44 resultados para population biology


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Understanding the population genetic structure is a prerequisite for conservation of a species. The degree of genetic variability characteristic of the mitochondrial DNA control region has been widely exploited in studies of population genetic structure and can be useful in identifying meaningful population subdivisions. To estimate the genetic profile of the Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis), an endangered freshwater population endemic to China, the complete mtDNA control region was examined in 39 individuals belonging to seven different stocks inhabiting the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Very low genetic diversity was found (nucleotide diversity 0.0011 +/- 0.0002 and haplotypic diversity 0.65 +/- 0.05). The mtDNA genetic pattern of the Yangtze population appears to indicate a founder event in its evolutionary history and to support the marine origin for this population. Analyses by F-st and Phi(st) yielded statistically significant population genetic structure (F-st = 0.44, P < 0.05; phi(st) = 0.36, P < 0.05). These results may have significant implications for the management and conservation of the Yangtze finless porpoise in the future.


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Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to analyse the genetic structure of 45 individuals of Gymnocypris przewalskii (Kessler, 1876), an endangered and state-protected rare fish species, from three areas [the Heima (HM), Buha (BH) and Shaliu rivers (SL), all draining into Qinghai Lake]. A total of 563 polymorphic loci were detected. The HM, BH and SL populations have 435, 433 and 391 loci, respectively (Zhu and Wu, 1975), which account for 77.26%, 76.91% and 69.45% of the total number of polymorphic loci of each population, respectively. The Nei indices of genetic diversities (H) of the three populations were calculated to be 0.2869 (HM), 0.2884 (BH) and 0.2663 (SL), respectively. Their Shannon informative indices are 0.4244, 0.4251 and 0.3915, respectively. Research results show that the mean genetic distance between HM and BH is the smallest (0.0511), between BH and SL is the second shortest (0.0608), and between HM and SL is the largest (0.0713), with the mean genetic distance among the three populations being over 0.05. Data mentioned above indicate that the three populations have a certain genetic differentiation. The total genetic diversity (H-t = 0.3045) and the mean value of genetic diversity within the population (H-s = 0.2786) indicate that the variations have mainly come from within the population.


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The Poyang Lake is the largest lake and the main nursery area in the middle basin of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River. We compared molecular genetic markers of silver carp among populations of the Changjiang River, the Ganjiang River and the Poyang Lake using the ND5/6 region of mtDNA. Analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of this region revealed distinct variation between the Ganjiang River and the Changjiang River populations. The Poyang Lake is linked with the Ganjiang River and the Changjiang River. Shared RFLP fragments between the Ganjiang River population and the Poyang Lake population are as high as 61.4%. The value is 47.74% between the populations of the Changjiang River and that of the Poyang Lake. Frequencies of bands peculiar to the Ganjiang River population are the same as in the Poyang Lake population. We conclude that the Poyang Lake silver carp population consists mainly of the Ganjiang River population. The water level of the Poyang Lake outlet, which is higher than that of the Changjiang River in the silver carp spawning season, supports this conclusion.


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1. Baiji were sighted 17 times during three recent simultaneous multi-vessel surveys in the Yangtze River, China (November 4-10, 1997; December 4-9, 1998; October 31-November 5, 1999). There were 11 sightings in 1997 (consisting of 17 animals), five in 1998 (seven animals), and two in 1999 (four animals). It was concluded that 13 individuals Could be considered as a minimum number of the baiji currently in the Yangtze River. 2. An annual rate of population decrease was roughly estimated as 10%. From the body sizes observed, the proportions of old, adult and immature individuals were approximately estimated at 57, 26, and 17% respectively. 3. Baiji showed a significant attraction to confluences and sand bars with large eddies. The present distribution range of the baiji is less than 1400 km in length in the Yangtze main river. Distances between the two nearest groups of baiji appear to be increasing. 4. Two typical sightings are described, in which surfacing and movements of baiji were recorded. Baiji were often found swimming together with finless porpoise. In the surveys they occurred in the same group in 63% of occurrences. Interactions between baiji and finless porpoise are described and discussed. 5. Human activities are the main threats to the baiji. Illegal electrical fishing accounted for 40% of known mortalities during the 1990s. Engineering explosions for maintaining navigation channels have become another main cause of baiji deaths. The last hope of saving the species may be to translocate the remaining baiji into a semi-captive reserve. known as the 'Baiji Semi-natural Reserve'. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Seasonal population dynamics of parasitic copepods in the genus Sinergasilus on fanned silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, farmed bighead carp Aristichthys nobilis, and grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idellus were investigated in China. Changes in prevalence and abundance were seasonal with higher levels observed in summer. Reproduction of the copepods occurs from spring to early autumn as indicated by the higher ratio of gravid copepods. The frequency distribution of Sinergasilus polycolpus and S. major in their host populations can be fitted well with negative binomial distribution. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Population dynamics of Chaoborus flavicans larvae of various instars was studied from November 1986 to December 1987 in a eutrophic, fish-free pond, Japan. First and 2nd instar larvae were observed from late April to late October, indicating a reproductive period of about half a year. C. flavicans overwintered in the 4th instar larvae. In water column samples, total density of all instars was 680-23 680 m(-2), and pupal density 0-2 600 m(-2); larvae of the Ist, 2nd, and 3rd instars showed 5-6 density peaks in 1987, suggesting that 5-6 generations occur during a year (peaks of the 4th instar larvae were not clear, probably due to their longer development than those of younger instars). In sediment samples, no Ist and 2nd instar larvae were found, 3rd instar larvae were found occasionally but density of the 4th instar larvae was 280-18 600 m(-2), and pupal density varied between 0-502 m(-2). Fouth instar larvae accumulated in sediment in the cold season and in the water column in the warm season; high temperature and low oxygen concentration were the most important factors limiting the distribution of larvae in the sediment in summer in the NIES pond. The dry weight of total C. flavicans larvae was 0.08-4.2 g m(-2) in sediment samples and 24-599 mu g l(-1) (0.10-2.40 g m(-2)) in water column samples. Comparisons of maximum densities in the NIES pond in different years and in waters of different trophic status show that density is generally higher in eutrophic than in oligotrophic habitats.


