83 resultados para Convective plume


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This is the first part of direct numerical simulation (DNS) of double-diffusive convection in a slim rectangular enclosure with horizontal temperature and concentration gradients. We consider the case with the thermal Rayleigh number of 10^5, the Pradtle number of 1, the Lewis number of 2, the buoyancy ratio of composition to temperature being in the range of [0,1], and height-to-width aspect ration of 4. A new 7th order upwind compact scheme was developed for approximation of convective terms, and a three-stage third-order Runge-Kutta method was employed for time advancement. Our DNS suggests that with the buoyancy ratio increasing form 0 to 1, the flow of transition is a complex series changing fromthe steady to periodic, chaotic, periodic, quasi-periodic, and finally back to periodic. There are two types of periodic flow, one is simple periodic flow with single fundamental frequency (FF), and another is complex periodic flow with multiple FFs. This process is illustrated by using time-velocity histories, Fourier frequency spectrum analysis and the phase-space rajectories.


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The heat transfer characteristics of China no. 3 kerosene were investigated experimentally and analytically under conditions relevant to a regenerative cooling system for scramjet applications. A test facility developed for the present study can handle kerosene in a temperature range of 300-1000 K, a pressure range of 2.6-5 MPa, and a mass How rate range of 10-100 g/s. In addition, the test section was uniquely designed such that both the wall temperature and the bulk fuel temperature were measured at the same location along the flowpath. The measured temperature distributions were then used to analytically deduce the local heat transfer characteristics. A 10-component kerosene surrogate was proposed and employed to calculate the fuel thermodynamic and transport properties that were required in the heat transfer analysis. Results revealed drastic changes in the fuel flow properties and heat transfer characteristics when kerosene approached its critical state. Convective heat transfer enhancement was also found as kerosene became supercritical. The heat transfer correlation in the relatively low-fuel-temperature region yielded a similar result to other commonly used jet fuels, such as JP-7 and JP-8, at compressed liquid states. In the high-fuel-temperature region, near and beyond the critical temperature, heat transfer enhancement was observed; hence, the associated correlation showed a more significant Reynolds number dependency.


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Dynamic measurements of the ion saturation current in the plasma plume by a double-electrostatic probe system were carried out. Regular signals obtained by the electros- tatic probe show good agreement with the stable plasma flow state. Dependence of the flow steadiness on the plasma generation parameters was discussed. As a fast response method, the double-electrostatic probe system is feasible to characterize the fluctuations in the plasma jet.


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A set of numerical analyses for momentum and heat transfer For a 3 in. (0.075 m) diameter Liquid Encapsulant Czochralski (LEC) growth of single-crystal GaAs with or without all axial magnetic field was carried Out using the finite-element method. The analyses assume a pseudosteady axisymmetric state with laminar floats. Convective and conductive heat transfers. radiative heat transfer between diffuse surfaces and the Navier-Stokes equations for both melt and encapsulant and electric current stream function equations Cor melt and crystal Lire considered together and solved simultaneously. The effect of the thickness of encapsulant. the imposed magnetic field strength as well as the rotation rate of crystal and crucible on the flow and heat transfer were investigated. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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A GaSb crystal incorporated with Mn has been grown by the Bridgman method on the Polizon facility onboard the FOTON-M3 spacecraft. Structural defects and growth striations have been successfully revealed by the chemical etching method. By calculating various parameters of the convection, the striation patterns can be explained, and the critical value of the Taylor number, which characterizes the convective condition of the rotating magnetic field induced azimuthal flow, was shown. The stresses generated during crystal growth can be reflected by the observations of etch pit distribution and other structural defects. Suggestions for improving the space experiment to improve the quality of the crystal are given.


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This paper describes an experimental study on the oscillation flow characteristics of submerged supersonic gas jets issued from Laval nozzles. The flow pattern during the jet development and the jet expansion feedback phenomenon are studied using a high-speed camera and a pressure measurement system. The experimental results indicate that along the downstream distance, the jet has three flow regimes: (1) momentum jet; (2) buoyant jet; (3) plume. In the region near the nozzle exit a so-called bulge phenomenon is found. Bulging of the jet occurs many times before the more violent jet expansion feedback occurs. During the feedback process, the jet diameter can become several times that of the original one depending on the jet Mach number. The frequencies of the jet bulging and the jet expansion feedback are measured.


