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The surface properties, porosities, and adsorption capacities of activated carbons (AC) are modified by the oxidation treatment using concentrated H2SO4 at temperatures 150-270 degreesC. The modified AC was characterized by N-2 adsorption, base titration, FTIR, and the adsorption of iodine, chlorophenol, methylene blue, and dibenzothiophene. The treatment of AC with concentrated H2SO4 at 250 degreesC greatly increases the mesoporous volume from 0.243 mL/g to 0.452 mL/g, specific surface areas from 393 m(2)/g to 745 m(2)/g, and acidic surface oxygen complexes from 0.071 meq/g to 1.986 meq/g as compared with the unmodified AC. The base titration results indicate that the amount of acidic surface oxygen groups on the modified AC increases with increasing the treatment temperatures and carboxyls and phenols are the most abundant carbon-oxygen functional groups. The carboxyl groups, COO- species, and hydroxyl groups are detected mainly for the sample treated at 250 degreesC. The mesoporous properties of the AC modified by concentrated H2SO4 were further tested by the adsorption of methylene blue and dibenzothiophene. The AC modified by concentrated H2SO4 at 250 degreesC has much higher adsorption capacities for large molecules (e.g., methylene blue and dibenzothiophene) than the unmodified AC but less adsorption capacities for small molecules (e.g., iodine). The adsorption results from aqueous solutions have been interpreted using Freundlich adsorption models.
以黑龙江省拜泉县为案例,研究了区域生态恢复与生态重建对景观结构及其水土保持功能的调控.在GIS支持下,结合野外调查数据,对县域水平的生态建设成果进行了空间表达和定量辨识.对比分析1989年和2002年类型水平景观指数及13年来景观类型的转移面积和转移方向、林网宏观结构变化、水库塘坝空间分布与数量变化;土地利用和景观结构调整对水蚀、风蚀的控制以及水库塘坝的蓄水功能变化.结果表明,大规模生态建设下,区域景观类型数量和空间配置的变化对发挥其水土保持功能起到很好的调控作用.1989~2002年,耕地面积减少24 731.01 hm2,林草地和水体面积增加了13 567.53 hm2和1 190.97 hm2.全县55%的水土流失面积得到治理,82.2%的农田得到林网防护,43.7%的景观地表超渗径流得到集蓄.景观结构调整应注意增加林草地等类型斑块的聚集度;调节林网连接度、环度及网眼大小;增加水库塘坝的泄洪与灌溉配套设施等.
聚丙烯酸钠因其特殊的保水性能受到广泛重视,但是其研究仍多限于实验室模拟研究。为了促进其在农业生产中的应用与推广,该文采用大田试验,研究了聚丙烯酸钠对冬小麦生长、产量及水分利用效率(WUE)的影响。结果表明施入聚丙烯酸钠能够促进小麦生长,提高小麦叶绿素含量,提高小麦产量与WUE。采用沟施5.5 m3/hm2的1/2000聚丙烯酸钠水溶液,能够使小麦较对照增产2.9%,WUE增加3.52 kg/(hm2.mm);与肥料混合使用时,增产效果更加显著,可增产10.14%,WUE增加4.38 kg/(hm2.mm)。
探讨干旱缺水地区灌溉方式对果园土壤物理性质的影响,为采取合理的果园节水灌溉措施、有效利用灌溉水资源提供科学依据。以鲁中南山地果园为研究区域,利用分形理论,对渗灌和漫灌条件下果园土壤物理性质及其分形特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)渗灌和漫灌土壤物理性质存在着明显的异质性,二者差异显著,土壤容重渗灌比漫灌降低6.71%;土壤总孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度和毛管孔隙度渗灌比漫灌分别高11.62%,43.84%和8.72%。(2)渗灌和漫灌土壤粒径分布存在明显差异,土壤的粘粒和粉粒含量渗灌高于漫灌,而砂粒和细粗砾含量却是漫灌高于渗灌。(3)渗灌和漫灌土壤颗粒的分形维数差异明显,分形维数分别为2.318 3和2.731 9,渗灌土壤的分形维数变化比较小,比漫灌的分形维数小15.14%;特别是漫灌在0~10 cm土层内土壤颗粒分形维数达到2.811 5。说明渗灌比漫灌具有较好的维持土壤物理性质的功能,漫灌对土壤结构尤其是表层土壤结构的破坏较为严重。
