48 resultados para fluid flow


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The nonmodal linear stability of a falling film over a porous inclined plane has been investigated. The base flow is driven by gravity. We use Darcy's law to describe the flow in the porous medium. A simplified one-sided model is used to describe the fluid flow. In this model, the influence of the porous layer on the flow in the film can be identified by a parameter beta. The instabilities of a falling film have traditionally been investigated by linearizing the governing equations and testing for unstable eigenvalues of the linearized problem. However, the results of eigenvalue analysis agree poorly in many cases with experiments, especially for shear flows. In the present paper, we have studied the linear stability of three-dimensional disturbances using the nonmodal stability theory. Particular attentions are paid to the transient behavior rather than the long time behavior of eigenmodes predicted by traditional normal mode analysis. The transient behaviors of the response to external excitations and the response to initial conditions are studied by examining the pseudospectral structures and the energy growth function G(t) Before we study the nonmodal stability of the system, we extend the results of long-wave analysis in previous works by examining the linear stabilities for streamwise and spanwise disturbances. Results show that the critical conditions of both the surface mode and the shear mode instabilities are dependent on beta for streamwise disturbances. However, the spanwise disturbances have no unstable eigenvalue. 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3455503]


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本文采用磁流体动力学(MHD)模型对直流等离子体自由燃烧电弧和电弧炉内部的流动与传热进行了数值模拟研究. 通过对基于磁矢量势描述的电磁场方程组和流体力学方程组的耦合迭代计算, 求解得到了流体的温度场和速度场等, 计算结果清晰地反映出等离子体电弧的高温阴极射流现象, 并与同行的实验和数值结果进行了对比. 本模拟方法和结果对于电弧炉的工业应用和优化设计有重要的指导意义.


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Gas hydrate samples were obtained firstly in China by drilling on the northern margin of South China Sea (SCS). To understand the formation mechanism of this unique accumulation system, this paper discusses the factors controlling the formation of the system by accurate geophysical interpretation and geological analysis, based on the high precision 2-D and 3-D multichannel seismic data in the drilling area. There are three key factors controlling the accumulation of the gas hydrate system in fine grain sediment: (1) large volume of fluid bearing methane gas Joins the formation of gas hydrate. Active fluid flow in the northern South China Sea makes both thermal gas and/or biogenic gas migrate into shallow strata and form hydrate in the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). The fluid flow includes mud diapir and gas chimney structure. They are commonly characterized by positive topographic relief, acoustic turbidity and push-down, and low reflection intensity on seismic profiles. The gas chimneys can reach to GHSZ, which favors the development of BSRs. It means that the active fluid flow has a close relationship with the formation and accumulation of gas hydrate. (2) The episodic process of fracture plays an important role in the generation of gas hydrate. It may provide the passage along which thermogenic or biogenic gas migrated into gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) upward. And it increases the pore space for the growth of hydrate crystal. (3) Submarine landslide induced the anomalous overpressure activity and development of fracture in the GHSZ. The formation model of high concentration gas hydrate in the drilling sea area was proposed on the basis of above analysis.


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Zenisu deep-sea channel originated from a volcanic arc region, Izu-Ogasawara Island Arc, and vanished in the Shikoku Basin of the Philippine Sea. According to the swath bathymetry, the deep-sea channel can be divided into three,segments. They are Zenisu canyon, E-W fan channel and trough-axis channel. A lot of volcanic detritus were deposited in the Zenisu Trough via the deep-sea channel because it originated from volcanic arc settings. On the basis of the swath bathymetry, submersible and seismic reflection data, the deposits are characterized by turbidite and debrite deposits as those in the other major deep-sea channels. Erosion or few sediments were observed in the Zenisu canyon, whereas a lot of turbidites and debrites occurred in the E-W channel and trough axis channel. Cold seep communities, active fault and fluid flow were discovered along the lower slope of the Zenisu Ridge. Vertical sedimentary sequences in the Zenisu Trough consist of the four post-rift sequence units of the Shikoku Basin, among which Units A and B are two turbidite units. The development of Zenisu canyon is controlled by the N-S shear fault, the E-W fan channel is related to the E-W shear fault, and the trough-axis channel is related to the subsidence of central basin.


