54 resultados para reversible regeneration


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在青藏高原东部的亚高山针叶林区,如何尽快恢复这一生态脆弱地区的植被,改变生态环境恶化的趋势,是一个十分重要的课题。光一直被认为是植物种间相互替代,尤其是森林演替过程中植物相互替代或植被恢复中的关键环境要素之一。植物能否适应林冠下或林窗中异质的、或多变的光照条件,对其在林中的生存、分布、更新以及森林动态都是非常重要的。 本文以青藏高原东部亚高山针叶林的主要森林类型——岷江冷杉林群落的几种树苗为研究对象,采用实验生态学、生理及生物化学等方法,通过模拟针叶林不同大小林窗内光照强度的变化,在中国科学院茂县生态站内采用遮荫处理设置6个光照梯度(100、55、40、25、15与7%全光照),来研究具有不同喜光特性的植物对光强的响应与适应机制,其研究结果可为揭示亚高山针叶林的演替规律、以及人工林下幼苗的存活与定居提供科学依据,也能为苗木的生产与管理提供科学指导,尤其是对针阔树种在不同光强下的响应与适应的比较研究,能为如何将阔叶树种整合到人工针叶林中提供新的思路。 光强对植物生长的影响 光强对植物的生长具有重要作用,不同植物在各自适宜的光强梯度下才能生长良好。通过一个野外盆栽实验,来研究不同光强对植物生长的影响(第三章)。主要研究结果如下,低光强下植物株高/茎生物量增加,说明植物会将生物量更多用于高生长,以便有效地拦截光资源;在强光下,植物将生物量更多地向根部分配,使得植物在强光下能够吸收更多的水分,而避免干旱胁迫。 在第一个生长季节,以相对生长速率(RGR)表示,红桦和青榨槭在100%全光照下RGR最大,粗枝云杉在55%最大,岷江冷杉在25-40%下较好;然而,在第二个生长季节,2种阔叶树的相对生长速率(RGR)的适宜光强则变为25-55%,云杉为55-100%,而冷杉为25-100%。可见,从第一年到第二年,2种阔叶树苗更适宜在部分荫蔽的条件下生长;而2种针叶树苗对光的需求则逐渐增加,这可能是增加对根生物量相对投资的结果,因为以这种方式,强光下生长的针叶树幼苗更能保持其内部水分平衡,其生长不会因干旱胁迫而受到严重影响。另外,严重遮荫会引起冷杉幼苗死亡。 植物对光强的生理适应 植物可以通过自身形态和生理特征的调整,来发展不同的光能利用策略从而能够在林中共存。通过一个野外盆栽实验,研究了不同光强下生长的几种树苗的生理特征(第四章)对不同光强的响应与适应。结果显示:强光下,粗枝云杉和红桦的光合能力增加,而岷江冷杉和青榨槭在中度遮荫(25-55%)的条件下光合能力最大。植物叶氮和叶绿素含量增高,而光补偿点和暗呼吸速率降低,这些都是植物对低光环境的适应性反应;而强光下植物叶片和栅栏组织变厚,是对强光的一种保护性反应。 植物对光的可塑性反应 不同植物会表现出对光适应有利的生理和形态可塑性反应。本文对第三章、第四章的实验数据进行可塑性指数分析,来研究植物对光强的表型可塑性反应(第五章)。结果显示,生理特征调整是植物对不同光环境的主要适应途径。红桦和青榨槭的可塑性指数平均值要大于粗枝云杉和岷江冷杉,充分表明这2种阔叶树在生理和形态上较强的可塑性更有利于对光环境的适应,而具有比耐荫树种更强的适应能力。另外,2种针叶树相比,云杉的适应性更强。本研究结果支持树种的生理生态特性决定了其演替状况和生境选择的假说。 植物的光抑制与防御 当植物叶片吸收了过多光能,会发生光抑制现象。植物对光抑制的敏感性及防御能力对其生长具有重要意义。本文通过两个野外盆栽实验,研究了生长在强光下(第六章)和变化光强下(第八章)植物的光抑制现象及其防御策略。结果表明,在强光下或从遮荫状态转入强光下,植物都会发生光抑制,其对光抑制的敏感性与植物的耐荫性(或喜光)和演替状态有密切联系。长期生长在强光下的植物受到光抑制是可恢复的,而当处于荫蔽环境的植物突然暴露于强光下时,受到的光抑制不能完全恢复,可能是(部分)光合机构受到破坏的缘故。粗枝云杉和青榨槭防御光抑制伤害的能力较强,热耗散是其防御光抑制的主要途径。长期的强光作用能使岷江冷杉和红桦发生严重光抑制,甚至光伤害,而红桦能够通过“凋落老叶,萌发新叶”的途径来适应新的强光环境。 How to restore the vegetation of subalpine coniferous forest in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and change the trend of ecological deterioration is a very important issue. Acclimation of tree seedlings to different and varing light environment affects to a great extent the successful regeneration and establishment of subalpine coniferous forests in southwestern China’s montane forest areas, because the ability to respond to such changing resource are commonly assumed to be critical to plant success, and have a growth advantage than others. In this paper, several species seedlings in Abies faxoniana community were chosed to study the response and adaptation to light intensity and the interspecific differences of adaptability in six shaded sheds (100, 55, 40, 25, 15 and 7% of full sunlight) in the Maoxian Ecological Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Our results could provide a strong theoretical evidence for understanding the forest succession laws of subalpine coniferous forests, and the survival and settlement of seedlings under plantations, and provide scientific direction for the production and management of seedlings, especially the comparative studies of the acclimation to light between the conifer and broadleaf trees could provide new ideas for how to integrate the broad-leaved trees into the artificial coniferous forest. Growth under different light intensity Light intensity plays an important role on plant growth. One field experiments was conducted to study the growth of tree seedlings of Picea asperata, Abies faxoniana, Betula albo-sinensis and Acer davidii under different light intensities. The results showed that plants under low light environment could increase the specific stem length (stem length/ stem dry mass), in order to effectively intercept light resources, while biomass greater allocation to the roots, could make plants under high light environment absorb more water, and avoid drought stress. During the first growing season, the relative growth rates (RGRs) of Betula albo-sinensis and Acer davidii had the greatest values under the 100% of full light, for 55% of Picea asperata, and for 25-40% of Abies faxoniana. However, in the second growing season the the relative growth rates of the two broad-leaved trees changed and were appropriate for 25-55% of full light, for 55-100% of spruce, and for 25-100% of fir. Thus, from the first year to the second year, two broad-leaved seedlings maybe more suitable to partly shading environment, and two coniferous seedlings would have an increase in light demand, which may be an increased root biomass investment. Because in this way, seedlings grown under high light could better maintain their internal water balance, and thus its growth would not be seriously affected by drought stress. In addition, serious shading would cause fir seedlings to die. Acclimation of physiology to light Plants could coexist in forest ecosystem by forming different strategies of light use. One field experiments was conducted to study the acclimation of tree seedlings to different light intensity of Picea asperata, Abies faxoniana, Betula albo-sinensis and Acer davidii. The results showed that the photosynthetic capacity of Picea asperata and Betula albo-sinensis exhibited a general tendency of increase with more light availability; but for Abies faxoniana and Acer davidii seedlings, their highest values of the same parameters were found under intermediate light regime (i.e. 25-55% of PFD relative to full sunlight). Plants under low light environment could increase the specific stem length (stem length/ stem dry mass), in order to effectively intercept light resources. Leaf nitrogen and chlorophyll content increased, while dark respiration rate and light compensation points decreased, all of which were adaptive response to the low light environment. On the contrary, plants under high light environment had the thicken leaves and palisade tissue, which was a protective response to high light. Phenotypic plasticity to light Phenotypic plasticity can be exhibited in morphological and physiological processes. Physiological characteristical adjustment is the main for plant adaptation to different light environment.The means of plasticity indexes for Betula albo-sinensis and Acer davidii seelings were greater than Picea asperata and Abies faxoniana, amplied that the two broad-leaved trees were much more adaptable to the environment. In addition, spruce had the higher adaptablity than fir. The findings supported the hypothesis that the ecological characteristics of the species determined the biological status and its biological habitat selection. Photoinhibition and photoprotection to light Compared with conifer, broad-leaved trees could better change leaf morphology and adjust biomass allocation to adapt to changing light environment. However, excess light can photoinhibit photosynthesis and may lead to photooxidative destruction of the photosynthetic appatus. Two field experiments were conducted to study the photoinhibition of photosynthesis. The results showed that when plants grown under high light environment or plants transferred from low to high irradiance, the four tree seedlings would undergo a period of photoinhibition. In four species, photoinhibited leaves could recover to initial photosynthetic rates when they were long-term planted under high light environment. However, when plants were suddenly exposed to high irradiance, this photoinhibition could not be reversible, may be the photosynthesis apparatus were (or partly) photooxidatively destructed.


