269 resultados para upland region
甲烷(CH4)是增温效应仅次于二氧化碳(CO2)的重要温室气体。内蒙古草原是欧亚温带草原的重要类型,具有典型的生态地域代表性。如何理解该区域CH4 交换的时空格局与环境控制、不同土地利用类型的源汇特征以及CH4 通量对气候变化的响应、对于我们进一步理解全球变化与陆地生态系统关系具有十分重要的意义。本研究以内蒙古草原锡林河流域为对象,首次在国内应用DNDC 生物地球化学模型模拟干草原和河漫滩湿地的CH4 通量,预测CH4 循环对未来气候变化的响应,并对该区域干草原的CH4 吸收进行了区域模拟估算。结果表明: 1.在模型中添加植被生长节律与土壤CH4 吸收的关系函数后,DNDC 模型能够准确地模拟锡林河流域干草原CH4 吸收的大小及其年变化。土壤温度、土壤水分和植被生长状况是影响干草原大气CH4 吸收的主要因素。 2.水位,土壤温度,质地和植被生长节律是控制河漫滩湿地CH4 通量的主要因子。根据有限水位测定值估算模拟周期内全部水位数据的方法能够应用于模拟水位相对比较稳定区域的未知时期水位。经过该修正的DNDC 模型能够较为准确的捕获锡林河流域河边湿地的CH4 排放通量的大小及年变化。 3.干草原和湿地年CH4 通量对温度变化敏感,而对降水量变化不敏感,其中湿地比干草原对温度变化的响应更加敏感。 4.温度升高可显著地促进干草原和湿地的日CH4 吸收和排放能力,其CH4 通量的增加均表现出明显的季节性差异。干草原日CH4 通量对降水量增加20% 的响应并不显著,而河漫滩湿地的响应虽显著,变幅却很小且增减程度不同。 5.与2005 年相比,2050 年干草原河漫滩湿地的CH4 吸收和排放量将分别增加10%和77%。锡林河流域CH4 通量对未来气候变化产生正反馈作用,并且湿地CH4 排放对未来气候变化的响应大于干草原CH4 吸收的响应。未来气候变化将增加锡林河流域CH4 源强度。 6. 锡林河流域干草原CH4 吸收量达2.42Gg C•yr-1。干草原CH4 吸收量的空间异质性较大,各栅格单元(0.01 ×0.01 度)的CH4 吸收量变化为0-404.6 kg C,其中大部分区域CH4 吸收量变化在150-250 kg C•yr-1 之间。草甸草原的大气CH4 吸收能力显著高于典型草原。干草原CH4 吸收率平均为2.59 kg C• ha-1 •yr-1。干草原CH4 吸收量的空间异质性是土壤有机质含量、土壤质地、土壤温度湿度,植被类型等因素共同作用的结果,与单一变量的关系并不明显。
mtDNA genotypes of six domestic horses (three adult short horses whose heights are under 1 m and three common domestic horses) from a small region of 15 km(2) in Malipo county of Yunnan province of China were investigated by the technique of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) with restriction endonucleases which recognize 6-bp sequences. An average of fragments for an individual was obtained. Unlike other domestic animals, this population of horses exhibits high mtDNA genetic diversity. Each of the six horses has a specific mtDNA genotype showing a pattern of multiple maternal origins, as suggested by fossil and literature records. We think the population of horses is an amazing seed-resource pool of horses and hence deserves to be paid more attention from the view of conservation genetics. However it is also remarkable that we did not find any typical mtDNA genetic markers which would discriminate between short horses and common domestic horses.
The difference in cognitive skills between humans and nonhuman primates is one of the major characters that define our own species. It was previously hypothesized that this divergence might be attributable to genetic differences at gene expression level,
The still little known concolor gibbons are represented by 14 taxa (five species, nine subspecies) distributed parapatrically in China, Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. To set the stage for a phylogeographic study of the genus we examined DNA sequence
Mitochondrial DNA control region segment I sequences and melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene polymorphism were examined in ethnic populations in the silk road region of China. Both the frequencies of the MC1R variants and the results of mtDNA data in this region presented intermediate values between those of Europe and East and Southeast Asia, which suggested extensive gene admixture in this area and was in general agreement with previous studies. Phylogenetic analysis of the ethnic populations in the Silk Road region that based on mtDNA data didn't show expected cluster pattern according to their ethnogenesis. We suspect that a high migration rate in female among these closely related populations and other three demographic events might account for it.
通过线粒体部分控制区DNA 序列数据探讨7 种猕猴属物种的分子系统发育关系。结果表明熊猴的 核苷酸多样度最高, 而藏酋猴核苷酸多样度较低。基于控制区序列数据所构建的最大似然树, 不考虑食蟹猴的 位置, 7 种猕猴物种可粗略地分为3 个种组, 即狮尾猴组(包括北平顶猴) 、头巾猴组(包括红面猴、熊猴和藏 酋猴) 和食蟹猴组(包括恒河猴和台湾猴) 。与前人( Fooden & Lanyon , 1989 ; Tosi et al , 2003a ; Deinard & Smith , 2001 ; Evans et al , 1999 ; Hayasaka et al , 1996 ; Morales &Melnick , 1998) 的结果不同, 我们的结果支 持食蟹猴比北平顶猴分化早的假设; 东部恒河猴(相对于台湾猴) 和东部熊猴(相对于藏酋猴) 出现并系。与 Y染色体、等位酶、核基因以及部分形态学数据推测的结果(Delson , 1980 ; Fooden &Lanyon , 1989 ; Fooden , 1990 ; Tosi et al , 2000 , 2003a , b ; Deinard & Smith , 2001) 一致, 红面猴应归于头巾猴组, 但此结论与前人 (Hayasaka et al , 1996 ; Morales &Melnick , 1998 ; Tosi et al , 2003a) 依据线粒体得到的结果有较大分歧。
In this study, the region corresponding to the Thr-Gly region of the period (per) gene in the Drosophila nasuta subgroup of species was sequenced. The results showed, that this region was highly conserved in the D. nasuta subgroup. There were only nine variable sites found in this 300-bp-long region, all located in two small regions highly variable among Drosophila species. No length variation was observed either within this subgroup or in the Yunnan (YN) population of D. albomicans. The deduced amino acid sequences were identical for all 14 taxa in the D. nasuta subgroup, and a stretch of alternating Thr-Gly pairs was not observed in this subgroup. A phylogenetic tree was constructed. The clustering of some species was in general agreement with previous works, but it also raised some question on the phylogenetic relationship between the nasuta species. The data did not implicate the Thr-Gly region playing a role in behavioral isolation in this subgroup of Drosophila.