75 resultados para Diffusion Equation


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The pure diffusion process has been often used to study the crystal growth of a binary alloy in the microgravity environment. In the present paper, a geometric parameter, the ratio of the maximum deviation distance of curved solidification and melting interfaces from the plane to the radius of the crystal rod, was adopted as a small parameter, and the analytical solution was obtained based on the perturbation theory. The radial segregation of a diffusion dominated process was obtained for cases of arbitrary Peclet number in a region of finite extension with both a curved solidification interface and a curved melting interface. Two types of boundary conditions at the melting interface were analyzed. Some special cases such as infinite extension in the longitudinal direction and special range of Peclet number were reduced from the general solution and discussed in detail.


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In this paper, by use of the boundary integral equation method and the techniques of Green basic solution and singularity analysis, the dynamic problem of antiplane is investigated. The problem is reduced to solving a Cauchy singular integral equation in Laplace transform space. This equation is strictly proved to be equivalent to the dual integral equations obtained by Sih [Mechanics of Fracture, Vol. 4. Noordhoff, Leyden (1977)]. On this basis, the dynamic influence between two parallel cracks is also investigated. By use of the high precision numerical method for the singular integral equation and Laplace numerical inversion, the dynamic stress intensity factors of several typical problems are calculated in this paper. The related numerical results are compared to be consistent with those of Sih. It shows that the method of this paper is successful and can be used to solve more complicated problems. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd


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We try to connect the theory of infinite dimensional dynamical systems and nonlinear dynamical methods. The sine-Gordon equation is used to illustrate our method of discussing the dynamical behaviour of infinite dimensional systems. The results agree with those of Bishop and Flesch [SLAM J. Math. Anal. 21 (1990) 1511].


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 Burgers suggested that the main properties of free-turbulence in the boundless area without basic flow might be understood with the aid of the following equation, which was much simpler than those of fluid dynamics, 


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Hypersonic viscous flow around a space shuttle with M(infinity) = 7, Re = 148000 and angle of attack alpha = 5-degrees is simulated numerically with the special Jacobian matrix splitting technique and simplified diffusion analogy method. With the simplified diffusion analogy method the efficiency of computation and resolution of the shock can be improved.


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Based on the idea proposed by Hu [Scientia Sinica Series A XXX, 385-390 (1987)], a new type of boundary integral equation for plane problems of elasticity including rotational forces is derived and its boundary element formulation is presented. Numerical results for a rotating hollow disk are given to demonstrate the accuracy of the new type of boundary integral equation.


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This study deals with the formulation, mathematical property and physical meaning of the simplified Navier-Stokes (SNS) equations. The tensorial SNS equations proposed is the simplest in form and is applicable to flow fields with arbitrary body boundaries. The zones of influence and dependence of the SNS equations, which are of primary importance to numerical solutions, are expounded for the first time from the viewpoint of subcharacteristics. Besides, a detailed analysis of the diffusion process in flow fields shows that the diffusion effect has an influence zone globally windward and an upwind propagation greatly depressed by convection. The maximum upwind influential distance of the viscous effect and the relative importance of the viscous effect in the flow direction to that in the direction normal to the flow are represented by the Reynolds number, which illustrates the conversion of the complete Navier-Stokes (NS) equations to the SNS equations for flows with large Reynolds number.


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The dilatational plastic constitutive equation presented in this paper is proved to be in a form of generality. Based on this equation, the constitutive behaviour of materials at the moment of bifurcation is demonstrated to follow a loading path with the response as "soft" as possible.


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The possibility of lifetime measurement in a flowing medium with phase fluorometry is investigated theoretically. A 3-D time dependent partial differential equation of the number density of atoms (or molecules) in the upper level of the fluorescence transition is solved analytically, taking flow, diffusion, optical excitation, decay, Doppler shift, and thickness of the excitation light sheet into account. An analytical expression of the intensity of the fluorescence signal in the flowing medium is deduced. Conditions are given, in which the principle of lifetime measurement with phase fluorometry in the static sample cell can be used in a flowing medium.


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radiation incident upon a test cell filled with gaseous SF6 has


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This paper presents a general self-consistent theory of evolution and propagation of wavelets on the galactic disk. A simplified model for this theory, i. e. the thin transition-layer approximation is proposed.There are three types of solutions to the basic equation governing the evolution of wavelets on the disk: (ⅰ) normal propagating type; (ⅱ) swing type; (ⅲ) general evolving type. The results show that the first two types are applicable to a certain domain on the galactic disk and a certain region of the wave number of wavelets. The third is needed to join the other two types and to yield a coherent total picture of the wave motion. From the present theory, it can be seen that the well-known "swing theory" of the G-L sheet model holds only for a certain class of basic states of galaxies.


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The stationary two-dimensional (x, z) near wakes behind a flat-based projectile which moves at a constant mesothermal speed (V∞) along a z-axis in a rarefied, fully ionized, plasma is studied using the wave model previously proposed by one of the authors (VCL). One-fluid theory is used to depict the free expansion of ambient plasma into the vacuum produced behind a fast-moving projectile. This nonstationary, one-dimensional (x, t) flow which is approximated by the K-dV equation can be transformed, through substitution, t=z/V∞, into a stationary two-dimensional (x, z) near wake flow seen by an observer moving with the body velocity (V∞). The initial value problem of the K-dV equation in (x, t) variables is solved by a specially devised numerical method. Comparisons of the present numerical solution for the asymptotically small and large times with available analytical solutions are made and found in satisfactory agreements.


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The starting process of two-dimensional nozzle flows has been simulated with Euler, laminar and k - g two-equation turbulence Navier-Stokes equations. The flow solver is based on a combination of LUSGS subiteration implicit method and five spatial discretized schemes, which are Roe, HLLE, MHLLE upwind schemes and AUSM+, AUSMPW schemes. In the paper, special attention is for the flow differences of the nozzle starting process obtained from different governing equations and different schemes. Two nozzle flows, previously investigated experimentally and numerically by other researchers, are chosen as our examples. The calculated results indicate the carbuncle phenomenon and unphysical oscillations appear more or less near a wall or behind strong shock wave except using HLLE scheme, and these unphysical phenomena become more seriously with the increase of Mach number. Comparing the turbulence calculation, inviscid solution cannot simulate the wall flow separation and the laminar solution shows some different flow characteristics in the regions of flow separation and near wall.