通过样地调查对不同干扰方式产生的过伐天然林、次生白桦林和人工落叶松林等群落的结构组成进行分析和分类探讨 ,并选取了林窗片断和叶面积指数两个能表示群落冠层结构的指标进行分析。结果表明 ,林窗片断值分别为 :原始阔叶红松林 0 194、原始阔叶类 0 185、结构转换型 0 315、结构保留型 0 36 3、结构破坏型 0 2 35、严重干扰类型 0 5 5 0、次生白桦林0 2 13和人工落叶松林 0 2 2 7;叶面积指数分别为 :原始阔叶红松林 1 76 6、原始阔叶类 1 6 80、结构转换型 1 2 5 0、结构保留型 1 0 2 8、结构破坏型 1 5 5 0、严重干扰类型 0 6 35、次生白桦林1 731和人工落叶松林 1 4 73。
1.黑麂和费氏麂卫星DNA的克隆、序列分析和染色体定位 麂属动物在很短的时间内经历了快速的物种辐射,并且种间染色体数目存在巨大差异,是研究动物核型进化和物种起源的理想模型。近二十年来的分子细胞遗传学研究已基本上证实染色体串联融合(端粒-着丝粒融合)是麂属动物核型演化的主要染色体重排方式。尽管染色体串联融合的分子机制仍不清楚,但研究提示着丝粒区域的卫星DNA可能介导染色体的非同源重组。因此,着丝粒卫星DNA的克隆、分析序列以及染色体定位研究不仅有助于阐明麂属染色体核型演化规律,还可能揭示染色体串联融合的分子机制。迄今为止,上述研究工作已经在赤麂、小麂和小麂台湾亚种开展过。但是,尚无有关黑麂、费氏麂和贡山麂卫星 DNA 克隆、序列分析以及染色体定位研究的报道。 在本研究中,我成功地克隆了黑麂的卫星DNA I、II和IV,分别命名为BMC5、BM700和BM1.1k,并且从费氏麂中克隆了卫星DNA II,命名为FM700。对这些卫星DNA克隆进行序列分析,并将这些克隆探针分别与黑麂、费氏麂、贡山麂和小麂的染色体杂交。研究结果表明: 1)黑麂的卫星DNA I(BMC5)与小麂卫星DNA I(C5)序列高度相似,并且在小麂、黑麂、费氏麂和贡山麂染色体上的大部分串联融合位点处均有分布,因此卫星DNA I可能代表着染色体发生串联融合后保存下来,来源于麂属动物祖先染色体着丝粒的一种卫星DNA。卫星DNA I在这四种麂属动物染色体上的分布也表明黑麂、费氏麂和贡山麂与赤麂的核型演化过程相似,很可能从一个2n = 70的共同祖先通过一系列的串联易位进化而来。 2) 将卫星DNA II(BM700和FM700)克隆探针分别杂交到黑麂和费氏麂的染色体上,只检测到几对间隔分布的信号。这提示在核型进化过程中不同卫星DNA间可能发生了广泛的重组,从而导致卫星DNA II大量丢失。大部分重组断裂位点可能位于卫星DNA I 与卫星DNA II之间,或者在卫星DNA II 区域内。 2.六带犰狳重复序列家族的克隆、序列分析和染色体定位 六带犰狳属于犰狳科、贫齿目,是六带犰狳属中唯一的一个代表物种。系统发育研究认为贫齿目与非洲兽总目是有胎盘哺乳动物中最原始的两个类群。C显带结果揭示六带犰狳30%的基因组是由组成性异染色质构成的,并且C带分布的位置也较复杂,提示在六带犰狳基因组中存在多种重复序列元件。 为了研究六带犰狳异染色质的组成,我从六带犰狳的基因组中克隆了七种位点特异性的重复序列。根据测序结果以及它们在染色体上的分布,将这些重复序列分为五个重复序列家族。其中AMD-EcoRI 837与AMD-BglII 811的序列相似,都是由大小约116 bp的单位组成,分布在大多数染色体的着丝粒区域,同时在一些染色体臂也有分布。AMD-EcoRI 832,AMD-EcoRI 836和AMD-EcoRI 934是特定染色体的重复序列,并且都分布于着丝粒区域。另外,AMD-BglII 634,AMD-EcoRI 731两个克隆都属于长散在分布重复序列(L1),倾向于分布在G带阳性、富含AT碱基的区域,并且这两种重复序列在染色体上的定位与C带阳性的非着丝粒的异染色质区域很相似。本研究提供了六带犰狳异染色质区域的部分基因组信息,并且这些重复序列家族也可以用于研究六带犰狳及其近缘物种的系统发育关系。
Stabilization effect on metastable phase II of isotactic polybutene-1 (iPB-1) by coated carbon has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron diffraction (ED) techniques. The results indicate that after evaporating carbon, the phase II-I crystal transformation time is greatly prolonged from 9 days for carbon-uncoated samples to 120 days for carbon-coated ones under atmospheric pressure, while under high pressure (50 bar), the phase transformation time increases from 5 min for the former to 20 min for the latter. The stabilization effect on metastable phase II of carbon coated iPB-1 is attributed to a surface fixing effect of the evaporated carbon.
