222 resultados para selective nanophotothermolysis


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In this work, a novel light source of tandem InGaAsP/InGaAsP multiple quantum well electroabsoption modulator( EAM ) monolithically integrated with distributed feedback laser is fabricated by ultra-low-pressure ( 22 x 10(2) Pa ) selective area growth metal-organic chemical vapor diposition technique. Superior device performances have been obtained, such as low threshold current of 19 mA, output light power of 4.5 mW, and over 20 dB extinction ratio at 5 V applied voltage when coupled into a single mode fiber. Over 10 GHz 3dB bandwidth in EAM part is developed with a driving voltage of 2 V. Using this sinusoidal voltage driven integrated device, 10 GHz repetition rate pulse with an actual width of 13.7 ps without any compression elements is obtained due to the gate operation effect of tandem EAMs.


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Selectively photo-excited C-V spectroscopy has been measured in an In0.5Ga0.5As quantum dots (QDs)-embedded, three barrier-two well heterostructure. By comparing with a theoretical capacitance model, the pure capacitive contribution from In0.5Ga0.5As QDs, due to tunnelling coupling between In0.5Ga0.5As QDs and In0.18Ga0.82As quantum well, has been used to obtain the density of charges from photo-excited In0.5Ga0.5As QDs in a very straightforward manner.


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Selective area growth (SAG) of GaN on SiO2 stripe-patterned GaN/GaAs(001) substrates was carried out by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy. The SAG samples were investigated by using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM observations showed that the morphology of SAG GaN is strongly dependent on the window stripe orientation and slightly affected by the orientation relationship between the window stripes and the gas flow. The (I 1 1)B sidewalls formed on the SAG GaN stripes are found to be stable. XRD measurements indicated the full-widths at half-maximum (FWHMs) of cubic GaN (0 0 2) rocking curves are reduced after SAG. The measured FWHMs with omega-axis parallel to [1(1) over bar 0] are always larger than the FWHM values obtained with omega-axis parallel to [I 10], regardless of the orientation relationship between the w-axis and the GaN stripes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The growth pressure and mask width dependent thickness enhancement factors of selective-area MOCVD. grow th were investigated in this article. A, high enhancement of 5.8 was obtained at 130 mbar with the mask width of 70 mum. Mismatched InGaAsP (-0.5%) at the maskless region which could ensure the material at butt-joint region to be matched to InP was successively grown by controlling the composition and mismatch modulation in the selective-area growth. The upper optical confinement layer and the butt-coupled tapered thickness waveguide were regrown simultaneously in separated confined heterostructure 1.55 gm distributed feedback laser, which not only offered the separated optimization of the active region and the integrated spotsize converter, but also reduced the difficulty of the butt-joint selective regrowth. A narrow beam of 9degrees and 12degrees in the vertical and horizontal directions, a low threshold current of 6.5 mA was fabricated by using this technique. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The crystallographic tilt of the lateral epitaxial overgrown (LEO) GaN on sapphire Substrate with SiNx mask is investiaated by double crystal X-ray diffraction. Two wing peaks beside the GaN 0002 peak can be observed for the as-grown LEO GaN. During the selective etching of SiNx mask, each wing peak splits into two peaks, one of which disappears as the mask is removed, while the other remains unchanged. This indicates that the crystallographic tilt of the overgrown region is caused not only by the plastic deformation resulted from the bending of threading dislocations, but by the non-uniformity elastic deformation related with the GaN, SiNx interfacial forces. The widths of these two peaks are also studied in this paper. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three-dimensional GaN pyramids have been successfully obtained on submicron dot-patterned (0001) sapphire substrates by using the selective metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) technique. The dot-pattern is a hexagon arranged with a 0.5-mu m width and 1.0-mu m spacing. The GaN structure comprises a hexagonal pyramid covered with six {1 (1) over bar 01} pyramidal facets on the side of a hexagonal pyramid having a (0001) facet on the top. Cathodoluminescence (CL) measurement was carried our. on the hexagonal pyramid at low temperature. Two distinct spectra were observed to occur at about 359 and 329 nm. The higher energy is thought to be related to GaN dot, and the lower one is due to GaN dot band edge emission. The intensities of the two spectra were investigated as a function of temperature in the range of 135-150 K. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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High-speed and high-power InGaAsP/lnP selective proton-bombarded buried crescent (SPB-BC) lasers with optical field attenuation regions were reported. The defect of proton bombardment can not affect the lifetime of the SPB-BC laser because the optical field attenuation region obstructs the growth and propagation of defects. A CW light output over 115 mW was achieved at room temperature using a 500 mu m long cavity SPB-BC laser. The 3 dB bandwidth was 8.5 GHz, and the lifetime was about 8.5 x 10(5) h. The capacitance of four kinds of current blocking structures was first measured in our experiment, and the results shown that the capacitance of proton-bombarded pnpn structure was not only less than that of pnpn current blocking structure, but also less than that of semi-insulating Fe-InP structure.


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Radiation-induced electrical changes in both space charge region (SCR) of Si detectors and bulk material (BM) have been studied for samples of diodes and resistors made on Si materials with different initial resistivities. The space charge sign inversion fluence (Phi(inv)) has been found to increase linearly with the initial doping concentration (the reciprocal of the resistivity), which gives improved radiation hardness to Si detectors fabricated from low resistivity material. The resistivity of the BM, on the other hand, has been observed to increase with the neutron fluence and approach a saturation value in the order of hundreds k Omega cm at high fluences, independent of the initial resistivity and material type. However, the fluence (Phi(s)), at which the resistivity saturation starts, increases with the initial doping concentrations and the value of Phi(s) is in the same order of that of Phi(inv) for all resistivity samples. Improved radiation hardness can also be achieved by the manipulation of the space charge concentration (N-eff) in SCR, by selective filling and/or freezing at cryogenic temperatures the charge state of radiation-induced traps, to values that will give a much smaller full depletion voltage. Models have been proposed to explain the experimental data.


