolution of initial random wave trains is numerically carried out within the framework of the modified four-order nonlinear Schroedinger equation (mNLSE), and some involved influence factors are also discussed. Results show that if the sideband instability is satisfied, a random wave train may evolve into a freak wave train, and simultaneously the setting of the Phillips parameter and enhancement coefficient of JONSWAP spectrum and initial random phases is very important for the formation of freak waves. The way to increase the generation efficiency of freak waves though changing the involved parameters is also presented.


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This review paper summarises briefly some important achievements of our recent research on the synthesis and novel applications of nanostructure ZnO such as honeycomb shaped 3-D (dimension) nano random-walls. A chemical reaction/vapour transportation deposition technique was employed to fabricate this structure on ZnO/SiO2/Si substrate without any catalyst and additive in a simple tube furnace to aim the low-cost and high qualified samples. Random laser action with strong coherent feedback at the wavelength between 375 nm and 395 nm has been firstly observed under 355 nm optical excitation with threshold pumping intensity of 0.38 MW/cm(2).


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This paper proposes a novel single electron random number generator (RNG). The generator consists of multiple tunneling junctions (MTJ) and a hybrid single electron transistor (SET)/MOS output circuit. It is an oscillator-based RNG. MTJ is used to implement a high-frequency oscillator,which uses the inherent physical randomness in tunneling events of the MTJ to achieve large frequency drift. The hybrid SET and MOS output circuit is used to amplify and buffer the output signal of the MTJ oscillator. The RNG circuit generates high-quality random digital sequences with a simple structure. The operation speed of this circuit is as high as 1GHz. The circuit also has good driven capability and low power dissipation. This novel random number generator is a promising device for future cryptographic systems and communication applications.


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本文系统研究了沈阳城市森林的布局与结构、城市森林功能、城市森林病虫害发生与树木健康状况和城市自然资源与社会经济状况等指标对沈阳城市森林生态系统健康与管理的影响。同时一,采用2种生态系统健康评价方法对沈阳城市森林生态系统健康状况进行了评价,并提出了沈阳城市森林生态系统健康管理的对策。研究结果如下:1、截至2004年末,沈阳城市森林植被覆盖率已经达到35%,城市森林林地分布基本合理,但需要进一步加强道路林地、居住区林地和城郊大面积生态林建设。2、沈阳城市森林以乔木为主,乔灌株数比为1.7:1,乔灌的覆盖度比约为7:1。3、沈阳城市森林不同类型林地中植物组成不同。公园林地中有74个属,137个种(变种);庭院林地中有53个属,104个种(变种);居住区林地中有45个属,81个种(变种);道路林地中有43个属,94个种(变种);运河风景林地中有75个属,142个种(变种);棋盘山风景林地中有48个属,118个种(变种)。4、公园林地、庭院林地、居住区林地、道路林地和运河风景林地的Shannon一Wiener多样性指数分别为2.78、3.05、3.15、3.18和3.18,均匀度指数分别为0.56、0.66、0.72、0.70和0.64。除了棋盘山风景林地外,沈阳城市森林中栽植总量超过乔木总量5%的乔木树种有7个属,分别为李、柳树、杨树、桧柏、榆树、槐树和银杏,7种树木总量达到了全部乔木总量的82.09%;栽植总量超过灌木总量5%的灌木树种也有7个属,分别为水腊、丁香、李属,小聚、玫瑰、忍冬和连翘,7个属灌木总量达到了全部灌木总量的87.92%。5、公园林地、庭院林地、道路林地和防护林地中OBH<20cm、20cm<DBH<60cm和DBH>60cm树木的比例分别为:57.9%、40.0%、2.1%,49.2%、47.8%、3.0%,65.3%、33.1%、1.6%和64.6%、34.9%、0.5%,表明沈阳城市森林树木的规格总体上偏小。6、经样方调查和CITYgreen模型计算,沈阳城市森林的生态效益约2.0亿USD/yr.。公园林地、庭院林地和风景林地的景观指标相对较高;道路林地和居住区林地的景观效果一般;防护林地的景观效果较差。7、目前已经发现的沈阳城市森林病害约600余种,虫害约700余种,其中杨树主要病虫害39种,柳树的主要病虫害有33种,榆树和槐树的主要病虫害均为,1种。杨柳树腐烂病、光肩星天牛、天幕毛虫、桃红颈天牛和美国白蛾等是近10年来沈阳城市森林中普遍发生和造成严重危害的主要病虫害。沈阳城市森林主要树木的平均健康指数为2.68,处于一般健康状态。8、沈阳城市森林的土壤和水资源状况均不利于树木的健康生长,沈阳的社会经济发展也有待于进一步提高。9、经过生物指示物法(光肩星天牛为生物指示物)、专家权重法、公众问卷调查和对比研究,沈阳城市森林生态系统总体上处于亚健康状态。10、通过对沈阳城市森林资源、管理状况的调查研究和健康状况的评价,本文提出了沈阳城市森林生态系统健康管理的对策,包括合理规划沈阳城市森林林地布局,增加道路林地、居住区林地和城郊林地的面积和植被覆盖率;调整树木种类组成,避免单一或少数树种的大量栽植,提高生物多样性水平;保护大树和古树;增加城市森林管理资金的投入;应用先进技术,采取科学的病虫害防治和植物养护方法,促进树木的健康生长等。This project systematically studied the urban forest ecosystem health and management in Shenyang. The study explored factors, such as urban forest structure, distribution, pests, aesthetic value, ecological benefit, natural resources and socieo-economic status, that affecting the urban forest ecosystem health and management. Two methods were used to evaluate the ecosystem health. This project also proposed Shenyang's urban forest ecosystem health management strategies. The research results can be summarized as follows: 1. As of the end of 2004, urban forest coverage in Shenyang is about 35%, and is in relatively even patch distribution pattern. However, the street trees and roadside forest patches, residential block forest patches should be enhanced. 