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Purpose: To determine the effects of carbon ion beams with five different linear energy transfer (LET) values on adventitious shoots from in vitro leaf explants of Saintpaulia ionahta Mauve cultivar with regard to tissue increase, shoots differentiation and morphology changes in the shoots. Materials and methods: In vitro leaf explant samples were irradiated with carbon ion beams with LET values in the range of 31 similar to 151 keV/mu m or 8 MeV of X-rays (LET 0.2 keV/mu m) at different doses. Fresh weight increase, surviving fraction and percentage of the explants with regenerated malformed shoots in all the irradiated leaf explants were statistically analysed. Results: The fresh weight increase (FWI) and surviving fraction (SF) decreased dramatically with increasing LET at the same doses. In addition, malformed shoots, including curliness, carnification, nicks and chlorophyll deficiency, occurred in both carbon ion beam and X-ray irradiations. The induction frequency with the former, however, was far more than that with the X-rays. Conclusions: This work demonstrated the LET dependence of the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of tissue culture of Saintpaulia ionahta according to 50% FWI and 50% SF. After irradiating leaf explants with 5 Gy of a 221 MeV carbon ion beam having a LET value of 96 keV/mu m throughout the sample, a chlorophyll-deficient (CD) mutant, which could transmit the character of chlorophyll deficiency to its progeny through three continuous tissue culture cycles, and plantlets with other malformations were obtained.