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To look for gas hydrate, 22 multi-channel and 3 single-channel seismic lines on the East China Sea (ECS) shelf slope and at the bottom of the Okinawa Trough were examined. It was found that there was indeed bottom simulating reflector (BSR) occurrence, but it is very rare. Besides several BSRs, a gas seepage was also found. As shown by the data, both the BSR and gas seepage are all related with local geological structures, such as mud diapir, anticline, and fault-controlled graben-like structure. However, similar structural "anomalies" are quite common in the tectonically very active Okinawa Trough region, but very few of them have developed BSR or gas seepage. The article points out that the main reason is probably the low concentration of organic carbon of the sediment in this area. It was speculated that the rare occurrence of gas hydrates in this region is governed by structure-controlled fluid flow. Numerous faults and fractures form a network of high-permeability channels in the sediment and highly fractured igneous basement to allow fluid circulation and ventilation. Fluid flow in this tectonic environment is driven primarily by thermal buoyancy and takes place on a wide range of spatial scales. The fluid flow may play two roles to facilitate hydrate formation: to help gather enough methane into a small area and to modulate the thermal regime.


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Productivity prediction is very important in the exploration and development of oilfields. Using well log data to predict productivity is a front-line technology, which is key issue in petroleum exploration phase. The essential factors of productivity prediction is building practical models and correcting various causes to improve precision of prediction parameters. Any errors of parameters selections can affect the calculation of productivity prediction; therefore, how to improve research means and calculation accuracy is an important task of productivity prediction. Theory and case examples are deeply and comprehensively studied in the paper. Based on the theory of mud-filtrate invasion and experimental results, the damage of drilling, cementing, perforating,acidizing and fracturing were investigated. The damage depth was quantitatively evaluated by log data, based on this, the processing results of reservoir sensitivity were used to analysis quantitatively the damage of reservoir. The productivity prediction and reservoir damage were initiatively incorporated according to well logging, and the precision of productivity prediction was effectively improved. The method of NMR was explored to calculate the fluid viscosity on the basis of reservoir physical method, and the differences between the two methods were compared in the paper. From the theory fluid flow in porous media, various of theoretical models of production prediction were explored and several practical models were consided, such as productivity index method, improved productivity index method, improved Bearder method, SVM and so on. The characteristic and the application scope of these methods were studied. The inflow productivity and outflow productivity were incorporated and nodal analysis method was used to forecast wellhead yield, thus achieved scientifically production. On the applied background of conventional logging suite, the applying of special items or new logging method which is practical in the research area were studied, the logging suite was further optimized, and the precision of forecast was improved. On the basis of the modeling and the calculation of parameters, these methods were verified and analyzed, and the reconstruct principle was also built for block reservoir. The research block was processed by these methods and compared with testing data. Based on above the research, a technological system which is practical for shaly sand profiles in Shengli Oilfield was built. The system can reach commercialized degree,and satisfied the need of exploration and development of the oilfield.


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After systemic investigation of the techniques,route lines and mechanisms about the remaining oil,the dynamic migration and congregation behavior of the remaining oil are discussed on base of interaction between flowing and enriching of water and oil.After the micro-scope modeling of the fluid flow in porous media and the changes in petrol-physical properties of the flowing system, the characters of fluid fields and the dynamic distribution of oil are discussed, among which the preference-flowing is focused on. Based on the preference-flowing in porous media, the concept of the preference-flowing channels is developed. According to above, heterogeneous distribution of water and oil in the field and dynamic mechanism of remaining oil are all obvious. media can be divided into three kinds, directional, stochastic, arbitrary porous media. The main research results are as following: 1. Treating the characteristic parameters such as permeability, porosity and wettability as regional parameter, the fluid field with high water-cut has been established by geostatistical method, among which the difference of flowing pores and the changes of its petrol-physical properties during flooding are studied. 2. The flow process of water and oil are recurrent in physical simulation experiments, in which the mechanisms and phenomena are caught and analyzed. Fluid flow mechanics in porous media with preference-flowing channels have been studied. 3. The mutual coupling between water and oil is induced and the mathematical evolution equations including this interaction were built. . 4. Through coupling effect between flowing water and oil, the dynamic migration and congregation behavior of remaining oil depend upon this coupling. 5. Coupling between water and oil act as driving force and trapping force for the remaining oil. The coupling model of thesis has been verified by simplified the numerical model and compared results with Ng35 oil reservoir in Gudao oil field, it has important theoretical and application values for improving precision of remaining oil and production performance prediction, and is a new method for studying the mechanics of remaining oil in channeled porous media has been established. Key words:flow field,high water-cut,coupling,dominant flow in porous media,remaining oil


