439 resultados para super-heavy nuclei


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The proton-neutron interaction in determining the evolution of nuclear structure has been studied by using the Brillouin-Wigner perturbation expansion. The particle-hole and particle-particle p-n interactions are unifiedly described in the theory. The obtained formulas of level energies and excitation energies scaled in the small- and large-NpNn limits can well explain the linearity of the extracted proton-neutron interaction energies and the attenuation of the 2(1)(+) excitation energies against the valence nucleon product NpNn for five mass regions from A = 100-200.


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The fully consistent relativistic continuum random phase approximation (RCRPA) has been constructed in the momentum representation in the first part of this paper. In this part we describe the numerical details for solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation. The numerical results are checked by the inverse energy weighted sum rules in the isoscalar giant monopole resonance, which are obtained from the constraint relativistic mean field theory and also calculated with the integration of the RCRPA strengths. Good agreement between the misachieved. We study the effects of the self-consistency violation, particularly the currents and Coulomb interaction to various collective multipole excitations. Using the fully consistent RCRPA method, we investigate the properties of isoscalar and isovector collective multipole excitations for some stable and exotic from light to heavy nuclei. The properties of the resonances, such as the centroid energies and strength distributions are compared with the experimental data as well as with results calculated in other models.


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本论文主要包括两部分内容,一部分是运用相对论平均场理论对超重核基态性质的研究以及Pb同位素位移微观机制的研究,第二部分是在相对论平均场框架下对BCS型对关联的改进及其在有限核性质研究中的应用。基于核子与介子自由度的量子强子动力学(QHD), 从有效拉氏密度出发, 采取平均场近似, 已经成为当前最为成功的原子核理论之一,相对论平均理论。本文比较详细地介绍该理论模型, 并系统地探讨了新核素287115及其 衰变链上核的基态性质。结果发现所计算的结合能和四极形变符合了有限力程小液滴模型的结果,计算表明研究的 衰变链具有中等大小的长椭球形变;且计算的 衰变能 成功地与实验符合,说明相对平均场理论在原子核的超重区是有成功的。在此基础上进一步研究了新核素的单粒子能级,从而发现了超重核的一些新特点。通过分析Z=108到Z=114这四条同位素链的平均结合能,说明在这些同位素链中,对中子分离能的分析则可以看到N=162与N=184是壳效应的存在。研究了Pb同位素链的基态性质,从原子核的微观结构出发,比较详细地研究了Pb链同位素位移出现反常扭折这一重要性质的物理机制,由于满壳外额外中子会排布在距离满壳稍远一些的下一能级上,这自然会导致中子半径的增加.由于中子在核内的分布对质子分布的影响,将必然使原子核的电荷半径会在中子满壳后增加得更快。相对论平均场理论能够自然地给出原子核的自旋和轨道耦合,从而能给出合理的单粒子能级序列和间距,这为定量描述原子核的同位素位移提供了有力的理论基础。在论文的第二部分,通过引进密度相关的Delta力来改进传统的处理对关联的BCS方法,假定核子之间的作用为Delta力,计算得到状态相关的对能隙。相对于传统的常数对能隙是一个很重要的改进。接着我们用改进的理论研究了Sr同位素链的基态性质,得到了一些很有意义的结果。


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超重元素合成研究是当今国际上核物理研究的热点领域之一,也是中国科学院近代物理研究所的一个重要研究方向。根据实际情况,我们确定了两步走的发展方案。针对第一步发展方案,我们对RIBLL放射性束流线进行了改造。具体做法就是在RIBLL入口的前段增加一个速度选择器,并将原束流传输线的前半段改造为充气谱仪。本论文详细论述了RIBLL改造所涉及到的硬件设计和建造以及改造后系统的各项性能测试。硬件部分主要包括反应靶室、转靶系统、速度选择器、充气及气压控制系统、焦平面的衰变探测器等。性能测试方面主要开展了以下工作:(1) 利用放射源对速度选择器的接收立体角和动量接收度进行了测试;(2) 测量了铀离子经不同厚度碳膜后的电荷态分布,并与经验公式计算进行了比较;(3) 利用已知截面的反应道和靶反冲核分别对系统的传输效率、充气谱仪的最佳气压值和重离子在氦气中的平衡电荷态进行了研究。基于以上测试的结果,论文对在改造后的RIBLL上开展超重核合成研究的可行性进行了讨论。结论是由于RIBLL的二极磁铁的分析能力太强,大大降低了系统的传输效率,因此该谱仪只可用于原子序数Z≤107的超重核合成研究和生成截面较高的短寿命滴线核的合成及性质研究,对于更高原子序数的超重核合成研究应该放到正在建造的SHANS谱议上进行


