469 resultados para 6K-955-CY


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青海民间称为山珍的地木耳, 具有清热解毒、凉血明目营养保健功效, 是一种天然的绿色营养保健食品。文中采用美国Varian - 220 FS 原子吸收光谱仪, HYD - 2 型氢化物原子荧光光谱仪测定了青海高原地木耳中Cu 、Zn 、Fe 、Mn 、Co 、Se 等6 种微量元素, 为科学地开发利用青海高原地木耳食物资源提供一些基础资料和科学依据


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Large-scale grassland rehabilitation has been carried out on the severely degraded lands of the Tibetan plateau. The grasslands created provide a useful model for evaluating the recovery of ecosystem properties. The purposes of this research were: (1) to examine the relative influence of various rehabilitation practices on carbon and nitrogen in plants and soils in early secondary succession; and (2) to evaluate the degree to which severely degraded grassland altered plant and soil properties relative to the non-disturbed native community. The results showed: (1) The aboveground tissue C and N content in the control were 105-97 g m(-2) and 3.356gm(-2), respectively. The aboveground tissue C content in the mixed seed treatment, the single seed treatment, the natural recovery treatment and the severely degraded treatment was 137 per cent, 98 per cent, 49 per cent and 38 per cent, respectively, of that in the control. The corresponding aboveground tissue N content was 109 per cent, 84 per cent, 60 per cent and 47 per cent, respectively, of that in the control. (2) Root C and N content in 0-20 cm depths of the control had an 2 2 average 1606 gm(-2) and 30-36 gm(-2) respectively. Root C and N content in the rehabilitation treatments were in the range of 26-36 per cent and 35-53 per cent, while those in the severely degraded treatment were only 17 per cent and 26 per cent of that in the control. (3) In the control the average soil C and N content at 0-20 cm was 11307 gm(-2) and 846 gm(-2), respectively. Soil C content in the uppermost 20 cm in the seeded treatments, the natural recovery treatment and the severely degraded treatment was 67 per cent, 73 per cent and 57 per cent, respectively, while soil N content in the uppermost 20cm was 72 per cent, 82 per cent and 79 per cent, respectively, of that in the control. The severely degraded land was a major C source. Restoring the severely degraded lands to perennial vegetation was an alternative approach to sequestering C in former degraded systems. N was a limiting factor in seeding grassland. It is necessary for sustainable utilization of seeding grassland to supply extra N fertilizer to the soil or to add legume species into the seed mix. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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利用被动微波遥感亮度温度数据反演月壤厚度是“嫦娥”探月工程的科学目标之一,也是人类探测月壤厚度的一种新的尝试。