2. Trees are the major component of the Shenyang s urban forest, followed by shrubs. The quantity ratio of tree to shrub is about 1.7:1, and the coverage ratio of trees to shrub is about 7:1. 3. Species composition varies by location. There are 74 genera, 137 species (including varieties) in the public parks; 53 genera, 104 species (and var.) in the green spaces of the institution (including school), factory, and company; 45 genera, 81 species (var.) in residential blocks; 43 genera, 94 species (var.) in streets and roadside forest patches; 75 genera, 142 species (var.) in the Canal landscape forest patches; 48 genera, 118 species (var.) in the Qipan Mountain recreation forest. 4. The Shannon-Woener indices varies in parks, in institution, factory, and company yards, in streets and roadside forest patches, in residential blocks.there are 2.78, 3.05, 3.18, 3.15, 3.18, respectively; and the evenness indices are 0.56, 0.66, 0.70, 0.72, 0.64, respectively. Besides the Qipan Mountain forest patches, trees of 7 genera, Prunus spp., Salix spp., Populus spp., Sabina spp., Ulmus spp., Robinia spp. and Ginkgo biloba are of more than 5% the total urban trees, respectively. In fact, trees from these 7 genera are about 82% of all trees in Shenyang's urban forests. In terms of shrubs, species of 7 genera, Ligustrum spp., Syringa spp., Prunus spp., Berberis spp., Rosa spp., Lonicera spp., and Forsythia spp. are more than 5% the total urban shrubs, respectively. 88% of all the shrubs in Shenyang s urban forest are from these 7 genera. 5. The diameter class of DBH<20cm, 20cm60cm of trees in parks, in institution, factory, and company yards, in in streets and roadside forests, and in protective forests are 57.9%, 40.0%, 2.1%; 49.2%, 47.8%, 3.0%; 65.3%, 33.1%, 1.6%; and 64.6%, 34.9%, 0.5%, respectively. The result indicated that the DBH is relatively small in Shenyang s urban forests. 6. Using random plots sampling and CITYgreen model calculation, the ecological benefit of Shenyang's urban is about 0.2 billion US dollars per year. The aesthetic value of parks, institution and company yards, and scenary forest patches is relative high; however, the aesthetic value of protective forest patches is low. 7. There are more than 600 types of diseases and more than 700 kinds of insects in Shenyang's urban forest. Among them, Populus spp., Salix spp., Ulmus spp. and Robinia spp., are attached mainly by 39, 33, 11, and 11, difference types of pests respectively. The rot disease of the Populus spp. and Salix spp., and the insects such as, Anoplophora glabripennis, Malacosoma neustria, Aromia bungii, and Hyphantria cunea are major pests in Shenyang s urban forest for the past 10 years. The trees health condition is relatively poor by having the average health index of 2.68 for major species. 8. The urban soil and water resource are not favorable to tree's growth in Shenyang, and so is the socieo-economic status. 9. Through using bio-indicator, professional and public evaluation, and comparision with other urban forests, it can be concluded that the status of Shenyang s urban forest is not very healthy in general. 10. To improve the urban forest ecosystem health in Shenyang, a better urban forest design need to be implemented to enhance the area and vegetation coverage of the street and roadside forests, the residential block forests, and the surburb forest Species biodiversity need to be enhanced by adjust the species composition of urban forest trees to reduce the single or several tree species populations and to plant more varieties. A better fundings for urban forest health management need to be budgeted. Advanced technologies in tree care and scientific measures to control pests need to be adopted to prove better care for plants and to keep trees grow healthfully.


