136 resultados para BF
本论文用光谱电化学法进行了有机分子的电极过程动力学和电极/溶液界面状态两个方面的研究。采用长光程光透薄层光谱电化学池,不仅测定了有关的热力学参数,研究和阐明了电极反应历程和机理,进一步提出和发展了用薄层光谱电化学研究快速反应的动力学方法;而且开展了电非活性分子在电极表面上吸附、定向、及其定向转化的热力学研究,另外发现和研究了电致二色性效应。首次研究了阳离子表面活性剂—溴化十六烷基吡啶(CPB)在玻碳电极表面上吸附行为,由光谱电化学实验结果和分子结构提出CPB在玻碳表面上吸附有四种较稳定的定向,经历了三次较大的吸附定向的转化过程,给出了分子在电极表面吸附的分子水平的微观信息。并表明微分吸附等温曲线法是研究有机物吸附定向及其转化的更为敏锐的方法。吸附等温曲线的理论处理,证明了CPB的每一定向吸附过程服从两个Frumkin等温吸附方程前者主要由化学亲合力控制,后者由晶格吸引力控制。揭示了长链烷烃的吸附特性,解释了CPB及某些中性有机化合物在高覆盖度下偏离Frumkin等温吸附方程的现象。提出了临界覆盖度概念,从而首次进行了吸附定向及其转化的热力学处理。获得各种吸附定向的吸附自由能及吸附定向转化的自由能变化和热力学平衡常数。从热力学方面预测了各种吸附定向的稳定性,吸附定向转化的推动力和可能性。从而深化了吸附的理论研究,使得较复杂有机化合物的复杂吸附过程的理论处理成为可能。CPB在玻碳电极表面上吸附的交流阻抗研究表明,在高频区出现了与电解池结构有关的阻抗,具有半园旋转特性。通过假设存在着频率相关的电容和电阻与池结构电容、溶液电阻构成等效电路。理论处理的予计结果完全与我们的实验吻合,而且对于文献中交流阻抗图高频端出现的变形现象提出了定性地解释。通过假定CPB在玻碳电极表面上形成单分子吸附膜的模型,推导出的结果(与吸附有关的阻抗图及warburg阻抗图)与实验数据完全一致。由warburg阻抗中求出的CPB扩散系数为7.07 * 10~(-8)cm~2/s,流体动力学半径为3.52A°,证明了CPB分子在LOPTLC中,由于流体场的作用形成有序排列,其扩散过程为CPB分子的群体行为,为CPB电致二色性研究提供依据。微分电容曲线的研究证明,在较低覆盖度下,CPB上的BF与电极表面接触,在电场作用下,CPB分子发生定向转化,由低密度定向向高密度定向转化,出现了多个峰电容。在较高覆盖度下,CPB中的BF离子离开电极表面,吸附行为与中性有机物的吸附行为相似,仅出现两个峰电容,没有BF的吸附—解吸峰。从而为由吸附等温曲线中推测的吸附定向提供依据。首次发现并研究了CPB的电致二色性效应,结果表明,CPB的电致二色性疚主要是由于偶极分子在电场作用下进行重新定向引起的。进一步研究了CPB浓度及有效电场强度的影响,电致二色性效应在低电位下与CPB的浓度成反比,较高电位下,与ECOSO呈正比。在高电位下,由于电化学反应引起有效电场强度降低,使电致二色性效应下降。这一研究为液晶体系中电致二色性的研究提供了有力的工具,扩展了研究的因素,也为光谱电化学方法研究液晶体系的电化学提供了基础性研究体系。茜素红S(ARS)在玻碳电极上电极行为的研究证明了,在1.0—0.0伏电位范围内,ARS的氧化过程不是一步不可逆过程,而是2个电子的氧化过程与一个后行化学反应构成了ECE循环机理。氧化和还原过程中还包括了一个质子的两电子氧化还原步骤和一个质子传递步骤构成的EC和CE机理。后行化学反应为ARS氧化产物与ARS形成氢键的反应,化学反应的产物经历一个不可逆氧化还原过程,还原产物为ARS。光谱电化学方法求得表观式电位为,E' = 0.34 5伏(VS·SCE),αn = 0.625。首次提出了单电位跃计时吸收法(用LOPTLC)测定快速后行化学反应速率的方法,测得ARS的后行化学反应平衡常数为7.94 * 10~5 l/mol,反应自由能为,8.05 kcal/mol (25 ℃),与其它方法估计的结果吻合。测出的动力学速率常数为426.6 l/mol·s。扩展了LOPTLC法在快速反应动力学方面的应用。以上研究结果表明,本论文发展了光透式薄层光谱电化学的研究和应用范围,克服了以往多用于研究溶液反应的局限性,使此方法在研究电极/溶液界面现象方面能够与反射式光谱电化学法相比,而且具有方法简单,反映直观、测定灵敏、定量的特点,将有力地推动今后这方面的研究发展。
By using a transfer-matrix method on the basis of two-dimensional (2D) Bloch sums in accordance with a tight-binding scheme, a self-consistent calculation on the resonant tunneling in asymmetric double-barrier structures is presented, in which contributions to resonant tunneling from both three-dimensional (3D) electrons in the contacts and 2D electrons in the spacer or accumulation layers are considered simultaneously. The charge buildup effect on the current versus voltage (I-V) curves is evaluated systematically, showing quantitatively how it results in the I-V bistability and enhanced differences between I-V curves for positive and negative bias in an asymmetric double-barrier structure. Special attention is focused on the interaction between 3D-2D and 2D-2D resonant-tunneling processes, including the suppression of 2D-2D resonant tunneling by the charge buildup in the well accompanying the 3D-2D resonant tunneling. The effects of the emitter doping condition (doping concentration, spacer thickness) on the presence of two types of quasi-2D levels in the emitter accumulation layers, and on the formation of a potential bulge in the emitter region, are discussed in detail in relation to the tunneling process.
The so-called hydrodynamic (HD) model on optical-phonon modes in superlattices is critically examined. Contrary to the HD model, a comparison between TM polaritons and the Fuchs-Kliewer-type interface modes has shown that the Fuchs-Kliewer interface modes do possess Frohlich potentials.
