47 resultados para pcb
国家大科学工程兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)已经建成,在CSR调试过程中各系统均要保证加速器稳定运行,而束流诊断系统的稳定可靠运行对顺利完成调试任务具有重要意义。系统可测得束流的能量、强度、位置、相位、剖面和发射度等参数。对这些参数的准确测量是实现CSR稳定运行和各部分之间匹配的必要手段。而束流参数一般都是通过采集可由计算机处理的电信号,并经过合理的分析得到的。因此对前端电子学系统的研究必不可少。本论文将围绕HIRFL-CSR束流诊断系统的子系统——束流位置监测系统的前端电子学设计来展开。由于我所冷却储存环的束流强度弱(最低100nA),现场的噪声和干扰较大,束流监测系统探测单元的输出信号很容易被噪声淹没,所以设计一个合适的前端电子学电路十分必要,而且需要采用一些特殊的微弱信号检测方法。通过对微弱信号检测方法的研究和学习,我们先后采用了两种处理方法,对淹没于噪声中的微弱信号幅值进行检测。第一种方法是基于宽带放大和峰值保持电路来完成对信号峰值的检测;第二种方法是基于外差式技术与锁定放大方法来实现信号峰值的检测。本论文对这两种处理方法和所涉及到的电子学电路原理进行了详细的阐述。论文的主要内容如下:第一章主要针对课题的研究背景来展开。简单介绍了HIRFL-CSR工程,及其束流诊断系统,最后结合束流诊断系统的子系统—束流位置检测系统的前端电子学电路,提出了微弱信号检测方法。第二章介绍了微弱信号检测技术,重点分析了噪声的种类和抑制噪声的处理方法。第三章对我们在束流位置检测系统的前端电子学电路中,采用的第一种处理方法—基于宽带方式的处理方法,作了详细的介绍。主要包括下面几个单元电路: 高阻输入形式和低阻输入形式的低噪声宽带放大器、高速窄脉冲信号峰值保持电路,慢前沿信号峰值保持电路。第四章对我们在束流位置检测系统的前端电子学电路中,采用的第二种处理方法—基于窄带方式的处理方法,作了详细的介绍。重点分析了外差式锁定放大电路中的频率合成器、频谱搬移电路和低通滤波电路。第五章围绕巴特沃思型滤波器的设计展开。主要介绍了低通、高通和带通三种滤波器的理论计算,并作了相应的功能仿真。第六章针对我们涉及到的所有电路的PCB设计,作了相关的分析和总结。第七章对外差式锁定放大电路的实验室参数测试方法、步骤和偏差分析作了详细的介绍。第八章对总结回顾了几年来科研学习所取得的阶段性成果,并对今后的工作方向做了一个简单的计划
随着国家大科学工程兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)建成,CSRm实验探测系统也正在建设当中。CSRm实验探测系统具有多种探测器数万个探测单元。对于这样先进的探测器和大型实验探测系统采用传统的电子学仪器和方法已经无法构成读出电子学系统和数据获取系统,对前端读出电子学系统、数据获取系统提出更高的要求。因此,采用专用集成电路芯片(ASIC)构成前端读出电子学系统是最可行的方法。本论文所述的基于MOS管的专用放大电路设计正是基于集成电路(ASIC)芯片构建前端读出电子学系统的前期研究子部分。作为ASIC前端读出电子学研究的一部分,本论文主要阐述基于MOS器件的放大电路的研究,主要包括以下内容: 1、设计及实现基于CMOS管的电荷灵敏前置放大器,最后给出制作PCB板后的实验室调试结果; 2、设计仿真基于DMOS管的电荷灵敏前置放大器,对仿真结果进行讨论; 3、利用集成电路设计软件Tanner Pro实现电荷灵敏前置放大器的物理版图设计