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Luo Ning ( Mineralogy, Petrology, Deposit Mineralogy) Directed by Fu Liyun With the increase of the level of exploration and development, North China field, as one of the maturing fields in the east, has gradually turned their prospecting targets to frontiers such as deep zones, lithologic hydrocarbon reservoirs, low permeable layers, special lithostromes, etc, which propose new challenges to mating technique of exploration engineering. In it, the special lithostrome of clay carbonate in Shu-Lu cave in Middle Flank exploration area locates in Es_3 generating rock. The area distribution is large, formation thickness is over 100 meters, the oil accumulation condition is excellent, prognostic reserves is over 80,000,000 tons, but how to effectively stimulate the special low permeable and fractured reservoir has become the bottle neck problem of stimulation and stable yields. In this thesis, through comprehensive evaluation and analysis of lithology, lithomechanics, hydrocarbon reservoir characteristics, the characteristics of fluid flow through porous medium and the stimulation measures in the past, we acquire new cognition of clay carbonate reservoirs, in addition, the research and application of first hydraulic fracturing has gained positive effect and formed commensurable comprehensive reservoir evaluation technique and mating engineering technique of hydraulic fracturing. The main cognitions and achievements are as follows: 1.Study of geological information such as lithololy analysis and nuclear magnetic logging, etc, indicates that clay carbonate formation of Shu-Lu cave is anisotropic, low permeable with high shale content, whose accumulation space gives priority to microcracks. 2.The analysis of lithomechanics of clay carbonate indicates that the hardness is moderate, Young’s modulus is between that of sandstone and limestone, clay carbonate presents plastic property and its breakdown pressure is high because of the deep buried depth. 3.The analysis of the drillstem test curves indicates that the flow and build-up pressure curve of clay carbonate of Shu-Lu cave mainly has three types: formation contamination block-up type, low permeable type, formation energy accumulation slowness type; the reservoir characteristics presents double porosity media, radial compounding, uniform flow vertical fracture, isotropy, moniliform reservoir type. The target well Jingu 3 belongs to moniliform reservoir type. 4.Through recognition and re-evaluation of the treatment effect and technologic limitations of acidizing, acid fracturing and gelled acidizing in the past, based on the sufficient survey and study of hydraulic fracturing home and abroad, combined with comprehensive formation study of target well, we launched the study of the optimization of hydraulic fracturing technique, forming the principal clue and commensurable mating technology aimed at clay carbonate formation, whose targets are preventing leak off, preventing sand bridge, preventing embedment, controlling fracture height, forming long fracture. 5. Recognition of stimulation effect evaluation.