The existing interpretation of the T-1 temperature dependence of the low-field miniband conduction is derived from certain concepts of conventional band theory for band structures resulting from spatial periodicities commensurable with the dimensionalities of the system. It is pointed out that such concepts do not apply to the case of miniband conduction, where we are dealing with band structures resulting from a one-dimensional periodicity in a three-dimensional system. It is shown that in the case of miniband conduction, the current carriers are distributed continuously over all energies in a sub-band, but only those with energies within the width of the miniband contribute to the current. The T-1 temperature dependence of the low-field mobility is due to the depletion of these current-carrying carriers with the rise of temperature.
Based on numerical results, the characteristics of each type of optical phonon mode in one-dimensional (1D) quantum wires are illustrated. The analytical formulae for 1D bulk-like optical displacements and associated electrostatic potentials are presented. Compared with the two-dimensional (2D) case, both the optical displacements and Frohlich potentials for the bulk-like modes vanish at the interfaces, but the finite dispersion of bulk phonons has a more pronounced effect on the 1D phonon modes.
Hot electrons excited from the valence band by linearly polarized laser light are characterized by certain angular distributions in momenta. Owing to such angular distributions in momenta, the photoluminescence from the hot electrons shows a certain degree of polarization. A theoretical treatment of this effect observed in the photoluminescence in quantum wells is given, showing that the effect depends strongly on heavy and light hole mixing. The very large disparity between the experimentally observed and theoretically expected values of the degree of polarization in the hot-electron photoluminescence suggests the presence of random quasielastic scattering. The effects of such additional scattering and the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field are incorporated into the theory. it is shown that the measurements of the degree of polarization observed in the hot electron photoluminescence, with and without an applied perpendicular magnetic field can serve to determine the time constants for both LO-phonon inelastic and random quasielastic scattering. As an example, these time constants are determined for the experiments reported in the literature.
By extending our microscopic model on optical-phonon modes in quantum wells to one-dimensional (1D) quantum-well wires (QWW), the optical displacements and associated electrostatic potentials of optical-phonon modes in 1D QWW are calculated. The modes can be clearly divided into confined LO bulklike, TO bulklike modes, and extended interfacelike modes provided the bulk phonon dispersion is ignored. The character of each type of mode is illustrated with special attention to the interfacelike modes, which are hybrids of longitudinal- and transverse-optical waves from the corresponding bulk materials. Based on the numerical results, approximate analytical formulas for bulklike modes are presented. As in 2D wells, both the optical displacements and Frohlich potentials for the bulklike modes vanish at the interfaces. The finite dispersion of bulk phonons has a more pronounced effect on the 1D phonon modes because interfacelike modes show mixed characteristics of 2D interface and bulklike modes.