提供了一种新型的微观气体探测器:RETGEM(thick GEM with electrodes made of a resistive material),它是由标准PCB技术加工而成,厚度和孔直径在毫米量级。 本文主要分两个部分对RETGEM在常温、常压下的工作机制和性能作了初步研究:第一部分是模拟部分:MAXWELL计算电场分布和GARFIELD模拟物理过程;第二部分是对RETGEM的初步测试,表明该探测器具有400Hz的计数率,100V左右的计数率坪长, 放射源下可取得28%的能量分辨、 的有效增益和5%以下的打火率。结果表明RETGEM是一个稳定、可靠的探测器,其性能达到了设计的基本要求,为今后的工作打下了很好的基础
超导磁铁以其能实现极高的磁场强度和较低的能量损耗的优势,正在迅速成为现代加速器系统中普遍采用的一项技术。为超导磁体提供励磁的超导电源也就成为了必需研究的课题。此外,与之相似的低压大电流电源也大量的应用于加速器系统中,服务于核物理研究工作。针对这类电源在加速器中的应用,本课题的主要挑战在于如何实现一种高效率和低纹波输出特性的电源。为此,本论文的作者采用了一种完全不同的拓扑结构“多路多相同步整流BUCK变换器”,来达到高效率和低纹波的目标。并尝试使用数字技术来实现控制单元。本论文首先详细介绍了“多路多相同步整流BUCK变换器”的拓扑,通过计算和推导介绍了这种拓扑是如何提高效率和减少纹波电流输出的。然后介绍了这种拓扑结构所必需解决的均流问题、其产生原因和解决办法:一种几乎无损的单路电流的测量方法,以及这种测量方法的原理和实现方法。之后介绍了整个电源的参数计算和PCB板设计的一些细节。最后详细介绍了用MCU实现的控制器的设计细节。作为超导电源必配的失超保护装置,它担负着在失超故障状态,将超导磁体内存储的能量在尽量短的时间内消耗在外部负载上,以用于实现保护超导磁体的功能。因此超导磁铁失超保护装置 的设计原则是:可靠性和经济性。本论文最后一部分详细介绍了按照这个目标设计的超导磁铁失超保护装置及其设计细节
调查了红枫湖周边水稻土的7种多氯联苯(PCBs)和13种有机氯农药(OCPs)的含量分布.结果显示,DDTs及其代谢产物、HCHs的异构体、异狄氏剂、七氯等有机氯农药及PCB 28和PCB 52在所有样品中均被检出.与国内外污染区相比,PCBs含量较低.研究区土壤中污染物的组成结果类似,PCBs以3~5氯取代的同属物为主,农药以DDTs为主.剖面土壤中∑PCBs含量范围为8.9~55.9 ng/g,主要以3~5氯取代的PCBs为主,平均占PCBs总量的89%.∑DDTs含量为4.7~42.6 ng/g,以p,p′-DDE,p,p′-DDT为主.DDT/(DDD+DDE)的比率表明红枫湖地区水稻田中DDTs的降解速率不同,暗示其环境条件的差异.α-HCH/γ-HCH为0.28~0.90,表明红枫湖地区水稻田中HCHs在环境中残留时间很长,经历了光解和生物作用等变化.PCBs对TEQ的贡献较低,为0.06~0.51 pg/g.