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岷江上游地区高山/亚高山植被分布的坡向性分异显著,阴阳坡高山林线不仅物种组成差异明显,并且分布海拔呈现出阴坡高阳坡低的格局.阳坡林线树种主要是圆柏属乔木,林线类型多为渐变型,海拔高度大约在3 400m~3 800m;阴坡林线树种主要是冷杉,林线类型多为骤变型,海拔高度约在3 800m~4 400m.本研究采用土壤种子库物理筛选、室内萌发实验及野外群落调查等方法,对岷江上游地区阴坡岷江冷杉和阳坡祁连圆柏两类林线树种不同海拔梯度上土壤种子库以及幼苗库特征进行了调查,从土壤种子库和幼苗更新特征的角度对林线乔木树种种群更新特征进行了分析,进而对该地区高山林线在阴阳坡分布差异的原因进行了探讨,结果显示: 1.土壤种子库 阴坡:阴坡高山林线附近岷江冷杉土壤种子的平均密度大约为50.96粒/m2,其中树线以上10m处土壤种子密度为1.00粒/m2,树线处大约19.33粒/m2,林线交错带内土壤种子密度最高为136.83粒/m2,郁闭林内种子密度小于林线交错带,只有30.50粒/m2,种子平均空壳率为52%,霉变率达34%,完好种子只有6%.土壤种子库垂直分布特征为地被物层含种子比重最大,大约在67.50%左右;其次为0~2cm层,约18.84%左右;2~5cm层所占种子比例最小,约13.66%左右.霉变种子数量与土壤深度呈负相关. 阳坡:阳坡祁连圆柏土壤种子的平均密度为60.16粒/m2.树线以上10m处密度为1.92粒/m2,树线位置大约108.16粒/m2,林线交错带内平均为75.80粒/m2,郁闭林内种子密度小于林线交错带,只有20.00粒/m2.种子平均空壳率为36%,完好种子占49%,霉变率较低,大约为10%.阴阳坡林线树种土壤种子库垂直分布特征为:地被物层含种子最多,其次为0~4cm层,4~10cm层所占种子比例最小,霉变种子数量与土壤深度也呈负相关. 2. 幼苗库调查 阳坡:在树线以上区域没有发现幼苗,林线交错带内幼苗密度平均达3 250株/hm2,郁闭林内仅2 750株/ hm2.整个样地内1~2a幼苗很少甚至没有出现,3~10a的幼苗相对较多.空间分布上,祁连圆柏幼苗在林线交错带内接近随机分布,郁闭林内则介于随机分布和均匀分布之间. 阴坡:在树线以上幼苗密度为1 250株/ hm2,全部为1~2a幼苗,林线交错带内幼苗密度平均达7 000株/ hm2,郁闭林内达6 250株/ hm2.林线附近岷江冷杉幼苗丰富度以及幼苗的出现频率明显高于祁连圆柏,年龄结构也较祁连圆柏完整.岷江冷杉幼苗空间分布除了树线处幼苗的分布为随机分布,其他海拔则为集群分布. 3.从不同土壤深度的种子总量和幼苗数量的相关性检验发现,当年生幼苗数量跟表层种子总量相关性极显著, 但是两年生幼苗的数量与底层种子数量相关性显著.土壤种子在土壤中的垂直分布格局从一定程度上可以反映种子库的年际特征.岷江冷杉土壤种子库较丰富,种子散布后的存活力随着时间的变化逐渐下降,属于季节性瞬时种子库;祁连圆柏土壤种子散布格局为集群型分布,成熟种子大部分散布在母株冠幅内,属于永久性土壤种子库. 4.在阴坡林线交错带及以上区域还存在较为丰富的乔木土壤种子,并且在树线以上区域还发现了少量的岷江冷杉幼苗.从样地乔木的年龄结构发现,在林线交错带内上部到树线位置主要以幼龄林为主,且年龄结构完整,基本符合入侵性林线特征;阳坡林线交错带内幼苗出现频率很低,树线以上区域虽然存在种子库,但是没有幼苗出现,在林线交错带内乔木径级差距很大,年龄结构异常不完整,这种特征的林线将会面临两个可能结果:一种是维持现有状态,保持平衡;另外一种就是退化,但阳坡林线的实际动态趋势还有待长期定点研究. Treelines on the upper region of Minjiang River differ between the north aspect and the south aspect in their appearances, altitudes and tree species. On the north aspect, trees of Abies form a sharp and abrupt treeline ranging from 3800m to 4400m, while on the south the treeline is generally lower(3 400~3 800m), more open and gradual and mostly composed of Sabina. In this study, we examined the altitudinal gradients of soil seed banks and seedling recruitments at the treeline ecotones of a N-aspect and a S-aspect by using soil sieving, germination experiment and field investigations, analyzed the characteristics of population regeneration of tree species at the transitional zone and presented a analysis of the causes to the aspect-related difference in treeline patterns in the study area. Major results of our study include: 1. Soil seed bank N-aspect: Of the 50 plots investigated, the average density of soil seeds is 50.96/m2, in which well-formed seeds account for 6%, empty seeds 52%, parasitized seeds34%, and seeds damaged by animals 8%. The size of soil seed bank varies along altitude, being 1.00 seeds /m2 at the 10m above the treeline and ca.19.33 seeds/m2 at the upper limit of treeline. The highest density (136.83 seeds/m2) occurs at the treeline ecotone. By contrast, the density of soil seed for the closed forest is only 30.50 seeds/m2. In terms of vertical strata, 67.50% of the total seeds are at the surface layer, 18.84% at the middle layer (0~2cm) and 13.66% at deeper layer (2~5cm). The number of parasitized seeds is negatively correlated to soil depth. S-aspect: Of the 50 plots investigated, the average density of soil seeds is 60.16 seeds/m2, and