58 resultados para Lestonnac, Juana de, 1556-1640


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We synthesized a kind of gold nanoparticle protected by a synthetic lipid (didodecyidimethylammonium bromide, DDAB). With the help of these gold nanoparticles, hemoglobin can exhibit a direct electron transfer (DET) reaction. The formal potential locates at -169 mV vs. Ag/AgCl. Spectral data indicated the hemoglobin on the electrode was not denatured. The lipid-protected gold nanoparticles were very stable (for at least 8 months). Their average diameter is 6.42 nm. It is the first time to use monolayer-protected nanoparticles to realize the direct electrochemistry of protein.


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Interpenetrating polymer networks of polyepichlorohydrin-based polyurethane/poly(MMA-co-St) have been prepared with simultaneous mettled by changing the weight fraction of MMA(W-MMA) in copolymer of MMA with styrene. The IPNs have been studied by DSC, TEM and dynamic mechanical spectroscopy(DMS). The results show that the IPNs have only one T-g, when W-MMA is greater than 0. 6. But when W-MMA IMA is less than 0. 4, the IPNs have two T(g)s, and phase separation is observed on TEM. The phenomenon is explained according to the solubility parameters(delta) and the fraction of hydrogen bond(delta(h)) of P (MMA-co-St). The study reveals that there is a close correlation among the delta, domain size and mechanical properties of PU (PECH)/P(MMA-co-St) IPN.


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Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein (IGFBP)-3 is the major insulin-like growth factor (IGF) carrier protein in the bloodstream. IGFBP-3 prolongs the half-life of circulating IGFs and prevents their potential hypo-glycemic effect. IGFBP-3 is also expressed in many peripheral tissues in fetal and adult stages. In vitro, IGFBP-3 can inhibit or potentiate IGF actions and even possesses IGF-independent activities, suggesting that local IGFBP-3 may also have paracrine/autocrine function(s). The in vivo function of IGFBP-3, however, is unclear. In this study, we elucidate the developmental role of IGFBP-3 using the zebrafish model. IGFBP-3 mRNA expression is first detected in the migrating cranial neural crest cells and subsequently in pharyngeal arches in zebrafish embryos. IGFBP-3 mRNA is also persistently expressed in the developing inner ears. To determine the role of IGFBP-3 in these tissues, we ablated the IGFBP-3 gene product using morpholino-modified antisense oligonucleotides (MOs). The IGFBP-3 knocked down embryos had delayed pharyngeal skeleton morphogenesis and greatly reduced pharyngeal cartilage differentiation. Knockdown of IGFBP-3 also significantly decreased inner ear size and disrupted hair cell differentiation and semicircular canal formation. Furthermore, reintroduction of a MO-resistant form of IGFBP-3 "rescued" the MO-induced defects. These findings suggest that IGFBP-3 plays an important role in regulating pharyngeal cartilage and inner car development and growth in zebrafish.


