99 resultados para POLYETHER SULFONE


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Blends of a new phenolphthalein poly (ether sulfone) (PES-C) and a thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer (LCP) were prepared by melt-blending in a twin-screw extruder. Rheological properties, fracture toughness, K(IC), and morphology of the blends were


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Phenolphthalein poly(ether ether sulphone) (PES-C) was found to be miscible with uncured bisphenol-A-type epoxy resin, i.e. diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA), as shown by the existence of a single glass transition temperature within the whole composition range. Miscibility between PES-C and DGEBA is considered to be due mainly to the entropy contribution. However, dynamic mechanical analysis (d.m.a.) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies revealed that PES-C exhibits different miscibility with four cured epoxy resins (ER). The overall compatibility and the resulting morphology of the cured blends are dependent on the choice of cure agent. For the blends cured with amines (4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane (DDM) and 4,4'-diaminodiphenylsulphone (DDS)), no phase separation occurs as indicated by either d.m.a. or SEM. However, for the blends cured with anhydrides (maleic anhydride (MA) and phthalic anhydride (PA)), both d.m.a. and SEM clearly show evidence of phase separation. SEM study shows that the two phases interact well in the MA-cured blend while the interface between the phases in the PA-cured blend is poorly bonded. The differences in the overall compatibility and the resulting morphology between the amine-cured and anhydride-cured systems have been discussed from the points of view of both thermodynamics and kinetics.


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Blends of poly(hydroxyether of phenolphthalein) (PHP) with poly(ether sulphone) (PES) were prepared by casting from a common solvent; they were found to be miscible and show a single, composition-dependent glass transition temperature. All the PHP/PES blends exhibited lower critical solution temperature behaviour, i.e. phase separation occurred at elevated temperatures. A F.T.-i.r. study revealed that a hydrogen-bonding interaction occurs between these polymers but it is weaker than in pure PHP. The observed miscibility is hence proposed to be the result of specific interactions between the polymers.


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Blends of poly(ether sulphone) (PES) with a poly(ether imide) (PEI) in various proportions were prepared by the coprecipitation method. Mechanical properties and morphology of the blends were studied using tensile tests and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The tensile moduli exhibit positive deviations from simple additivity. Marked positive deviations were also observed for ultimate strength. These results suggest that the PEI/PES blends are mechanically compatible. SEM study revealed that the blends are not homogeneous and the polymers are immiscible on the segmental level. However, the dispersions of the blends are rather fine. The interfaces between the two phases are excellently bonded; PEI and PES appear to interact well.


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Blends of poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVP) with poly(ether sulphone) and two phenolphthalein-based polymers, viz. phenolphthalein poly(ether ether sulphone) and phenolphthalein poly(ether ether ketone) were prepared by casting from a common solvent and studied by differential scanning calorimetry. It was found that all the PVP blends are miscible and show a single, composition-dependent glass transition temperature (T(g)). The T(g)-composition dependence has been analysed by the use of the Gordon-Taylor equation. The values of the k parameter in the Gordon-Taylor equation obtained are all not high for the three pairs, in accordance with the fact that there is no strongly specific interaction between PVP and any of the other polymers.


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In order to assess the safety of high-energy solid propellants, the effects of damage on deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) in a nitrate ester plasticized polyether (NEPE) propellant, is investigated. A comparison of DDT in the original and impacted propellants was studied in steel tubes with synchronous optoelectronic triodes and strain gauges. The experimental results indicate that the microstructural damage in the propellant enhances its transition rate from deflagration to detonation and causes its danger increase. It is suggested that the mechanical properties of the propellant should be improved to restrain its damage so that the likelihood of DDT might be reduced.


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In order to improve the safety of high-energy solid propellants, a study is carried out for the effects of damage on the combustion of the NEPE (Nitrate Ester Plasticized Polyether) propellant. The study includes: (1) to introduce damage into the propellants by means of a large-scale drop-weight apparatus; (2) to observe microstructural variations of the propellant with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and then to characterize the damage with density measurements; (3) to investigate thermal decomposition; (4) to carry out closed-bomb tests. The NEPE propellant can be considered as a viscoelastic material. The matrices of damaged samples axe severely degraded, but the particles are not. The results of the thermal decomposition and closed-bomb tests show that the microstructural damage in the propellant affects its decomposition and burn rate.