the well-formed seeds account for 49%, empty seeds 36%, parasitized seeds10%, and seeds damaged by animals 1%. The size of soil seed bank varies along altitude, with 1.92 seeds/m2 recorded at the10m above the treeline,108.16 seeds/m2 at the upper limit of treeline, and 75.80 seeds/m2 at the treeline ecotone, while that for the closed forest is 20.00 seeds/m2. The number of seeds decreases with the depth of soil. As is on the N-aspect, the size of soil bank, from large to small, follows the order of the surface layer, the middle layer (0~4cm) and the bottom layer (4~10cm). The number of parasitized seeds is also negatively correlated to the depth of the soil. 2. Seedling bank N-aspect: A mean maximum seedling abundance of 31 000 seedlings/hm2 was recorded near alpine treeline at growing season. The density of seedlings is 1 250 seedlings/ha (all being 1 or 2 years old) at the alpine meadow 10m away above treeline, 7 000 seedlings/ha at treeline ecotone and 6 250 seedlings/ha for closed forest.The spatial distribution of Abies faxoniana seedlings is random at the upper limit of the treeline but clumped at other altitudes. S-aspect: No seedlings were found at the alpine meadow 10m away from the treeline. The density of seedlings was 3 250 seedlings/ha at treeline ecotone and 2 750 seedlings/ha for the closed forest.Hardly any 1 year current and 2 year-old seedlings appeared at the plots. The spatial distribution of Sabina przewalskii seedlings is random at treeline ecotone and between “random” and “even” forest closed forest. 3.Correlation tests of seedling population and seed bank at different soil layers indicated that the emergents were strongly correlated to seed bank at surface layer while the number of two-year seedlings was significantly correlated to the seed bank at the bottom of soil layer, indicating that germination mainly occurs at the soil surface while the middle or bottom layer was the reserve for non-germination or dead seeds. It can thus be postulated that Abies faxoniana soil seed bank is of seasonal transient type. By contrast, the soil seed bank of Sabina przewalskii is of persistent type and the soil seeds and seedlings of this species occurred more frequently near the islands of adult trees. 4.A good many soil seeds of both tree species were found near the treeline ecotone and above at N- and S-aspects. A few young seedlings were found above the Abies treeline. Investigation of five altitudinal transects respectively on N- and S-aspects indicated that Abies faxoniana has a more complete age structure than the stands of Sabina przewalskii. The age of firs decreased from closed forest to the upper limit of treeline, which suggests that the Abies treeline is advancing to higher altitude. While on the south aspect, only few Sabina przewalskii soil seeds and nearly no seedlings were found above the treeline ecotone. The stands exhibit extremely great difference in diameter classes with significantly incomplete age structure. This would lead to two possible results for the treelines: maintaining an equilibrium state at the current position or degenerating. But more studies should be carried out at longer time scales or larger spatial scales to understand whether the Sabina treeline is degenerating.


