292 resultados para Co-composting
Histo-blood group antigens CD173 (H2) and CD174 (Lewis Y) are known to be developmentally regulated carbohydrate antigens which are expressed to a varying degree on many human carcinomas. We hypothesized that they might represent markers of cancer-initiating cells (or cancer stem cells, CSC). In order to test this hypothesis, we examined the co-expression of CD173 and CD174 with stem cell markers CD44 and CD133 by flow cytometry analysis, immunocytochemistry, and immunohistochemistry on cell lines and tissue sections from breast cancer. In three breast cancer cell lines, the percentage of CD173(+)/CD44(+) cells ranged from 17% to > 60% and of CD174(+)/CD44(+) from 21% to 57%. In breast cancer tissue sections from 15 patients, up to 50% of tumor cells simultaneously expressed CD173, CD174, and CD44 antigens. Co-expression of CD173 and CD174 with CD133 was also observed, but to a lesser percentage. Co-immunoprecipitation and sandwich ELISA experiments on breast cancer cell lines suggested that CD173 and CD174 are carried on the CD44 molecule. The results show that in these tissues CD173 (H2) and CD174 (LeY) are associated with CD44 expression, suggesting that these carbohydrate antigens are markers of cancer-initiating cells or of early progenitors of breast carcinomas.
测定了采自南极隐兆(Cryptopygus nanjiensis)的线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基II(CO II)基因序列,并测定了拉提疣兆(Neanura latior)、梅坞格蚖(Gracilentulus maijiawensis)和韦氏鳞八(Lepidocampa weberi)的CO II基因序列,对序列的A + T含量、核苷酸取代和转换/颠换(TS/TV)频率进行了统计分析。计算了种间Tamura-Nei遗传距离,以甲壳类无甲目(Anostraca)的一种卤虫Artemia franciscana作为外群构建了分子系统树。对无翅类昆虫线粒体CO II基因序列A + T含量的进化倾向性、类群间的遗传分歧和系统进化关系进行了探讨。
吗啡和胆碱能系统的相互作用已在多项研究中提到,本实验想查明吗啡是否能和胆碱能拮抗剂、东莨菪碱以及阿托品共同作用对小鼠的Y迷宫空间识别记忆提取产生影响.采用测试前腹腔给药的方法,选用3种剂量的吗啡(5、1.5、0.5mg/kg),两种剂量的东莨菪碱(1、0.1mg/kg),以及两种剂量的阿托品(0.5、0.1mg/kg),剂量由高到低相配对作为联合给药的手段.其结果表明:1)0.5mg/kg低剂量吗啡与0.1 mg/kg低剂量的东莨菪碱,或与0.1 mg/kg低剂最的阿托品联合给药的小鼠,在记忆提取测试中, 空间探查行为(各臂停留时间百分比)对新异臂没有偏好,而新奇探索行为(各臂访问次数百分比)仍保持了对新异臂的偏好,而相应剂最药物单独给药的小鼠记忆提取均没有被损害;2)吗啡能和东莨菪碱相互作用使小鼠的活动性显著增强.暗示吗啡和胆碱能拮抗剂对小鼠空间记忆提取的破坏存在一定程度的相互作用.
Morphine and propranolol co-administration impair consolidation of Y-maze spatial recognition memory
In the present study, the interaction between morphine and the beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist, propranolol (PROP), in memory consolidation was investigated in a two-trial recognition Y-maze task. Four sets of Y-maze experiments were carried out in mi
In one of our recent studies, two HCV genotype 6 variants were identified in patients from Hong Kong and Guangxi in southern China, with injection drug use and HIV-1 co-infection. We report the complete genomic sequences for these two variants: GX004 and
Co-occurrence of double pathogenic mtDNA mutations with different claimed pathological roles in one mtDNA is infrequent. It is tentative to believe that each of these pathogenic mutations would have its own deleterious effect. Here we reported one three-g
In our studies, 88 human mRNA samples were collected from the Integrated Sequence-Structure database and then the dynamic process in co-transcriptional mRNA folding was simulated using the RNAstructure version 4.1 program. Through statistical analyses of the frequencies of occurrence of hairpins, a group of special folding structures-the 'common hairpins'-were identified. These 'common hairpins' have lower energies and occur in all the subsequent folding units that formed in the dynamic folding process. By applying the formulas (1)-(4) of the 'common hairpins' statistical model, 163 'common hairpins' were found, to make up about 7% of the total of 2286 hairpins. Classified studies further show that the 'common hairpins' that were studied may oscillate in the dynamic folding process. However, the hairpin loops of the 'common hairpins' and stems proximal to those 'common hairpins' loops maintain topologically stable structures, while other loops and stems distal to the 'common hairpins' loops are shown to be alterable structures. Strikingly, further studies indicate that the stable structures of these 'common hairpins' may have unbeknown effects on controlling the formation of protein structures in the translation process (unpublished results). (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
<正> 在前文的基础上,用~(59)CO~2+Cl_2·6H_2O加D_2O作为样品,在200MHz谱仪上观察~1H,在400MHz谱仪上观察~(35)Cl,研究强顺磁离子~(59)Co~2+(s=3/2,I=7/2)在外加直流磁场H_0作用下,它对~1H与~(35)Cl的NMR影响。因为强顺磁离子~(59)Co~(2+)的电子自旋(s=3/2)是围绕着核旋转的,因此可以统计平均计算,
<正> 关于鱼类单倍体育种,近年来很多遗传工作者利用辐射处理的方法(~60Co-r射线、X-射线、紫外线等)成功地获得了人工雌核发育鱼。但直到目前为止,鱼类雄核发育的研究资料却非常罕见。本研究采用不同剂量的~60Co-Υ射线处理几种鱼的成熟卵,再以正常精子诱发雄核发育,其结果予以报道。