61 resultados para Polymer-solutions


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The T-stress is considered as an important parameter in linear elastic fracture mechanics. In this paper, several closed form solutions of T-stress in plane elasticity crack problems in an infinite plate are investigated using the complex potential theory. In the line crack case, if the applied loading is the remote stress or the concentrated forces, the T-stress can be derived from the basic field. Here, the basic field is defined as the field caused by the applied loading in the infinite plate without the crack. For the circular are crack, the T-stress can be abstracted from a known solution. For the cusp crack problems, the T-stress can be separated from the obtained stress solution for which the conformal mapping technique is used.


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By using AKNS [Phys. Rev. Lett. 31 (1973) 125] system and introducing the wave function, a family of interesting exact solutions of the sine-Gordon equation are constructed. These solutions seem to be some soliton, kink, and anti-kink ones respectively for the different choice of the spectrum, whereas due to the interaction between two traveling-waves they have some properties different from usual soliton, kink, and anti-kink solutions.


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For understanding the correctness of simulations the behaviour of numerical solutions is analysed, Tn order to improve the accuracy of solutions three methods are presented. The method with GVC (group velocity control) is used to simulate coherent structures in compressible mixing layers. The effect of initial conditions for the mixing layer with convective Mach number 0.8 on coherent structures is discussed. For the given initial conditions two types of coherent structures in the mixing layer are obtained.


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Based on the scaling criteria of polymer flooding reservoir obtained in our previous work in which the gravity and capillary forces, compressibility, non-Newtonian behavior, absorption, dispersion, and diffusion are considered, eight partial similarity models are designed. A new numerical approach of sensitivity analysis is suggested to quantify the dominance degree of relaxed dimensionless parameters for partial similarity model. The sensitivity factor quantifying the dominance degree of relaxed dimensionless parameter is defined. By solving the dimensionless governing equations including all dimensionless parameters, the sensitivity factor of each relaxed dimensionless parameter is calculated for each partial similarity model; thus, the dominance degree of the relaxed one is quantitatively determined. Based on the sensitivity analysis, the effect coefficient of partial similarity model is defined as the summation of product of sensitivity factor of relaxed dimensionless parameter and its relative relaxation quantity. The effect coefficient is used as a criterion to evaluate each partial similarity model. Then the partial similarity model with the smallest effect coefficient can be singled out to approximate to the prototype. Results show that the precision of partial similarity model is not only determined by the number of satisfied dimensionless parameters but also the relative relaxation quantity of the relaxed ones.


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A set of scaling criteria of a polymer flooding reservoir is derived from the governing equations, which involve gravity and capillary force, compressibility of water, oil, and rock, non-Newtonian behavior of the polymer solution, absorption, dispersion, and diffusion, etc. A numerical approach to quantify the dominance degree of each dimensionless parameter is proposed. With this approach, the sensitivity factor of each dimensionless parameter is evaluated. The results show that in polymer flooding, the order of the sensitivity factor ranges from 10(-5) to 10(0) and the dominant dimensionless parameters are generally the ratio of the oil permeability under the condition of the irreducible water saturation to water permeability under the condition of residual oil saturation, density, and viscosity ratios between water and oil, the reduced initial oleic phase saturation and the shear rate exponent of the polymer solution. It is also revealed that the dominant dimensionless parameters may be different from case to case. The effect of some physical variables, such as oil viscosity, injection rate, and permeability, on the dominance degree of the dimensionless parameters is analyzed and the dominant ones are determined for different cases.


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How fibroin molecules fold themselves and further self-assemble into aggregations with specific structures when the solution concentration increases is the key to understanding the natural silk-forming process of the silkworm. A regenerated Bombyx mori silk fibroin solution was prepared, and serially diluted solutions were coated on aminated coverslips. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) observations of the topography of fibroin molecules revealed a transformation from rodlike aggregations 100-200 nm long to small globules 50 mn in diameter with decreasing concentrations. When the incubation duration increased, the aggregations of fibroin molecules showed a self-assembling process, which was measured with AFM. In particular, after the molecules were incubated for more than 20 min, rodlike micelles formed and were distributed evenly on the surface of the aminated slides. Flow chamber technology was used to study the effect of the shear loading on the topography of the fibroin molecular aggregations. After a shear loading was applied, larger rodlike particles formed at a higher incubation concentration in comparison with those at a lower concentration and were obviously oriented along the direction of fluid flow.


