161 resultados para 405
波豆类鞭毛虫 (动基体目 )是一类非常重要的原生动物 ,结构独特 ,分布广泛。但是 ,这一类群的系统发育关系尚存有很多争议。为了更好的了解该类群的系统发育关系 ,作者分离、纯化并培养了BododesignisDH ,测定了它的SSUrRNA序列。根据该序列和GenBank中的相关序列 ,用最大简约法和邻接法分别构建了基于全序列和保守区序列的系统树。结果如下 :1 )波豆属是多系发育的 ;2 )波豆类鞭毛虫和锥虫类鞭毛虫的系统发育关系仍有待于深入研究 ;3)虽然所得的系统树都显示出一种基本的双歧式树型结构
楔桥弯藻属 (Gomphocymbella)是由M櫣ller在 190 5年建立的 ,它兼有桥弯藻属和异极藻属的双重特性。虽然对它的系统发育及分类问题仍在讨论之中 ,但一般把它归于异极藻科中。它较为罕见 ,至今报道的种类仅有 10个左右。在我国至今只报道有一个种。近几年来 ,著者对湖北省硅藻类中的异极藻科 (Gomphomenaceae)进行了分类学研究 ,发现有 3个楔桥弯藻属的种类 ,其中 2个为新种类 :疏纹楔桥弯藻 (GomphocymbellalaxistriaShietN .Li)和不对称楔桥
NSFCproject ( 39870 1 56)andaCERNproject ( 98TOR1 8)
本文报道了1980—1982年东湖二种优势枝角类:透明溞(Daphnia hyalina)和隆线溞一亚种(Daphnia carinata ssp.)的种群变动和生产量的研究结果。分析了影响种群变动和生产量的生态因子。尽管这二种枝角类在一年中有一段共存时间,但高峰期从来是错开的。一般来说,透明溞的高峰期出现在春季或冬季;而隆线溞一亚种则出现在夏季或秋季源沓ㄋ蘑蛘纠此?1980—1982年透明溞的种群密度的年平均值为28.43(17.59—38.50)个/升;隆线溞一亚种为4.64(3.79—5.3
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) [2007CB411600, 30530120]
Methyl parathion hydrolase (MPH) is an enzyme that catalyzes the degradation of methyl parathion, generating a yellow product with specific absorption at 405 nm. The application of MPH as a new labeling enzyme was illustrated in this study. The key advantages of using MPH as a labeling enzyme are as follows: (1) unlike alkaline phosphatase (AP), horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and glucose oxidase (GOD), MPH is rarely found in animal cells, and it therefore produces less background noise; (2) its active form in solution is the monomer, with a molecular weight of 37 kDa; (3) its turnover number is 114.70 +/- 13.19 s(-1), which is sufficiently high to yield a significant signal for sensitive detection; and (4) its 3D structure is known and its C-terminal that is exposed to the surface can be easily subjected to the construction of genetic engineering monocloning antibody-enzyme fusion for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). To demonstrate its utility, MPH was ligated to an single-chain variable fragment (scFv), known as A1E, against a white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) with the insertion of a [-(Gly-Ser)(5)-] linker peptide. The resulting fusion protein MPH-A1E possessed both the binding specificity of the scFv segment and the catalytic activity of the MPH segment. When MPH-A1E was used as an ELISA reagent, 25 ng purified WSSV was detected; this was similar to the detection sensitivity obtained using A1E scFv and the HRP/Anti-E Tag Conjugate protocol. The fusion protein also recognized the WSSV in 1 mu L hemolymph from an infected shrimp and differentiated it from a healthy shrimp.
Age and growth of Spinibarbus yunnanensis Tsu in Lake Fuxian were investigated by examination of annuli from scales, dorsal fin spines, and otoliths. Sectioned otoliths exhibited the clearest and the most regular annuli. The formation of false annuli, which regularly arose on scales and dorsal fin spines during the juvenile stage, may be caused by a change in diet during development. The parameters for the von Bertalanffy growth curve were: K = 0.105, L-infinity = 950 mm, t(0) = -0.22 year for both sexes. W-infinity, calculated from the relationship W-infinity = aL(infinity)(b), was 10,352 g.