55 resultados para Amylolytic enzyme activity in enzyme units


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The nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity in the haemocytes of shrimps Fenneropenaeus chinensis (Osbeck) and Marsupenaeus japonicus (Bate) was Studied after white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection to determine its characteristics in response to virus infection. First, the NOS activity in haemocytes of shrimps was determined by the means of NBT reduction and changes in cell conformation. And the variations of NOS activity in shrimps after challenge with WSSV intramuscularly were evaluated through the analysis Of L-citrulline and total nitrite/nitrate (both as NO derivates) concentrations. The result showed that NOS activity in the haemocytes of F chinensis increased slightly from 0 to 12 h postchallenge, indicated by the variations Of L-Citrulline (from 11.15 +/- 0.10 to 12.08 +/- 0.64 mu M) and total nitrite/nitrate concentrations (from 10.45 +/- 0.65 to 12.67 +/- 0.52 mu M). Then it decreased sharply till the end of the experiment (84 h postchallenge), the concentrations Of L-Citrulline and total nitrite/nitrate at 84 It were 1.58 +/- 0.24 and 2.69 +/- 0.70 mu M, respectively. The LPS-stimulated NOS activity kept constant during the experiment. However, in M. japonicus, the NOS activity kept increasing during the first 72 It postchallenge, the concentrations Of L-Citrulline and total nitrite/nitrate increased from 7.82 +/- 0.77 at 0 h to 10.79 +/- 0.50 mu M at 72 h, and from 8.98 +/- 0.43 at 0 h to 11.20 +/- 0.37 mu M at 72 h, respectively. Then it decreased till the end of the experiment (216 h postchallenge), and the concentrations of L-Citrulline and total nitrite/nitrate at 216 h were 5.66 +/- 0.27 and 4.68 +/- 0.16 mu M, respectively. More importantly, an apparent increase of I-PS-stimulated NOS activity was observed in M japonicus at 48 h postchallenge, which was about 4 times higher than that in the control group of health shrimps. In correspondence with the difference of NOS activity between the two species of shrimps, the Cumulative mortalities of the shrimps were also different. All shrimps of F. chinensis in the mortality experiment died in 66 h, much more quickly than M. japonicus, Whose accumulative mortality reached 100% after 240 h. Data here reported let us hypothesize that NOS activity in the haemocytes of shrimps F chinensis and M. japonicus responses to WSSV infection differently, and this might be one of the reasons for the different susceptibility of F chinensis and M. japonicus to WSSV infection. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Six low molecular fucoidan (DFPS) derivatives were synthesized successfully, and their potential antioxidant activities were investigated employing various established in vitro systems. All DFPS derivatives possessed considerable antioxidant activity, and had stronger antioxidant ability than DFPS in certain tests. The benzoylated DFPS (PHDF) showed strongest scavenging activity on superoxide, hydroxyl and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, however, DFPS exhibited greatest reducing power. Available data suggested that substituted groups of DFPS played an important role on antioxidant activity, and the mechanism on influence the antioxidant activity of samples of substituted group was indicated. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three sulphated polysaccharide derivatives (oversulphated, acetylated and benzoylated fucoidan) were successfully synthesized, and their antioxidant activities were investigated employing various established in vitro systems. A novel catalyst N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) was used in acetylation and benzoylation reaction, and the degree of acetylation was evaluated using IR and NMR spectra. Both fucoidan derivatives possessed considerable antioxidant activity, and had stronger antioxidant ability than fucoidan in certain tests. The benzoylated fucoidan showed strongest superoxide and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, however, the acetylated fucoidan exhibited strongest activity on scavenging DPPH radical and reducing power. Available data obtained with in vitro models suggested that substituted groups of fucoidan played an important role on antioxidant activity. The mechanism on the antioxidant activity of sulphonyl, acetyl and benzoyl group is different. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three sulfated polysaccharide derivatives (phosphorylated and aminated fucoidan) were synthesized, and their potential antioxidant activities were investigated employing various established in vitro systems. Two methods were used in phosphorylation fucoidan: polyphosphoric acid and POCl3 method. Aminated fucoidan was prepared using the epichlorohydrin and ammonia water. All fucoidan derivatives possessed considerable antioxidant activity, and exhibited stronger antioxidant ability than fucoidan in certain tests. The phosphorylated fucoidan showed stronger hydroxyl radical and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and reducing power. The mechanism on influence the antioxidant activity of samples of phosphate and amino group was indicated. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of molecular weight and substitution degree of sulfated polysaccharides on their biological activity is considered in majority of works involving the anticoagulant or antiviral properties of these substances. Therefore, the present paper describes the effect of preparation conditions of sulfated chitosans on their molecular weight and sulfur content, such as different reaction time, acid solvent and temperature. Foregoing literature expounded the action of dichloroacetic acid (DCAA) as acid solvent in homogeneous reaction. However, DCAA is expensive and noxious, therefore, in the present paper cheap and non-noxious formic acid (88%) was in place of DCAA. Furthermore, during reaction formic acid was not dehydrated. Under formic acid we obtained the satisfying results that was higher yield and equivalent sulfur contents compared to DCAA. IR and C-13 NMR spectrums proved the structure of the resultant obtained under formic acid or DCAA to be same. Now, it has not been reported for formic acid as acid solvent in homogeneous reaction of chitosan sulfatation. In this present paper, we also determined antioxidant activity of high-molecular weight and high-sulfate-content chitosans (HCTS). The results showed that HCTS could scavenge superoxide and hydroxyl radical. Its IC50 is 0.012 and 3.269 mg/mL, respectively. It had obviously reducing power and slight chelating activity. The data obtained in in vitro models clearly establish the antioxidant potency of HCTS. It is a potential antioxidant in vitro. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the present paper microwave radiation has been used to introduce N-sulfo and O-sulfo groups into chitosan with a thigh degree of substitution and low-molecular weight. The sulfation of chitosan was performed in microwave ovens. It was found that microwave heating is a convenient way to obtain a wide range of products of different degrees of substitution and molecular weight only by changing reaction time or/and radiation power. Moreover, microwave radiation accelerated the degradation of sulfated chitosan, and the molecular weight of sulfated chitosan was considerably lower than that obtained by traditional heating. There are no differences in the chemical structure of sulfated chitosan obtained by microwave and by conventional technology. FTIR and C-13 NMR spectral analyses demonstrated that a significantly shorter time is required to obtain a satisfactory degree of substitution and molecular weight by microwave radiation than by conventional technology. In this present paper, we also determined antioxidant activity of low-molecular-weight and high-sulfate-content chitosans (LCTS). The results showed LCTS could scavenge superoxide and hydroxyl radical. Its IC50 is 0.025 and 1.32mg/mL, respectively. It is a potential antioxidant in vitro. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Three new kinds of 1,3,5-thiadiazine-2-thi one derivatives of chitosan with two different molecular weight (SATTCS1, SATTCS2, TITTCS1, TITTCS2, CITTCS1 and CITTCS2) have been prepared. Their structures were characterized by IR spectroscopy. The substitution degree of derivatives calculated by elemental analyses was 0.47, 0.42, 0.41, 0.38, 0.41 and 0.36, respectively. The result shows that substitution degree of derivatives was higher with lower molecular weight. The antioxidant activity was studied using an established system, such as bydroxyl radical scavenging, superoxide radical scavenging and reducing power. Antioxidant activity of the 1,3,5-thiadiazine-2-thione derivatives of chitosan were stronger than that of chitosans and antioxiclant activity of low molecular weight derivatives were stronger than that of high molecular weight derivatives. It is a potential antioxidant in vitro. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The sulfated polysaccharides extracted from algae possess excellent antioxidant activities. In this study, we prepared five polysaccharides extracted from five algae including one brown alga Laminaria japonica. one red alga Porphyra haitanensis and three green algae Ulva pertusa, Enteromorpha linza and Bryopsis plumose. And then the antioxidant activities of all the samples were investigated including scavenging effects of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, and reducing power. The chemical analysis and FT-IR spectrum showed these extracts were polysaccharides. And in addition, we found that certain polysaccharide exhibited stronger antioxidant activity in certain antioxidant activity. Factors effecting and attributing to radical scavenging effect need to be further studied. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new FeCoMnAPO-5 with AFI structure was synthesized under hydrothermal conditions and characterized by XRD, FT-IR, X-ray fluorescence, nitrogen adsorption and SEM. The oxidation of cyclohexane with molecular oxygen was studied over the catalyst at 403 K. It show d higher activity compared to FeAPO-5, CoAPO-5 and MnAPO-5. The FeCoMnAPO-5 catalyst was recycled twice without loss of activity or selectivity.