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酚酞型聚醚砜(C-PES)是一种综合性能优异的工程塑料和功能材料,具有良好的成膜性、机械性能、热稳定性、化学稳定性和可加工性等。作为一种高性能的膜材料,酚酞型聚醚砜已被广泛的用于气体分离和水处理等领域。酚酞型聚醚砜侧链上含有可修饰的酯基,可通过各种方法,引入功能基团,对其进行化学改性,从而改善C-PES的各种性能,并扩展其应用领域。本论文设计制备了含有烷基、芳基、胺基以及磺酸基等功能基团的新型酚酞型聚醚砜材料,并对其性质进行了深入的研究: 1.通过各种基团修饰的二酚单体和二氯二苯砜的缩聚,合成了新型的含有不同酞侧基的Cardo型聚醚砜高分子材料,并对其性能进行了详细的研究。结果表明,所有聚合物都表现出极好的溶解性、耐热稳定性、成膜性、力学性能和气体分离性能;通过在酞侧基上引入了大体积的对叔丁基苯基,大大改善了材料的透气性和氧氮分离选择性;通过引入仲胺基,增大了聚合物链间作用力,从而提高了气体的分离选择性。此外,我们还对不同基团的引入对聚合物各种性能的影响作了详细的探讨,着重研究了聚合物的结构-性能关系。 2.利用含有胺基的双酚单体PPH-NH2、PPH和二氯二苯砜的共聚反应,成功合成了含有胺基的Cardo型聚醚砜高分子材料(PES-NH2),并对材料的各种性质进行了表征。结果表明,由于胺基的引入,酚酞型聚醚砜的亲水性得到了大幅度的提高。 3.利用含胺基的Cardo双酚和磺化二氯二苯砜在碳酸钾作用下的缩聚反应,成功合成了含胺基的磺化Cardo型聚醚砜 (SPES-NH2),并用于制备反渗透复合膜。通过优化制膜条件,我们利用界面聚合的方法成功制备了高水通量的TMC/ MPDA/SPES-NH2反渗透复合膜,并对复合膜的性能和结构进行了研究,重点讨论了膜的性能和结构、形貌之间的关系。结果表明,通过在复合膜活性层中引入强亲水性的磺酸基和全刚性主链的Cardo型聚醚砜,复合膜在保持较高盐截留率(97.3%)情况下,水通量得到了大幅度的提高,达到了51.2 L/m2.h。 4.合成了新型的全刚性芳香主链的两性聚电解质SPES-NH3+,并对其溶液性质和自组装行为进行了详细的研究。结果表明,在一定的溶液pH值下,两性聚电解质SPES-NH3+表现出聚阴离子的性质。另外,通过引入[BMIM]+离子屏蔽磺酸根负离子,我们在没有加入其它聚电解质的情况下,成功地制备了[BMIM]SPES-NH3+多层膜,并对多层膜表面性质进行了研究。结果表明,多层膜的厚度可由层数来控制,并且膜表面较平滑,其RMS值为6 nm。这种新的组装方式为构筑刚性主链的两性聚电解质多层膜提供了新的方法。