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青藏高原东部分布着世界最高的林线,该区域也是由欧亚北温带物种形成的林线的南界。在大面积野外踏勘的基础上,选择青藏高原东部具有典型高山林线分布的三个地点(滇西北白马雪山、川西北鹧鸪山及岷江源地区)作为研究区,从种群的结构、生存特征、分布格局及分形特征等方面对青藏高原东缘高山林线乔木种群生态学特征进行了研究,并在此基础上探讨了人类活动对林线种群生态特征及林线格局的影响。结果表明,林线区乔木树种多以单种群形式存在,林线区群落结构简单,乔木层多为单一树种组成,其生长型较之郁闭林发生了急剧的变化:树木高度急剧下降,而发展多茎多分枝的生长型。生长型的转变是高山林线乔木对恶劣自然条件的形态适应。 研究发现,在青藏高原东缘,阴坡林线乔木主要是冷杉(Abies spp.),阳坡主要由圆柏(Sabina spp.)组成,少数地方还有云杉(Picea spp.)。阴坡乔木种群结构多表现为增长型,幼苗和幼树在种群中占较大比重,种群潜在自然更新能力较强,但幼龄个体死亡率非常高,存活曲线多接近Deevey-Ⅲ型;阳坡乔木种群幼苗个体数极少,幼树相对增加。野外调查表明,人为活动较频繁的阳坡林线区幼苗数量极少甚至缺失,而受人为活动干扰较小的样地中幼苗和幼树数量明显增多,从一个侧面说明放牧等人类活动可能对林线种群的更新带来较大影响,而对卡卡沟围栏内外的样地分析也进一步证明了这一结果。 所研究林线乔木种群各龄级的空间格局在不同尺度上表现为聚集、随机和均匀分布,以聚集分布为主;各龄级在不同尺度上表现出显著的相关性,幼苗通常与另外两个龄级的关联性较密切。各龄级间显著的相关性表明不同龄级个体在空间交错分布,有利于对各种资源的充分利用,对种群的生存和发展非常有利,反映了高山生态系统恶劣生境中种群的一种适应对策。 林线乔木种群各龄级分布格局的计盒维数有差别,林线种群的计盒维数总是小于郁闭林种群的计盒维数。另外,郁闭林各龄级计盒维数通常也高于林线各龄级,表明不同海拔或者不同群落类型中的乔木树种具有不同的水平空间占据能力。林线区种群分布格局的计盒维数都很低,占据现实水平空间的程度较低,具有相对较高的生态间隙维,其潜在占据空间的能力较高,群落还可提供给种群的最大空间限度较大,但实际上由于受群落中种内、种间的竞争及林线区恶劣的生态环境条件的限制,其潜在空间占据能力可能难以表现出来。 青藏高原东缘高海拔地带以季节性游牧为主要的资源利用和生产方式,阳坡森林郁闭度低于阴坡,灌丛数量和种类较阴坡少,融雪早且积雪时间短,所以阳坡包括高山林线区成为当地牧民游牧路线的必经之地。牲畜的践踏、啃食使得幼龄乔木树种个体数量大大减少,严重阻碍了林线乔木种群的自然更新,同时种群占据空间的能力也明显降低。因此可以认为,在青藏高原东部地区,山地游牧等人为干扰叠加于恶劣的自然条件,阳坡林线的自然更新潜力受到抑制,其生存状态较之阴坡林线显著恶化,并可使阳坡林线高度逐渐降低。高山林线区森林一旦破坏在短时间内很难有效更新和恢复,因此,对于处于恶劣高山生境中的乔木种群应加强保护,同时适度控制人为干扰强度和幅度以减少其直接和间接破坏,防止阳坡林线退化并促进高山生态系统的自然恢复。 Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau has the highest timberline of the world. On the basis of field surveys and literature reviews, three typical alpine timberlines were chosen for in-depth studies, i.e., Baima Snow Mountain in northwest Yunnan, Zhegu Mountain and the waterhead area of Minjiang River in west Sichuan. Using the methodologis of population ecology, we analyzed the population structure, survival characteristics, spatial point patterns and fractal dimensions of the timberline tree populations and discussed the impacts of grazing on the structure and spatial pattern of alpine timberline. Compared with closed forests, the community structure of timberline is simpler, usually with one or two species constituting the tree layer. Differences also exist in the growth forms: the trees were significantly shorter with more stems and branches, reflecting morphological adaptation of trees to the severe conditions at timberline. In the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Abies spp. often formed alpine timberline in the north-facing slope while Sabina spp. and sometimes Picea spp. in the south- facing slope. The population structures of north-facing slope showed an increasing trend, with numerous seedlings and saplings. However, the survival curves tend to follow Deevy-III because of high dead ratio of young individuals. There are only few seedlings in the south-facing slope with heavy grazing, demonstrating that human disturbance may prevent regeneration at alpine timberline, which was confirmed by comparisons between fenced enclosures and control plots in the Kaka Valley. Depending on the spatial scales on consideration, the individuals of different age-classes showed clumping, random or even distribution, but mostly with clumping distribution. At all scales, individuals in different age-classes were all significantly correlated with each other while the seedlings were usually more correlated to two other age classes. This high degree of correlation among different age classes indicates that individuals of different age classes are spatially interlocked with each other, which helps sufficient utilization of various resources and is conducive to the survival and development of population. It is another adaptation strategy for trees at the