深入研究月表太阳辐射、月球内部热流以及月表温度的分布和变化规律,是解译遥感数据,反演月壤厚度的前提条件,也为进一步开展月球探测、开发利用月球资源乃至建立月球基地相关研究工作提供必要的参考。 本文根据月表有效太阳辐照度与太阳常数、日月距离和太阳辐射入射角的关系,建立了月表有效太阳辐照度的实时模型如下: (1) 其中, (2) (3) 通过对月表有效太阳辐照度实时模型的各个参数分析发现,影响月表有效太阳辐照度变化的主要因素是日地距离和太阳辐射入射角的变化。对模型的误差分析表明,从1950年到2050年的100年内,月表有效太阳辐照度计算结果的误差百分比小于0.28%,能更准确地反映月表有效太阳辐照度的变化情况。从2007年月表有效太阳辐照度的计算结果发现,该年内的月表有效太阳辐照度变化在1321.5~1416.6 W•m-2之间,平均为1368.0 W•m-2,一个月内的变化最小幅度为6.0 W•m-2,最大幅度为23.6 W•m-2。 在月表有效太阳辐照度的实时模型基础上,根据能量守恒和Stefan-Boltzmann定律,本文还得出了月表温度分布模型如下: (4) 其中,初始条件由下式决定, (5) 通过与月表温度实际观测结果的比较发现,当月表反射率、热发射率和热惯量分别取0.127、0.94和125 J•m-2•s-1/2•K-1时,模型的计算结果与实际观测值比较符合,能较好地预测理想条件下的月表温度。 月表热参数研究的一个重要应用就是解译对月被动微波遥感的亮度温度数据。在对月被动微波遥感探测中,辐射计获得的亮度温度反映了月球表层的热辐射特性。月球表层的热辐射与其自身的热状况紧密相关,结合文中建立的月表热参数模型,根据辐射传播理论进一步分析了对月微波遥感探测中,月球表层在不同情况下对亮度温度的贡献,确定了亮度温度随月表温度和月壤厚度的变化关系,对被动微波遥感探测月壤厚度的可能性和可能达到的精度进行了估算。 对月球表层的热辐射传播的分析发现,对月被动微波遥感探测获得的亮度温度受月球表层热辐射的控制,与月壤厚度具有指数相关性,并受到月表温度的影响。当月壤和月岩的复介电常数分别为2 + 0.005 j和9 + 1 j、相对磁导率均为1时,对应3.0GHz、7.8GHz、19.35GHz和37.0GHz四个频率的亮度温度与月壤厚度及月表温度的关系可分别近似表示为, 3.0GHz亮度温度: (6) 7.8GHz亮度温度: (7) 19.35GHz亮度温度: (8) 37.0GHz亮度温度: (9) 当月壤厚度和月表温度分别在0.5m~30m和100K~400K之间变化时,上述四个频率的亮度温度变化范围分别在212.5K~252.8K、207.4 K~266.7K、193.8 K~288.6K和174.0 K~310.9K之间。对于较低频率的被动微波遥感,亮度温度随月壤厚度的增大逐渐增大并趋于稳定;对较高频率的被动微波遥感,亮度温度随月壤厚度的增大会产生起伏波动,不利于用单波段反演月壤厚度。亮度温度梯度在频率较高时梯度较大,在很小的月壤厚度范围内很快就趋于0,不利于厚度较大时的月壤厚度反演,但对于厚度较小时的月壤厚度反演精度较高;同时,除3.0GHz外,7.8GHz、19.35GHz和37.0GHz三个频率的亮度温度梯度随月表温度的升高降幅较大,尤其是19.35GHz,适合在夜间对月壤厚度较小的地区进行更精确的探测。对于3.0GHz,其亮度温度梯度受月表温度变化的影响很小,能反映出较深层月壤厚度的信息,可以对月球进行全球全天时探测。若辐射计的分辨率为0.02K,3.0GHz频率对10m厚月壤的判别精度达到0.07m;对于20m厚月壤的精度为1.4m。当月壤厚度小于0.5m时,随着月壤厚度从0到0.5m增加,月球表层的亮度温度贡献呈先减小后增大的趋势,从而使某一亮度温度值可能对应存在两种不同的月壤厚度。因此,对于月壤厚度小于0.5m的区域,利用单波段被动微波遥感亮度温度反演月壤厚度是比较困难的。 在对月被动微波遥感探测中,可以利用月球夜晚时段的亮度温度数据判别月壤厚度是否小于0.5m。当月表温度为100K时,3.0GHz、7.8GHz、19.35GHz和37.0GHz四个频率的亮度温度判别参考值分别为212.9K、207.4K、193.5K和174.1K;月表温度为240K时,上述四个频率的亮度温度判别参考值分别为220.8K、226.8K、234.1K和237.2K。当亮度温度小于参考值时表示月壤厚度小于0.5m,反之,表示月壤厚度大于0.5m。更进一步地,可以根据月表温度的影响系数对月岩是否裸露于月表进行判断。当3.0GHz、7.8GHz、19.35GHz和37.0GHz四个频率的月表温度影响系数接近0.77、0.82、0.84和0.85时,可以认为月岩直接暴露于月表。


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The catalytic stability of LiCl/MnOx/PC catalyst have been investigated, the deactivation mechanism was discussed. The experimental results show that ethane conversion decreases and ethylene selectivity keeps about 90% as reaction time increases. The main deactivation reasons of LiCl/MnOx/PC catalyst for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane (ODHE) to ethylene are the transition of active species Mn2O3 to MnO species and the loss of arrive component Cl in catalyst. instead of ethane with FCC tailed-gas, the stability of LiCl/MnOx/PC catalyst has been largely improved.


