60 resultados para Divergence dates


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The frame of a laser diode transmitter for intersatellite communication is concisely introduced. A simple, novel and visual method for measuring the diffraction-limited wavefront of the transmitter by a Jamin double-shearing interferometer is proposed. To verify the validity of the measurement, the far-field divergence of beam is additionally rigorously analysed in terms of the Fraunhofer diffraction. The measurement, the necessary analyses and discussion are given in detail. By directly measuring the fringe widths and quantitatively interpreting the interference fringes, the minimum detectable wavefront height (DWH) of the wavefront is only 0.2 gimel (the distance between the perfect plane wavefront and the actual wavefront at the transmitting aperture) and the corresponding divergence is only 65.84 mu rad. This indicates that the wavefront approaches the diffraction-limited condition. The results show that this interferometer is a powerful tool for testing the semiconductor laser beam's wavefront, especially the diffraction-limited wavefront.


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Accurate, analytical series expressions for the far-field diffraction of it Gaussian beam normally incident on a circular and central obscured aperture are derived with the help of the integration of parts method. With this expression, the far-field intensity distribution pattern can be obtained and the divergence angle is deduced too. Using the first five items of the series, the accuracy can satisfy most laser application fields. Compared with the conventional numerical integral method, the series representation is very convenient for understanding the physical meanings. (C) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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An optical communication scheme of 2-D pattern transfer based on imaging optics for submarine laser uplink communication (SLUC) is suggested. Unlike the methods aiming at avoiding neighboring crosstalk used in traditional multi-channel optical beam transferring, we make full use of the overlapping of each spreading beam other than controlling divergence effect of each beam to avoid interference noise. The apparent parameters have been introduced to simplify theoretical analysis of optical pattern transfer problem involving underwater condition, with the help of which the complex beam propagation inside two kinds of mediums can be easily reduced to brief beam transfer only inside air medium. In this paper, optical transmission path and receiver terminal optics geometry have been described in detail. The link range equation and system uplink performance analysis have also been given. At last, results of a proof-of-concept experiment indicate good feasibility of the proposed SLUC model. © 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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We present what we believe is a novel technique based on the moire effect for fully diagnosing the beam quality of an x-ray laser. Using Fresnel diffraction theory, we investigated the intensity profile of the moire pattern when a general paraxial beam illuminates a pair of Ronchi gratings in the quasi-far field. Two formulas were derived to determine the beam quality factor M-2 and the effective radius of curvature R-e from the moire pattern. On the basis of the results, the far-field divergence, the waist location, and the radius can be calculated further. Finally, we verified the approach by use of numerical simulation. (C) 1999 Optical Society of America [S0740-3232(99)01502-1].


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Based on the ripple transfers of electric-field amplitude and phase in frequency tripling, simple formulas are derived for the harmonic laser's beam-quality factor M-3omega(2), with an arbitrary fundamental incidence to ideal nonlinear crystals. Whereas the harmonic beam's quality is generally degraded, the beam's divergence is similar to that of the fundamental after nonlinear frequency conversion. For practical crystals with periodic surface ripples that are caused by their machining, a multiorder diffractive model is presented with which the focusing properties of harmonic beams can be studied. Predictions of the theories are shown to be in excellent agreement with full numerical simulations. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.


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提出一种新型光束质量实时测量技术, 该技术主要基于由平板反射镜组成的多平面成像系统, 一次性将激光束腰附近2倍瑞利距离内的多个光斑成像在同一个平面上, 用CCD相机获取这些光斑的光强分布图样。通过图像处理获知接收到的光斑的光强分布。采用远场发散角、焦点尺寸、桶中功率比和M2因子四种光束质量评价标准对激光光束质量进行评价。利用该方法实时测量了高能钕玻璃双板条激光器的输出光束。