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In Dongpu depression, there are obviously overpressure phenomena below 2000-3200m. Research to the relationship between sedimentation-diagenesis and overpressure of reservoirs is in great need. In this paper, after analyzing and simulating the overpressure in Wendong, Qiaokou and Baimiao regions, we draw a conclusion that the fast sedimentation since Low Tertiary is one of the most important mechanisms for the formation of overpressure in Dongpu Depression. The gypsum in northern part of Dongpu Depression is the good seal for the development of overpressure. On the base of detailed work to the distribution and magnitude of overpressure in Wen-qiao-Bai regions, we selected several wells that have different overpressure to find the sedimentary and diagenetic differences of these wells. We find that compaction is obviously inhibited in overpressured reservoirs, which results in the linear relation between physical properties of reservoirs and sedimentary parameters, such as sorting coefficient, the content of matrix, etc. Reservoirs with great magnitude of overpressure have undergone more extensive erosion than the ones with low magnitude of overpressure, which probably is the result of the great solubility of CO_2 under high pressure. The great burial depth, the high content of matrix and the extensively developed cement of carbonate are the most important factors that influence the physical properties of reservoirs in Dongpu depression. Overpressure plays a constructive role in the physical properties of reservoirs. the overpressured reservoirs of Es_3~3 subsection in Wendong region are probably the ones that have good physical properties. From homogenetic temperatures that obtained form the fluid inclusions in quartz overgrowth, we find that there were 4 episodes of fluid flows in Dongpu depression. In conjunction with the analysis of the burial history of overpressured reservoirs, we draw conclusions that the first, second and third episodes of fluid flows took place in the extensive rifting stage of Dongpu Depression, the burial depth when the first episode of fluid flow took place was about 1500m, the age was about 36 my; the burial depth of the second and third episodes of fluid flow was between 1800-3000m at that time, the age was between 35-28my. The fluid flows of the second, third, and fourth episodes were in close relation to the overpressure and maybe were the results of the episodic hydrofracturing of overpressured mudstones and shales. The episodic fluid flow of overpressured mudstones and shales probably facilitates the cementation of carbonate, which decreases the physical properties of overpressured reservoirs. The dolomites and ferrodolomites maybe the products of the episodic hydrofracturing of overpressured mudstones and shales.


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The Mathematical modeling of multiphase fluid flow is an important aspect of basin simulation, and also is a topic of geological frontier. Based on coupling relation of temperature, pressure and fluid flow, this dissertation discusses the modeling which conform to geological regularities of fluid migration. The modeling that is multi-field and multiphase includes heat transport equation, pressure evolvement equation, solution transport equation and fluid transport equation. The finite element method is effective numerical calculation methods. Author applies it to solve modeling and implements the finite element program, and the modeling is applied to Ying-Qiong Basin. The channels of fluid vertical migration are fault, fracture and other high penetrability area. In this thesis, parallel fracture model and columnar channel model have been discussed, and a characteristic time content and a characteristic space content been obtained to illustrate the influences of stratigraphic and hydrodynamic factors on the process. The elliptoid fracture model is established and its approximately solution in theory is gotten. Three kinds of modeling are applied to analyze the transient variation process of fluid pressure in the connected permeable formations. The elliptoid fracture model is the most similar geology model comparing with the other fracture models so the research on this fracture model can enhance the understanding to fluid pressure. In the non-hydrodynamic condition, because of the difference between water density and nature gas density, nature gas can migrate upon by float force. A one-dimension mathematical model of nature gas migration by float force is established and also applied to analyze the change in the saturation of gas. In the process of gas migration its saturation is non-continuous. Fluid flow is an important factor which influences the distribution of the temperature-field, the change of temperature can influence fluid property (including density, viscidity, and solubility),a nd the temperature field has coupling relations to the fluid pressure field. In this dissertation one-dimension and two-dimension thermal convection modeling is developed and also applied to analyze convective and conductive heat transfer. Author has established one-dimension and two-dimension mathematical modeling in which fluid is a mixture of water and nature gas based on the coupling relation between temperature and pressure, discussed mixture fluid convection heat transfer in different gas saturation, and analyzed overpressure form mechanism. Based on geothermal abnormity and pore pressure distribution in Dongfong 1-1, Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea, one-dimension mathematical modeling of coupling temperature and pressure is established. The modeling simulates the process that fluid migrates from deep to shallow and overpressure forms in shallow. When overpressure is so large that fractures appear and overpressure is released. As deep fluid flow to shallow, the high geothermal then forms in shallow. Based on the geological characteristics in Ya13-1, two-dimension mathematical modeling of coupling temperature and pressure is established. Fluid vertically flows in fault and then laterally migrates in reservoir. The modeling simulates the geothermal abnormity and pore pressure distribution in reservoir.