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The catalytic performances of Mn-based catalysts have been investigated for the oxidative dehydrogenation of both ethane (ODE) and propane (ODP). The results show that a LiCl/MnOx/PC (Portland cement) catalyst has an excellent catalytic performance for oxidative dehydrogenation of both ethane and propane to ethylene and propylene, more than 60% alkanes conversion and more than 80% olefins selectivity could be achieved at 650 degrees C. In addition, the results indicate that Mn-based catalysts belong to p-type semiconductors, the electrical conductivity of which is the main factor in influencing the olefins selectivity. Lithium, chlorine and PC in the LiCl/MnOx/PC catalyst are all necessary components to keep the excellent catalytic performance at a low temperature.


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Urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (80HdG) has been considered as an excellent marker of individuals at high risk of developing cancer. Until now, urinary 80HdG has largely been measured by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. A new method for the analysis of urinary 80HdG by high-performance capillary electrophoresis has been developed and optimized in our laboratory. A single step solid-phase extraction procedure was optimized and used for extracting 80HdG from human urine. Separations were performed in an uncoated silica capillary (50 cm x 50 tm i.d.) using a P/ACE MDQ system with UV detection. The separation of 80HdG from interfering urinary matrix components is optimized with regard to pH, applied voltage, pressure injection time and concentration of SDS in running buffer. The detection limit of this method is 0.4 mug/ml, the linear range is 0.8-500 mug/ml, the correlation coefficients levels is better than 0.999. The developed method is simple, fast and good reproducibility, furthermore, it requires a very small injection volumes and low costs of analysis, which makes it possible to provide a new noninvasive assay for an indirect measurement of oxidative DNA damage.


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A supported lanthanum gallate (LSGM) electrolyte thin-film solid oxide fuel cell with Ni-YSZ cermet anode and strontium-doped lanthanum manganite (LSM)-yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) composite cathode was, for the first time, fabricated and tested. The cell was prepared by an unconventional approach, in which an LSGM thin film (about 15 mum thick) was first deposited on a porous substrate such as a porous YSZ disk by a wet process and sintered at a high temperature (above 1400degrees C). NiO was then incorporated into the porous substrate by a carefully controlled impregnation process and fired at a much lower temperature. In this way, the severe reaction between LSGM and NiO at a high temperature, which is required for the full densification of LSGM film, can be avoided. A strontium-doped LaMnO3 (LSM)-YSZ composite cathode was screen printed on the surface of the LSGM film and then fired at 1250degrees C. The electrolyte resistances of the SOFC single cells fabricated by this approach are much lower compared to those of thick LSGM film supported cells. A maximum output power density of over 0.85 W/cm(2) at 800degreesC with H-2 as fuel and air as oxidant for a fabricated cell was achieved. (C) 2002 The Electrochemical Society.


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Ferrocenylphosphine-imine ligands 6 derived front (R,S)-PPFNH2-R 5 and a variety of benzaldehydes were applied in the Pd-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylation of 1,3-diphenylprop-2-en-1-yl acetate 7a or pivalate 7b with dimethyl malonate. The substituent effects on the catalytic reaction were investigated, and 96% e.e. with 99% yield was achieved when the m-nitro substituted ligand 6k was used. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The addition of ZnO or ZrO2 into CuO/HZSM-5 was investigated for DME synthesis from syngas by using the reactive frontal chromatography method, TPR and in situ TPR. These promoters enhanced the catalytic activity of Cu/HZSM-5 and promotion with ZnO and ZrO2 produced a maximum activity, which could be explained by the improvement of the dispersion of Cu and the promotion of CuO reduction. The Cu+ species existing during the reaction have been detected, based on which a Cu-0 <-> Cu+1 redox cycle model was put forward.