66 resultados para driving force


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To investigate the possible failure modes of the thermal barrier coating (TBC) used to protect the scramjet combustion chamber, the local heating via laser beam irradiation was utilized to simulate the service condition of high thermal flux and high temperature gradient. Firstly, the experimental method and process were described and the typical fracture morphology of the TBC under test were provided. Then, the theoretical and finite element modeling were carried out to study the temperature, deformation and stresses of the specimen when the top ceramic coat was subjected to local heating, and to demonstrate the mechanism on the failure of the TBC. It is revealed that the interface delamination shall appear and ultimately lead to the failure of the TBC under such thermal loading of local quick heating. According to the outcome of this study, the driving force of the interface delamination is influenced greatly by the key structural parameters and performance matching. Moreover, by utilizing the rules of the effects of these parameters on the fracture driving force, there is some possibility for the designer to optimize the performances of the TBC.


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LUCC是全球变化研究的核心主题之一,也是社会经济可持续发展的关键问题。改革开放后四川的社会经济发展非常快,在各种因素的驱动下,土地利用/覆盖发生了深刻变化。目前四川省缺乏基于实际调查数据的、全域性的、具有连续时间序列的LUCC和驱动力分析及土地可持续利用研究成果,这对我们从全局上把握全省土地利用现状、发展变化趋势,利用土地政策参与宏观调控,实现长期可持续发展目标,建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会极为不利。本研究针对这一问题,选取全川八大土地利用类型作为研究对象,研究了全省1996年到2006年的土地利用/覆盖格局和变化情况,分析了不同尺度的驱动因素,对全省农用地和建设用地的集约利用状况、潜力进行了分析评价,并提出相应的对策措施。 1.1996年-2006年10年来整个省域的土地利用/覆盖格局变化。 (1)1996年-2006年全省的土地利用/覆盖格局 1996年,全省是一个以农用地为主的土地利用/覆盖格局,林地和牧草地属于优势覆盖类型(合占69.17%),居民点及工矿用地和交通用地合占只有3%左右。 2000年的LUCC格局较为明显的特点是耕地所占比重下降0.4个百分点,水域和未利用土地所占比重有所下降,牧草地保持不变,其余地类所占比重有所上升。 与2000年相比,2004年林草地的优势格局进一步得到强化(合占比重达到70.23%)。耕地面积占幅员面积的比重下降0.83个百分点,略有下降的有未利用土地、水域和牧草地。值得关注的是在“退耕还林还草”的大背景下,牧草地占幅员面积的比重下降0.04个百分点。 到2006年,仍为林草地为主导优势的格局,二者合占上升0.15%。在城市化快速推进的背景下,居民点及工矿用地中的城市用地和建制镇用地占比重超过15%,农村居民点占比重降至76%。交通用地中农村道路占比重降至57.8%,公路用地占比重升至37.5%。五个地貌区的土地利用/覆盖格局与全省的变化基本一致。