73 resultados para multispecies gillnet small-scale fishery
Several discharge areas by laser-guided discharge (LGD) were compared with those by common arc discharge. The randomicity of discharge areas by common arc discharge was controlled by laser guiding on two scales: large scale (the spacing of the discharge areas) and small scale (the inside of the discharge area). The position of the discharge area overlapped completely with a laser focus; therefore, the distribution and surface shape of the discharge areas were controlled. The stochastic movement of anode spot in the discharge area was controlled by laser guiding. As such, the repetitive melting and solidifying of microstructures in the discharge area was constrained. The tempered microstruc- tures in the discharge area were voided, the utilization efficiency of input energy was improved, and the strengthened depth of the discharge areas was increased. The regularity of cross-sectional shape of the discharge area was also improved. The hardness of microstructures in both discharge areas is greater than that of the base material. The highest level of hardness of microstructures in both discharge areas measures above 1000 HV. In summary, the hardness ofmicrostructures in the discharge area by LGD is larger and more discrete than that by common arc discharge.
Nonlinear propagation of fs laser pulses in liquids and the dynamic processes of filamentation such as self-focusing, intensity clamping, and evolution of white light production have been analyzed by using one- and two-photon fluorescence. The energy losses of laser pulses caused by multiphoton absorption and conical emission have been measured respectively by z-scan technique. Numerical simulations of fs laser propagation in water have been made to explain the evolution of white light production as well as the small-scale filaments in liquids we have observed by a nonlinear fluorescence technique. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.
An analytical fluid model for resonance absorption during the oblique incidence by femtosecond laser pulses on a small-scale-length density plasma [k(0)L is an element of(0.1,10)] is proposed. The physics of resonance absorption is analyzed more clearly as we separate the electric field into an electromagnetic part and an electrostatic part. It is found that the characteristics of the physical quantities (fractional absorption, optimum angle, etc.) in a small-scale-length plasma are quite different from the predictions of classical theory. Absorption processes are generally dependent on the density scale length. For shorter scale length or higher laser intensity, vacuum heating tends to be dominant. It is shown that the electrons being pulled out and then returned to the plasma at the interface layer by the wave field can lead to a phenomenon like wave breaking. This can lead to heating of the plasma at the expanse of the wave energy. It is found that the optimum angle is independent of the laser intensity while the absorption rate increases with the laser intensity, and the absorption rate can reach as high as 25%. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.
In this paper, we propose a novel three-dimensional imaging method by which the object is captured by a coded cameras array (CCA) and computationally reconstructed as a series of longitudinal layered surface images of the object. The distribution of cameras in array, named code pattern, is crucial for reconstructed images fidelity when the correlation decoding is used. We use DIRECT global optimization algorithm to design the code patterns that possess proper imaging property. We have conducted primary experiments to verify and test the performance of the proposed method with a simple discontinuous object and a small-scale CCA including nine cameras. After certain procedures such as capturing, photograph integrating, computational reconstructing and filtering, etc., we obtain reconstructed longitudinal layered surface images of the object with higher signal-to-noise ratio. The results of experiments show that the proposed method is feasible. It is a promising method to be used in fields such as remote sensing, machine vision, etc. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
We demonstrate theoretically and experimentally compensation for positive Kerr phase shifts with negative phases generated by cascade quadratic processes. Experiments show correction of small-scale self-focusing and whole-beam self-focusing in the spatial domain and self-phase modulation in the temporal domain. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America.