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The population genetic structure of the crimson snapper Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia was examined with a 427-bp hypervariable portion of the mtDNA control region. A total of 262 samples were collected and 75 haplotypes were obtained. Neutrality tests (Tajima's and Fu's) suggested that Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia had experienced a bottleneck followed by population expansion since the late Pleistocene. Despite the low phylogeographic structures in mtDNA haplotypes, a hierarchical examination of populations in 11 localities from four geographical regions using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated significant genetic differentiation among regions (Phi(CT) = 0.08564, p < 0.01). Limited gene flow between the eastern region (including a locality in the western Pacific Ocean and two localities in the East Sea) and three geographic regions of the South China Sea largely contributed to the genetic subdivision. However, comparisons among three geographic regions of the South China Sea showed little to no genetic difference. Populations of Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia are inferred to be divided into two major groups: an eastern group, including populations of the western Pacific Ocean and the East Sea, and a South China Sea group, consisting of populations from northern Malaysia to South China. The results suggest that fishery management should reflect the genetic differentiation and diversity in East Asia. (c) 2006 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Genetic variation of four populations of Sargassum thunbergii (Mert.) O. Kuntze and one outgroup of S. fusiforme (Harv.) Setchell from Shandong peninsula of China was studied with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. A total of 28 RAPD primers and 19 ISSR primers were amplified, showing 174 loci and 125 loci, respectively. Calculation of genetic diversity with different indicators (P%, percentage of polymorphic loci; H, the expected heterozygosity; I, Shannon's information index) revealed low or moderate levels of genetic variations within each S. thunbergii population. High genetic differentiations were determined with pairwise Nei's unbiased genetic distance (D) and fixation index (F-ST) between the populations. The Mantel test showed that two types of matrices of D and FST were highly correlated, whether from RAPD or ISSR data, r=0.9310 (P = 0.008) and 0.9313 (P=0.009) respectively. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was used to apportion the variations between and within the S. thunbergii populations. It indicated that the variations among populations were higher than those within populations, being 57.57% versus 42.43% by RAPD and 59.52% versus 40.08% by ISSR, respectively. Furthermore, the Mantel test suggested that the genetic differentiations between the four populations were related to the geographical distances (r > 0.5), i.e., they conformed to the IBD (isolation by distance) model, as expected from UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages) cluster analysis. As a whole, the high genetic structuring between the four S. thunbergii populations along distant locations was clearly indicated in the RAPD and ISSR analyses (r > 0.8) in our study.


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Crassostrea ariakensis is an important aquacultured oyster species in Asia, its native region. During the past decade, consideration was given to introducing C. ariakensis into Chesapeake Bay, in the United States, to help revive the declining native oyster industry and bolster the local ecosystem. Little is known about the ecology and biology of this species in Asia due to confusion with nomenclature and difficulty in accurately identifying the species of wild populations in their natural environment. Even less research has been done on the population genetics of native populations of C. ariakensis in Asia. We examined the magnitude and pattern of genetic differentiation among 10 wild populations of C. ariakensis from its confirmed distribution range using eight polymorphic microsatellite markers. Results showed a small but significant global theta (ST) (0.018), indicating genetic heterogeneity among populations. Eight genetically distinct populations were further distinguished based on population pairwise theta (ST) comparisons, including one in Japan, four in China, and three populations along the coast of South Korea. A significant positive association was detected between genetic and geographic distances among populations, suggesting a genetic pattern of isolation by distance. This research represents a novel observation on wild genetic population structuring in a coastal bivalve species along the coast of the northwest Pacific.