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本论文采用扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)技术对牙鲆Paralichthys olivaceus群体和夏鲆Paralichthys dentaus 群体进行了种群鉴定和遗传结构分析。共用8 对引物对两个群体(每个群体30 个个体)进行了分析。总共产生了379 个条带,条带大小在60-1000bp。牙鲆与夏鲆的遗传多态性分别为53.83%和22.22%。牙鲆群体的多态位点数显著低于夏鲆群体。牙鲆群体和夏鲆群体种的特异条带分别为27.3% 和 29.61%。两群体平均杂和度分别为0.0701 和 0.1556,香农氏多态指数分别为0.1044 和0.2387。群体内平均遗传距离分别为0.0705 (0.0214 到0.1377)和0.1656 (0.0629 到 0.2338),两群体间的平均遗传距离为0.6328。 AFLP 技术是进行种间群体结构分析的一个很好的分子标记方法,对牙鲆和夏鲆亲本群体进行遗传背景析为今后的杂交育种阐明种间杂交的遗传机理奠定基础。 在本论文中我们采用5×8 因子交配设计建立了牙鲆P. olivaceus(♀)× 夏鲆P. dentaus(♂)杂交家系,对生长相关性状的遗传力进行分析。所有家系都混合养殖在同一养殖池中,40 日龄,在养殖池中随机采集600 个个体,测量体长,体宽,体重等数量性状;然后提取杂交子代DNA 进行家系的鉴定。首先从牙鲆的微卫星中筛选了在牙鲆、夏鲆以及杂交子代扩增多态性较好的10 对微卫星引物(Po1, Po13, Po20, Po35, Po42, Po48, Po56, Po58, Po91, Poli 23TUF)。我们采用了三对引物对600 个个体进行了家系鉴定,共有400 多个体鉴定出自己的亲本,成功率达到80%以上。基于以上结果我们认为微卫星标记可以做为一个有效的标记来代替现实的物理标记,并且可以在子代的早期进行亲本的鉴定。 在养殖过程中,我们对自交和杂交家系生长状况进行了跟踪分析,在181刘清华 牙鲆(♀)×夏鲆(♂)分子遗传学及数量遗传学研究 博士学位论文II日龄之前杂交鲆体长和体重均为未表现出杂种优势,杂种优势率值始终为负值,但是绝对值在逐渐减小。从196 日龄之后杂交鲆杂种优势开始表现出来,并且在196 日龄之后杂种优势率显著的增加。256 日龄体长杂种优势率为14.29%,体重杂种优势率为59.78%, 271 日龄体长杂种优势率达到27.36%,体重杂种优势率为 102.32%。 本研究对杂交鲆在40 日龄的体长,体高、尾柄长、尾柄高,以及全长和体重的遗传力进行了估计,5 个性状的体长半同胞遗传力h2 S 为0.00146-0.719,5个性状的全同胞遗传力h2D 为0.00121-0.632,5 个性状的半同胞和全同胞的平均遗传力h2SD 为0.001335-0.6755。其中全长的遗传力最大。实验结果说明对早期幼鱼进行体长、体重等性状实施选育策略可能会显著影响后期杂交鲆的生长。


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The ionosphere is the ionized component of the Earth's upper atmosphere. Solar EUV radiation is the source of ionospheric ionization. Thus the ionosphere is affected strongly by the variations in solar radiation. Solar flares and solar eclipses can induce remarkable short time changes in solar radiation: the solar radiation would increase suddenly during solar flares and decrease significantly during solar eclipses. Solar flare and eclipse events not only affect directly the photochemical processes, but also affect the dynamic processes, and even affect the neutral atmosphere, which is strongly coupled with the ionosphere. The study on the ionospheric response to solar flares and eclipses can advance our knowledge on the ionosphere and its photochemical and dynamic processes and help us to evaluate the ionospheric parameters (such as ion loss coefficients). In addition, the study on the ionospheric responses to solar flares and eclipses is an important part of the ionospheric space weather, which can provide guides for space weather monitoring. This thesis devotes to the study on the ionospheric responses to solar flares and solar eclipses. I have developed two models to simulate the variations of solar EUV radiation during solar flares and solar eclipses, and involved in developing a 2D mid- and low-latitude ionospheric model. On the basis of some observed data and the ionospheric model, I study the temporal and spatial variations of the ionosphere during solar flares and eclipses, and investigate the influences of solar activity, solar zenith angle, neutral gas density, and magnetic dip angle on the ionospheric responses to solar flares and solar eclipses. The main points of my works and results are summarized as follows. 1. The ionospheric response to the X17.2 solar flare on October 28, 2003 was modeled via using a one-dimension theoretical ionospheric model. The simulated variation of TEC is in accordance with the observations, though there are some differences in the amplitude of the variation. Then I carried out a series of simulations to explore the local time and seasonal dependences of the ionospheric responses to solar flares. These calculations show that the ionospheric responses are largely related with the solar zenith angle (SZA). During the daytime (small SZA), most of the increases in electron density occur at altitudes below 300 km with a peak at around 115 km; whereas around sunrise and sunset (SZA>90°), the strongest ionospheric responses occur at much higher altitudes. The TEC increases slower at sunrise than at sunset, which is caused by the difference in the evolution of SZA at sunrise and sunset: SZA decreases with time at sunrise and increase with time at sunset. The ionospheric response is largest in summer and smallest in winter, which is also related to the seasonal difference of SZA. 2. Based on the observations from the ionosondes in Europe and the ionospheric model, I investigated the differences of the ionosphere responses to solar eclipses between the E-layer and F1-layer. Both the observation and simulation show that the decrease in foF1 due to the solar eclipses is larger than that in foE. This effect is due to that the F1 region locates at the transition height between the atomic ion layer and the molecular ion layer. With the revised model of solar radiation during solar flares, our model calculates the radiations from both the inside and outside of photosphere. Large discrepancy can be found between the observations and the calculations with an unrevised model, while the calculations with the revised model consist with the observations. 3. I also explore the effects of the F2-layer height, local time, solar cycle, and magnetic dip angle on the ionospheric responses to solar eclipses via using an ionospheric model and study on the solar zenith angle and the dip dependences by analyzing the data derived from 23 ionosonde stations during seven eclipse events. Both the measured and simulated results show that these factors have significant effect on the ionospheric response. The larger F2-layer height causes the smaller decrease in foF2, which is because that the electron density response decreases with height. The larger dip results in the smaller eclipse effect on the F2 layer, because the larger dip would cause the more diffusion from the top ionosphere which can make up for the plasma loss. The foF2 response is largest at midday and decreases with the increasing SZA. The foF2 response is larger at high solar activity than at low solar activity. The simulated results show that the local time and solar activity discrepancy of the eclipse effect mainly attribute to the difference of the background neutral gas density. 4. I carried out a statistical study on the latitudinal dependence of the ionospheric response to solar eclipses and modeled this latitudinal dependence by the ionospheric model. Both the observations and simulations show that the foF2 and TEC responses have the same latitudinal dependence: the eclipse effects on foF2 and TEC are smaller at low latitudes than at middle latitudes; at the middle latitudes (>40°), the eclipse effect decreases with increasing latitude. In addition, the simulated results show the change in electron temperature at the heights of above 300 km of low latitudes is much smaller than that at the same heights of middle latitudes. This is due to the smaller decrease in photoelectron production rate at its conjugate low heights. 5. By analyzing the observed data during the October 3, 2005 solar eclipse, I find some significant disturbances in the conjugate region of the eclipse region, including a decrease in Te, an increase in foF2 and TEC, and an uprising in hmF2. I also simulated the ionosphere behavior during this eclipse using a mid-low latitude ionospheric model. The simulations reproduce the measured ionospheric disturbances mentioned above in the conjugated hemisphere. The simulations show that the great loss of arriving photoelectron heat from the eclipse region is the principal driving source for the disturbances in the conjugate hemisphere.


