133 resultados para the major light harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHCIIb)


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Dew is an important water source for desert organisms in semiarid and arid regions. Both field and laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the possible roles of dew in growth of biomass and photosynthetic activity within cyanobacterial crust. The cyanobacteria, Microcoleus vaginatus Gom. and Scytonema javanicum (Kutz.) Born et Flah., were begun with stock cultures and sequential mass cultivations, and then the field experiment was performed by inoculating the inocula onto shifting sand for forming cyanobacterial crust during late summer and autumn of 2007 in Hopq Desert, northwest China. Measurements of dew amount and Chlorophyll a content were carried out in order to evaluate the changes in crust biomass following dew. Also, we determined the activity of photosystem II(PSII) within the crust in the laboratory by simulating the desiccation/rehydration process due to dew. Results showed that the average daily dew amount as measured by the cloth-plate method (CPM) was 0.154 mm during fifty-three days and that the crust biomass fluctuated from initial inoculation of 4.3 mu g Chlorophyll a cm(-2) sand to 5.8-7.3 mu g Chlorophyll a cm(-2) crust when dew acted as the sole water source, and reached a peak value of approximately 8.2 mu g Chlorophyll a cm(-2) crust owing to rainfalls. It indicated that there was a highly significant correlation between dew amounts and crust moistures (r = 0.897 or r = 0.882, all P < 0.0001), but not a significant correlation between dew and the biomass (r = 0.246 or r = 0.257, all P > 0.05), and thus concluded that dew might only play a relatively limited role in regulating the crust biomass. Correspondingly, we found that rains significantly facilitated biomass increase of the cyanobacterial crust. Results from the simulative experiment upon rehydration showed that approximately 80% of PSII activity could be achieved within about 50 min after rehydration in the dark and at 5 degrees C, and only about 20% of the activity was light-temperature dependent. This might mean that dew was crucial for cyanobacterial crust to rapidly activate photosynthetic activity during desiccation and rehydration despite low temperatures and weak light before dawn. It also showed in this study that the cyanobacterial crusts could receive and retain more dew than sand, which depended on microclimatic characteristics and soil properties of the crusts. It may be necessary for us to fully understanding the influence of dew on regulating the growth and activity of cyanobacterial crust, and to soundly evaluate the crust's potential application in fighting desertification because of the available water due to dew. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Phyrobilisomes (PBS) are the major light-harvesting, protein-pigment complexes in cyanobacteria and red algae. PBS absorb and transfer light energy to photosystem (PS) II as well as PS I, and the distribution of light energy from PBS to the two photosystems is regulated by light conditions through a mechanism known as state transitions. In this study the quantum efficiency of excitation energy transfer from PBS to PS I in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 was determined, and the results showed that energy transfer from PBS to PS I is extremely efficient. The results further demonstrated that energy transfer from PBS to PS I occurred directly and that efficient energy transfer was dependent upon the allophycocyanin-B alpha subunit, ApcD. In the absence of ApcD, cells were unable to perform state transitions and were trapped in state 1. Action spectra showed that light energy transfer from PBS to PS I was severely impaired in the absence of ApcD. An apcD mutant grew more slowly than the wild type in light preferentially absorbed by phyrobiliproteins and was more sensitive to high light intensity. On the other hand, a mutant lacking ApcF, which is required for efficient energy transfer from PBS to PS II, showed greater resistance to high light treatment. Therefore, state transitions in cyanobacteria have two roles: (1) they regulate light energy distribution between the two photosystems; and (2) they help to protect cells from the effects of light energy excess at high light intensities. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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本论文研究了一系列具有不同配位环璄的锰化合物与去锰的PSII的光组装过程,得到了以下主要结果: 1. 分别对两组二核锰化合物与去锰的PSII 颗粒进行了重组研究。第一组的两个二核锰化合物中,锰原子具有相同的外围配体、氧化还原状态,但是不同的连接方式;而第二组的两个二核锰化合物中,锰原子具有相同的连接方式、氧化还原状态,但是不同的外围配体。实验结果表明,锰化合物中两个锰原子之间的连接方式及外围配体的不同都可以导致锰簇光组装效率的不同,但这两种因素引起的光组装效率的差异比锰原子的氧化还原状态引起的差别要小的多。因此我们推断,锰原子的氧化还原状态是影响光组装效率最重要的因素之一。 2. 选择了三个四核锰化合物与去锰PSII 颗粒进行重组,测定其电子传递与放氧活性。研究结果表明,具有较少配体和较小分子的两个化合物H568和WM01具有较高的重组活性,而另一个化合物Z342的活性较低。这说明化合物配体的数目以及分子的大小影响了光组装效率。另外, 化合物H568和WM01在重组过程中对CaCl2也比Z342更敏感,推测这可能是因为这两个锰化合物中有更多的的羧基可以与Ca2+发生相互作用,而这种作用有助于锰的配位,进而促进光组装。 3. 研究了Mn/Ca的簇合物与去锰的PSII 颗粒的光重组, 研究发现,尽管化合物wwg-27本身就含有Ca的成分,但它在与光系统II的光组装过程中仍然表现为外源Ca需要的趋势,而且这一化合物也表现了比MnCl2更高的光组装效率。 4. 研究了MnCl2与去锰PSII 颗粒的重组过程中,组氨酸和酪氨酸的存在对光组装效率的影响。 研究结果表明,加入一定量的组氨酸和酪氨酸均可以明显的提高样品的放氧活性,并且这两种氨基酸对光组装效率的影响均与pH值有关。