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In this paper, we viewed the diel vertical migration (DVM) of copepod in the context of the animal's immediate behaviors of everyday concerns and constructed an instantaneous behavioral criterion effective for DVM and non-DVM behaviors. This criterion employed the function of 'venturous revenue' (VR), which is the product of the food intake and probability of the survival, to evaluate the gains and losses of the behaviors that the copepod could trade-off. The optimal behaviors are to find the optimal habitats to maximize VR. Two types of VRs are formulated and tested by the theoretical analysis and simulations. The sensed VR, monitoring the real-time changes of trade-offs and thereby determining the optimum habitat, is validated to be the effective objective function for the optimization of the behavior; whereas, the realized VR, quantifying the actual profit obtained by an optimal copepod in the sensed-VR-determined habitat, defines the life history of a specific age cohort. The achievement of a robust copepod overwintering stock through integrating the dynamics of the constituent age cohorts subjected to the instantaneous behavioral criterion for DVM clearly exemplified a possible way bridging the immediate pursuit of an individual and the end success of the population. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Introduced species often start with limited genetic variability, which is problematic for selective breeding. The problem of inbreeding can be exasperated by hermaphroditism. The bay scallop Argopecten irradians irradians is a hermaphroditic species that has been introduced to and now supports a major aquaculture industry in China. Positive response to selection for fast growth was observed in one of the less inbred stocks in a previous study. In this study, we evaluated selection for the second generation to determine if response to selection can be sustained in this introduced population of a hermaphroditic species. Response to selection, realized heritability for the second generation, cumulative (over two generations), current (for the second generation) and residual (from the first generation) genetic gains were estimated by comparing three different types of lines: SS (selected for two generation), SC (selected for the first generation only) and CC (unselected for two generations). The SS line grew significantly faster (P < 0.05) than the other two lines, indicating that the second generation selection for faster growth is still effective. Response to selection and realized heritability for the second generation were 0.612 +/- 0.101 and 0.349 +/- 0.057, respectively, which are similar to those observed for the first generation. The cumulative, current, and residual gains were 17.56 +/- 5.30%, 10.63 +/- 2.46%, and 6.25 +/- 3.13%, respectively. The sustained response to selection for the second generation observed here suggests that considerable genetic variability exists in this population and that future efforts on selective breeding are likely to be fruitful. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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1. Complete sequences of 1140 base pair of the cytochrome b gene from 133 specimens were obtained from nine localities including the inflow drainage system, isolated lakes and outflow drainage system in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to assess genetic diversity and to infer population histories of the freshwater fish Schizopygopsis pylzovi.2. Nucleotide diversities (pi) were moderate (0.0024-0.0045) in populations from the outflow drainage system and Tuosuo Lake, but low (0.0018-0.0021) in populations from Qiadam Basin. It is probable that the low intra-population variability is related with the paleoenvironmental fluctuation in Qiadam Basin, suggesting that the populations from Qiadam Basin have experienced severe bottleneck events in history.3. Phylogenetic tree topologies indicate that the individuals from different populations did not form reciprocal monophyly, but the populations from the adjacent drainages cluster geographically. Most population pairwise F-ST tests were significant, with non-significant pairwise tests between Tuosu Lake and Tuosuo Lake in the north-west of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicates that the significant genetic variation was explained at the levels of catchments within and among, not among specific boundaries or inflow and outflow drainage systems.4. The nested clade phylogeographical analysis indicates that historical processes are very important in the observed geographical structuring of S. pylzovi, and the contemporary population structure and differentiation of S. pylzovi may be consistent with the historical tectonic events occurred in the course of uplifts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Fluctuations of the ecogeographical environment and major hydrographic formation might have promoted contiguous range expansion of freshwater fish populations, whereas the geological barriers among drainages have resulted in the fragmentation of population and restricted the gene flow among populations.5. The significantly large negative F-s-value (-24.91, P < 0.01) of Fu's F-s-test and the unimodal mismatch distribution indicate that the species S. pylzovi underwent a sudden population expansion after the historical tectonic event of the Gonghe Movement.6. The results of this study indicate that each population from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau should be managed and conserved separately and that efforts should be directed towards preserving the genetic integrity of each group.