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The effects of the carrier gas flow and water temperature on the oxidation rate for different reaction temperatures were investigated. The optimum conditions for stable oxidation were obtained. Two mechanisms of the oxidation process are revealed. One is the flow-controlling process, which is unstable. The other is the temperature-controlling process, which is stable. The stable region decreases for higher reaction temperatures. The simulation results for the stable oxidation region are also given. With optimum oxidation conditions, the stability and precision of the oxidation can be dramatically improved.


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Wavelength tunable electro-absorption modulated distributed Bragg reflector lasers (TEMLs) are promising light source in dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) optical fiber communication system due to high modulation speed, small chirp, low drive voltage, compactness and fast wavelength tuning ability. Thus, increased the transmission capacity, the functionality and the flexibility are provided. Materials with bandgap difference as large as 250nm have been integrated on the same wafer by a combined technique of selective area growth (SAG) and quantum well intermixing (QWI), which supplies a flexible and controllable platform for the need of photonic integrated circuits (PIC). A TEML has been fabricated by this technique for the first time. The component has superior characteristics as following: threshold current of 37mA, output power of 3.5mW at 100mA injection and 0V modulator bias voltage, extinction ratio of more than 20 dB with modulator reverse voltage from 0V to 2V when coupled into a single mode fiber, and wavelength tuning range of 4.4nm covering 6 100-GHz WDM channels. A clearly open eye diagram is observed when the integrated EAM is driven with a 10-Gb/s electrical NRZ signal. A good transmission characteristic is exhibited with power penalties less than 2.2 dB at a bit error ratio (BER) of 10(-10) after 44.4 km standard fiber transmission.


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An improved selective area growth (SAG) method is proposed to better the fabrication and performance of the Electroabsorption modulated laser The typical threshold current of the EML is 18mA, and the output power is 5.6mW at EAM facet.


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Oxide-free InGaAlAs waveguides have been grown on the InP substrates patterned with pairs of SiO2 mask stripes using narrow stripe selective MOVPE. The mask stripe width is varied from 0 to 40 pm, while the window region width between a pair of mask stripes is fixed at 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 mu m, respectively. Smooth surface s and flat interfaces are obtained in the selectively grown InQaAlAs waveguides. There exhibit strong dependences of the thickness enhancement ratio and the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum on the mask stripe width and the window region width for the InGaAlAs wavegwdes. A large PL peak wavelength shift of 79 nm and a PL full width of at half maximum (FWHM) of less than 64 meV are obtained simultaneously. Some possible interpretations for our investigations are presented by considering both the migration effect from a masked region (MMR) and the lateral vapor diffusion effect (LVD).


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Growth mechanism of InGaAlAs waveguides by narrow stripe selective MOVPE has been studied. Both the InGaAlAs bulk waveguides and the InGaAlAs MQW waveguides were successful grown on the patterned substrates at optimized growth conditions. The mask stripe width varied from 0 to 40 mu m, while the window region width between a pair of mask stripes was fixed 2.5 mu m. These selectively grown waveguides were covered by specific InP layers, which can keep the InGaAlAs waveguides from being oxidized during the fabrication of devices. In particular, there exhibit strong dependences of the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum on the mask stripe width for the samples. The results were explained in considering both the migration effect from a masked region (MMR) and the lateral vapor diffusion effect (LVD).


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A novel device of tandem multiple quantum wells (MQWs) electroabsorption modulators (EAMs) monolithically integrated with DFB laser is fabricated by ultra-low-pressure (22 mbar) selective area guowth (SAG) MOCVD technique. Experimental results exhibit superior device characteristics with low threshold of 19 mX output light power of 4.5 mW and over 20 dB extinction ratio when coupled into a single mode Fiber. Moreover, over 10 GHz modulation bandwidth is developed with a driving voltage of 2 V. Using I this sinusoidal voltage driven integrated device, 10GHz repetition rate pulse with a width of 13.7 ps without any compression elements is obtained.


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The narrow stripe selective growth of the InGaAlAs bulk waveguides and InGaAlAs MQW waveguides was first investigated. Flat and clear interfaces were obtained for the selectively grown InGaAlAs waveguides under optimized growth conditions. These selectively grown InGaAlAs waveguides were covered by specific InP layers, which can keep the waveguides from being oxidized during the fabrication of devices. PL peak wavelength shifts of 70 nm for the InGaAlAs bulk waveguides and 73 nm for the InGaAlAs MQW waveguides were obtained with a small mask stripe width varying from 0 to 40 gm, and were interpreted in considering both the migration effect from the masked region (MMR) and the lateral vapor diffusion effect (LVD). The quality of the selectively grown InGaAlAs MQW waveguides was confirmed by the PL peak intensity and the PL FWHM. Using the narrow stripe selectively grown InGaAlAs MQW waveguides, then the buried heterostructure (BH) lasers were fabricated by a developed unselective regrowth method, instead of conventional selective regrowth. The InGaAlAs MQW BH lasers exhibit good performance characteristics, with a high internal differential quantum efficiency of about 85% and an internal loss of 6.7 cm(-1).