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1.热可交联聚酰亚胺/高性能热塑性树脂共混体系的研究聚苯硫醚[Poly(phenylene sulfide),PPS]是由刚性结构的苯环和柔性的硫醚连接起来,交替排列构成的线性高分子化合物,具有高的热稳定性、良好的耐化学药品性、优良的电绝缘性、耐老化性和阻燃性等综合性能优异的高性能树脂。聚醚矾〔Poly(ether sulfone),PES]是一种非结晶性的热塑性工程塑料一,具有优异的热稳定性、耐高温蠕变性及优异的物理机械性能。其高的玻璃化转变温度(Tg=225℃),使其可以在较高温度下作为结构材料使用。本论文研究了PPS/PES二元共混物的热性能和动态力学性能,并以热可控交联的低分子量多官能单体PMR-POI(聚醚酰亚胺)为界面增强剂,分别研究了POI与PPS、PES之间的接枝和/或交联反应,POI对PPS结晶行为的影响,POI对PES分子运动的影响和POI对PPS/PES共混体系的界面增强。主要结果如下:1.PPS/PES共混物相容性的特征在于选择性的部分相容,少量的非晶PPS分子可以扩散进入PES相区,相反的扩散过程则不会发生。2.PPS/PES共混物的热学性质和动态力学性能主要受连续相的控制。3.PPS相的性能主要受其结晶度的影响,因此能够改变其结晶度的因素均会改变PPS相的性质。4.光谱学和流变的证据表明,POI同PES,PPs共混过程中有接枝反应发生,分子链增长,分子量加大。这种接枝和/或交联反应的程度是热可控的。5.POI是PPS的增塑剂,成核剂和扩链剂,与POI共混使得PPS结晶速率增加,平衡熔点上升,表面折叠自由能降低。6;在PES/POI体系中Pol对PEs起到了增塑的作用,Tg降低,经高温热处理后Tg上升。因此,POI对PES性能的影响也是热可控的。7.PMR-POI能够在PPS/PES共混体系中有效地扩散并起到了降低分散相粒子的尺寸、增强界面的作用。它是该共混体系的有效界面增强剂。8."高温退火既能够提高扩散速率也能够提高反应速率;二者相互竞争。2.马来酸配封端溉碳酸丙撑酯的研究二氧化碳与环氧丙烷交替共聚物(polypropylene careonate,PPC)是由二氧化碳活化并与环氧丙烷共聚而成的一类可完全生物降解的新型高分子材料,具有巨大的潜在应用价值。本论文讨论了马来酸配封端的聚碳酸丙撑酯(MA-PPC)和未封端的PPC的粘弹性、流变行为以及热降解和热分解行为,并得出如下结论:1.马来酸配封端抑制了PPC解拉链式的热分解和无规链断裂热降解,PPC的热稳定性和力学性能得到提高。2.PPC和MA-PPC在玻璃化转变温度有相似的自由体积分数,PPC的Tg比MA-PPC稍低。虽然PPC和MA-PPC玻璃化转变表观活化能E。和平均松弛时间T随温度升高单调降低,但PPC的分子运动对温度更敏感,而MA-PPC较稳定。马来酸配封端改变了PPC分子运动的特征及松弛行为,许多实验证据证明,这是由于封端后的PPC大分子链间的相互作用增强及分子链缠结密度增加。3.MA-PPC在70℃左右会发生脱水,实现大分子偶联反应并得到变温红外光谱、分子量成倍增加及线膨胀数据的有力支持。4.用零剪切粘度几。的方法测得PPC及MA-PPC加工过程中的热降解温度,它们分别为150℃和175℃,在此温度以上,η0降低速率的增加归因于大分子的主链断裂以及解拉链反应。5.测得了PPC的临界缠结分子量,它几乎是MA-PPC相应值(6613)的3倍。这表明马来酸配封端不仅改善了PPC的熔体弹性,而且也大大增强了PPC的缠结密度以及分子链间的相互作用。6.在本实验条件下在氮气和空气的气氛中,MA-PPC同PPC的热降解和热分解行为几乎一致,即在PPc的加土过程可以忽略氧气对其的影响。7.虽然MA-PPC的玻璃化温度在40℃左右,但在40℃-120℃的温度区间内,MA-PPC达不到粘流状态。8.没有剪切力时在120℃-150℃,30分钟内,MA-PPC几乎没有降解,在静态条件下,低于170℃时,MA-PPC的解拉链式降解是十分轻微的,当温度超过170℃,PPC降解相当严重。9.在热机械力存在的情况下,发生无规断链的机会增加,无规断链又会加速解拉链降解,因此实际加工中的加工窗口比静态下窄,MIA-PPC的加工窗口应为130℃-160℃。10.MA-PPC的热分解过程是一步完成的,热分解温度随升温速率的加快而提高,并计算出热分解的表观活化能为623.3KJ/mol。