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are a set of chemicals that are toxic, persist in the environment for long periods of time, and biomagnify as they move up through the food chain. The most widely used method of POP destruction is incineration, which is expensive and could result in undesirable by-products. An alternative bioremediation technology, which is cheaper and environ-mentally friendly, was tested during this experiment. Two different soil types containing high and low organic matter (OM) were spiked with 100 mg/kg each of pyrene and Aroclor 1248 and planted with three different species of grasses. The objective of the study was to determine residue recovery levels (availability) and potential effectiveness of these plant species for the remediation of POPs. The results showed that recovery levels were highly dependent on the soil organic matter content—very low in all treatments with the high OM content soil compared to recoveries in the low OM soil. This indicates that availability, and, hence, biodegradability of the contaminants is dependent on the organic matter content of the soil. Moreover, the degree of availability was also significantly different for the two classes of chemicals. The polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) recovery (availability) was extremely low in the high organic matter content soil compared to that of the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). In both soil types, all of the plant species treatments showed significantly greater PCB biodegradation compared to the unplanted controls. Planting did not have any significant effect on the transformation of the PAHs in both soil types; however, planting with switchgrass was the best remedial option for both soil types contaminated with PCB.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are persistent environmental contaminants that have documented neurological effects in children exposed in utero. To better define neuronally linked molecular targets during early development, zebrafish embryos were exposed to Aroclor 1254, a mixture of PCB congeners that are common environmental contaminants. Microarray analysis of the zebrafish genome revealed consistent significant changes in 38 genes. Of these genes, 55% (21) are neuronally related. One gene that showed a consistent 50% reduction in expression in PCB-treated embryos was heat-shock protein 70 cognate (Hsc70). The reduction in Hsc70 expression was confirmed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), revealing a consistent 30% reduction in expression in PCB-treated embryos. Early embryonic exposure to PCBs also induced structural changes in the ventro-rostral cluster as detected by immunocytochemistry. In addition, there was a significant reduction in dorso-rostral neurite outgrowth emanating from the RoL1 cell cluster following PCB exposure. The serotonergic neurons in the developing diencephalon showed a 34% reduction in fluorescence when labeled with a serotonin antibody following PCB exposure, corresponding to a reduction in serotonin concentration in the neurons. The total size of the labeled neurons was not significantly different between treated and control embryos, indicating that the development of the neurons was not affected, only the production of serotonin within the neurons. The structural and biochemical changes in the developing central nervous system following early embryonic exposure to Aroclor 1254 may lead to alterations in the function of the affected regions.
Sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and 28 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured at a 2-cm interval in a core sample from the middle of the southern Yellow Sea for elucidating their historical variations in inflow and sources. The chronology was obtained using the Pb-210 method. PAHs concentrations decreased generally with depth and two climax values occurred in 14-16 cm and 20-22 cm layers, demonstrating that the production and usage of PAHs might reach peaks in the periods of 1956-1962 and 1938-1944. The booming economy and the navy battles of the Second World War might explain why the higher levels were detected in the two layers. The result of principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that PAHs were primarily owing to the combustion product. Down-cored variation of PCB concentrations was complex. Higher concentrations besides the two peaks being the same as PAHs were detected from 4 to 8 cm, depositing from 1980 to 1992, which probably resulted from the disposal of the out-dated PCB-containing equipment. The average Cl percentage of PCBs detected was similar to that of the mixture of Aroclor 1254 and 1242, suggesting they might origin from the dielectrical and heat-transfer fluid. The total organic carbon (TOC) content played a prevalent role in the adsorption of high molecular weight PAHs (>= 4-ring), while no obvious relationship among total PCBs, the concentration of congeners, and TOC was found.