severe environment. The spatial patterns of different age classes had different box dimension. In general, the box dimensions of total individuals and each age class at timberline are always smaller than that of closed forests, suggesting that space occupation capacity is not the same for populations at different altitude or in different communities. Populations on both the south- and the north-facing slopes had a very low box dimensions (far away from the max., 2), however, the lower the box dimension, the bigger the potential space provided by community. In fact, because of inner- and inter- competition as well as the severe conditions at timberline, this kind of potential ability can hardly be realized. Mountain pastoralism is the major type of as well as the only most effective way of resource uses in the high elevation regions of the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Due to lower canopy cover, less bushes and short snow-cover time, south-facing slopes became the favorite pastures. Damages from livestock through tramping, browsing and others have greatly reduced the number of young individuals. As a result, the potential of timberline trees to regenerate and their ability to occupy more space are greatly inhitibted. We conclude that human disturbances (mountain pastoralism) as well as harsh environmental conditions co-worked to inhibit the regeneration of tree populations in the south-facing slope and made south slopes more difficult than the north-facing slopes for trees to survive and develop, resulting a gradual retreat of timberline in the north-facing slopes. Forests at alpine timberline are susceptible to disturbance and difficult to regenerate and restore once damaged and controlling human disturbances is important for protecting the forest ecosystems at the timberline area.


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辐射传输研究是贯穿森林生态系统的纽带,太阳辐射为植物的生长发育提供光合能量、适宜的环境温度以及发育信息。一方面,气候变化使到达地面辐射能的质和量发生变化,影响到植被的生长发育,改变森林的结构,而森林结构的变化又会影响林冠内辐射能的分配和质量,这些变化会进一步影响到林下土壤温度,改变森林根系活性以及土壤营养转化的效率;连锁反应的结果有可能会使森林生态系统的生产力发生变化,改变碳素和氮素源库的调节方向,从而反馈影响地球气候系统。另一方面,人类作为生态系统的成员,必然需要森林生态系统为其提供更多的原材料和更好的生态服务功能,如何实现这些目标,就需要人类适度调整干预方式和频度,达到预期的目的。本文在建立适合于川西亚高山森林的叶面积测量技术、光照辐射模型和土壤温度变化模型的基础上,对川西亚高山地带森林生态系统的辐射传输特征进行了分析,并从森林结构的角度探讨了林分内的辐射分布以及对土壤温度的影响。主要成果如下: 1. 提出了一种照相法测量叶面积的方法。通过对摆放在平面上的叶片照相,利用投影变化,把非正射图像转化为正射图像,然后经过计算机图像处理得到每一片叶片的面积、周长、长度、宽度等信息。这种方法可使用户以任意方向和距离拍摄处于平面上的叶片,能同时处理大量的叶片,适于野外离体或活体叶片测量。叶片面积分辨率可调,分辨率可以与常用的激光叶面积仪相近甚至更高,而且叶片图像可以存档查询。 2. 提出一种模拟林内光照变化的模型。利用林冠半球照片,记录视点以上半球内的林冠构件空间分布,作为林冠子模型;天空辐射子模型采用国际照明委员会(CIE)的标准晴天和阴天以及插值模型。该模型能够模拟林下某一位点处的实时光斑变化。 3. 提出一种土壤温度变化模型。把土壤视为具有容量和阻力性质的结构,利用电阻和电容器件构建土壤能量分布模型。外界太阳辐射能经过植被以及其它一些能量分配器后进入土壤,其中有一部分转化为土壤势能,即土壤温度。土壤温度的变化类似于电池的充放电过程。在已知模型参数的情况下,可以从太阳辐射计算土壤温度的变化。在模型参数未知的情况下,通过输入和输出值推算模型的参数,而模型参数中的时间常数与土壤组成和含水量有关,这样就可以知道土壤水分的变化情况。 4. 从王朗亚高山森林典型样地林分结构的测量获得林地三维结构图、树冠形态、叶面积密度等参数,这些参数输入到Brunner (1998)开发的tRAYci 模型中计算出一段时间内林分任意位置处的光照值。与林下辐射计测量值以及半球照片计算结果的比较,该模型基本上能够满足对林分光环境了解的要求。 5. 从川西亚高山森林生产力的角度,探讨了森林生产力研究的方法以及川西地区的研究历史和成果,发现了其中的一些规律和问题,特别是在叶面积测量上,还没有使用标准的叶面积指数定义。综合来看,川西地区针叶林叶面积指数(单位土地面积上植物冠层总叶面积的一半) 应在4-5 之间。降雨丰富的华西雨屏带是川西地区森林生产力最高的地区,而向西北森林生产力逐渐降低。川西地区云冷杉林森林生产力平均约为600 gDM m-2 a-1,但是根据辐射能计算的潜在生产力则达到1800 gDM m-2 a-1。实际与潜在森林生产力的巨大差异说明其它因子对生产力的影响。 6. 王朗亚高山3 个典型森林林分中,白桦林样地(BF) 林下草本以糙野青茅、牛至、紫菀等喜阳性物种为主,林下透光度较高;冷杉林样地(FF) 林下透光度最低,以喜阴性物种水金凤、蟹甲草、囊瓣芹等为主;而云杉林样地(SF)林分林龄最大,林下透光度介于冷杉林和白桦林之间,草本层仍然以喜阴性物种东方草莓、紫花碎米芥、酢浆草等为主。冷杉林和云杉林的灌木层也很丰富,卫矛属、五加属、茶藨子属、忍冬属植物很丰富,而在白桦林则以栒摘要子属、榛子属、鹅耳枥属等植物为主。藓类植物在云杉林中最丰富,并且形成毯状层,其它两个林分则很稀少。3 个样地林分结构与林下光环境有很强的相关性,从光环境特征可以在一定程度上推测林分的结构。各样地单纯从乔木层材积推算的NPP 排列顺序为BF>FF>SF,与林下辐射透射率和林分年龄的顺序相同,暗示辐射对群落演替过程的驱动作用。 7. 用半球照相法测得BF、FF 和SF 3 个样地的有效叶面积指数以SF 样地最高,BF 最低。