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Within the framework of a dinuclear system (DNS) model, the evaporation-residue excitation functions and the quasi-fission mass yields in the 48Ca induced fusion reactions are investigated systematically and compared with available experimental data. Maximal production cross sections of superheavy nuclei based on stable actinide targets are obtained. Isotopic trends in the production of the superheavy elements Z = 110, 112–118 based on the actinide isotopic targets are analyzed systematically. Optimal evaporation channels and combinations as well as the corresponding excitation energies are proposed. The possible factors that influencing the isotopic dependence of the production cross sections are analyzed. The formation of the superheavy nuclei based on the isotopes U with different projectiles are also investigated and calculated.


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We study systematically the average property of fragmentation reaction and momentum dissipation induced by halo-nuclei in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions for different colliding systems and different beam energies within the isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics model (IQMD). This study is based on the extended halo-nucleus density distributions, which indicates the average property of loosely inner halo nucleus structure, because the interaction potential and in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section in IQMD model depend on the density distribution. In order to study the average properties of fragmentation reaction and momentum dissipation induced by halo-nuclei we also compare the results for the halo-nuclear colliding systems with those for corresponding stable colliding systems with same mass under the same incident channel condition. We find that the effect of extended halo density distribution on the fragment multiplicity and nuclear stopping (momentum dissipation) are important for the different beam energies and different colliding systems. For example the extended halo density distributions increase the fragment multiplicity but decrease the nuclear stopping for all of incident channel conditions in this paper.


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We studied systematically the reaction dynamics induced by neutron-halo nuclei and proton-halo nuclei within the isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics, such as the effects of loose bound halo-nuclei on the fragmentation reaction and momentum dissipation for different colliding systems with different beam energies and different impact parameters. In order to emphasize the roles of neutron-halo nucleus B-19 and proton-halo nucleus Al-23 on the reaction dynamics we also calculated the the reaction dynamics induced by the stable nuclei F-19 and Na-23 with equal mass under identical incident channel conditions. Based on the comparison of results of reaction dynamics induced by halo-nucleus colliding systems and stable nucleus collidinmg systems we found that the roles of loose bound halo-nucleus structure on the fragmentation multiplicity and nuclear stopping (momentum dissipation) are important for all of colliding systems with different beam energies and minor impact parameters, such as, the loose bound halo-nuclei structure increases the fragmentation multiplicity, but reduces the nuclear stopping.


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Within the concept of the dinuclear system (DNS), a dynamical model is proposed for describing the formation of superheavy nuclei in complete fusion reactions by incorporating the coupling of the relative motion to the nucleon transfer process. The capture of two heavy colliding nuclei, the formation of the compound nucleus and the de-excitation process are calculated by using an empirical coupled channel model, solving a set of microscopically derived master equations numerically and applying statistical theory, respectively.Fusion-fission reactions and evaporation residue excitation functions of synthesizing superheavy nuclei (SHN)are investigated systematically and compared them with available experimental data. The possible factors that affecting the production cross sections of SHN are discussed in this workshop.


