58 resultados para Brunelleschi, Filippo, 1377-1446
Arginine kinase (AK) is a phosphotransferase that plays a critical role in energy metabolism in invertebrates. in this paper, the full-length cDNA of AI( was cloned from shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei by using RT-PCR and RACE PCR. It was 1446 bp encoding 356 amino acids, and belongs to the conserved phosphagen kinase family. The quantitative real-time reverse transcription PCR analysis revealed a broad expression of AK with the highest expression in the muscle and the lowest in the skin. The expression of AK after challenge with LIPS was tested in hemocytes and muscle, which indicated that the two peak values were 6.2 times (at 3 h) and 10.14 times (at 24 h) in the hemocytes compared with the control values, respectively (P < 0.05), while the highest expression of AK was 41 times (at 24 h) in the muscle compared with the control (P < 0.05). In addition, AK was expressed in Eschetichia coli by prokaryotic expression plasmid pGEX-4T-2. The recombinant protein was expressed as glutathione s-transferase (GST) arginine kinase (GST-AK) fusion protein, which was purified by affinity chromatography using Glutathione Sepharose 4B. After cleavage from GST by using a site-specific protease, the recombinant protein was identified by ESI-MS and showed AK activity. After treatment with 10 mM ATP, the enzyme activity significantly increased. However, the enzyme activity was inhibited by 10 mM alpha-ketoglutarate, 50 mM glucose and 200 mM ATP. This research suggested that AK might play an important role in the coupling of energy production and utilization and the immune response in shrimps. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two anthraquinone compounds were isolated from the culture broth of a marine actinomycete isolate M097. The structures were elucidated as Aloesaponarin II and 1,6-dihydroxy-8-hydroxymethyl-anthraquinone by detailed interpretation of their spectra. It is the first time that the latter has ever been reported as a secondary metabolite from a wild-type strain. The results showed that the actinomycete isolate M097 could be a promising material for studying the biosynthetic pathway of polyketides and the production of novel recombinant polyketides.
The perturbation method is developed to investigate the effective nonlinear dielectric response of Kerr composites when the external ac and dc electric field is applied. Under the external ac and dc electric field E-app=E-a(1+sin omegat), the effective coupling nonlinear response can be induced by the cubic nonlinearity of Kerr nonlinear materials at the zero frequency, the finite basic frequency omega, the second and the third harmonics, 2omega and 3omega, and so on. As an example, we have investigated the cylindrical inclusions randomly embedded in a host and derived the formulas of the effective nonlinear dielectric response at harmonics in dilute limit. For a higher concentration of inclusions, we have proposed a nonlinear effective-medium approximation by introducing the general effective nonlinear response. With the relationships between the effective nonlinear response at harmonics and the general effective nonlinear response, we have derived a set of formulas of the effective nonlinear dielectric responses at harmonics for a larger volume fraction. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