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光合水氧化是地球上最重要的生化过程之一。这个过程是在位于类囊体囊腔侧的放氧复合物中完成的。光系统II中的锰簇催化中心在四个连续的氧化还原反应作用下将水裂解为四个质子和氧气。水氧化的催化中心含有四个锰、一个钙离子、一至两个氯离子和一个具氧化还原活性的YZ(D1-Y161)。在光系统II的功能性组装过程中,氧合催化中心的形成是在一个被称作光组装的作用下完成的。光组装是无机锰、钙、氯离子与光系统II蛋白结合并在光驱动下氧化形成功能性放氧中心的过程。到目前为止,放氧复合物(OEC)的结构及水氧化的机理仍不清楚,光组装的研究工作对于阐明放氧复合物的结构与功能具有重要的理论和实际意义。 本论文研究了一系列具有不同配位环璄的锰化合物与去锰的PSII的光组装过程, 同时研究了稀土离子LaCl3和TbCl3及重金属离子Co2+和Ni2+对PSII 放氧活性及光组装的影响。主要结果如下: 1. 选择了咪唑氮配位的锰化合物和非咪唑氮配位的锰化合物与去锰的PSII 颗粒进行重组, 发现化合物中锰的配位结构与其恢复电子传递能力和放氧活性之间有一定关系。 研究结果表明,锰中心为锰-咪唑氮连接的化合物能够有效地恢复去锰PSII的电子传递能力和放氧活性;而非咪唑氮配位的锰化合物恢复电子传递和放氧活性的能力都相应较低甚至没有,由此推测,咪唑氮为放氧中心锰簇的一个配体。 2. 选择了两个不同价态的二核锰化合物和一个带氧桥的三核锰化合物与去锰的PSII 颗粒进行重组。 研究结果表明,三核锰化合物表现出比另外两个二核锰化合物更强的恢复放氧活性的能力,但其作为电子供体的能力比另外两个化合物要差。由此可推测,影响锰化合物恢复电子传递和放氧活性效率的因素是不同的。另外, 三核锰化合物在重组过程中对CaCl2非常敏感,我们推测锰化合物中的羧基与Ca2+之间存在相互作用,而这种作用有助于锰的配位进而促进光组装。三个化合物重组放氧复合物能力的大小顺序为:Mn3(III)锰化合物>Mn(III)Mn(III)锰化合物> Mn(III)Mn(IV)锰化合物。 3. 研究了LaCl3、 TbCl3 对光系统II放氧复合物光组装的影响。研究表明,在光组装过程中,两种稀土离子La3+和Tb3+对光系统II的光组装有很强的抑制作用,这种作用很大程度上依赖于Ca2+的存在,两种稀土离子在Ca2+结合位点是一个混合型竞争抑制剂。 另外,在10 mmol/L Ca2+存在时,抑制50%的光组装活性所需的稀土离子浓度比抑制50%功能性PSII的放氧活性所需的稀土离子浓度小约10倍,这对理解稀土离子对光合作用的影响具有重要的理论意义。 4.本文研究了Ni2+和Co2+两种金属离子对光系统II膜蛋白复合体结构与功能的影响。结果表明,毫摩尔级Ni2+和Co2+可以使完整的光系统II和去除17 kDa、23 kDa外周蛋白的光系统II的放氧活性被一定程度地抑制,而且对后者的抑制作用更强,在上述两种情况下,CaCl2可使抑制作用减轻。两种金属离子对给体侧的完整性有一定影响:5 mmol/L金属离子存在的时,可使17 kDa蛋白解离,10 mmol/L的金属离子存在时可使17 kDa、 23 kDa蛋白解离。两种金属离子在光组装过程中对Mn、Ca的组装无明显的影响。


