509 resultados para COUPLED QUANTUM-WELLS


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We explore the possibility of a quantum directional coupler based on Pi-shaped coupled electron waveguides with smooth boundaries. By calculating the transmission spectra, we propose an optimized coupler structure with a high directivity and fine uniformity. The coupler specifications, directivity, uniformity, and coupling coefficient are evaluated.


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A broadly tunable and high-power grating-coupled external cavity laser with a tuning range of more than 200 nm and a similar to 200-mW maximum output power was realized, by utilizing a gain device with the chirped multiple quantum-dot (QD) active layers and bent waveguide structure. The chirped QD active medium, which consists of QD layers with InGaAs strain-reducing layers different in thickness, is beneficial to the broadening of the material gain spectrum. The bent waveguide structure and facet antireflection coating are both effective for the suppression of inner-cavity lasing under large injection current.


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We investigate the optical transmission properties of a combined system which consists of two quantum-dot-nanocavity subsystems indirectly coupled to a waveguide in a planar photonic crystal. A Mollow-like triplet and the growth of sidebands are found, reflecting intrinsic optical responses in the complex microstructure.


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We study quantum oscillations of the magnetization in Bi2Se3 (111) surface system in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. The combined spin-chiral Dirac cone and Landau quantization produce profound effects on the magnetization properties that are fundamentally different from those in the conventional semiconductor two-dimensional electron gas. In particular, we show that the oscillating center in the magnetization chooses to pick up positive or negative values depending on whether the zero-mode Landau level is occupied or empty. An intuitive analysis of these features is given and the subsequent effects on the magnetic susceptibility and Hall conductance are also discussed.


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Coherence evolution and echo effect of an electron spin, which is coupled inhomogeneously to an interacting one-dimensional finite spin bath via hyperfine-type interaction, are studied using the adaptive time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group method. It is found that the interplay of the coupling inhomogeneity and the transverse intrabath interactions results in two qualitatively different coherence evolutions, namely, a coherence-preserving evolution characterized by periodic oscillation and a complete decoherence evolution. Correspondingly, the echo effects induced by an electron-spin flip at time tau exhibit stable recoherence pulse sequence for the periodic evolution and a single peak at root 2 tau for the decoherence evolution, respectively. With the diagonal intrabath interaction included, the specific feature of the periodic regime is kept, while the root 2 tau-type echo effect in the decoherence regime is significantly affected. To render the experimental verifications possible, the Hahn echo envelope as a function of tau is calculated, which eliminates the inhomogeneous broadening effect and serves for the identification of the different status of the dynamic coherence evolution, periodic versus decoherence.


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A novel integratable and high speed InGaAsP multi-quantum well (MQW) complex-coupled distributed feedback (DFB) laser is successfully fabricated on a semi-insulating substrate. The fabricated ridge DFB laser exhibits a threshold current of 26 mA, a slope efficiency of 0.14 W.A(-1) and a side mode suppression ratio of 40 dB together with a 3 dB bandwidth of more than 8 GHz. The device is suitable for 10 Gbit/s optical fiber communication.


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We report a systematical study on the molecular beam epitaxy growth and optical property of (GaAs1-xSbx/In-y Ga1-yAs)/GaAs bilayer quantum well (BQW) structures. It is shown that the growth temperature of the wells and the sequence of layer growth have significant influence on the interface quality and the subsequent photoluminescence (PL) spectra. Under optimized growth conditions, three high-quality (GaAsSb0.29/In0.4GaAs)/GaAs BQWs are successfully fabricated and a room temperature PL at 1314 nm is observed. The transition mechanism in the BQW is also discussed by photoluminescence and photoreflectance measurements. The results confirm experimentally a type-II band alignment of the interface between the GaAsSb and InGaAs layers.


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Decoherence properties of two Josephson charge qubits coupled via the sigma(x)sigma(x) type are investigated. Considering the special structure of this new design, the dissipative effects arising from the circuit impedance providing the fluxes for the qubits' superconducting quantum interference device loops coupled to the sigma(x) qubit variables are considered. The results show that the overall decoherence effects are significantly strong in this qubit design. It is found that the dissipative effects are stronger in the case of coupling to two uncorrelated baths than are found in the case of one common bath.


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The transmission of electrons through a hierarchical self-assembly of GaAs/AlxGa(1-)xAs quantum dots (QDs) is calculated using the coupled-channel recursion method. Our results reveal that the number of conductance peaks does not change when the barrier widths change, but the intensities decrease as the barrier widths increase. The conductance peaks will shift towards low Fermi energies as the transverse width of GaAs QD increases, as the thickness of GaAs quantum well increases, or as the height of GaAs QDs decreases. Our calculated results may be useful in the application of QDs to photoelectric devices. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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We examine in terms of exact solutions of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, the quantum tunnelling process in Bose-Einstein condensates of two interacting species trapped in a double well configuration. Based on the two series of time-dependent SU(2) gauge transformations, we diagonalize the Hamilton operator and obtain analytic time-evolution formulas of the population imbalance and the berry phase. the particle population imbalance (a(L)(+)aL - a(R)(+)a(R)) of species A between the two wells is studied analytically.


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In terms of exact solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation. we examine the quantum tunneling process in Bose condensates of two interacting species trapped in a double well configuration. We use the two series of time-dependent SU(2) gauge transformation to diagonalize the Hamilton operator obtain analytic time-evolution formulas of the population imbalance and the berry phase. The particle population imbalance (a(L)(+)a(L) - a(R)(+)a(R)) of species A between the two wells is studied analytically.


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An exact quantum master equation formalism is constructed for the efficient evaluation of quantum non-Markovian dissipation beyond the weak system-bath interaction regime in the presence of time-dependent external field. A novel truncation scheme is further proposed and compared with other approaches to close the resulting hierarchically coupled equations of motion. The interplay between system-bath interaction strength, non-Markovian property, and required level of hierarchy is also demonstrated with the aid of simple spin-boson systems. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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A novel butt-joint coupling scheme is proposed to improve the coupling efficiency for the integration of a GalnAsP MQW distributed feedback (DFB) laser with an MQW electro-absorption modulator (EAM). The proposed method gives more than 90% coupling efficiency, being much higher than the 26% coupling efficiency of the common MQW-MQW coupling technique. The differential quantum efficiency of the MQW-bulk-MQW coupled device is also much higher than that of the MQW-MQW device, 0.106 mW/mA versus 0.02 mW/mA. The EAM-DFB devices fabricated by the proposed method exhibit a very high modulation efficiency (12 dB/V) from 0 to I V. By adopting a high-mesa ridge waveguide and buried polyimide, the capacitance of the modulator is reduced to about 0.28 pF. The experimental results demonstrate that the method can replace the conventional MQW-MQW coupling technique to fabricate high-quality integrated photonic devices. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Major State Basic Research Project 973 program of China 2006CB604907;National Science Foundation of China 60776015 60976008;863 High Technology R&D Program of China 2007AA03Z402