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The effects of 960 MeV carbon ion beam and 8 MeV X-ray irradiation on adventitious shoots from in vitro leaf explants of two different Saintpaulia ionahta (Mauve and Indikon) cultivars were studied with regard to tissue increase, shoots differentiation and morphology changes in the shoots. The experimental results showed that the survival fraction of shoot formation for the Mauve and Indikon irradiated with the carbon ion beam at 20 Gy were 0.715 and 0.600, respectively, while those for both the cultivars exposed to the Xray irradiation at the same dose were 1.000. Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of Mauve with respect to X-ray was about two. Secondly, the percentage of regenerating explants with malformed shoots in all Mauve regenerating explants irradiated with carbon ion beam at 20 Gy accounted for 49.6%, while that irradiated with the same dose of X-ray irradiation was only 4.7%; as for Saintpatdia ionahta Indikon irradiated with 20 Gy carbon ion beam, the percentage was 43.3%, which was higher than that of X-ray irradiation. Last, many chlorophyll deficient and other varieties of mutants were obtained in this study. Based on the results above, it can be concluded that the effect of mutation induction by carbon ion beam irradiation on the leaf explants of Saintpaulia ionahta is better than that by X-ray irradiation; and the optimal mutagenic dose varies from 20 Gy to 25 Gy for carbon ion beam irradiation.


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We have developed a novel strategy for the preparation of ion-bonded supramolecular star polymers by RAFT polymerization. An ion-bonded star supramolecule with six functional groups was prepared from a triphenylene derivative containing tertiary amino groups and trithiocarbonate carboxylic acid, and used as the RAFT agent in polymerizations of tert-butyl acrylate (tBA) and styrene (St). Molecular weights and structures of the polymers were characterized by H-1 NMR and GPC. The results show that the polymerization possesses the character of living free-radical polymerization and the ion-bonded supramolecular star polymers PSt, PtBA, and PSt-b-PtBA, with six well-defined arms, were successfully synthesized.


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The reversible fabrication of positive and negative nanopatterns on 1-hexadecanethiol (HDT) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on Au(111) was realized by bias-assisted atomic force microscopy (AFM) nanolithography using an ethanol-ink tip. The formation of positive and negative nanopatterns via the bias-assisted nanolithography depends solely on the polarity of the applied bias, and their writing speeds can reach 800,um/s and go beyond 1000 mu m/s, respectively. The composition of the positive nanopatterns is gold oxide and the nanometer-scale gold oxide can be reduced by ethanol to gold, as proved by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis, forming the negative nanopatterns which can be refilled with HDT to recover the SAMs.


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A novel biodegradable diblock copolymer, poly(L-cysteine)-b-Poly(L-lactide) (PLC-b-PLLA), was synthesized by ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of N-carboxyanhydride of beta-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-Cysteine (ZLC-NCA) with amino-terminated Poly(L-lactide) (NH2-PLLA) as a macroinitiator in a convenient way. The diblock copolymer and its precursor were characterized by H-1 NMR, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), gel permeation chromatography (GPC), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements. The length of each block polymer could be tailored by molecular design and the ratios of feeding monomers.


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In this paper, we prepared "dual-parallel-channel" shape-gradient surfaces, on which water droplets can reversibly and orientedly move between two adjacent pools under the guidance of an external voltage. Furthermore, it is found that the motion speed is governed by several parameters, including bath condition, gradient angle, and the working voltage. In this self-transportation process of water droplets, the external voltage works like a traffic light, which can give "moving", "stopping", "turning" and "straight-going" signals to the Water droplets.