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Guided by geological theories, the author analyzed factual informations and applied advanced technologies including logging reinterpretation, predicting of fractal-based fracture network system and stochastic modeling to the low permeable sandstone reservoirs in Shengli oilfield. A new technology suitable for precious geological research and 3D heterogeneity modeling was formed through studies of strata precious correlation, relation between tectonic evolution and fractural distribution, the control and modification of reservoirs diagenesis, logging interpretation mathematical model, reservoir heterogeneity, and so on. The main research achievements are as follows: (1) Proposed four categories of low permeable reservoirs, which were preferable, general, unusual and super low permeable reservoir, respectively; (2) Discussed ten geological features of the low permeable reservoirs in Shengli area; (3) Classified turbidite fan of Es_3 member of the Area 3 in Bonan oilfield into nine types of lithological facies, and established the facies sequences and patterns; (4) Recognized that the main diagenesis were compaction, cementation and dissolution, among which the percent compaction was up to 50%~90%; (5) Divided the pore space in ES_3 member reservoir into secondary pores with dissolved carbonate cement and residual intergranular pores strongly compacted and cemented; (6) Established logging interpretation mathematical model guided by facies- control modeling theory; (7) Predicted the fracture distribution in barriers using fractal method; (8) Constructed reservoir structural model by deterministic method and the 3D model of reservoir parameters by stochastic method; (9) Applied permeability magnitudes and directions to describe the fractures' effect on fluid flow, and presented four different fractural configurations and their influence on permeability; (10) Developed 3D modeling technology for the low permeable sandstone reservoirs. The research provided reliable geological foundation for the establishment and modification of development plans in low permeable sandstone reservoirs, improved the development effect and produced more reserves, which provided technical support for the stable and sustained development of Shengli Oilfield.


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The transition process of intermittent flow in a longitudinal section of Bingham fluid from initial distribution to fully developed state was numerically investigated in this paper. The influences of slope dimensionless runoff Q* and viscosity μ0* on the dimensionless surge speed U* were also presented in a wide range of parameters. By one typical example, the intermittent flow possessed wave characteristics and showed a supercritical flow conformation for a fully developed flow. The distributions of gravity and bed drag along the flow path and the velocity distribution of flow field were also analyzed.


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The instability of Poiseuille flow in a fluid-porous system is investigated. The system consists of a fluid layer overlying porous media and is subjected to a horizontal plane Poiseuille flow. We use Brinkman's model instead of Darcy's law to describe the porous layer. The eigenvalue problem is solved by means of a Chebyshev collocation method. We study the influence of the depth ratio (d) over cap and the Darcy number delta on the instability of the system. We compare systematically the instability of Brinkman's model with the results of Darcy's model. Our results show that no satisfactory agreement between Brinkman's model and Darcy's model is obtained for the instability of a fluid-porous system. We also examine the instability of Darcy's model. A particular comparison with early work is made. We find that a multivalued region may present in the (k, Re) plane, which was neglected in previous work. Here k is the dimensionless wavenumber and Re is the Reynolds number. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3000643]


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In this paper, we study the issues of modeling, numerical methods, and simulation with comparison to experimental data for the particle-fluid two-phase flow problem involving a solid-liquid mixed medium. The physical situation being considered is a pulsed liquid fluidized bed. The mathematical model is based on the assumption of one-dimensional flows, incompressible in both particle and fluid phases, equal particle diameters, and the wall friction force on both phases being ignored. The model consists of a set of coupled differential equations describing the conservation of mass and momentum in both phases with coupling and interaction between the two phases. We demonstrate conditions under which the system is either mathematically well posed or ill posed. We consider the general model with additional physical viscosities and/or additional virtual mass forces, both of which stabilize the system. Two numerical methods, one of them is first-order accurate and the other fifth-order accurate, are used to solve the models. A change of variable technique effectively handles the changing domain and boundary conditions. The numerical methods are demonstrated to be stable and convergent through careful numerical experiments. Simulation results for realistic pulsed liquid fluidized bed are provided and compared with experimental data. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.