175 resultados para Mid-infrared lasers


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It is proposed in this paper that we can use frequency-modulated (FM) lasers to realize bond-selective chemical reactions or to raise the efficiency of molecular isotope separation. Examples are given for HF molecule and the C–H bond in some hydrocarbons.


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A theoretical model for gain saturation in gas flow and chemical lasers is presented. The theory is applicable to all possible numerical values of τ/τc, where τ is the characteristie flow time for the flowing gas to move across the laser action region and τc is the characteristic collision relaxation time. The saturation effects of the convection and the "source flow" of the inverted population are revealed. A general relation of gain coefficient and some new gain saturation laws are obtained. For the special case of τ/τc1, the present theoretical results agree with the experimental results on the "anomalous" saturation phenomena in the supersonic diffusion HF chemical laser determined recently by Gross and Coffer[8]. The theory also agrees with the measured results of saturation intensity varying with τ/τc in gas flow CO2 lasers[7]. For the special case of τ/τc1, the present theory is consistent with both the standard theory[1] for gas lasers where the gas has no macroscopic motion and the known gain saturation theory[2-5] for gas flow and chemical lasers.


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From the partial differential equations of hydrodynamics governing the movements in the Earth's mantle of a Newtonian fluid with a pressure- and temperature-dependent viscosity, considering the bilateral symmetry of velocity and temperature distributions at the mid-plane of the plume, an analytical solution of the governing equations near the mid-plane of the plume was found by the method of asymptotic analysis. The vertical distribution of the upward velocity, viscosity and temperature at the mid-plane, and the temperature excess at the centre of the plume above the ambient mantle temperature were then calculated for two sets of Newtonian rheological parameters. The results obtained show that the temperature at the mid-plane and the temperature excess are nearly independent of the rheological parameters. The upward velocity at the mid-plane, however, is strongly dependent on the rheological parameters.


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For high-speed-flow lasers, the one-dimensional and first-order approximate treatment in[1] under approximation of geometrical optics is improved still within the scope of approx-imation of geometrical optics. The strict accurate results are obtained, and what is more,two- and three-dimensional treatments are done. Thus for two- and three-dimensional cases, thestable oscillation condition, the formulae of power output and analytical expression of modesunder approximation of geometrical optics (in terms of gain function) are derived. Accord-ing to the present theory, one-and two-dimensional calculations for the typical case of Gerry'sexperiment are presented. All the results coincide well with the experiment and are better thanthe results obtained in [1].In addition, the applicable scope of Lee's stable oscillation condition given by [1] is ex-panded; the condition for the approximation of gcometrical optics to be applied to mode con-structure in optical cavity is obtained for the first time and the difference between thiscondition and that for free space is also pointed out in the present work.


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In this paper an analysis of the kinetic theory of the continuous-wave flow chemical lasers(CWFCL) is presented with emphasis being laid on the effects of inhomogeneous broadeningon CWFCL's performance. The results obtained are applicable to the case where laser fre-quency is either coincident or incoincident with that of the eenter of the line shape. This rela-tion has been,compared with that of the rate model in common use. These two models are almostidentical as the broadening parameter η is larger than 1. The smaller the value of η, thegreater the difference between the results of these two models will be. For fixed η, the dif-ferences between fhe results of the two models increase with the increase of the frequencyshift parameter ξ. When η is about less than 0.2. the kinetic model can predict exactly the in-homogeneous broadening effects,while the rate model cannot.


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Channeling by a train of laser pulses into homogeneous and inhomogeneous plasmas is studied using particle-in-cell simulation. When the pulse duration and the interval between the successive pulses are appropriate, the laser pulse train can channel into the plasma deeper than a single long-pulse laser of similar peak intensity and total energy. The increased penetration distance can be attributed to the repeated actions of the ponderomotive force, the continuous between-pulse channel lengthening by the inertially evacuating ions, and the suppression of laser-driven plasma instabilities by the intermittent laser-energy cut-offs.