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Within the framework of the dinuclear system (DNS) model, production cross sections of new superheavy nuclei with charged numbers Z=108-114 are analyzed systematically. Possible combinations based on the actinide nuclides U-238, Pu-244, and Cm-248,Cm-250 with the optimal excitation energies and evaporation channels are pointed out to synthesize new isotopes that lie between the nuclides produced in the cold fusion reactions and the Ca-48-induced fusion reactions experimentally, which are feasible to be constructed experimentally. It is found that the production cross sections of superheavy nuclei decrease drastically with the charged numbers of compound nuclei. Larger mass asymmetries of the entrance channels enhance the cross sections in 2n-5n channels.


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The generalized liquid drop model (GLDM), including the proximity effects and centrifugal potential, and the cluster model with Cosh potential are used to study the half-lives of some Z=113 isotopes and their alpha-decay products.The experimental half-lives of (284)113, (283)113, (282)113and their alpha-decay products are well reproduced by the two models when zero angular momenta transfer is assumed. For (278)113 and its alpha-decay products, both the GLDM andthe cluster model could provide satisfactory results if we assume the alpha particle carry five units of angular momenta, which indicates that possible non zero angular momenta transfer and need further experimental measurements with high precision. Finally, we show that half-lives of alpha-decay are quite sensitive to the angular momentum transfers, and a formula could be used to describe the correlation between alpha-decay half-life and angular momentum transfer successfully.


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The shell correction is proposed in the improved isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics (Im-IQMD) model, which plays an important role in heavy-ion fusion reactions near Coulomb barrier. By using the ImIQMD model, the static and dynamical fusion barriers, dynamical barrier distribution in the fusion reactions are analyzed systematically. The fusion and capture excitation functions for a series of reaction systems are calculated and compared with experimental data. It is found that the fusion cross sections for neutron-rich systems increase obviously, and the strong shell effects of two colliding nuclei result in a decrease of the fusion cross sections at the sub-barrier energies. The lowering of the dynamical fusion barriers favors the enhancement of the sub-barrier fusion cross sections, which is related to the nucleon transfer and the neck formation in the fusion reactions.


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Within the dinuclear system model, the effects of the relative orientations of interacting deformed nuclei on the interaction potential energy surfaces, the evaporation residue cross sections of some cold fusion reactions leading to superheavy elements are investigated. The competition between fusion and quasifission is studied to show the effect of the orientation. It turns out that the belly-belly orientation is in favor of the production of superheavy nuclei, because in the case a barrier has suppressed the quasifission and thus helped fusion.


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Within the concept of the dinuclear system (DNS), a dynamical model is proposed for describing the formation of superheavy nuclei in complete fusion reactions by incorporating the coupling of the relative motion to the nucleon transfer process. The capture of two heavy colliding nuclei, the formation of the compound nucleus, and the de-excitation process are calculated by using an empirical coupled channel model, solving a master equation numerically and applying statistical theory, respectively. Evaporation residue excitation functions in cold fusion reactions are investigated systematically and compared with available experimental data. Maximal production cross sections of superheavy nuclei in cold fusion reactions with stable neutron-rich projectiles are obtained. Isotopic trends in the production of the superheavy elements Z=110, 112, 114, 116, 118, and 120 are analyzed systematically. Optimal combinations and the corresponding excitation energies are proposed.


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The dinuclear system model has been further developed by introducing the barrier distribution function method in the process of heavy-ion capture and fusion to synthesize superheavy nuclei. The capture of two colliding nuclei, formation and de-excitation process of compound nucleus are decribed by using empirical coupled channel model, solving master equation numerically and statistical evaporation model, respectively. Within the framework of the dinuclear system model, the fusion-evaporation excitation functions of the systems Ca-48(Am-243, 3n-5n) (288-286)115 and Ca-48(Cm-248, 3n-5n)(293-291)116 are calculated, which are used for synthesizing new superheavy nuclei at Dubna in recent years. Isotopic dependence of production cross sections with double magic nucleus Ca-48 bombarding actinide targets U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm to synthesize superheavy nuclei with charged numbers Z=112-116 is analyzed systematically. Based on these analysis, the optimal projectile-target combination and the optimal excitation energy are proposed. It is shown that shell correction energy and neutron separation energy will play an important role on the isotopic dependence of production cross sections of superheavy nuclei.