如果考虑针叶树叶片在小枝上的丛聚分布,利用北方针叶林的数值进行校正,则SF 样地LAI 显著增加(达到89%),其它样地的LAI 基本不变甚至有所下降。校正后的数值与文献中地面测量的结果较相近,说明在使用半球照相法测量川西亚高山针叶林LAI 时必须加以校正。 8. 在3 个样地中,白桦、岷江冷杉和方枝柏种群为丛聚分布,紫果云杉在FF和SF 样地中基本上为随机分布。3 个物种出现丛聚分布的最短距离约为2m,在最短距离以内则为随机分布。最短距离可能与树冠大小有关,种子传播特征以及对光照的需求状况可能是造成这种分布格局类型的原因。 Radiative transfer plays a key role in forest ecosystems. Solar radiation providesenergy for photosynthesis, appropriate ambient temperature and development informationfor plants. However, quality and quantity of radiation reaching land surface are affected byweather and subsequently influence the growth and development of plants, which in turnchanges the budget of radiation in forest. Soil temperature changes with the variation ofradiation under forest canopy and influences the activity of roots and rate of nutrientturnover. Thus, any changes of radiation will induce chain reactions in the entireecosystem and display in the value of net primary productivity which will possibly shiftthe relationship between carbon source and sink at local or regional scale and feed back tothe global climate system. On the other hand, as a component of ecosystems, humanbeings of course need to demand more materials and better service from ecosystems. Forthese purpose, man must adapt their pattern and frequency of interference to ecosystems.This paper aims to research on the canopy structure, the radiation distribution and theirinfluence on soil temperature from the process of radiative transfer in subalpine forestecosystem of western Sichuan. The main results are: 1 Present a new photogrammetric method for leaf area. The main idea is to convertnon-vertically taken images of planar leaves to orthoimages through projectivetransformation. The resultant images are used to get leaf morphological parametersthrough image processing. This method enables users to take photos at almost anyorientation and distance if only the leaves are placed on same plane, and to processlarge quantity of leaves in a short time, which is suitable for field measurement. Theresolution of leaf area is adjustable to fit for special requirement. 2 A model using hemispherical photos combining with solar tracks and radiation courseis provided to simulate light variation in forest. The hemispherical photos of canopyrecord the real spatial distribution of each element of plants viewed from a point. Skyradiance is simulated with CIE standard clear sky or cloudy sky model. This modelcan be used to simulate real time light variation under canopy. 3 Present a soil temperature model. Soil could be regarded as a body of resistor andcapacitor. Some of the budget of solar radiation in soil body is transformed into soilpotential energy, the soil temperature. Variation of soil temperature is driven by solarradiation, vegetation, soil properties, etc. This model has two parameters, one of whichis time constant and is related to soil water content. The inversed model can be used tosimulate the variation of soil water. 4 By using model tRAYci developed by Brunner (1998), the 3-D distribution of light inthree subalpine forest stands of Wanglang Nature Reserve has been simulated andvalidated with value of radiometers in these stands. This model can basically satisfythe need for understanding light regimes of these stands. 5 Present some principles and questions of NPP (net primary of productivity) researchesin western Sichuan. The standard leaf area index (LAI) defined by Chen and Black(1997) has not been used in this region. Total leaf area and projected leaf area indexare still used in NPP researches which may differ around 1-fold in magnitude. Thestandard LAI which is a half of total leaf area above unit land area should be between4 and 5 for typical subalpine coniferous forest of western Sichuan concluded fromliteratures. The maximum forest NPP occurs in West China rain belt and decreasesnorthwestwards. Average NPP of spruce-fir forest in western Sichuan is about600gDM m-2 a-1, which is below the potential NPP of 1800gDM m-2 a-1 based onmeasured radiation in this region. The significant difference between potential and realNPP suggests that other factors influence the growth of stands. 