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We report on the upconversion luminescence of a pure YVO4 single crystal excited by an infrared femtosecond laser. The luminescent spectra show that the upconversion luminescence comes from the transitions from the lowest excited states T-3(1), T-3(2) to the ground state (1)A(1) of the VO43-. The dependence of the fluorescence intensity on the pump power density of laser indicates that the conversion of infrared irradiation to visible emission is dominated by three-photon excitation process. We suggest that the simultaneous absorption of three infrared photons promotes the VO43- to excited states, which quickly cascade down to lowest excited states, and radiatively relax to ground states, resulting in the broad characteristic fluorescence of VO43-. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We experimentally investigate the high-order harmonic generation in argon gas using a driving laser pulse at a center wavelength of 1240 nm. High-contrast fine interference fringes could be observed in the harmonic spectra near the propagation axis, which is attributed to the interference between long and short quantum paths. We also systematically examine the variation of the interference fringe pattern with increasing energy of the driving pulse and with different phase-matching conditions.


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We experimentally observe the formation of X-waves at fundamental, third harmonic, and fifth harmonic wavelengths by infrared (central wavelength at similar to 1500 nm) femtosecond laser pulse filamentation in air. By fitting the angularly resolved spectra of the fundamental and harmonic waves using X-wave relations, we confirm that all the X-waves have nearly the same group velocity, indicating that they are locked in space and time during their propagation in filament.


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Ultrashort light-matter interactions between a linear chirped pulse and a biased semiconductor thin film GaAs are investigated. Using different chirped pulses, the dependence of infrared spectra on chirp rate is demonstrated for a 5 fs pulse. It is found that the infrared spectra can be controlled by the linear chirp of the pulse. Furthermore, the infrared spectral intensity could be enhanced by two orders of magnitude via appropriately choosing values of the linear chirp rates. Our results suggest a possible scheme to control the infrared signal.


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We experimentally investigate the evolution of an angularly resolved spectrum of third harmonic generated by infrared femtosecond laser pulse filamentation in air. We show that at low pump intensity, phase matching between the fundamental and third-harmonic waves dominates the nonlinear optical effect and induces a ring structure of the third-harmonic beam, whereas at high pump intensity, the dispersion properties of air begin to affect the angular spectrum, leading to the formation of a nonlinear X wave at third harmonic.


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Widely tunable optical parametric amplification (OPA) in the IR region through quasi-phase-matching technology is demonstrated theoretically in periodically-poled lithium niobate (PPLN). For a 532nm pump wavelength and a broadband signal wavelength near 1300 nm, we can obtain the optimum grating period from phase-matching curves for different grating periods to achieve continuously tunable OPA by tuning the angle in a small range. Tunable OPA range of 200nm near 1300 mn can be obtained with a tuning incidence signal angle of 2.2 degrees.


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The authors report the measurement of the angularly resolved spectrum of the third harmonic generated in a femtosecond filament in air and its evolution with increasing pump power. Pumped by a focused infrared ultrashort pulse with a carrier wavelength of 1270 nm, a pulse duration of similar to 20 fs, and pulse energy up to 487 mu J, the generated third harmonic is composed of an on-axis emission and a conical ring emission. When the pump power is sufficiently high, angularly resolved spectra with significant X-like feature could be observed, indicating the formation of nonlinear X wave at third harmonic. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Bi-doped BaF2 crystal was grown by the temperature gradient technique and its spectral properties were investigated. The absorption, emission and excitation spectra were measured at room temperature. Two broadband emissions centered at 1070 and 1500 nm were observed in Bi-doped BaF2 crystal. This extraordinary luminescence should be ascribed to Bi-related centers at distinct sites. We suggest Bi2+ or Bi+ centers adjacent to F vacancy defects are the origins of the observed NIR emissions. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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This paper reports that the tunable self-phase-stabilized infrared laser pulses have been generated from a two-stage optical parametric amplifier. With an 800 nm pump source, the output idler pulses are tunable from 1.3 mu m to 2.3 mu m, and the maximum output energy of the idler pulses is higher than 1 mJ at 1.6 mu m by using 6 mJ pump laser. A carrier-envelope phase fluctuation of similar to 0.15 rad (rms) for the idler pulses is measured for longer than one hour by using a home build f-to-2f interferometer.