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Auroral electrojet index (AE) are usually used to quantitatively describe the activity of the geomagnetic field in the polar region. AE is a means to identify the level of a substorm as well. The auroral electrojet indices (AU, AL, and AE) have served well for more than four decades as measures of magnetospheric substorm activity. However, as substorm studies have progressed considerably during the past several years, the accuracy of the present electrojet indices have become an important issue. Thus it is fortunate for us to reexamine and evaluate the accuracy of the present electrojet indices and improve them if necessary. For a better use of the present indices and for future improvement we examine the limitations of the auroral electrojet indices as an accurate quantitative measure of the auroral electrojets and magnetospheric substorms. Some of the limitations arise from the data availability and also from the present simplified scheme in deriving them, but some of them originate in the definition themselves. In the present paper, we analyze the characteristics of aurora, ionospheric current system and the AE index. It is noted that for the pseudo-breakup events the variations of AE ( > 500 nT) clearly show the sudden increase and slow decrease phases. However, aurora does not expand to poleward or equatorward, and the ionospheric currents presents the features of the magnetic convection. We mainly focus on investigating what time the AE could be used to identify the subtorm.


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Marine sponge cell culture is a potential route for the sustainable production of sponge-derived bioproducts. Development of a basal culture medium is a prerequisite for the attachment, spreading, and growth of sponge cells in vitro. With the limited knowledge available on nutrient requirements for sponge cells, a series of statistical experimental designs has been employed to screen and optimize the critical nutrient components including inorganic salts (ferric ion, zinc ion, silicate, and NaCl), amino acids (glycine, glutamine, and aspartic acid), sugars (glucose, sorbitol, and sodium pyruvate), vitamin C, and mammalian cell medium (DMEM and RPMI 1640) using MTT assay in 96-well plates. The marine sponge Hymeniacidon perleve was used as a model system. Plackett-Burman design was used for the initial screening, which identified the significant factors of ferric ion, NaCl, and vitamin C. These three factors were selected for further optimization by Uniform Design and Response Surface Methodology (RSM), respectively. A basal medium was finally established, which supported an over 100% increase in viability of sponge cells.