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Effects of food availability on larval growth and survival of Meretrix meretrix were studied in two experiments by feeding the larvae with different algae diets and by starving the larvae for different periods of time. Newly hatched larvae of M meretrix were fed with five different marine microalgae species, singly and in various mixtures. Best growth was with Isochrysis galbana as a single species diet. Nutritional value of the other single species diets was in the order of Dunaliella sp.> Phaeodactylum tricornutum > Platymonas subcordiformis > Pavlova viridis. Of the mixtures tested, 50% I. galbana/50% Dunaliella sp., 50% I. galbana/50% P tricornutum, and 50% 1 galbana/50% P subcordiformis, supported growth and metamorphosis equivalent to those of the I. galbana control. At 25 degrees C, larvae of M meretrix were deprived of food for various days to study the growth compensation from the outset of development. The results showed that M meretrix larvae could survive long feeding delays, and even reach metamorphosis without food added, although starvation had significant effects on growth. These results suggested that M meretrix larvae had the capacity to survive 'starvation' using alternative sources of energy. It also showed that growth, survival and metamorphosis of M meretrix were affected by many factors besides food quality and quantity. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rare earth elements (REEs) of 91 fine-grained bottom sediment samples from five major rivers in Korea (the Han, Keum, and Yeongsan) and China (the Changjiang and Huanghe) were studied to investigate their potential as source indicator for Yellow Sea shelf sediments, this being the first synthetic report on REE trends for bottom sediments of these rivers. The results show distinct differences in REE contents and their upper continental crust (UCC)-normalized patterns: compared to heavy rare earth elements (HREEs), light rare earth elements (LREEs) are highly enriched in Korean river sediments, in contrast to Chinese river sediments that have a characteristic positive Eu anomaly. This phenomenon is observed also in primary source rocks within the river catchments. This suggests that source rock composition is the primary control on the REE signatures of these river sediments, due largely to variations in the