203 resultados para 7140-235
2003年1月~2004年12月对三峡湖北库区江段5个采样点及其一级支流——香溪河流域6个采样点的浮游藻类进行了为期2周年的调查,共采集和鉴定浮游藻类定性和定量水样1 000余个,获得有效数据2 000多个。数据显示,蓄水前(2003年1月~2003年6月)、蓄水1周年(2003年6月~2004年5月)和蓄水1.5年(2004年6月~2004年12月)3个时间段之间,被调查水域的浮游藻类群落结构、细胞密度和水质状况均存在一定的差异。总体而言,藻类的群落结构干流江段以硅藻为主,绿藻次之;支流水域以绿藻占据首
江西省自然科学基金(0130004); 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(KSCX-SW-125)资助
目的 研究饮用水中藻类形态学鉴定样品标本制作方法。方法 分别对不同水源供水区末梢水和同一地点水箱水采样,进行藻类形态学检测。结果城市末梢水中浮游藻类检出率为89%;饮水水箱水中浮游藻类检出率为60%,并且观察到水箱水藻类在种属和数量上增加的情况。结论 该样品标本制作方法完全可以用于饮用水藻类形态学研究。
记述采自河南省洛阳市、湖北省京山县和四川省都江堰市的缓步动物门 2新种及 3新纪录种和亚种 :异缓步纲棘影熊虫科的四棘棘影熊虫 ,新纪录EchiniscusquadrispinosusRichters,190 2 ;真缓步纲小斑熊虫科的都江小斑熊虫 ,新种Milnesiumdujiangensissp .nov .,大生熊虫科的节值大生熊虫戴冠亚种 ,新纪录MacrobiotusharmsworthicoronatusBarros,1942 ;高生熊虫科的大指等高熊虫 ,新纪录Isohypsibiusma
采用相关加权营养状态指数法对H水库营养状态进行连续的数值化分级评价 ,准确反映了该水库的营养状态发展阶段和富营养化发展过程 ,克服了固定参数值评价湖泊、水库营养状态的局限性和重叠现象。根据湖泊外力函数 (主要是外来性营养盐浓度或负荷 )与湖内营养状态响应间的定量关系及OECD国际合作组织研究成果 ,提出了H水库营养盐输入负荷与库中磷浓度响应关系数学模型 ,确定了在水体功能改变后 ,其磷允许负荷量及控制标准 ,结果与实际相符
<正> 1978年7月下旬至9月中旬,作者到华南地区13个水库进行湖沼学调查,共采集了浮游动物定性样品27个,定量样品38个。经初步鉴定,发现轮虫种类非常丰富,共有57种,其中包括新种1个,新亚种3个,新纪录3个。现描述于下。模式标本均存中国科学院水生生物研究所。
<正> 1976年6月至8月,中国科学院青藏高原综合科学考察队藏北分队对冈底斯山,念青唐古拉山以北,昆仑山以南的广大藏北地区进行了多学科的综合考察。我所陈宜瑜同志参加了这次考察,对该地区各种水体的水生生物进行了广泛地采集,在采得的标本中,藻类是十分丰富的。我们在鉴定该区振泉湖藻类标本时,发现一特殊类型的藻类。通过对液浸标本和固定染色标本的研究,确定它是绿藻门丝藻目的一新属。
The aerobic degradation of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) by an acclimated microbial community which isolated from a contaminated site and acclimated in our laboratory was investigated. The enriched microbial community was capable of biodegrading HCB when cultivated in minimal salts medium and supplied HCB as the sole carbon source. The efficiencies of microbial community in the degradation of HCB under different pH and temperatures were examined. The phylogenetic analysis for the nearly complete sequences of 16S rDNA demonstrated that the bacteria assemblage in the microbial community was dominated by Azospirillum and Alcaligenes groups.
This is the first to conduct Simultaneous determination of microcystin (MC) contaminations in multi-groups of vertebrates (fish, turtle, duck and water bird) from Lake Taihu with Microcystis blooms. MCs (-RR, -YR, -LR) in Microcystis scum was 328 mu g g(-1) DW. MCs reached 235 mu g g(-1) DW in intestinal contents of phytoplanktivorous silver carp, but never exceeded 0.1 mu g g(-1) DW in intestinal contents of other animals. The highest MC content in liver of fish was in Carassius auratus (150 ng g(-1) DW), followed by silver carp and Culter ilishaeformis, whereas the lowest was in common carp (3 ng g(-1) DW). In livers of turtle, duck and water bird, MC content ranged from 18 to 30 ng g(-1) DW. High MC level was found in the gonad, egg yolk and egg white of Nycticorax nycticorax and Anas platyrhynchos, suggesting the potential effect of MCs on water bird and duck embryos. High MC contents were identified for the first time in the spleens of N. nycticorax and A. platyrhynchos (6.850 and 9.462 ng g(-1) DW, respectively), indicating a different organotropism of MCs in birds. Lakes with deaths of turtles or water birds in the literatures had a considerably higher MC content in both cyanobacteria and wildlife than Lake Taihu, indicating that toxicity of cyanobacteria may determine accumulation level of MCs and consequently fates of aquatic wildlife. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The rice field eel (Monopterus albus) is a fish of economic importance in China and some Asian countries. From a (GT)(n)-enriched genomic library, 30 microsatellites were developed by employing the fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats (FIASCO) protocol. Thirteen loci exhibited polymorphism with two to 13 alleles (mean 7.9 alleles/locus) in a test population and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.3125 to 0.9688 (mean 0.7140). These loci should provide sufficient level of genetic variation to study the fine-scale population structure and reproductive ecology of the species.
A microsatellite locus, MFW1, originating from common carp is highly conserved in flanking nucleotides but variable in repeat length in some fishes from different families of the Cypriniformes. This orthologous locus is polymorphic in approximately 58% of the species tested in the order and is inherited by Mendelian law. It proved to be a potentially good marker in population genetics and in the cyprinid species-breeding programme in which no microsatellite markers were available.