6 In the three subalpine forest stands of Wanglang Nature Reserve, herbage layer ofAbstractbirch stand (BF) with age of 40 is dominated by heliophytes of Deyeuxia scabrescens,Origanum vulgare, Aster tongoloa etc.. However, both of the other two stands aredominated by shade tolerent species, such as Impatiens noli-tangere, Impatiensdicentra, Cacalia deltophylla and Pternopetalum tanakae etc. in fir stand (FF) withage of 180 and Fragaria orientalis, Cardamine tangutorum and Oxalis corniculata etc.in spruce stand (SF) with age of 330. Shrub species in the latter two stands arerelatively rich, typical dominant genera being Euonymus, Acanthopanax, Ribes andLonicera. Birch stand has relatively sparse shrubs dominated by genera of Cotoneaster,Corylus and Carpinus. Mosses are significant only in spruce stand. The canopystructure controls the light regime of stand, which influence the composition of herblayers beneath the canopy. This light regime-community structure relationship can beused to infer the herb community from canopy structure. The NPP derived from timbervolume of arbor layer of the three stands decreases from BF to SF, which is in thesame order of transmitted total radiation under canopy and age of these stands,suggesting the driving effect of radiation in the succession of community. 7 The highest effective LAI of the three stands obtained by hemispherical photos is inplot SF and lowest in plot BF. After rectification of the clumping effect of leaves onshoot, the real LAI in plot SF increases significantly (89%) and approximate to theaverage LAI of coniferous forest in western Sichuan. Therefore, the LAI obtainedfrom hemispherical photos needs rectification for clumping effect. 8 Spatial distribution pattern for Betula platyphylla, Abies faxoniana and Sabinasaltuaria is clumpy, but Picea purpurea almost random in plot FF and SF. The shortestdistance for clumpy distribution for Betula platyphylla and Sabina saltuaria is 1.5m,and 2m for Abies faxoniana. And random pattern for these trees is exhibited within thisrange which almost coincides with the diameter of crown. Seed dispersalcharacteristics and light requirement may be the reason for different spatial pattern.


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The isoscalar giant monopole resonance (ISGMR) in nuclei is studied in the framework of a fully consistent relativistic continuum random phase approximation (RCRPA). In this method the contribution of the continuum spectrum to nuclear excitations is treated exactly by the single particle Green's function technique. The negative energy states in the Dirac sea are also included in the single particle Green's function in the no-sea approximation. The single particle Green's function is calculated numerically by a proper product of the regular and irregular solutions of the Dirac equation. The strength distributions in the RCRPA calculations, the inverse energy-weighted sum rule m(-1) and the centroid energy of the ISGMR in Sn-120 and Pb-208 are analysed. Numerical results of the RCRPA are checked with the constrained relativistic mean field model and relativistic random phase approximation with a discretized spectrum in the continuum. Good agreement between them is achieved.