levels of chlorite and monazite, which are more abundant in Korean bottom river sediments. Systematic variations in I LREE pound/I HREE pound ratios, and in (La/Yb)-(Gd/Yb)(UCC) but also (La/Lu)-(La/Y)(UCC) and (La/Y)-(Gd/Lu)(UCC) relations have the greatest discriminatory power. These findings are consistent with, but considerably expand on the limited datasets available to date for suspended sediments. Evidently, the REE fingerprints of these river sediments can serve as a useful diagnostic tool for tracing the provenance of sediments in the Yellow Sea, and for reconstructing their dispersal patterns and the circulation system of the modern shelf, as well as the paleoenvironmental record of this and adjoining marginal seas.


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近年来,由于对海区不合理的开发,我国浅海贝类筏式养殖接连遭受重创,这亟需从理论上和实践中确定养殖容量和养殖模式。本文在我国北方典型养殖海湾四十里湾对筏式养殖的贝类开展了现场生理生态学研究,对贝类对浮游植物等悬浮颗粒物的处理过程即贝类对颗粒有机物及营养元素C、N、P的摄食、吸收、排泄、排粪和生长进行了剖析,分析了贝类在沿岸养殖生态系中的物质和营养循环中所扮演的角色,为海区贝类养殖容量和养殖模式的最终确定提供了基础数据。另外,本文还对海水、沉积物及生物体中磷的分析方法进行了大量的实验工作。主要结果如下:① 比较系统地评述了双壳贝类的生物沉积(biodeposition)的原理、测定方法及其生态效应。贝类通过生物沉积在沿岸生态系中的物质和营养循环中扮演着重要的角色。国际上已有不少研究专门报道了贝类在海区现场的生物沉积。而在我国,这方面的研究却罕见。② 综述了双壳贝类各种形态的 N 和 P 排泄及其生态效应。对于我国广泛养殖 的栉孔扇贝、海湾扇贝和牡蛎等双壳贝类的TDN、TP排泄尚未见报道。 ③ 在6~7月,在四十里湾的不同养殖海区(8个站位)对扇贝的生物沉积进行了现场测定。在整个四十里湾海区,一龄栉孔扇贝(壳高 41.1±4.1mm,软体干重 0.48±O.10 g/ind))每个每天所产生生物沉积物干重平均为59.9mg,对颗粒有机质(POM)、颗粒有机碳(POC)、颗粒有机氮(PON)和颗粒有机磷(POP)的生物沉积速率范围及平均值分别为: 6.88、3.09、0.392 和 0.022mg/ind·d。还在一个站位测定了海湾扇贝(壳高 24.6±2.3mm;软体干重 O.14g/ind)的生物沉积速率为 24.3mg/ind·d,或179.2mg/g·d。不同站位一龄栉孔扇贝的生物沉积速率有较大变化,这主要与饵料浓度不同有关。二龄栉孔扇贝(壳高60.9±8.2mm;软体干重1.91±0.32 g/ind)的生物沉积速率平均为 112.7mg/ind·d,对POM、POC、PON和POP的沉积速率分别是一龄扇贝的1.85倍、1.68倍、1.77倍和2.33倍。养殖海区与非养殖海区比较,前者近海底沉积速率是后者的 1.51~3.47 倍。根据以上数据,作者计算了中等规格栉孔扇贝(用壳高 41.1±4.8mm 扇贝估算)在四十里湾在夏季每天的生物沉积量达 162 吨(干重),或18.6tPOM、8.37tPOC、1.06tPON和60kgPP。在四十里湾的贝类筏式养殖海区,可以估计贝类每年因生物沉积的生产而循环427tN和98.OtP(包括20.0t OP的贡献),它们能分别满足浮游藻类生产所需求N和P的17.0%和28.3%(其中OP贡献 6.9%)。可见,贝类在养殖生态系的物质和营养盐循环中扮演着重要的角色。高密度、大面积的贝类养殖使大量的生物沉积物聚集于海底,可能对海区环境产生冲击。作者分析,98年8月份烟台养殖区赤潮的发生很可能与海底生物沉积物营养盐的快速释放以及栉孔扇贝大面积死亡而使浮游藻类失去了摄食控制有关,而风平浪静和养殖笼对水流的阻挡也为赤潮的发生提供了有利条件。④ 采用半现场流水系统法测定了栉孔扇贝在不同养殖密度、不同养殖模式(扇贝单养、贝藻混养、贝藻参混养)中的生物沉积。实验时间尺度大,前后计80天。结果说明扇贝的生物沉积速率与其养殖密度呈反比关系。养殖密度的高低影响饵料浓度的变化(两者呈负相关的对数函数关系),而饵料浓度的高低直接决定着扇贝的生物沉积速率的高低,两者呈正相关关系(生物沉积速率与POC和叶绿 a 分别呈对数和指数函数关系)。不仅生物沉积物的数量与养殖密度(或饵料浓度)有关,生物沉积物的质量同样与养殖密度(或饵料浓度)有关。栉孔扇贝的养殖使沉积物的有机质含量及C、N 和 P 含量降低,且密度越高,它们的含量越低。