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Cracking of ceramics with tetragonal perovskite grain structure is known to appear at different sites and scale level. The multiscale character of damage depends on the combined effects of electromechanical coupling, prevailing physical parameters and boundary conditions. These detail features are exhibited by application of the energy density criterion with judicious use of the mode I asymptotic and full field solution in the range of r/a = 10(-4) to 10(-2) where r and a are, respectively, the distance to the crack tip and half crack length. Very close to the stationary crack tip, bifurcation is predicted resembling the dislocation emission behavior invoked in the molecular dynamics model. At the macroscopic scale, crack growth is predicted to occur straight ahead with two yield zones to the sides. A multiscale feature of crack tip damage is provided for the first time. Numerical values of the relative distances and bifurcation angles are reported for the PZT-4 ceramic subjected to different electric field to applied stress ratio and boundary conditions that consist of the specification of electric field/mechanical stress, electric displacement/mechanical strain, and mixed conditions. To be emphasized is that the multiscale character of damage in piezoceramics does not appear in general. It occurs only for specific combinations of the external and internal field parameters, elastic/piezoelectric/dielectric constants and specified boundary conditions. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Polymer bonded explosives (PBXs) are highly particle filled composite materials comprised of explosive crystals and a polymeric binder (ca. 5-10% by weight). The microstructure and mechanical properties of two pressed PBXs with different binder systems were studied in this paper. The initial microstructure of the pressed PBXs and its evolution under different mechanical aggressions were studied, including quasi-static tension and compression, ultrasonic wave stressing and long-pulse low-velocity impact. Real-time microscopic observation of the PBXs under tension was conducted by using a scanning electron microscope equipped with a loading stage. The mechanical properties under tensile creep, quasi-static tension and compression were studied. The Brazilian test, or diametrical compression, was used to study the tensile properties. The influences of pressing pressures and temperatures, and strain rates on the mechanical properties of PBXs were analyzed. The mesoscale damage modes in initial pressed samples and the samples insulted by different mechanical aggressions, and the corresponding failure mechanisms of the PBXs under different loading conditions were analyzed.


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The steady bifurcation flows in a spherical gap (gap ratio sigma=0.18) with rotating inner and stationary outer spheres are simulated numerically for Re(c1)less than or equal to Re less than or equal to 1 500 by solving steady axisymmetric incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using a finite difference method. The simulation shows that there exist two steady stable flows with 1 or 2 vortices per hemisphere for 775 less than or equal to Re less than or equal to 1 220 and three steady stable flows with 0, 1, or 2 vortices for 1 220


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Results of tensile and compression tests on a short-glass-fiber-reinforced thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer are presented. The effect of strain rate on the compression stress-strain characteristics has been investigated over a wide range of strain rates epsilon between 10(-4) and 350 s-1. The low-strain-rate tests were conducted using a screw-driven universal tensile tester, while the high-strain-rate tests were carried out using the split Hopkinson pressure bar technique. The compression modulus was shown to vary with log10 (epsilon) in a bilinear manner. The compression modulus is insensitive to strain rate in the low-strain-rate regime (epsilon = 10(-4) - 10(-2) s-1), but it increases more rapidly with epsilon at higher epsilon. The compression strength changes linearly with log10 (epsilon) over the entire strain-rate range. The fracture surfaces were examined by scanning electron microscopy.


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 Burgers suggested that the main properties of free-turbulence in the boundless area without basic flow might be understood with the aid of the following equation, which was much simpler than those of fluid dynamics, 


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Based on the authors' previous work, in this paper the systematical analyses on the motion and the inner solutions of a geostrophic vortex have been presented by means of thematched asymptotic expansion method with multiple time scales (S/gh001/2 and α S/gh001/2) and space scales. It has been shown that the leading inner solutions to the core structure in two-time scales analyses are identified with the results in normal one-time scale analyses. The time averages of the first-order solutions on short time variable τ are the same as the first-order solutions obtained in one normal time scale analyses. The geostrophic vortex induces an oscillatory motion in addition to moving with the background flow. The period, amplitude andthe deviation from the mean trajectory depend on the core structure and the initial conditions. The velocity of the motion of vortex center varies periodically and the time average of the velocity on short time variable τ is equal to the value of the local mean velocity.


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In this paper, we present an asymptotic method for the analysis of a class of strongly nonlinear oscillators, derive second-order approximate solutions to them expressed in terms of their amplitudes and phases, and obtain the equations governing the amplitudes and phases, by which the amplitudes of the corresponding limit cycles and their behaviour can be determined. As an example, we investigate the modified van der Pol oscillator and give the second-order approximate analytical solution of its limit cycle. The comparison with the numerical solutions shows that the two results agree well with each other.