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本文主要研究了一系列具有不同配位环璄的锰化合物与去锰PSII颗粒的光组装过程;其次,应用太赫兹时域光谱技术对锰稳定蛋白PsbO蛋白的结构与功能进行了研究。主要结果如下: 1. 选择了一组单核、锰中心原子为二价、与羧基氧和氮配位的锰化合物与去锰光系统II颗粒进行了重组研究。研究结果表明,锰化合物中锰原子和氮原子的配位连接是影响电子传递恢复和放氧复合物重组效率的重要因素。锰化合物中锰原子与氮原子的配位,促进了锰原子与PSII脱辅基蛋白上的氨基酸残基进行光配位。33 kDa蛋白的加入显著提高光组装放氧活性,33 kDa蛋白的柔性构象有助于锰簇接受体积大的分子,并提高其稳定性,从而促进PSII反应中心锰簇的光组装。 2. 选择了一组拥有相同配体、锰中心原子价态不同的锰化合物与去锰PSII 颗粒进行重组。三个锰价态为+2,+3,+4价的锰化合物均表现出较高的恢复电子传递和放氧活性的能力,但锰与配体氧原子共价连接的锰化合物恢复电子传递和放氧活性的能力的很差,Mn-O连接阻碍WOC的重组。研究结果表明,锰化合物恢复电子传递活性和放氧活性的能力也受其中锰原子的价态及其它结构因素的影响。锰价态较低的锰化合物比锰价态较高的锰化合物更容易向PSII反应中心提供电子。锰化合物恢复电子传递和放氧活性的因素是不同的。锰化合物作为有效电子供体的效率与其螯合环数成反比,但配体的大小不是影响锰化合物重组放氧活性的主要因素。 3. 应用太赫兹时域光谱技术结合荧光光谱技术,研究了锰稳定蛋白PsbO在与金属离子作用及单个氨基酸被修饰后其构象变化和低频振动模的变化。实验结果显示,该蛋白上唯一的色氨酸对整个蛋白构象至关重要,它的改变引起整个蛋白分子低频振动模发生明显改变。此外,太赫兹时域光谱结果显示,PsbO可能含有钙结合位点。太赫兹时域光谱技术在研究蛋白构象变化,尤其是金属离子诱导的构象变化方面是相当灵敏的。


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Valence stability and change of Eu(II) in oxides have been studied by luminescence spect a. The results show that the valence stability and change of Eu(II)in oxides is closely related to the radius and electric charge of positive ions substituted by Eu(II) and crystal structure of the host such as Al2O3 which can form alpha-Al2O3 single phase and alpha-Al2O3 and gamma-Al2O3 mixed phases under different reaction temperatures. A, fairly good explanation is made by the proposed relation between energy coefficient and crystal structure for the first time to the observed experiment results. if the energy coefficients of substitution ions is more than that of Eu(II), the lattice substitution of Eu(II)for these ions is not occured generally and valence stare of Eu(II)is not stable and be easily changed into Eu(III). The lattice of gamma-Al2O3 can stablize the valence state of Eu(II)within certain coped concentration and in alpha-Al2O3 crystal lattice Eu(II)can be easily changed into Eu(III).