这反映了扇贝对环境的适应能力。在海带和扇贝的混养模式中,海带对扇贝生物沉积物的数量和质量不构成影响,当然这是在海带不影响浮游植物数量的前提下得出的结果。而实际上在自然海区两者可能是竞争关系。⑤ 对从海区取回到实验室的多种滤食性动物,包括经济双壳贝类(栉孔扇贝、海湾扇贝、长牡蛎、贻贝、菲律宾蛤仔等)和养殖中的污损动物(栖海鞘、玻璃海鞘、藤壶、玟斑稜蛤)的 N 和 P 排泄进行了测定,包括排泄成分和排泄速率。在N排泄中,NH_4-H 占主要部分,如笼式养殖的双壳贝类 NH_4-N 占总N排泄的70%以上,平均值范围为70.8~80.1%。氨基酸是第二大排泄成分,平均占总N排泄的10~25%。其它形态的N,如尿素、亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐也有检出,如双壳贝类尿素氮在总氮排泄中占 2~5%。但在双壳贝类中未检出尿酸氮。比较而言,海鞘、藤壶的尿素氮相对高一些。在P排泄中,OP约占TDP排泄的15~27%。栉孔扇贝TDP排泄速率为0.281μmol/h·ind。作者以实验室测定结果计算,在整个四十里湾的夏季,所养殖的双壳贝类每天将排泄4.54t总溶解氮,其中NH_4-N 3.36t、Amino-N 0.69t、Urea-N 0.2t。 同时每天磷的排泄为0.57t TDP,其中OP O.15t。对面积为1.3 * 10~4hm~2的海区而言,贝类的N、P排泄分别能满足浮游植物生产所需N、P的44%和40%。尽管Urea-N所占比例有限,但也能满足海区浮游植物所需 N 的 2%左右。以上说二月高密度的贝类养殖对海区生态系统营养盐循环的影响是很显著的。附着动物(柄海鞘等)的N、P 排泄也不容忽视,它们分别能满足浮游藻类生产所需 N、P 的 ll%和 12%。它们一方面通过排泄和排粪加速营养盐和物质的循环对浮游植物的生长产生刺激作用;另一方面,对藻类产生摄食控制,如果海区中滤食性动物太多,即使营养盐再丰富也难以使浮游植物大量繁殖,这无疑将影响滤食性动物的生长速率。⑥ 运用近年来发展起来的生物沉积法对四十里湾半现场流水系统中贝类的滤水率、吸收率、生长率、生态效率等生理生态学参数进行了测定。栉孔扇贝(收获时规格0.194~0.412g软体干重/ind)滤水率平均为3.65 1/ind·h。扇贝放养密度和饵料浓度没有显著关系。扇贝的总摄食率平均为3.98mg/ind·h,对POM、POC、PON的 摄食率范围为0.84~1.87、0.335~0.748、0.0515~O.1293mg/ind·h。扇贝的摄食率随放养密度的升高而降低,与POM呈正相关关系。扇贝的吸收速率受密度和饵料浓度的影响不明显。扇贝对N的吸收效率较C、P稍高,对总有机质的吸收效率为75.9±4.1%,如此高的吸收效率与低饵料浓度有关。扇贝氨基酸泄漏所损失的能量高于排氨的能量损失。代谢能与吸收能呈明显的正相关关系。SFG与饵料浓度呈正相关关系。总生长效率K1(* 100)变化较大,范围为20~49;净生长效率K,K_2(* 100)随POM的升高而升高。扇贝对N的总生态效率范围为6.2~12.8%(平均9.9%),这高于对C(平均5.9%)和P(平均4.1%)的总生态效率。扇贝对POC、PON和PP的生长余力(SFG_C、SFG_N、SFG_P)平均分别为197、46.8和6.2μg/ind·h,它们分别与POC、PON和PP呈正比关系。扇贝对N的净生长率高于对C和P的净生长率。在N的预算中,如果仅考虑NH_4-N的排泄而忽视其它形态氮的排泄,将会产生很大偏差(平均约20%)。扇贝贝壳生长所需的能量在整个扇贝生长所需能量的9.0~15.1%(平均 11.2%);贝壳C、N和P在扇贝生长中所占的比例分别为10.5~17.8%、9.4~16.1%和8.7~15.O%。可见,贝壳不管在能量预算还是在元素预算中都不应该被忽视。理论计算而得到的SFG和SFG_C、SFG_N、SFG_P与扇贝的实际生长和扇贝C、N、P的实际增长量之间呈正相关关系,但前者明显过高地估计了扇贝的生长。⑦ 运用生物沉积法在四十里湾养殖海区现场对栉孔扇贝的生理生态学特征进行了研究。不同海区扇贝的滤水率有变化,一龄扇贝(41.1±4.1mm,软体干重 0.48±O.10g/ind)滤水率变化范围为 0.72~2.54(平均 1.27)1/ind·h 或 1.65~5.97(平均 2.61)1/g·h。与半现场研究结果一致,滤水率与TPM没有明显关系,而摄食率却与TPM呈正相关关系。二龄扇贝(软体干重 1.91±0.32g/ind)滤水率为 2.09~3.99(平均 3.10)1/ind·h。吸收速率与POM(或TDM)呈正相关关系,与饵料质量(POM/TPM)无明显的相关关系。吸收效率AE_(POM)与TPM(或POM)没有相关关系,却与饵料质量呈明显 的正相关关系。扇贝对POC、PON和PP的吸收效率平均分别为68.9%、64.0%和63.6%。不同海区SFG差别很大。一龄扇贝SFG范围为-O.174~24.08 J/ind·h,SFG与饵料浓度POM呈正相关关系。SFG负值的出现主要与低饵料浓度有关。SFG_C、SFG_N、SFG_P分别与POC、PON和PP呈正相关关系。在N的生长余力计算中,如果仅考虑NH_4-N排泄,而不考虑其它形态N的排泄,就可能产生相当大的偏差,偏差范围为11~360%,这高于半现场的偏差值,显然SFG_N越低,产生的偏差就越大。这说明在饵料不足、扇贝生长受到限制的环境下进行N生长余力的计算时必须考虑其它形态N的排泄。⑧ 对四十里湾养殖海区一些双壳贝类和藻类的化学组成和有机净生产量进行了讨论。