60 resultados para momentum dependent interaction


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Based on the isospin-and momentum-dependent hadronic transport model IBUU04, we have investigated the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio in the following three reactions: Ca-48+Ca-48, Sn-124 +Sn-124 and Au-197+Au-197 with nearly the same isospin asymmetry but different masses, at the bombarding energies from 0.25 to 0.6 A GeV. It is shown that the sensitivity of probing the E-sym (rho) with pi(-)/pi(+) increases with increasing the system size or decreasing the beam energy, showing a correlation to the degree of isospin fractionation. Therefore, with a given isospin asymmetry, heavier system at energies near the pion threshold is preferential to study the behavior Of nuclear symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities.


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A 3-dimensional non-commutative oscillator with no mass term but with an appropriate momentum-dependent potential admits a conserved Runge-Lenz vector, derived from the dual description in momentum space. The trajectories lie on ellipses. The dynamical symmetry allows for an algebraic determination of the bound-state spectrum and extends to o(4,2). (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the theory of temperature-dependent electron transport, spin polarization, and spin accumulation in a Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI) quantum wire connected nonadiabatically to two normal conductor electrode leads. The influence of both the wire-lead connection and the RSOI on the electron transport is treated analytically by means of a scattering matrix technique and by using an effective free-electron approximation. Through analytical analysis and numerical examples, we demonstrate a simple way to design a sensitive spin-transfer switch that operates without applying any external magnetic fields or attaching ferromagnetic contacts. We also demonstrate that the antisymmetry of the spin accumulation can be destroyed slightly by the coupling between the leads and the wire. Moreover, temperature can weaken the polarization and smear out the oscillations in the spin accumulation.


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We study systematically the average property of fragmentation reaction and momentum dissipation induced by halo-nuclei in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions for different colliding systems and different beam energies within the isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics model (IQMD). This study is based on the extended halo-nucleus density distributions, which indicates the average property of loosely inner halo nucleus structure, because the interaction potential and in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section in IQMD model depend on the density distribution. In order to study the average properties of fragmentation reaction and momentum dissipation induced by halo-nuclei we also compare the results for the halo-nuclear colliding systems with those for corresponding stable colliding systems with same mass under the same incident channel condition. We find that the effect of extended halo density distribution on the fragment multiplicity and nuclear stopping (momentum dissipation) are important for the different beam energies and different colliding systems. For example the extended halo density distributions increase the fragment multiplicity but decrease the nuclear stopping for all of incident channel conditions in this paper.


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Using the momentum- and isospin-dependent Boltmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) model, we investigate the transverse flow and balance energy in two isotopic colliding systems Ca-48+Fe-58 and Cr-48+Ni-58 by adopting different symmetry potentials. By comparing the results between the two colliding systems, we find that the difference between the balance energies of two isotopic systems can be considered as a sensitive probe to the density dependence of symmetry energy.


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The isospin dependence of the effective pairing interaction is discussed on the basis of the Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer theory of superfluid asymmetric nuclear matter. It is shown that the energy gap, calculated within the mean field approximation in the range from symmetric nuclear matter to pure neutron matter, is not linearly dependent on the symmetry parameter owing to the nonlinear structure of the gap equation. Moreover, the construction of a zero-range effective pairing interaction compatible with the neutron and proton gaps in homogeneous matter is investigated, along with some recent proposals of isospin dependence tested on the nuclear data table.


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In this study, it is demonstrated that the tetraoctylammonium cation can be used directly as a phase-transfer reagent of negatively charged water-based gold nanoparticles. The transference is size-dependent and is based on a wholly electrostatic interaction.


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Nisin is a positively charged antibacterial peptide that binds to the negatively charged membranes of gram-positive bacteria. The initial interaction of the peptide with the model membrane of negatively charged DPPG (dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol) was studied by cyclic voltammetry and a.c. impedance spectroscopy. Nisin could induce pores the supported bilayer lipid membrane, thus, it led to the marker ions Fe(CN)(6)(3-/4-) crossing the lipid membrane and giving the redox reaction on the glassy carbon electrode (GCE). Experimental results suggested that the pore formation on supported bilayer lipid membrane was dependent on the concentration of nisin and it included three main concentration stages: low, middling, high concentration.


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We recently proposed a strain gradient theory to account for the size dependence of plastic deformation at micron and submicron length scales. The strain gradient theory includes the effects of both rotation gradient and stretch gradient such that the rotation gradient influences the material character through the interaction between the Cauchy stresses and the couple stresses; the stretch gradient measures explicitly enter the constitutive relations through the instantaneous tangent modulus. Indentation tests at scales on the order of one micron have shown that measured hardness increases significantly with decreasing indent size. In the present paper, the strain gradient theory is used to model materials undergoing small-scale indentations. A strong effect of including strain gradients in the constitutive description is found with hardness increasing by a factor of two or more over the relevant range behavior. Comparisons with the experimental data for polycrystalline copper and single crystal copper indeed show an approximately linear dependence of the square of the hardness, H 2, on the inverse of the indentation depth, 1/h, I.e., H-2 proportional to 1/h, which provides an important self-consistent check of the strain gradient theory proposed by the authors earlier.


