90 resultados para Dimensional Accuracy


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We investigate the existence of wavelike solution for the logistic coupled map lattices for which the spatiotemporal periodic patterns can be predicted by a simple two-dimensional mapping. The existence of such wavelike solutions is proved by the implicit function theorem with constraints. We also examine the stabilities of these wave solutions under perturbations of uniform small deformation type. We show that in some specific cases these perturbations are completely general. The technique used in this paper is also applicable to investigate other space-time regular patterns.


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In the present paper, argon (Ar) plasmas in a bell jar inductively coupled plasma (ICP) source are systematically studied over pressures from 5 to 20 mtorr and power inputs from 0.2 to 0.5 kW. In this study, both a two-dimensional (2-D) fluid model simulation and global model calculation are compared, The 2-D fluid model simulation with a self-consistent power deposition is developed to describe the Ar plasma behavior as well as predict the plasma parameter distributions, Finally, a quantitative comparison between the global model and the fluid model is made to test their validity.


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The coherent structure in two-dimensional mixing layers is simulated numerically with the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. The Navier-Stokes equations are discretized with high-order accurate upwind compact schemes. The process of development of flow structure is presented: loss of stability, development of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, rolling up and pairing. The time and space development of the plane mixing layer and influence of the compressibility are investigated.


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A new compact finite difference-Fourier spectral hybrid method for solving the three dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is developed in the present paper. The fifth-order upwind compact finite difference schemes for the nonlinear convection terms in the physical space, and the sixth-order center compact schemes for the derivatives in spectral space are described, respectively. The fourth-order compact schemes in a single nine-point cell for solving the Helmholtz equations satisfied by the velocities and pressure in spectral space is derived and its preconditioned conjugate gradient iteration method is studied. The treatment of pressure boundary conditions and the three dimensional non-reflecting outflow boundary conditions are presented. Application to the vortex dislocation evolution in a three dimensional wake is also reported.


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We study phonon properties of one-dimensional nanocrystalline solids that are associated with a model nanostructured sequence. A real-space renormalization-group approach, connected with a series of renormalization-group transformations, is developed to calculate numerically the local phonon Green's function at an arbitrary site, and then the phonon density of states of these kinds of nanocrystalline chains. Some interesting phonon properties of nanocrystalline chains are obtained that are in qualitative agreement with the experimental results for the optical-absorption spectra of nanostructured solids.


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A three-dimensional finite element analysis has been used to determine the internal stresses in a three-phase composite. The stresses have been determined for a variety of interphase properties, the thicknesses of the interphase and the volume fractions of particles. Young's modulus has been calculated from a knowledge of these stresses and the applied deformation. The calculations show that stress distributions in the matrix and the mechanical properties are sensitive to the interphase property in the three-phase composites. The interfacial stresses in the three-dimensional analysis are in agreement with results obtained by an axisymmetric analysis. The predicted bulk modulus in three-dimensional analysis agrees well with the theoretical solution obtained by Qui and Weng, but it presents a great divergence from that in axisymmetric analyses. An investigation indicates that this divergence may be caused by the difference in the unit cell structure between two models. A comparison of the numerically predicted bulk and shear modulus for two-phase composites with the theoretical results indicates that the three-dimensional analysis gives quite satisfactory results.


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In order to obtain an overall and systematic understanding of the performance of a two-stage light gas gun (TLGG), a numerical code to simulate the process occurring in a gun shot is advanced based on the quasi-one-dimensional unsteady equations of motion with the real gas effect,;friction and heat transfer taken into account in a characteristic formulation for both driver and propellant gas. Comparisons of projectile velocities and projectile pressures along the barrel with experimental results from JET (Joint European Tons) and with computational data got by the Lagrangian method indicate that this code can provide results with good accuracy over a wide range of gun geometry and loading conditions.


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A time averaged two-dimensional fluid model including an electromagnetic module with self-consistent power deposition was developed to simulate the transport of a low pressure radio frequency inductively coupled plasma source. Comparsions with experiment and previous simulation results show, that the fluid model is feasible in a certain range of gas pressure. In addition, the effects of gas pressure and power input have been discussed.


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The flow structure around an NACA 0012 aerofoil oscillating in pitch around the quarter-chord is numerically investigated by solving the two-dimensional compressible N-S equations using a special matrix-splitting scheme. This scheme is of second-order accuracy in time and space and is computationally more efficient than the conventional flux-splitting scheme. A 'rigid' C-grid with 149 x 51 points is used for the computation of unsteady flow. The freestream Mach number varies from 0.2 to 0.6 and the Reynolds number from 5000 to 20,000. The reduced frequency equals 0.25-0.5. The basic flow structure of dynamic stall is described and the Reynolds number effect on dynamic stall is briefly discussed. The influence of the compressibility on dynamic stall is analysed in detail. Numerical results show that there is a significant influence of the compressibility on the formation and convection of the dynamic stall vortex. There is a certain influence of the Reynolds number on the flow structure. The average convection velocity of the dynamic stall vortex is approximately 0.348 times the freestream velocity.


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The dynamic stress intensity factor history for a semi-infinite crack in an otherwise unbounded elastic body is analyzed. The crack is subjected to a pair of suddenly-applied point loadings on its faces at a distance L away from the crack tip. The exact expression for the mode I stress intensity factor as a function of time is obtained. The method of solution is based on the direct application of integral transforms, the Wiener-Hopf technique and the Cagniard-de Hoop method. Due to the existence of the characteristic length in loading this problem was long believed a knotty problem. Some features of the solutions are discussed and graphical result for numerical computation is presented.


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The three-dimensional transient wave response problem is presented for an infinite elastic medium weakened by a plane crack of infinite length and finite width. Tractions are applied suddenly to the crack, which simulates the case of impact loading. The integral transforms are utilized to reduce the problem to a standard Fredholm integral equation in the Laplace transform variable and sequentially invert the Laplace transforms of the stress components by numerical inversion method. The dynamic mode I stress intensity factors at the crack tip are obtained and some numerical results are presented in graphical form.


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On the basis of previous works, the strange attractor in real physical systems is discussed. Louwerier attractor is used as an example to illustrate the geometric structure and dynamical properties of strange attractor. Then the strange attractor of a kind of two-dimensional map is analysed. Based on some conditions, it is proved that the closure of the unstable manifolds of hyberbolic fixed point of map is a strange attractor in real physical systems.


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A perturbational h4 compact exponential finite difference scheme with diagonally dominant coefficient matrix and upwind effect is developed for the convective diffusion equation. Perturbations of second order are exerted on the convective coefficients and source term of an h2 exponential finite difference scheme proposed in this paper based on a transformation to eliminate the upwind effect of the convective diffusion equation. Four numerical examples including one- to three-dimensional model equations of fluid flow and a problem of natural convective heat transfer are given to illustrate the excellent behavior of the present exponential schemes, the h4 accuracy of the perturbational scheme is verified using double precision arithmetic.


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A compact upwind scheme with dispersion control is developed using a dissipation analogy of the dispersion term. The term is important in reducing the unphysical fluctuations in numerical solutions. The scheme depends on three free parameters that may be used to regulate the size of dissipation as well as the size and direction of dispersion. A coefficient to coordinate the dispersion is given. The scheme has high accuracy, the method is simple, and the amount of computation is small. It also has a good capability of capturing shock waves. Numerical experiments are carried out with two-dimensional shock wave reflections and the results are very satisfactory.