Organochlorine contaminants including 12 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and 18 insecticides were determined in water, pore water and sediments of the Jiulong River Estuary and Western Xiamen Sea, China. The results showed that the levels of the total PCBs ranged from non-detectable to 1500 ngl(-1) in water, from 209 to 3870 ngl(-1) in pore water, and from 2.78 to 14.8 ng g(-1) dry weight in sediments. Total organochlorine insecticide concentrations were from below the limit of detection to 2480 ngl(-1) in water, from 267 to 33400 ngl(-1) in pore water, and from 4.22 to 46.3 ng g(-1) dry weight in sediments. Concentrations of PCBs and insecticides in pore water were significantly higher than those in surface water, due to the high affinity of these hydrophobic compounds for sediment phase. The PCB congeners with the highest concentrations were CB153, CB180 and CB194, which together accounted for 68-87% of total PCBs in water, pore water and sediment. Among the hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) compounds, beta-HCH was found to be a major isomer. Analysis of 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis-chlorophenyl-ethane (DDT) and its metabolites showed that 1, 1-dichloro-2[o-chlorophenyl]-2[p-chlorophenyl]-ethylene (DDE) was dominant in the group. In comparison to a 1998 study in the Western Xiamen Sea, levels of organochlorines were enhanced due probably to recent inputs and changes in sediments. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, the spatial distribution and source of the PCBs in surface sediments of the Southern Yellow Sea (SYS) and influencing factors, such as the sediment characteristics (components, relative proportions and total organic carbon contents), and hydrodynamic conditions were analyzed. PCB concentrations in the surface sediments ranged from 518-5848 pg/g, with average values of 1715 pg/g decreasing sharply compared to last year. In the study area, the PCB pollution level in the middle area was the highest, followed by that of the east coast and the west coast, respectively. Although the PCB level in the coastal areas was lower than that in the middle areas, it was proven in our study that the Yellow Sea obtained PCBs by virtue of river inputs. There was a positive and pertinent correlation between the clay proportion and PCB concentrations, and the increase of the PCB concentrations was directly proportional to the increase of TOC contents, with r = 0.61, but it was contrary to the sediment grain size. Consequently, the factors controlling PCB distribution had direct or indirect relationships with sediment grain size; moreover, the hydrodynamic conditions determined the sediment components and grain size. In conclusion, hydrodynamic conditions of the Yellow Sea were the most important influencing factors effecting the distribution of PCBs in the surface sediments of the SYS. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