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The single ionization of an He atom by intense linearly polarized laser field in the tunneling regime is studied by S- matrix theory. When only the first term of the expansion of the S matrix is considered and time, spatial distribution, and fluctuation of the laser pulse are taken into account, the obtained momentum distribution in the polarization direction of laser field is consistent with the semiclassical calculation, which only considers tunneling and the interaction between the free electron and external field. When the second term, which includes the interaction between the core and the free electron, is considered, the momentum distribution shows a complex multipeak structure with the central minimum and the positions of some peaks are independent of the intensity in some intensity regime, which is consistent with the recent experimental result. Based on our analysis, we found that the structures observed in the momentum distribution of an He atom are attributed to the " soft" collision of the tunneled electron with the core.


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Chronic exposure to morphine can induce drug addiction and neural injury, but the exact mechanism is not fully understood. Here we show that morphine induces autophagy in neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells and in the rat hippocampus. Pharmacological approach shows that this effect appears to be mediated by PTX-sensitive G protein-coupled receptors signaling cascade. Morphine increases Beclin 1 expression and reduces the interaction between Beclin 1 and Bcl-2, thus releasing Beclin 1 for its pro-autophagic activity. Bcl-2 overexpression inhibits morphine-induced autophagy, whereas knockdown of Beclin 1 or knockout of ATG5 prevents morphine-induced autophagy. In addition, chronic treatment with morphine induces cell death, which is increased by autophagy inhibition through Beclin 1 RNAi. Our data are the first to reveal that Beclin 1 and ATG5 play key roles in morphine-induced autophagy, which may contribute to morphine-induced neuronal injury.


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The double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-dependent protein kinase PKR is thought to mediate a conserved antiviral pathway by inhibiting viral protein synthesis via the phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2 alpha). However, little is known about the data related to the lower vertebrates, including fish. Recently, the identification of PKR-like, or PKZ, has addressed the question of whether there is an orthologous PKR in fish. Here, we identify the first fish PKR gene from the Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus (PoPKR). PoPKR encodes a protein that shows a conserved structure that is characteristic of mammalian PKRs, having both the N-terminal region for dsRNA binding and the C-terminal region for the inhibition of protein translation. The catalytic activity of PoPKR is further evidence that it is required for protein translation inhibition in vitro. PoPKR is constitutively transcribed at low levels and is highly induced after virus infection. Strikingly, PoPKR overexpression increases eIF2 alpha phosphorylation and inhibits the replication of Scophthalmus maximus rhabdovirus (SMRV) in flounder embryonic cells, whereas phosphorylation and antiviral effects are impaired in transfected cells expressing the catalytically inactive PKR-K421R variant, indicating that PoPKR inhibits virus replication by phosphorylating substrate eIF2 alpha. The interaction between PoPKR and eIF2 alpha is demonstrated by coimmunoprecipitation assays, and the transfection of PoPKR-specific short interfering RNA further reveals that the enhanced eIF2 alpha phosphorylation is catalyzed by PoPKR during SMRV infection. The current data provide significant evidence for the existence of a PKR-mediated antiviral pathway in fish and reveal considerable conservation in the functional domains and the antiviral effect of PKR proteins between fish and mammals.


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We propose a simple method to detect the relative strength of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions in quantum wells (QWs) without relying on the directional-dependent physical quantities. This method utilizes the two different critical gate voltages that leading to the remarkable signals of SU(2) symmetry, which happens to reflect the intrinsic-structure-inversion asymmetry of the QW. We support our proposal by the numerical calculation of in-plane relaxation times based on the self-consistent eight-band Kane model. We find that the two different critical gate voltages leading to the maximum spin-relaxation times [one effect of the SU(2) symmetry] can simply determine the ratio of the coefficients of Rashba and Dresselhaus terms. Our proposal can also be generalized to extract the relative strengths of the spin-orbit interactions in quantum-wire and quantum-dot structures.


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We theoretically investigate the electron transport and spin polarization of two coupled quantum wells with Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction. In analogy with the optical dual-channel directional coupler, the resonant tunneling effect is treated by the coupled-mode equations. We demonstrate that spin-up and -down electrons can be completely separated from each other for the system with an appropriate system geometry and a controllable barrier. Our result provides a new approach to construct spin-switching devices without containing any magnetic materials or applying a magnetic field. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.2981204]