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采用RNG(renormalization group)k-ε湍流模型和近壁区的Wolfstein一方程模型对超临界压力下大庆RP-3航空煤油在水平圆管内的流动和换热特性进行了数值研究.超临界压力下,由于航空煤油在拟临界点附近热物性的剧烈变化,浮升力将引起显著的二次流动.二次流动使得水平圆管的下表面湍流强度和对流换热增强,而上表面的湍流强度和对流换热减弱.最后分析了两种水平管内对流换热受浮升力影响判别标准在超临界流体中的适用性


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本文针对超燃冲压发动机再生冷却系统运行条件,实验研究了大庆RP-3煤油在超临界压力下的流动和传热特性,目的在于研究煤油在各种工况下的流动参数变化以及对流传热规律. 煤油通过二级煤油加热/输运系统加热,试验的煤油压力约2.6M~5.0MPa,油温约300~800 K. 相应的壁面热流密度为10~300 kW/m2. 通过油温与壁温的同步测量,结合非定常传热分析,获得了超临界压力下、亚/超临界温度范围内煤油的流动和传热物理参量的变化曲线


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Using the level-set method and the continuum interface model, the axisymmetric thermocapillary migration of gas bubbles in an immiscible bulk liquid with a temperature gradient at moderate to large Marangoni number is simulated numerically. Constant material properties of the two phases are assumed. Steady state of the motion can always be reached. The terminal migration velocity decreases monotonously with the increase of the Marangoni number due to the wrapping of isotherms around the front surface of the bubble. Good agreements with space experimental data and previous theoretical and numerical studies in the literature are evident. Slight deformation of bubble is observed, but no distinct influence on the motion occurs. It is also found that the influence of the convective transport of heat inside bubbles cannot be neglected at finite Marangoni number, while the influence of the convective transport of momentum inside bubbles may be actually negligible.


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A linear spatio-temporal stability analysis is conducted for the ice growth under a falling water film along an inclined ice plane. The full system of linear stability equations is solved by using the Chebyshev collocation method. By plotting the boundary curve between the linear absolute and convective instabilities (AI/CI) of the ice mode in the parameter plane of the Reynolds number and incline angle, it is found that the linear absolute instability exists and occurs above a minimum Reynolds number and below a maximum inclined angle. Furthermore, by plotting the critical Reynolds number curves with respect to the inclined angle for the downstream and upstream branches, the convectively unstable region is determined and divided into three parts, one of which has both downstream and upstream convectively unstable wavepackets and the other two have only downstream or upstream convectively unstable wavepacket. Finally, the effect of the Stefan number and the thickness of the ice layer on the AI/CI boundary curve is investigated.


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对超临界压力下大庆RP-3航空煤油在小管道内的流动、传热过程进行了数值研究. 湍流模拟采用了 RNG k-ε两方程模型和Wolfstein一方程模型结合的两层模型;同时, 采用煤油的10组分替代模型以及NIST Supertrapp程序库对大庆3号航空煤油的热物理和输运特性进行了确定. 圆管传热的计算条件为:入口压力4 MPa, 入口温度300 K, 质量流量范围:0.06~0.12 kg/s, 壁面热流密度范围:300~700 kW/m~2. 计算结果显示, 煤油的流动和传热特性比水、二氧化碳等简单化合物复杂得多. 在超临界压力下, 煤油的吸热升温导致其热物理特性以及流动特性均发生剧烈变化, 其中, 雷诺数沿管道方向上升了至少一个量级, 而普朗特数下降了一个量级. 在加热开始段, 煤油的对流传热系数迅速上升;当壁面温度超过其拟临界温度后, 对流传热系数略有所回落;随着煤油温度的进一步上升, 传热系数又得到明显增强. 计算表明, 煤油对流换热特性的变化与煤油复杂的高温热物理特性以及湍流流动在近壁区的增强和抑止有关


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The available experimental results have shown that in time-periodic motion the rheology of fluid mud displays complex viscoelastic behaviour. Based on the measured rheology of fluid mud from two field sites, we study the interaction of water waves and fluid mud by a two-layered model in which the water above is assumed to be inviscid and the mud below is viscoelastic. As the fluid-mud layer in shallow seas is usually much thinner than the water layer above, the sharp contrast of scales enables an approximate analytical theory for the interaction between fluid mud and small-amplitude waves with a narrow frequency band. It is shown that at the leading order and within a short distance of a few wavelengths, wave pressure from above forces mud motion below. Over a Much longer distance, waves are modified by the accumulative dissipation in mud. At the next order, infragravity waves owing to convective inertia (or radiation stresses) are affected indirectly by mud motion through the slow modulation of the short waves. Quantitative predictions are made for mud samples of several concentrations and from two different field sites.