不同双壳贝类的软体有机碳含量差别不大,而N含量差异较大。栉孔扇贝N含量最高(占软体干重的12.36%),而牡蛎、毛蚶软体N含量相对较低,为 8~9%。从双壳贝类贝壳的组成来看,贻贝和菲律宾蛤仔贝壳中N含量最高,分别为 0.55% 和 0.56%;而栉孔扇贝贝壳N含量相对较低,在 O.1%左右。贻贝贝壳有机磷含量 (308ppm) 也明显高于栉孔扇贝贝壳(62.1 ppm)。不同海区海带的 C/N 比值较高,变化明显,范围为17.36~30.23。石莼与此相似。大型藻类高 C/N 比值说明海区营养元素N的不足。海带的不同部位N含量差别很大,中带部和边叶在不同海区有较大变化,即对环境的营养状况比较敏感。紫贻贝贝壳中C、H、N 和 P 的含量在整个贻贝中占有相对大的比例,分别为 30.4%、30.2%、31.8%和 29.6%。


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本文主要运用稳定加液-反应系统对海水中方解石和文石形成时稀土元素的共沉淀现象进行了分析,研究了稀土元素在固-液体系中的迁移、转化和分配。进而在对其定量描述的前提下,研究了稀土元素共沉淀对各种反应条件的响应,并对共沉淀行为的机制进行了探讨。 本实验首先运用pH测试、高精度滴定分析等手段测定了实验中的一些基本参数,如[H+]、碱度和[Ca2+],根据计算结果获得了各碳酸体系要素,并以此为基础建立了5℃、15℃和25℃及pCO2=0.003atm下海水中方解石或文石的沉淀动力学方程。实验结果表明: 1)在各条件下,方解石或文石的沉淀速率(R)和其在海水中过饱和度(Ω)存在很好的线性相关性,即海相碳酸盐的沉淀动力学方程可以通过下面的基本表达式来表示:LogR=k*Log(Ω-1)+b ; 2)过高的稀土元素浓度会对文石或方解石的沉淀产生抑制作用,进而对共沉淀过程中YREEs的分异和分馏产生一定的影响。相比方解石而言,文石的沉淀动力学过程承受稀土元素的干扰能力更强; 3)不同温度下得到的方解石或文石各自的沉淀动力学方程存在明显的差异,表明这一过程受热力学因素控制。相对于方解石而言,温度对文石的沉淀动力学的影响更为显著。 与前人研究不同的是,本实验中YREEs的浓度设定在非常低的范围内,从而避免了过高浓度YREEs对方解石或文石沉淀动力学过程的干扰。在最终的反应液中,各种实验条件非常接近自然环境。有关稀土元素的共沉淀行为主要得出以下定性或定量化结论: 1)YREEs在随方解石或文石的共沉淀过程中,均发生了强烈的分异作用。在方解石实验中,稀土元素的分异系数分布曲线呈凸状分布;而在文石实验中,稀土元素的分异系数随原子序数的增加逐渐减小,遵循镧系收缩的规律。总的来说,稀土元素,尤其轻稀土元素在文石中的分异作用要强于方解石。 2)无论是方解石还是文石,沉淀速率对YREEs的分异作用都有着明显的影响。在方解石中,YREEs的分异系数随沉淀速率的增加呈一致性递减趋势;而在文石中,其分异系数对文石沉淀速率有着截然不同的响应:轻稀土元素(La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd)的分异系数随文石沉淀速率的增加而下降,而重稀土元素(Ho, Y, Tm, Yb , Lu)的分异系数则随文石沉淀速率的增加呈上升趋势。 3)在方解石中YREEs的分异系数之间存在非常好的相互关系,表明这些元素是以成比例的方式参与共沉淀。整个谱系呈现中等强度的分馏,MREE相对于LREE和HREE要更为富集;在文石中由于沉淀速率的作用不同,只有Y、Ho、Yb、Lu等元素的分异系数之间有较好的相互关系。YREEs出现了差异性的强烈分馏,在新生成沉淀中轻稀土元素相对于重稀土元素强烈富集。 4)YREEs在溶液中和碳酸盐晶体表面的碳酸根配位形式对YREEs在共沉淀过程中的分异作用极为重要,YREEs在碳酸盐晶体表面的吸附是整个谱系发生分馏效应的关键环节。对于文石来讲,晶体中有效YREE离子和Ca离子半价大小之间的相近程度是其分馏效应的关键因素;而对于方解石来说,YREEs在方解石晶格中的安置就是其分馏效应的关键控制因子,但在晶格安置中起到关键作用的是YREEs和方解石中O原子之间离子键M-O的键长,而非离子半径。 5)综合YREEs在方解石中的分异作用和分馏效应,我们认为M2(CO3)3-CaCO3和MNa(CO3)2-CaCO3是最为可能的两种固体溶液形成模式。 最为重要的是,对比我们的实验结果与前人在灰岩、叠层石、微生物成因碳酸盐等方解石质载体中的研究成果,两者之间出现了非常好的一致性。我们认为方解石质载体将是重建古海水中稀土元素相关信息的重要工具。相比之下,文石质载体不适合作为类似的载体。


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In the title compound, C-18(14)3(3)H(FN)O, the dihedral angles made by the triazole ring with the plane of the central benzene ring and the p-fluorophenylcarbonyl group are 82.09 ( 2) and 82.05 (2), respectively. There are weak C-H...O intra- and intermolecular interactions in the crystal structure, which contribute to the stability.