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Reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) mediated radical polymerizations of allyl methacrylate and undecenyl methacrylate, compounds containing two types of vinyl groups with different reactivities, were investigated to provide hyperbranched polymers. The RAFT agent benzyl dithiobenzoate was demonstrated to be an appropriate chain-transfer agent to inhibit crosslinking and obtain polymers with moderate-to-high conversions. The polymerization of allyl methacrylate led to a polymer without branches but with five- or six-membered rings. However, poly(undecenyl methacrylate) showed an indication of branching rather than intramolecular cycles. The hyperbranched structure of poly(undecenyl methacrylate) was confirmed by a combination of H-1, C-13, H-1-H-1 correlation spectroscopy, and distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer 135 NMR spectra. The branching topology of the polymers was controlled by the variation of the reaction temperature, chain-transfer-agent concentration, and monomer conversion. The significantly lower inherent viscosities of the resulting polymers, compared with those of linear analogues, demonstrated their compact structure,


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The reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization of acrylonitrile (AN) mediated by 2-cyanoprop-2-yl dithiobenzoate was first applied to synthesize polyacrylonitrile (PAN) with a high molecular weight up to 32,800 and a polydispersity index as low as 1.29. The key to success was ascribed to the optimization of the experimental conditions to increase the fragmentation reaction efficiency of the intermediate radical. In accordance with the atom transfer radical polymerization of AN, ethylene carbonate was also a better solvent candidate for providing higher controlled/living RAFT polymerization behaviors than dimethylformamide and dimethyl sulfoxide. The various experimental parameters, including the temperature, the molar ratio of dithiobenzoate to the initiator, the molar ratio of the monomer to dithiobenzoate, the monomer concentration, and the addition of the comonomer, were varied to improve the control of the molecular weight and polydispersity index. The molecular weights of PANS were validated by gel permeation chromatography along with a universal calibration procedure and intrinsic viscosity measurements. H-1 NMR analysis confirmed the high chain-end functionality of the resultant polymers.


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A novel, hyperbranched, amphiphilic multiarm biodegradable polyethylenimine-poly(gamma-benZyl-L-gluta- mate) (PEI-PBLG) copolymer was prepared by the ring-opening polymerization of gamma-benzyl-L-glutamate-N-car-boxyanhydride (BLG-NCA) with hyperbranched PEI as a macroinitiator. The copolymer could self-assemble into core-shell micelles in aqueous solution with highly hydrophobic micelle cores. As the PBLG content was increased, the size of the micelles increased and the critical micelle concentration (CMC) decreased. The surface of the micelles had a positive potential. The cationic micelles were capable of complexing with plasmid DNA (pDNA), which could be released subsequently by treatment with polyanions. The PEI-PBLG copolymer formed unimolecular micelles in chloroform solution. ne pH-sensitive phase-transfer behavior exhibited two critical pH points for triggering the encapsulation and release of guest molecules. Both the encapsulation and release processes were rapid and reversible. Under strong acidic or alkaline conditions, the release process became partially or completely irreversible.


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We report here that a cubane-like europium-L-aspartic acid complex at physiological pH can discriminate between DNA structures as judged by the comparison of thermal denaturation, binding stoichiometry, temperature-dependent fluorescence enhancement, and circular dichroism and gel electrophoresis studies. This complex can selectively stabilize non-B-form DNA polydApolydT but destabilize polydGdCpolydGdC and polydAdTpolydAdT. Further studies show that this complex can convert B-form polydGdCpolydGdC to Z-form under the low salt condition at physiological temperature 37 degrees C, and the transition is reversible, similar to RNA polymerase, which turns unwound DNA into Z-DNA and converts it back to B-DNA after transcription. The potential uses of a left-handed helix-selective probe in biology are obvious. Z-DNA is a transient structure and does not exist as a stable feature of the double helix. Therefore, probing this transient structure with a metal-amino acid complex under the low salt condition at physiological temperature would provide insights into their transitions in vivo and are of great interest.


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A novel dissolving process for chitin and chitosan has been developed by using the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium chloride ([Bmim]Cl) as a solvent, and a novel application of chitin and chitosan as substitutes for amino-functionalized synthetic polymers for capturing and releasing CO2 has also been exploited based on this processing strategy.


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A responsive polymer composite film was generated by the use of reversibly switchable Surface morphology of polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA) films in response to different block selective solvents on the rough isotactic poly(propylene) (i-PP) substrate. The Maximum difference of the water contact angle of the composite films increased from 22.6 degrees of PS-b-PMMA films on the smooth substrate to 42.6 degrees when they were treated by PS and PMMA selective solvents, respectively. The mechanisms of the responsive extent enhanced and the superhydrophobicity of the composite films were discussed in detail.


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Reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization has been successfully applied to polymerize acrylonitrile with dibenzyl trithiocarbonate as the chain-transfer agent. The key to success is ascribed to the improvement of the interchange frequency between dormant and active species through the reduction of the activation energy for the fragmentation of the intermediate. The influence of several experimental parameters, such as the molar ratio of the chain-transfer agent to the initiator [azobis(isobutyronitrile)], the molar ratio of the monomer to the chain-transfer agent, and the monomer concentration, on the polymerization kinetics and the molecular weight as well as the polydispersity has been investigated in detail. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and H-1 NMR analyses have confirmed the chain-end functionality of the resultant polymer.