本论文采用扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)技术对牙鲆Paralichthys olivaceus群体和夏鲆Paralichthys dentaus 群体进行了种群鉴定和遗传结构分析。共用8 对引物对两个群体(每个群体30 个个体)进行了分析。总共产生了379 个条带,条带大小在60-1000bp。牙鲆与夏鲆的遗传多态性分别为53.83%和22.22%。牙鲆群体的多态位点数显著低于夏鲆群体。牙鲆群体和夏鲆群体种的特异条带分别为27.3% 和 29.61%。两群体平均杂和度分别为0.0701 和 0.1556,香农氏多态指数分别为0.1044 和0.2387。群体内平均遗传距离分别为0.0705 (0.0214 到0.1377)和0.1656 (0.0629 到 0.2338),两群体间的平均遗传距离为0.6328。 AFLP 技术是进行种间群体结构分析的一个很好的分子标记方法,对牙鲆和夏鲆亲本群体进行遗传背景析为今后的杂交育种阐明种间杂交的遗传机理奠定基础。 在本论文中我们采用5×8 因子交配设计建立了牙鲆P. olivaceus(♀)× 夏鲆P. dentaus(♂)杂交家系,对生长相关性状的遗传力进行分析。所有家系都混合养殖在同一养殖池中,40 日龄,在养殖池中随机采集600 个个体,测量体长,体宽,体重等数量性状;然后提取杂交子代DNA 进行家系的鉴定。首先从牙鲆的微卫星中筛选了在牙鲆、夏鲆以及杂交子代扩增多态性较好的10 对微卫星引物(Po1, Po13, Po20, Po35, Po42, Po48, Po56, Po58, Po91, Poli 23TUF)。我们采用了三对引物对600 个个体进行了家系鉴定,共有400 多个体鉴定出自己的亲本,成功率达到80%以上。基于以上结果我们认为微卫星标记可以做为一个有效的标记来代替现实的物理标记,并且可以在子代的早期进行亲本的鉴定。 在养殖过程中,我们对自交和杂交家系生长状况进行了跟踪分析,在181刘清华 牙鲆(♀)×夏鲆(♂)分子遗传学及数量遗传学研究 博士学位论文II日龄之前杂交鲆体长和体重均为未表现出杂种优势,杂种优势率值始终为负值,但是绝对值在逐渐减小。从196 日龄之后杂交鲆杂种优势开始表现出来,并且在196 日龄之后杂种优势率显著的增加。256 日龄体长杂种优势率为14.29%,体重杂种优势率为59.78%, 271 日龄体长杂种优势率达到27.36%,体重杂种优势率为 102.32%。 本研究对杂交鲆在40 日龄的体长,体高、尾柄长、尾柄高,以及全长和体重的遗传力进行了估计,5 个性状的体长半同胞遗传力h2 S 为0.00146-0.719,5个性状的全同胞遗传力h2D 为0.00121-0.632,5 个性状的半同胞和全同胞的平均遗传力h2SD 为0.001335-0.6755。其中全长的遗传力最大。实验结果说明对早期幼鱼进行体长、体重等性状实施选育策略可能会显著影响后期杂交鲆的生长。
本文在实验室条件下,系统地研究了温度盐度对栉孔扇贝胚胎和幼虫的单一和组合效应。受精卵孵化的适宜温度范围为16.0-22.0 ℃,适宜盐度范围为27.5-32.5‰。随着胚胎发育,胚体对度盐度的适应范围增广。胚胎孵化的适宜温--盐区域为16.0 ℃/27.2‰-24.4 ℃/33.6‰。水温超过26.0 ℃时,幼虫存活率显著下降,其生长的适宜温度范围为16.0-26.0℃。幼虫存活的适宜盐度范围为27.0-42.0‰,生长的适宜盐度范围为27.0-39.0‰。在120小时实验中,幼虫存活的适宜温--盐区域是10.0 ℃/16.3‰-27.0 ℃/42.0‰,生长的适宜的温--盐区域是21.5 ℃/26.1‰-27.0 ℃/36.0‰。在240小时实验中,幼虫存活的适宜温--盐区域是10.0 ℃/23.4‰-26.9 ℃/42.0‰,生长的适宜的温--盐区域是14.2 ℃/20.5‰-27.6 ℃/38.8‰。温度盐度对胚胎和幼虫的影响都很大,相比较而言,盐度的影响大于温度。温--盐对胚胎发育和幼虫存活的组合效应极其显著。随着幼虫的生长发育,温--盐对幼虫生长的组合效应逐渐表现出显著性,幼虫生长的适应范围增大。
长江源区位于青海省西南部, 北纬31°35′~ 36°30′,东经89°35′~ 97°55′。本地区共有种子植物62科、321属、1377种。区系特征表现为: 1. 温带成分占96. 81% , 以绝对优势确定了本区系明显的温带性质。2. 世界成分多为衍生, 更兼所含的中国特有属亦多为衍生, 表明本区系的年轻性和衍生的性质。3. 主要植被均属典型的高寒类型, 它们的建群种亦多为典型的高寒植被的特征种。所以, 本区系高寒植被典型, 特征种典型, 高寒区系特色明显。4. 生态环境对本区系特征的塑造表现为高寒生态因子的选择和高山特化的作用强烈, 而在一定程度上湿冷生性质和寒旱生性质的高山特化作用更为明显。长江源区的植物区系是唐古特地区高山区系的代表之一。在中国特有种的分析中, 本区系与横断山和甘肃南部区系的联系最为密切,三者间的共有种最为丰富, 有593种, 占本区中国特有种的 74. 69%。关于唐古特地区的南部界线, 作者认为, 李锡文等(1993) 的“川西北、甘西南、青东南小区”同唐古特地区关系最为密切, 若能在考虑这一因素的前提下来划分似乎更合适, 也更能体现唐古特地区作为一个独立区系的自然界线。
A new species of Saussurea, S. erecta S. W Liu, J. T Pan A J. Q. Liu sp. nov., is described from Tibet. It resembles S. kingii but may be distinguished by having distinct stems and glabrous achenes. Saussurea kingii was placed in sect. Pseudoeriocoryne of subgen. Eriocoryne; this section was circumscribed by acaulescence and an inflorescence with congested capitula surrounded by a rosette of leaves. The discovery of S. erecta with distinct stems, cauline leaves and corymbose capitula blurred the delimitation of sect. Pseudoeriocoryne and suggested that the section may be polyphyletic. Both the close relationship and the significant difference between S. erecta and S. kingii were confirmed by analyses of nrDNA ITS sequences. The resulting phylogenies based on ITS data further suggest that Saussurea sect. Pseudoeriocoryne, as traditionally defined, does not constitute a monophyletic group. The rapid radiation and speciation of Saussurea in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, as inferred from ITS phylogeny, are discussed. (c) 2005 The Linnean Society of London.