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In the title compound, C12H10ClN7S, the dihedral angles made by the plane of the thione-substituted triazole ring with the planes of the other triazole ring and the benzene ring are 73.57 (3) and 46.65 (2)degrees, respectively. Inter-and intramolcular hydrogen bonds and pi-pi stacking interactions stabilize the structure.


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The title compound, N'-(4-methoxybenzylidene)-2-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)acetohydrazide, was synthesized and its structure was confirmed by means of IR, MS,H-1 NMR and elemental analysis. The single crystal structure of the title compound was determined by X-ray diffraction. The preliminary biological test shows that the synthesized compound has a low antifungal activity.


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The Dabie Mountains is a collisional orogenic belt between the North China and Yantze Continental plates. It is the eastern elongation of the Tongbai and Qingling orogen, and is truncated at its east end by the Tan-Lu fault. Jadeite-quartzite belt occurs in the eastern margin of UHPMB from the Dabie Mountains. Geochemical features indicate that the protoliths of the jadeite-quartzite and associated eclogite to be supracrustal rocks. The occurrence of micro-inclusions of coesite in jadeite and garnet confirmed that the continental crust can be subducted to great depth (8 0-100km) and then exhumed rapidly with its UHP mineral signature fairly preserved. Therefore, study of UHP jadeite-quartzite provides important information on subduction of continental crustal rocks and their exhumation histories, as well as the dynamics of plate tectonic processes at convergent margins. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the presence of hydrous component in the jadeite-quartzite belt, significant natural variations in the hydrous component content of UHP minerals and to discuss the role of water in petrology, geochemistry and micro-tectonic. On the basis of our previous studies, some new geological evidences have been found in the jadeite-quartzite belt by researches on petrography, mineralogy, micro-tectonic, hydrous component content of UHP minerals and combined with the study on rheology of materials using microprob, ER, TEM. By research and analysis of these phenomenona, the results obtained are as follows: 1. The existence of fluid during ultra-high pressure metamorphic process. Jadeites, omphacite, garnet, rutile, coesite and quartz from the jadeite-quartzite belt have been investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and TEM. Results show that all of these minerals contain trace amount of water which occur as hydroxyl and free-water in these minerals. The two-type hydrous components in UHP minerals are indicated stable in the mantle-depth. The results demonstrated that these ultra-high pressure metamorphic minerals, which were derived from continental crust protoliths, they could bring water into the mantle depth during the ultra-high pressure metamorphism. The clusters of water molecules within garnet are very important evidence of the existence of fluid during ultra-high pressure metamorphic process. It indicated that the metamorphic system was not "dry"during the ultra-high pressure stage. 2.The distribution of hydrous component in UHP minerals of jadeite-quartzite. The systematic distribution of hydrous components in UHP minerals are a strong indication that water in these minerals, are controlled by some factors and that the observed variations are not of a random nature. The distribution and concentration of hydrous component is not only correlated with composition of minerals, but also a function of geological environment. Therefore, the hydrous component in the minerals can not only take important part in the UHP metamorphic fluid during subduction of continental crustal rocks, but also their hydroxyl transported water molecules with decreasing pressure during their exhumation. And these water molecules can not only promote the deformation of jadeite through hydrolytic weakening, but also may be the part of the retrograde metamorphic fluid. 