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虾青素因其具有极强的抗氧化性及优越的着色作用,被广泛应用于营养保健和水产养殖中,备受国内外研究者的关注。红球藻是目前虾青素的生物来源中较有优势的一条途径。 我们选取雨生红球藻作为研究材料,收集其生长过程中四个不同的阶段,分别为绿色游动细胞阶段,绿色不动细胞阶段,绿褐色不动细胞阶段(开始积累虾青素),以及红色不动孢子阶段。本研究中提取了核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化/加氧酶(Rubisco)的粗提液,并测定了酶活。其编码基因rbcL的mRNA表达量也被测定。另外,光合速率与呼吸速率的比值(P/R)通过测定与计算得出,各个阶段藻细胞中虾青素的含量由分析得出。本研究还应用了叶绿素荧光测定方法,确定了光系统II潜在最大活性(Fv / Fm),光系统II实际活性(ΦPSII),电子传递速率(ETR)和非光化学淬灭参数(NPQ)。 结果表明,绿色游动细胞的生长状态最佳,其P/R、Fv / Fm、ΦPSII均为最大,NPQ为最小。这说明在此状态的细胞中,光系统II的活性最强;但是其Rubisco活性与rbcL表达量均为最小。相比之下,在绿褐色不动细胞中,P/R和NPQ的值较低,Fv / Fm、ΦPSII和ETR值都最小,但Rubisco活性与rbcL表达量均为最高。 结合工业生产虾青素的方法,我们认为,Rubisco或许参与了虾青素的合成,而非Calvin循环为色素合成提供前体和能量。因此,在生产过程中适当加入碳源,比如CO2,可以有效增大虾青素的产量。


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The highly pure and active photosystem II (PSII) complex was isolated from Bangia fusco-purpurea (Dillw) Lyngb., an important economic red alga in China, through two steps of sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation and characterized by the room absorption and fluorescence emission spectra, DCIP (2,6-dichloroindophenol) reduction, and oxygen evolution rates. The PSII complex from B. fusco-purpurea had the characteristic absorption peaks of chlorophyll (Chl) a (436 and 676 nm) and typical fluorescence emission peak at 685 nm (Ex = 436 nm). Moreover, the acquired PSII complex displayed high oxygen evolution (139 mu mol O-2/(mg Chl h) in the presence of 2.5 mM 2,6-dimethybenzoqinone as an artificial acceptor and was active in photoreduction of DCIP (2,6-dichloroindophenol) by DPC (1,5-diphenylcarbazide) at 163 U/(mg Chl a h). SDS-PAGE also suggested that the purified PSII complex contained four intrinsic proteins (D1, D2, CP43, and CP47) and four extrinsic proteins (33-kD protein, 20-kD protein, cyt c-550, and 14-kD protein).


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A novel azo dye containing isoxazole ring and beta-diketone derivative (TIAD) and its two nickel (II) complexes (Ni (II)-ETIAD and Ni (II)-HTIAD) were synthesized in order to obtain a blue-violet light absorption and better thermal stability as a promising organic storage material for next generation of high density digital versatile disc-recordable (HD-DVD-R) systems that uses a high numerical aperture of 0.85 at 405 nm wavelength. Their structures were confirmed on the basis of elemental analysis, MS, FT-IR, UV-Vis and magnetic data. Their solubility in 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propanol (TFP) and absorption properties of thin film were measured. The difference of absorption maximum from the complexes to their ligands was discussed. In addition, the TG analysis of the complexes was also determined, and their thermal stability was evaluated. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.