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We investigate polarization-dependent properties of the supercontinuum emission generated from filaments produced by intense femtosecond laser pulses propagating through air over a long distance. The conversion efficiency from the 800-nm fundamental to white light is observed to be higher for circular polarization than for linear polarization when the laser intensity exceeds the threshold of the breakdown of air. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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An efficient one-step digit-set-restricted modified signed-digit (MSD) adder based on symbolic substitution is presented. In this technique, carry propagation is avoided by introducing reference digits to restrict the intermediate carry and sum digits to {1,0} and {0,1}, respectively. The proposed technique requires significantly fewer minterms and simplifies system complexity compared to the reported one-step MSD addition techniques. An incoherent correlator based on an optoelectronic shared content-addressable memory processor is suggested to perform the addition operation. In this technique, only one set of minterms needs to be stored, independent of the operand length. (C) 2002 society or Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A two-step digit-set-restricted modified signed-digit (MSD) adder based on symbolic substitution is presented. In the proposed addition algorithm, carry propagation is avoided by using reference digits to restrict the intermediate MSD carry and sum digits into {(1) over bar ,0} and {0, 1}, respectively. The algorithm requires only 12 minterms to generate the final results, and no complementarity operations for nonzero outputs are involved, which simplifies the system complexity significantly. An optoelectronic shared content-addressable memory based on an incoherent correlator is used for experimental demonstration. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A two-step digit-set-restricted modified signed-digit (MSD) adder based on symbolic substitution is presented. In the proposed addition algorithm, carry propagation is avoided by using reference digits to restrict the intermediate MSD carry and sum digits into {(1) over bar ,0} and {0, 1}, respectively. The algorithm requires only 12 minterms to generate the final results, and no complementarity operations for nonzero outputs are involved, which simplifies the system complexity significantly. An optoelectronic shared content-addressable memory based on an incoherent correlator is used for experimental demonstration. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The NiOx thin films were deposited by reactive dc-magnetron sputtering from a nickel metal target in Ar + O-2 with the relative O-2 content 5%. The as-deposited NiOx, thin films could represent a two-component system comprising crystalline NiO particles dispersed in an amorphous Ni2O3. Decomposition temperature of the as-deposited NiO, thin films was at about 263 degrees C. After annealed at 400 degrees C for 30 min in air, the surface morphology of the films became very rough due to the decomposition of the Ni2O3, leading to the changes of the optical properties of the NiO, thin films. The reflectivity of the films annealed at 400 degrees C was lower than that of the as-deposited one and the optical contrast was 52% at 405 nm. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Si:SbOx films have been deposited by reactive dc-magnetron sputtering from a Sb target with Si chips attached in Ar + O-2 with the relative O-2 content 7%. The as-deposited films contained Sb metal, Sb2O3, SiO, Si2O3 and SiO2. The crystallization of Sb was responsible for the changes of optical properties of the films. The results of the blue laser recording test showed that the films had good writing sensitivity for blue laser beam (406.7 nm), and the recording marks were still clear even if the films were deposited in air 60 days, which demonstrated that doping silicon in SbOx films can improve the stability of SbOx films. High reflectivity contrast of about 36% was obtained at a writing power 6 mW and writing pulse width 300 ns. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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利用直流磁控反应溅射技术制备了氧气和氩气的分压比为5:100的NiOx薄膜。利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、原子力显微镜(AFM)和光谱仪研究了热处理对薄膜的微观结构和光学性质的影响, 并对沉积态薄膜的粉末进行了热分析。沉积态的NiOx薄膜在262 ℃时开始分解, 导致NiOx薄膜的透过率增加和反射率降低。X射线衍射和示差扫描量热曲线(DSC)分析表明, 在热处理过程中并无物相的变化, 光学性质的变化是由于NiOx薄膜热分解引起薄膜表面形貌发生变化而引起的。通过Kissinger公式计算出