3.The role of water in the deformed UHP minerals. The jadeite, omphacite, garnet are strong elongated deformation in the jadeite-quartzite from the Dabie Mountains. They are (1) they are developed strong plastic deformation; (2) developed dislocation loop, dislocation wall; (3) the existence of clusters of water molecular in the garnet; and (4) the evolution of micero-tectonic from clusters of water molecular-dislocation loop in omphacite. That indicated that the water weakening controlled the mechanism of deformed minerals. Because the data presented here are not only the existence of clusters of water molecular in the garnet, but also developed strong elongation, high density of dislocation and high aspect ratios, adding microprobe data demonstrate the studied garnet crystals no compositional zoning. Therefore, this indicates that the diffusion process of the grain boundary mobility did not take place in these garnets. On the basis of above features, we consider that it can only be explained by plastic deformation of the garnets. The clusters of water molecules present in garnet was directly associated with mechanical weakening and inducing in plastic deformation of garnet by glissile dislocations. Investigate of LPO, strain analysis, TEM indicated that these clinopyroxenes developed strong elongation, high aspect ratios, and developed dislocation loop, dislocation wall and free dislocations. These indicated that the deformation mechanism of the clinopyroxenes plastically from the Dabie Mountains is dominant dislocation creep under the condition of the UHP metamorphic conditions. There are some bubbles with dislocation loops attached to them in the omphacite crystal. The bubbles attached to the dislocation loops sometimes form a string of bubble beads and some loops are often connected to one another via a common bubble. The water present in omphacite was directly associated with hydrolitic weakening and inducing in plastic deformation of omphacite by dislocations. The role of water in brittle deformation. Using microscopy, deformation has been identified as plastic deformation and brittle deformation in UHP minerals from the Dabie Mountains. The study of micro-tectonic on these minerals shows that the brittle deformation within UHP minerals was related to local stresses. The brittle deformation is interpreted as being caused by an interaction of high fluid pressure, volume changes. The hydroxyl within UHP minerals transported water molecules with decreasing pressure due to their exhumation. However, under eclogite facies conditions, the litho-static pressure is extreme, but a high fluid pressure will reduce the effective stress and make brittle deformation possible. The role of water in prograde metamorphism. Geochemical research on jadeite-quartzite and associated eclogite show that the protoliths of these rocks are supracrustal rocks. With increasing of temperature and pressure, the chlorite, biotite, muscovite was dehydrous reaction and released hydrous component during the subduction of continental lithosphere. The supracrustal rocks were transformed UHP rocks and formed UHP facies assemblage promotely by water introduction, and was retained in UHP minerals as hydrous component. The water within UHP minerals may be one of the retrograde metamorphic fluids. Petrological research on UHP rocks of jadeite-quartzite belt shows that there was existence of local fluids during early retrograde metamorphism. That are: (1) coronal textures and symplectite around relict UHP minerls crystals formed from UHP minerls by hydration reactions; (2) coronal textures of albite around ruitle; and (3) micro-fractures in jadeite or garnet were filled symplectite of Amp + PI + Mt. That indicated that the reactions of early retrograde metamorphism dependent on fluid introduction. These fluids not only promoted retrograde reaction of UHP minerals, but also were facilitate to diffuse intergranular and promote growth in minerals. Therefore, the hydrous component in the UHP minerals can not only take important part in the UHP metamorphic fluid during subduction of continental crustal rocks, but also their hydroxyl transport water molecules with decreasing pressure and may take part in the retrograde metamorphic fluid during their exhumation. 7. The role of water in geochemistry of UHP jadeite-quartzite. Geochemical research show that there are major, trace and rare earth element geochemical variations in the jadeite-quartzite from the Changpu district of Dabie Mountains, during retrograde metamorphic processes from the jadeite-quartzite--gneiss. The elements such as SiO_2、FeO、Ba、Zr、Ga、La、Ce、PTN Nd% Sm and Eu increase gradually from the jadeite-quartzite to retrograded jadeite-quartzite and to gneiss, whilst TiO_2. Na_2CK Fe2O_3、Rb、Y、Nb、Gd、Tb、Dy、Ho、Er、Tm、Yb decrease gradually. And its fO_2 keep nearly unchanged during early retrograde metamorphism, but decreased obviously during later retrograde metamorphism. These indicate that such changes are not only controlled by element transformation between mineralogical phases, but also closely relative to fluid-rock interaction in the decompression retrograde metamorphic processes.


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