Non-covalent inclusion complexes formed between an anti-inflammatory drug, oleanolic acid (OA), and alpha-, beta- and gamma-cyclodextrins (CDs) were investigated by means of solubility studies and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn). The order of calculated association constants (K-1:1) of complexes between OA and different CDs in solution is in good agreement with the order of their relative peak intensities and the relative CID energies of the complexes under the same ESI-MSn conditions. These results indicate a direct correlation between the behaviors of solution- and gas-phase complexes. ESI-MS can thus be used to evaluate solution-phase non-covalent complexes successfully. The experimental results show that the most stable 1:1 inclusion complexes between three CDs and OA can be formed, but 2:1 CD-OA complexes can be formed with beta- and gamma-CDs. Multi-component complexes of alpha-CD-OA-beta-CD (1:1:1), alpha-CD-OA-gamma-CD (1:1:1) and beta-CD-OA-gamma-CD (1:1:1) were found in equimolar CD mixtures with excess OA. The formation of 2:1 and multi-component 1:1:1 non-covalent CD-OA complexes indicates that beta- and gamma-CD are able to form sandwich-type inclusion non-covalent complexes with OA. The above results can be partly supported by the relative sizes of OA and CD cavities by molecular modeling calculations.
C-type lectin is a family of Ca2+ dependent carbohydrate-recognition proteins which play crucial roles in the innate immunity of invertebrates by mediating the recognition of host cells to pathogens and clearing microinvaders as a pattern recognition protein (PRP). The cDNA of Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri C-type lectin (designated CFLec-1) was cloned by expressed sequence tag (EST) and RACE techniques. The full-length cDNA of CFLec-1 was 1785 bp, consisting of a 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 66 bp and an unusually long 3' UTR of 1040 bp with seven polyadenylation signal sequences AATAAA and a poly(A) tail. The CFLec-1 cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 221 amino acids with a putative signal peptide of 15 amino acid residues and a mature protein of 206 amino acids. Analysis of the protein domain features indicated a typical long-form carbohydrate-recognition domain (CRD) of 130 residues in the CFLec-1 deduced amino acid sequence. The expression pattern of CFLec-1 transcripts in healthy and bacterial challenged scallops was studied by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. mRNA transcripts of CFLec-1 could be mainly detected in the tissues of haemocytes, gill, gonad and mantle of unchallenged scallops, whereas the expression of CFLec-1 transcripts was increased in all the tested tissues after heat-killed Vibrio anguillarum challenge. The temporal expression of CFLec-1 mRNA in haemolymph challenged by Micrococcus luteus and V anguillarum was both up-regulated and reached the maximum level at 8 and 16 It post stimulation, respectively, and then dropped back to the original level. In order to investigate its immune functions, CFLec- I was recombined and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)-pLysS as a fusion protein with thioredoxin. The recombinant CFLec-1 agglutinated bacteria E. coli JM109 in vitro, and the agglutination was Ca2+ dependent which could be inhibited by EDTA. But it did not agglutinate M. luteus, Candida lipolytica and animal erythrocytes including rabbit, rat, mouse, chicken, human group A, human group B, human group O. Meanwhile, the recombinant CFLec-1 could inhibit the growth of both E. coli JM 109 and M. luteus, but no inhibition activity against V anguillarum. These result indicated that CFLec-1 was a constitutive and inducible PRP which was involved in the reorganization and clearance of invaders in scallop. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Costaria costata (C. Agardh) Saunders is one of common kelps distributed in many coastal areas worldwide; however, in China, no reports have been made on cultivation of the genus. To investigate potential cultivation of the species in the northern part of China, trials on isolation and preservation of the gametophytes were conducted using C. costata from Korea; growth and development of the gametophytes were observed. We showed that at 10 +/- 1A degrees C, 60 mu mol m(-2)s(-1) and 12:12 h (L:D), freshly released zoospores settled down within 1 hour, and then developed into the primary cell during the following 2 days. After a vegetative growth phase lasting 6-8 days, female gametophytes became 3-4 times larger in diameter than that of the primary cell, but still remained at a unicellular stage, while male gametophytes divided into 4-10 cells with only a slight change in size. Fertilization occurred within 10 days after the zoospores were released from the sporangia, and the apical and basal tissues of the juvenile sporophyte divided and differentiated into the blade and stipe. Temperature and irradiance influenced gametophytic vegetative growth and developmental patterns. Generally, low irradiance (15 mu mol m(-2)s(-1) and 30 mu mol m(-2)s(-1)) was unfavorable to the induction of fertility, but it enhanced female gametophyte division. The optimal conditions for vegetative growth were 15A degrees C and 30 mu mol m(-2)s(-1). After transplantation of the juvenile seedlings and after eight months cultivation, the harvested mature blade reached 194 cm in length and 32.7 cm in width. Our study proves that it is feasible to implement propagation and large scale cultivation of C. costata in northern China.