大运算量的科学计算以及高速实时信号处理靠传统的单处理机系统已无法完成,必须通过并行处理技术实现,特别是新一代的雷达信号处理系统功能强且结构和信号处理方式都很复杂,对实时性、运算精度、动态范围和数据吞吐量提出了更高要求,采用每秒几十亿至几百亿次浮点运算速度的大规模实时并行处理系统势在必行。 本论文对高端信号处理系统进行了较为深入的研究,在此基础上设计并实现了基于PowerPC的信号处理系统,以该系统为平台,研究了系统设计中的难点和热点问题,并提出了一些实现信号处理系统中关键技术的新方法。 通过对信号处理系统结构的研究,本文提出了基于SMP-Cluster架构的总体设计方案,设计并实现了SMP架构的PowerPC信号处理节点板,符合PICMG 2.16标准的千兆以网交换板,千兆高速背板和机箱管理模块。对信号处理硬件系统进行了设计、焊接、组装和调试;设计、编写了信号处理中的相关软件系统;移植了实时操作系统,编写了底层驱动。 本文在系统的研究开发过程中,对其中的关键技术运用了一些有一定创新性的设计和实现方法: 1、针对雷达信号处理特点,提出了基于SMP-Cluster架构信号处理系统,使系统扩展性和并行性大大提高; 2、采用PowerPC作为信号处理器,相比DSP,数据吞吐量、处理速度有一定的提高; 3、采用仿真分析方法,结合Cadence PCB工具,解决了高速背板的信号完整性和电源完整性等问题,使背板工作频率能达到3.125G; 4、采用机箱智能管理和热切换,来加强系统的可靠性、机箱管理。 实验表明,本论文所设计和实现的系统能满足海量运算需求,具有高可靠性 高冗余性、强扩展性和可管理性。
嵌入式计算机在通信设备、军事、航空航天等领域有着广泛的应用。高端嵌入式计算机平台的国产化,对促进国内计算机系统向高性能、实时性、低功耗的方向发展,具有重要的意义和军事、民用应用价值。跟踪国外高端嵌入式计算机的发展,研究和研制更能适合我国实际系统需要的高端嵌入式计算机是本科题研究的主要内容。为了更及时的跟踪国外技术的发展,本文研究的侧重点在于如何利用国外的微处理器芯片,开发满足我国特殊需求的嵌入式计算机平台。 本文在分析国内嵌入式计算机特殊需求的基础上,在国内首次提出了基于PowerPC G4的高性能、宽温、低功耗嵌入式计算机的解决方案。研制具有自主知识产权的产品,填补国内在这一应用领域的空白。 如何从硬件设计、底层软件和结构等方面提高嵌入式计算机的高可靠性设计是本文研究的一项重要内容。在硬件设计的基础上,讨论了如何利用边界扫描BIT技术进行板级BIST设计的方法。为了提高设计的效率和一次成功率,如何通过仿真分析方法对嵌入式计算机进行了预设计是本文研究的另一项重要内容。为此,本文在硬件设计过程中分析了高端嵌入式计算机PCB设计中的关键网络,通过SI仿真分析方法,结合Cadence PCB工具,解决了信号完整性和电源完整性等问题。结合所设计的硬件系统,完成底层软件移植和驱动开发和系统的软硬件调试,解决调试中遇到的问题也是嵌入式计算开发过程的一项重要内容。本文利用BDI2000仿真器和Tornado开发环境完成了这一过程。 本论文提出的基于PowerPC的嵌入式计算机采用的是CPCI总线架构,包含多种外部接口,所设计和实现的系统能满足海量运算需求,具有高可靠性、强扩展性和实时性。具有较好的应用前景。
射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)技术,是一种利用射频通信实现的非接触式的数据采集和自动识别技术(以下通称RFID技术)。而超高频射频识别技术(Ultra High Frequency RFID,UHF RFID)具有识别距离远、识别准确率高、识别速度快、抗干扰能力强等特点而成为当前研发的热点。UHF RFID读写器的难点就在于射频前端电路和基带编解码的设计,它们设计的好坏直接决定了读写器的性能好坏。 本文首先通过介绍UHF RFID读写器射频前端设计的基本原理,采用射频通用收发模块进行射频前端设计的方法,给出了以ADF7020收发芯片为核心的UHF RFID读写器的射频前端的整体设计和具体的实现电路,设计了包括射频收发电路、射频前端匹配电路、滤波电路、环行器电路、功率放大电路等。 其次根据EPC Gen-2的协议标准进行了UHF RFID读写器的基带编码解码的仿真设计,然后开发了以FPGA为核心的完整的数字基带硬件电路,实际调试表明整个基带编解码软件在硬件基带PCB板上运行状况良好,并能对EPC Gen-2的协议标准的命令进行正确的编码解码。 最后通过研究学习软件无线电的理论和开发方法,把UHF RFID读写器的射频前端分成射频模拟前端和射频数字前端,给出了一种基于软件无线电思想的UHF RFID射频数字前端设计模型,并借助于SIMULINK中的信号处理工具箱对构建的数字前端的进行仿真验证,仿真结果验证了用软件无线电实现UHF RFID数字前端的可行性。
本文以中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所自动化装备研究室的项目——路桥收费系统为背景。首先阐述了路桥收费系统的组成结构,重点讨论了传统的收费控制子系统的构成和功能。然后在深入分析原有系统不足的基础上,本文提出了采用CAN总线技术和USB接口技术来构建一种全新的收费控制子系统的方法。并对这种方法进行了深入的研究,设计并实现了组成系统所需的核心器件,构成了原型系统,对系统的可行性进行了验证。 CAN总线是目前在中小型测控系统中应用非常广泛的总线之一,它非常适用于收费控制子系统中。USB接口技术是近几年来兴起的新型接口技术,它为外围设备与计算机的连接提供了一种方便、快捷的方法。在我们的系统中以基于USB的新型CAN适配卡代替了以往普通的CAN适配卡,为控制计算机联入CAN网开拓了新思路。 本文详细地阐述了系统中核心器件RS232/CAN、CAN/USB协议转换卡的设计与实现及原型系统的构建和测试方法。主要内容分为系统硬件的设计与实现、系统软件的设计与实现和测试系统的设计与调试三部分。具体包括了核心器件的设计原理、电子元器件的选择、电路原理图的设计、PCB板的制作、硬件的焊接与调试及协议转换卡的固件设计、驱动程序设计、上位机测试程序设计。最后利用所设计的软硬件构建了原型系统并进行了测试。