采用位置指数、分异指数、结构复杂性指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数以及Ripley的K-方程,探讨了华南海岸英罗港红树植物木榄种群的分布格局、胸围和树高分异以及冠层结构方面的空间异质性。结果表明,多数木榄种群呈现随机分布,其个体胸围和树高的分异程度较低;而少数木榄种群呈现集群分布,其个体胸围和树高的分异程度明显。采用地理信息系统对木榄种群冠层和空隙斑块进行多种水平和垂直尺度的分析,冠层与空隙斑块之间的镶嵌格局因种群而异,这种格局可基于树冠投影用Shannon-Wiener多样性指数进行定量描述。冠层结构的空问异质性随空间尺度而变化,但这种变化在一定尺度范围内保持相对的稳定。这一尺度范围可作为木榄红树林更新或生态管理单位的参考尺度。 采用多重分形理论和方法对华南海岸北海红树林区红树植物白骨壤幼苗种群的分布格局进行了分析。结果表明,白骨壤幼苗种群的分布格局具有多标量和多重分形行为。随着q值由-2增加到4,Dq值介于1.078-1.997,f(a)值介于0.402-1.678,a(q)值介于0.909-2.480。多重分形的参数值与幼苗种群的集聚强度密切相关。差值(D。-D1)和[f(-1) –D]。是度量格局空间异质性程度的有效指数。海洋水文周期性规律、不同面积大小的裸地、树冠的阻拦作用等是制约白骨壤幼苗种群多重分形格局形成的主要因子。 采用地统计学理论和方法,对北京东灵山落叶松和胡桃楸针阔混交林下的克隆植物绢毛匍匐委陵菜分株种群的统计变量和土壤变量的空间格局进行了分析和比较。结果表明,绢毛匍匐委陵菜分株种群各器官生物量以及分株数和叶数的空间格局具有较高程度的异质性。总生物量以及茎、叶和根生物量的半方差函数曲线为指数模型,叶柄生物量、分株数和叶数的为球状模型,叶片生物量的为线性无基台值模型,而匍匐茎生物量的为纯块金效应模型。除叶片和匍匐茎的生物量外,其它器官生物量以及分株数和叶数由空间自相关引起的空间异质性.SHA主要表现在120-3 50cm的尺度范围内,SHA占总空间异质性的比例在50%以上。生境中,各种土壤变量的空间格局也具有较高程度的异质性。土壤含水量、NO3-、NH4+、有机质、全磷和PO4(3-)的半方差函数曲线为球状模型,而全氮、K+和pH的为指数模型。土壤变量由空间自相关引起的空间异质性SHA主要表现在8-lOOcm的尺度范围内,SHA占总空间异质性的比例在68%以上。绢毛匍匐委陵菜分株种群空间格局的自相关尺度显著大于其生境中土壤变量空间格局的自相关尺度,表明绢毛匍匐委陵菜通过匍匐茎相互联结的克隆分株种群对异质性土壤资源表现出较大的缓冲能力。绢毛匍匐委陵菜分株数的空间格局与土壤的含水量和全氮空间格局之间在几乎所有尺度上的相关性都不显著,但与其它土壤变量空间格局之间都存在不同程度的相关性,其中与NH4+、pH、PO4(3-)和全磷空间格局之间的相关性尺度范围较为明显和较大。通过分株数、叶数和生物量分配的可塑性变化,绢毛匍匐委陵菜分株种群的空间格局与土壤资源的空间格局之间产生相互联系,并随空间尺度的变化会发生改变。
植物种间作用是决定物种分布、种群动态、群落演变和生态系统功能的重要因子。长期以来,相关研究集中在竞争作用上。然而自1990年代以来,易化作用逐渐受到重视,被认为是植物群落中物种共存的主要推动力,尤其是在极端和受到干扰的环境中。很多研究都揭示出植物对其他特定的物种产生直接或间接的正向的作用。护卫植物主要通过两种机制对临近的物种产生正向作用,即对恶劣的自然环境的改善和对高强度干扰的阻止和减轻。灌木在很多条件下能够成为护卫植物,影响种群的分布、群落的多样性和生态系统的功能。 中国西南部的青藏高原的牧场上,非生物的环境胁迫(比如生长季短暂、辐射强度大和极端温度等)和生物的干扰作用(比如过度放牧等)都很强。有文献表明,随着过度放牧现象的加重和草地的不断退化,灌木的分布有逐渐扩大的趋势。针对灌木对过度放牧草地上小尺度植被格局的影响,我们在若尔盖地区展开了以下两方面的研究。 为了研究不同种类灌木的影响,我们在若尔盖高原上选择了既具有恶劣的自然环境又遭受过度放牧压力的草地,对三种灌木内外的相同大小面积上小尺度范围内的植被进行调查。三种灌木分别是高山绣线菊、窄叶鲜卑花和金露梅,它们在形态结构、高度和可食性上都存在差异。在不考虑灌木种类的基础上,我们发现物种丰度、总盖度、开花的物种数和花序数都是灌木内部高于外部,而均匀度则恰好相反,是外部要高于内部,香农多样性指数内外没有明显的差异。金露梅灌丛中内外物种丰度和均匀度的差异要明显高于窄叶鲜卑花,但是总盖度、开花的物种数和花序数的差异不随着灌木种类的不同而有明显的差异。大多数的物种(占总物种数的47-85%)并没有因为灌木的存在而在内外出现的频数上表现出差异,而相当一部分物种(占总物种数的13-39%)在灌木外部的频率要高,仅仅有很少的物种(占总物种数的3-13%)因为灌木的存在而受益,内部的频数要高于外部。