Phenolic marine natural product is a kind of new potential aldose reductase inhibitors (ARIs). In order to investigate the binding mode and inhibition mechanism, molecular docking and dynamics studies were performed to explore the interactions of six phenolic inhibitors with human aldose reductase (hALR2). Considering physiological environment, all the neutral and other two ionized states of each phenolic inhibitor were adopted in the simulation. The calculations indicate that all the inhibitors are able to form stable hydrogen bonds with the hALR2 active pocket which is mainly constructed by residues TYR48, HIS110 and TRP111, and they impose the inhibition effect by occupying the active space. In all inhibitors, only La and its two ionized derivatives La_ion1 and La_ion2, in which neither of the ortho-hydrogens of 3-hydroxyl is substituted by Br, bind with hALR2 active residues using the terminal 3-hydroxyl. While, all the other inhibitors, at least one of whose ortho-sites of 3- and 6-hydroxyls are substituted by Br substituent which take much electron-withdrawing effect and steric hindrance, bind with hALR2 through the lactone group. This means that the Br substituent can effectively regulate the binding modes of phenolic inhibitors. Although the lactone bound inhibitors have relatively high RMSD values, our dynamics study shows that both binding modes are of high stability. For each inhibitor molecule, the ionization does not change its original binding mode, but it does gradually increase the binding free energy, which reveals that besides hydrogen bonds, the electrostatic effect is also important to the inhibitor–hALR2 interaction.
Both the global and regional P wave tomographic studies have revealed significant deep structural heterogeneities in subduction zone regions. In particular, low-velocity anomalies have been observed beneath the descending high-velocity slabs in a number of subduction zones. The limited resolution at large depths and possible trade-off between the high and low velocities, however, make it difficult to substantiate this feature and evaluate the vertical extent of the low-velocity structure. From broadband waveform modeling of triplicated phases near the 660-km discontinuity for three deep events, we constrained both the P and SH wave velocity structures around the base of the upper mantle in northeast Asia. For the two events beneath the southern Kurile, the rays traveled through the lowermost transition zone and uppermost lower mantle under the descending Pacific slab. Our preferred models consistently suggest normal-to-lower P and significantly low SH velocities above and below the 660-km discontinuity extending to about 760-km depth compared with the global IASP91 model, corroborating previous observations for a slow structure underneath the slab. In contrast, both high P and SH velocity anomalies are shown in our preferred models for the Japan subduction zone region, likely reflecting the structural feature of a slab stagnant above the 660-km discontinuity. The velocity jumps across the 660-km discontinuity were found to be on average 4.5% and 7% for P and S waves under the south Kurile, and 3% and 6% under the Japan subduction zone. The respective velocity contrasts in the two regions are consistent with mineralogical models for colder slab interior and hotter under-slab areas. Based on mineral physics data, the depth-averaged ~1.5% P and ~2.5% SH velocity differences in the depth range of 560-760 km between the two regions could be primarily explained by a 350~450K temperature variation, although the presence of about 0.5wt%~1wt% water might also contribute to the subtle velocity variations near the base of the transition zone in the southern Kurile. From our modeling results, we speculate that the slow structure in the southern Kurile may be correlated to the low velocity zone observed previously around the 410-km discontinuity under Northern Honshu. Both are probably associated with a thermal anomaly rooted in the lower mantle beneath the subduction zone in northeast Asia.
The heat capacity of nanostructured amorphous SiO2 (na-SiO2) has been measured by adiabatic calorimetric method over the temperature range 9-354 K. TG and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) were also employed to determine the thermal stability. Glass transition temperature (T-g) for the two same grain sizes with different specific surface of naSiO(2) samples and one coarse-grained amorphous SiO2 (ca-SiO2) sample were determined to be 1377, 1397 and 1320 K, respectively. The low temperature experimental results show that there are significant heat capacity (C-P) enhancements among na-SiO2 samples and ca-SiO2. Entropy, enthalpy, Gibbs free energy and Debye temperature (theta (D)) were obtained based on the low temperature heat capacity measurement of na-SiO2. The Cp enhancements of na-SiO2 were discussed in terms of configurational and vibrational entropy. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.