34 resultados para sugar and ethanol companies


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Male Wistar rats were administrated orally with La(NO3)(3) at doses of 0. 05, 0. 2, 2. 0, 10 and 20 mg/kg body weight. Urine was collected over a 24 h period after dosing. Resonances for a large number of low molecular weight metabolites were assigned in a high resolution H-1 NMR spectra of rat urine. The variation of some low molecular weight metabolites in urine provided a sensitive measurement of Rare Earth induced renal and liver lesions, in which DMA, DMG, urea, Kg, TMAO, succinate, citrate and amino acids have been suggested as NMR markers for renal damage and ethanol, lactate, taurine as the markers for liver damage. The method could be applicable to study of the toxicological effects of other compounds and drugs.


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On 70~(th) SEG Annual meeting, many author have announced their result on the wave equation prestack depth migration. The methods of the wave-field imaging base on wave equation becomes mature and the main direction of seismic imaging. The direction of imaging the complex media has been the main one of the projects that the national "85" and "95" reservoir geophysics key projects and "Knowledge innovation key project of Chinese Academy of Science" have been supported. Furthermore, we began the study for special oil field situation of our nation with the international research groups. Under the background, the author combined the thoughts of symplectic with wave equation pre-stack depth migration, and develops and efficient wave equation pre-stack depth migration method. The purpose of this work is to find out a way to imaging the complex geological goals of Chinese oilfields and form a procedure of seismic data processing. The paper gives the approximation of one way wave equation operator, and shows the numerical results. The comparisons have been made between split-step phase method, Kirchhoff and Ray+FD methods on the pulse response, simple model and Marmousi model. The results shows that the method in this paper has an higher accuracy. Four field data examples have also be given in this paper. The results of field data demonstrate that the method can be usable. The velocity estimation is an important part of the wave equation pre-stack depth migration. A parallel velocity estimation program has been written and tested on the Beowulf clusters. The program can establish a velocity profile automatically. An example on Marmousi model has shown in the third part of the paper to demonstrate the method. Another field data was also given in the paper. Beowulf cluster is the converge of the high performance computer architecture. Today, Beowulf Cluster is a good choice for institutes and small companies to finish their task. The paper gives some comparison results the computation of the wave equation pre-stack migration on Beowulf cluster, IBM-SP2 (24 nodes) in Daqing and Shuguang 3000, and the comparison of their prize. The results show that the Beowulf cluster is an efficient way to finish the large amount computation of the wave equation pre-stack depth migration, especially for 3D.


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On 70~(th) SEG Annual meeting, many author have announced their result on the wave equation pre-stack depth migration. The methods of the wave-field imaging base on wave equation becomes mature and the main direction of seismic imaging. The direction of imaging the complex media has been the main one of the projects that the national "85" and "95" reservoir geophysics key projects and "Knowledge innovation key project of Chinese Academy of Science" have been supported. Furthermore, we began the study for special oil field situation of our nation with the international research groups. Under the background, the author combined the thoughts of symplectic with wave equation pre-stack depth migration, and develops and efficient wave equation pre-stack depth migration method. The purpose of this work is to find out a way to imaging the complex geological goals of Chinese oilfields and form a procedure of seismic data processing. The paper gives the approximation of one way wave equation operator, and shows the numerical results. The comparisons have been made between split-step phase method, Kirchhoff and Ray+FD methods on the pulse response, simple model and Marmousi model. The result shows that the method in this paper has an higher accuracy. Four field data examples have also be given in this paper. The results of field data demonstrate that the method can be usable. The velocity estimation is an important part of the wave equation pre-stack depth migration. A. parallel velocity estimation program has been written and tested on the Beowulf clusters. The program can establish a velocity profile automatically. An example on Marmousi model has shown in the third part of the paper to demonstrate the method. Another field data was also given in the paper. Beowulf cluster is the converge of the high performance computer architecture. Today, Beowulf Cluster is a good choice for institutes and small companies to finish their task. The paper gives some comparison results the computation of the wave equation pre-stack migration on Beowulf cluster, IBM-SP2 (24 nodes) in Daqing and Shuguang3000, and the comparison of their prize. The results show that the Beowulf cluster is an efficient way to finish the large amount computation of the wave equation pre-stack depth migration, especially for 3D.


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In the early part of this century, with the change from the seller's market to the buyer market, the competition between companies changed from product competition, selling competition to corporate image competition, and companies began to consciously build corporate reputation through fast developed mass media. As a result, a series of methods to build corporate image were created, such as advertising, public relations and corporate identify system(CIS), which ,in turn, promoted the development of the research of corporate image. The factors of corporate image have been the central issue of the corporate image research, for the probe of this issue is of great significance to both the development of corporate image theory and the practice of corporate image building. As far as the literature we have gathered is concerned, the exiting research on this topic either remains at the level of qualitative investigating and induction, or is limited in some particular industry. Therefore. There bean no commonly accepted corporate image theory so far. In the recent years, with the introduction of competition mechanism and the establishment of the company. As subject position in the market, the building of corporate image gas been developed quickly in our country, and the development of practice imperatively requires the guide of scientific theory. On the basis of the analysis and summarization of the research of the predecessors, the present dissertation attempts to do some investigation and research work on the common and individual characteristics of corporate image factors of the companies in different industries in our country. The method of questionnaire survey is used in the present research. The subject sample is gathered on the basis of convenience and feasibility, and at the mean time, some consideration is also given to straticulate randomization principles. The subjects are asked to select one of their most familiar companies, and determine the important of even item in the questionnaire to the selected company(i.e. the importance assessment), and then, determine the grades the selected company gains on every item(i.e. the image assessment). The discriminant analysis of corporate image of different industries. The selected sample is grouped and coded according to the standard of industry classification. The discriminant analysis is done with the selected companies as the sample and the grades of image assessment as the variables. The result indicates that industry variable is an important standard of the classification of corporate image, and the companies in the same industry are more similar in corporate image. The analysis of the common and individual characteristics of corporate image of different industries. Firstly, in every industry, the items are sieved according to the grades of importance assessment, and exploratory factor analysis is done with grades of image assessment on the selected items as the variables. Secondly, the factors drawn from every industry in arranged in order according to their importance. The result indicates that the corporate image of different industries shares some common characteristics, for there exist common factors among different industries. In the mean while, the corporate image of different industries has its individual characteristics, that is, there is some difference in the domain of the factors, and in the order of the factors(including the difference of the principle factor).