这种对某些物种的保护作用没有表现在群落水平上,即提高群落的物种丰富度和多样性,因为同时发生的灌木和其他植物的竞争作用也会限制以致排除冠层下面某些物种的存在。灌木的可食性和形态结构(比如盖度、高度、冠层的紧实度等)能对它们跟其他植物的相互之间净作用的类型和强度产生影响。不同的灌木能保护不同种类、不同数量的植物,表明易化作用是物种特异性的,跟护卫植物有关,也跟受益者有关。通过植被的排序,金露梅和高山绣线菊内外的植被得到了很明显的分离,而窄叶鲜卑花的则没有。总体上来说,灌木的存在确实能够通过提高出现或开花的频率,保护了某些对放牧比较敏感的物种,而且这种易化作用是物种特异性的。内外植被的差异在放牧压力最大的金露梅灌丛中最大,表明过度放牧导致的大尺度的植被状况对于小尺度上灌丛内外的植被的差异所起的作用比灌木种类的作用更大。 为了研究同种灌木不同的分布类型对植被格局的影响,选择金露梅作为目标灌木。金露梅是当地常见灌木,有的植株孤立存在,有的则是很多株联合形成比较大的斑块。我们选择金露梅形成的斑块中央、外沿金露梅植株内部、外围和孤立的金露梅植株内部、外部五个位置,并在小尺度上进行了植被调查和比较,发现金露梅的存在确实保护了一些物种,但是种类有限,反而是大部分的物种在外部的频数要高与内部;从群落水平来看,金露梅冠层下的植被从丰富度、多样性上来讲并没有超过外部,仅仅是具有更高的均匀度和同质性;生殖方面的结果也是类似的,而且大部分物种跟其分布呈现出基本类似的格局。金露梅斑块的存在和自然围栏的产生没有起到很明显的保护作用,并没有使得斑块中央植被的丰富度、多样性、均匀度提高,而仅仅是提高了植物的长势(表现为具有较高的总盖度等);在物种水平,没有发现什么特异种的存在,仅仅发现能够促进一些物种在内部的生长或开花,而且比例很低。在这种效应的影响下,斑块边缘的金露梅相对于孤立的金露梅而言,也没有表现出更好的保护植被的能力。几乎所有的群落水平的指标都仅仅是受到灌木内外这个因素的影响,而两种分布格局(即:在斑块边缘和孤立存在)的影响是微乎其微的。植被排序的结果也充分证明了这一点,灌木内外的植被被明显的分离开来,而不同灌木中相应位置的植被则是混杂在一起。并且在物种水平上,除了极个别的物种之外,绝大部分物种内外的差异是是一致的,没有受到灌木分布格局的影响。即使个别物种具有不同的格局,也没有证据表明是受到了斑块中央植被的影响而产生的。
The early life-history of Chinese rock carp Procypris rabaudi was investigated during a 56-day rearing period: 318 artificially propagated P. rabaudi larvae were reared throughout metamorphosis in a small-scale recirculation system (345 L water volume, 10 x 18 L rearing tanks, 150 L storage and filter compartment with bioballs, 20-30 larvae L-1) at the Institute of Hydrobiology, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. The newly hatched larvae had an initial total length of 8.93 +/- 0.35 mm SD (n = 10) at 3 days post-hatch and reached an average total length of 33.29 mm (+/- 1.88 mm SD, n = 10) 56 days after hatching. Length increment averaged 0.45 mm day(-1), resulting in a mean growth of 24.4 mm within the 56-day period. High mortality rates of up to 92% derived from an introduced fungus infection and subsequent treatment stress with malachite green. Our results indicate that Chinese rock carp can be raised successfully from artificially fertilized eggs. We therefore assume this species to be a candidate for commercial aquaculture.