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为了同时补偿固体增益介质的热致双折射及热透镜效应,进一步提高重复频率1 kHz激光二极管(LD)侧向抽运高平均功率电光调Q Nd:YAG激光器的输出功率,设计了一种完全消除热退偏损耗的双调Q开关谐振腔结构,此结构在传统调Q谐振腔的基础上沿着偏振片的退偏方向增加了一个调Q谐振支路,并使得激光从增益介质方向输出。实验结果表明,此激光器的单脉冲能量比单Q开关结构的非补偿腔输出能量高出74.7%。当侧面抽运的激光二极管输出脉冲能量达到307 mJ时,激光输出能量达到26.2 mJ,光-光转换效率为8.5%,光束发


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对多横模全固态激光器使用正交频率变换进行了分析,计算了频率转换效率与激光发散角的关系。使用双KTP晶体正交倍频的方法,对Nd∶YAG激光器输出的含有高阶横模的激光进行倍频实验研究。在1064 nm Nd∶YAG激光基波功率密度为121 MW/cm2时,其谐波转换效率达到75.5%。研究表明,对于光束质量较差的基波激光,采用正交频率变换的方式,适当选择晶体参数,同样可以获得较高效率的二次谐波输出。


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实验研究了激光二极管阵列(LDA)侧向抽运国产Nd∶YAG陶瓷棒的准连续及被动调Q激光输出特性。该陶瓷激光器采用LDA侧面紧密环绕均匀排布的抽运结构,陶瓷棒抽运区域长度为20 mm,其总尺寸为3 mm×35 mm,掺杂原子数分数为~1%。在千赫兹准连续运转条件下,当平-平谐振腔的输出耦合镜透过率为47.3%时,获得最大平均功率23 W的1064 nm激光输出,光束发散角为4.5 mrad,斜率效率达12%。在谐振腔内插入Cr4+∶YAG晶体作为被动调Q开关,成功地实现了陶瓷激光器千赫兹重复频率调Q激光脉冲输出,当Cr4+∶YAG晶体初始透过率为60%时,输出激光脉冲宽度(半峰全宽)可窄至14.5 ns,调Q动静比约为40%。


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We investigate the lasing characteristics of a laser-diode-array side-pumped electro-optic Q-switched Nd:Y3Al5O12 ceramic laser operating at 1000 Hz pulse repetition rate. Using a YAG poltcrystalline rod with Nd3+ concentration at 1 at.% as the gain medium, pumping with 808 nm laser-diode-arrays, the Q-switched laser output at 1064 nm wavelength with 23 mJ pulse energy and less than 12 ns FWHM pulse width are obtained at a pumping power of about 400 W, the slope efficiency is around 15%, the output beam divergence angle is about 1.2 mrad.


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A novel laser resonator for compensating depolarization loss that is due to thermally induced birefringence in active rod is reported. As this new structure being applied to an electro-optic Q-switched LIDA side-pumped Nd:YAG laser operating at a repetition rate of 1000 Hz, substantial reduction in depolarization loss has been observed, the output pulse energy is improved about 56% from that of a traditional resonator without compensation structure. With incident pump energy of 450 mJ per pulse, linearly polarized output energy of 30 mJ per pulse is achieved, the pulse duration is less than 15 ns, and the peak power of pulse is about 2 MW. The extinction ratio of laser beam is better than 10:1, and the beam divergence is 1.3 mrad with beam diameter of around 2.5 mm. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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对InnoSlab Laser用混合腔的输出光束质量问题从热透镜效应和腔镜的不对准两个方面的影响进行理论分析,并从远场光强分布、远场发散角、光腰半径、光束质量因子M2值和桶中功率曲线等几个角度进行了讨论,特别是离轴非稳腔方向上腔镜倾斜对光束质量的影响,利用M2值和PIB曲线两个参数共同评价非稳腔的光束质量,对目前并无统一标准的非稳腔光束质量评价问题提供了有意义的参考.


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Graded-index (GRIN) fiber lens arrays are fabricated from commercial GRIN fibers to collimate a high-power laser diode array. The beam divergence angles are reduced to 4.2 and 14.7 mrad in the fast and slow axes, respectively. The influences of smile and fluctuation in fiber length are discussed. Using an aspherical focal lens system, about 74% power can be launched into a fiber with a numerical aperture (NA) of 0.22 and a core diameter of 400 mu m. (c) 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.