The bioaccumulation of phthalate acid esters (PAEs) from industrial products and their mutagenic action has been suggested to be a potential threat to human health. The effects of the most frequently identified PAE, Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), and its biodegradation, were examined by comparison of two small scale plots (SSP) of integrated vertical-flow constructed wetlands. The influent DBP concentration was 9.84 mg l(-1) in the treatment plot and the control plot received no DBP. Soil enzymatic activities of dehydrogenase, catalase, protease, phosphatase, urease, cellulase, beta-glucosidase, were measured in the two SSP after DBP application for 1 month and 2 months, and 1 month after the final application. Both treatment and control had significantly higher enzyme activity in the surface soil than in the subsurface soil (P < 0.001) and greater enzyme activity in the down-flow chamber than in the up-flow chamber (P < 0.05). In the constructed wetlands, DBP enhanced the activities of dehydrogenase, catalase, protease, phosphatase and inhibited the activities of urease, cellulase and beta-glucosidase. However, urease, cellulase, beta-glucosidase activities were restored 1 month following the final DBP addition. Degradation of DBP was greater in the surface soil and was reduced in sterile soil, indicating that this process may be mediated by aerobic microorgansims. DBP degradation fitted a first-order model, and the kinetic equation showed that the rate constant was 0.50 and 0.17 d(-1), the half-life was 1.39 and 4.02 d, and the r(2) was 0.99 and 0.98, in surface and subsurface soil, respectively. These results indicate that constructed wetlands are able to biodegrade organic PA-Es such as DBP. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In order to investigate the effects of microorganisms and their urease activities in macrophytic root zones on pollutant removal, four small-scale plots (SSPs) of vertical/reverse-vertical flow wetlands were set up to determine: a) the relationship between the abundance of microorganisms in the root zones and water purification efficiency; and b) the relationship between urease activities in the root zones and pollutant removal in a constructed wetland system. Total numbers of the microbial population (bacteria, fungi, and actinomyces) along with urease activities in the macrophytic root zones were determined. In addition, the relationships between microbial populations and urease activities as well as the wastewater purification efficiencies of total phosphorus (TP), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), biochemical oxygen demand in 5 days (BOD5), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were also analyzed. The results showed that there was a highly significant positive correlation (r = 0.9772, P < 0.01) between the number of bacteria in the root zones and BOD5 removal efficiency and a significant negative correlation (r = -0.9092, P < 0.05) between the number of fungi and the removal efficiency of TKN. Meanwhile, there was a significant positive correlation (r = 0.8830, P < 0.05) between urease activities in the root zones and the removal efficiency of TKN. Thus, during wastewater treatment in a constructed wetland system, microorganism and urease activities in the root zones were very important factors.
Two sets of small scale systems of staged, vertical-flow constructed wetlands (VFCW) were operated in a greenhouse to study the purification of dibutyl phthalate (DBP) in admeasured water. Each system consisted of two chambers in which water flowed downward in chamber I and then upward in chamber 2. The systems were intermittently fed with wastewater under a hydraulic load of 420 mm(.)d(-1). The measured influent concentrations of DBP in the experimental system were 9.84 mg(.)l(-1), while the other system was used as a control and received no DBP. Effluent concentrations of the treated system averaged 5.82 mug(.)l(-1) and were far below the Chinese DBP discharge standard of less than or equal to0.2 mg(.)l(-1). These results indicate the potential purification capacity of this new kind of constructed wetland in removing DBP from a polluted water body.
本文针对难度最大的两类命名实体(地名和机构名)在条件随机场框架下首次引入了小规模的常用尾字特征.实验表明,该特征与词类特征具有一定的互补性,联合使用可以以较小的训练代价显著提高专有名词的识别性能,特别是机构名的识别精度.该系统在我国863简体命名实体识别评测语料上专名(人名、地名和机构名)总体F1值达踞.76%,超过当年最佳系统8.63个百分点.在SIGHAN 2006命名实体识别语料上的结果也居于前列.
For the cube-corner indenter, an approximate linear relationship between the ratio of hardness (H) to reduced modulus (E-r) and the ratio of unloading work (W-u) to total loading work (W-t) is confirmed by finite-element calculations and by experiments. Based on this relationship a convenient method to determine the fracture toughness (K-IC) of brittle materials, especially for those at small scale, using cube-corner indentations is proposed. Finally, the method is calibrated by indentation experiments on a set of brittle materials. (C) 2009 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.