值得关注的是盆西平原区的交通用地上升幅度和盆地丘陵区的未利用土地的开发利用力度明显大于其它地貌区。 (2)1996-2006年10年间土地利用/覆盖格局的变化 1996-2000年4年间,耕地、水域和未利用地三个地类下降,年均减少0.75、0.19和0.32个百分点。其中耕地年均减少49229.0公顷,约一半流向林地,13.77%流向园地,约20%流向建设用地。另外5个地类面积增长,增长绝对量最大的是林地,年均增长40063.7公顷,交通用地增幅最大,4年年均增长达1.95%。 2001-2004年是西部大开发逐步推进、“退耕还林还草”项目全面展开和土地整理深入实施的关键期,LUCC更为深刻。耕地、未利用地、水域和牧草地四个地类面积下降,其余地类按增长幅度依次是园地、交通用地、居民点及工矿用地和林地。耕地加速下降,年均降幅达到1.59%,其减少去向主要是林地(占66.75%)和园地(占19.84%),其增加来源主要是未利用地、园地和水域。交通用地的增幅最大,为3.96%,其增加主要来源于耕地、未利用土地和林地,分别占49.96%、16.63%和13.09%。居民点及工矿用地增长幅度为3.12%。 从1996年到2006年的10年间,耕地、未利用地、水域和牧草地下降幅度分别为10.36%、3.61%、1.34%和0.26%。园地增幅达23.61%。绝对面积增长最大的则是林地,达630733.3公顷。交通用地和居民点及工矿用地增幅也较大,分别为15.00%和9.31%。 10年间年均总变化量为310326.6公顷,2000年-2004年之间变化最大(为356865.8公顷),高于平均变化量,而1996-2000年间和2004-2006年间都小于平均变化量。 (3)10年间不同地貌区的LUCC变化 盆西平原区的特点是园地大幅上升达77%,居民点及工矿用地和交通用地也大幅上升,耕地、未利用地下降幅度大,该区耕地、水域、未利用地的减少强度和园地、居民点及工矿用地、交通用地的上升强度均居五区第一;盆地丘陵区的特点是牧草地下降幅度大,为-36.89%,交通用地、园地和林地上升幅度较大,该区耕地减少、未利用地减少、林地增加、居民点及工矿用地和交通用地增加的变化强度均居五区相应地类增减的第二位;盆周山地区的特点是耕地减少较多,交通用地和园地增长较大,该区林地变化强度居各区第一位,牧草地和水域变化强度居各区第二位,耕地、居民点及工矿用地和未利用地居各区第三位;川西南山地区的特点是园地、耕地、交通用地和居民点及工矿用地变化幅度大,另外四个地类变化较小。该区减少的牧草地占全省牧草地减少的97.91%,变化强度居各个地貌区的第一位,园地相对变化强度居五区的第二位;川西北高山高原区的特点是耕地大幅下降、园地大幅上升,交通用地升幅也较大,其余地类变化不大。值得注意的是,该区牧草地和水域面积增加,与全省该地类的变化相反。其余地类的相对变化强度均是五个地貌区中最小的。 用变化强度分值考量变化强度,盆西平原区的变化强度最大,盆地丘陵区和盆周山地区的变化强度相当,川西北高山高原区的变化强度则要小得多。 (4)1996年及2006年全省土地利用/覆盖格局的景观生态学分析 全省是以自然景观占优势(占约70%)、农业景观为补充、建设用地景观居于从属地位的土地利用景观格局。景观多样性和均匀度不高。到2006年,全省总的景观格局并无大的改变。总体情况是随着时间的推移和人类活动的加强,区内景观优势度上升、多样性和均匀度变小。但斑块数减少,斑块面积和斑块孔隙度有所增大。斑块的形状指数和分维数均有所下降,表明受人为干扰有加剧的趋势。反映景观格局结构的破碎度指数有轻微下降。景观指数的变化表明全省土地利用有缓慢集中、规模聚集的趋势。 (5)三大生态建设工程对土地利用/覆盖变化的影响 1996-2006年间LUCC与三大生态建设工程实施的耦合分析,发现退耕工程对耕地、林地、牧草地等地类覆盖变化的影响最大,天保工程次之,长防工程最小。 2.四川省LUCC驱动力分析 (1)总体分析: 从整体上分析,人为因素对区域整体LUCC的影响从1996年的63.32%增加到2006年的66.99%,变得日益强烈。同时人为因素影响强度表现出明显的区域差异,地势平缓、经济区位条件好的区域其人为影响强度明显较高。 政策体制转变下的经济高速增长、快速的城市化、工业化过程和生态建设是四川省LUCC宏观尺度的驱动因素。区域的LUCC主要受到了由内向外(从城市到乡村)和由外向内(从山顶向平地)两种作用力的共同推动。局部尺度上,如距离交通线、水利线、中心城市的远近,地形凸起、大型独立项目落址、重污染项目的阻隔等,甚至一些乡规民俗等因素也会成为LUCC的驱动影响因素。在较小的尺度上,人类个体行为选择对LUCC的影响也是存在的。   根据驱动因子的特性作者将其划分为驱变、阻变、良性、惰性因子等类型。 (2)分地貌区的驱动因子分析 各地貌区都存在城市化、工业化、生态工程实施、自然灾害等驱动因子,但主次不一。对于盆西平原和盆地丘陵区,城市化、工业化是前两位的因子,而对另外三个地貌区,生态工程实施和产业结构调整则成为第第一、二位的驱动因子。 (3)分地类的驱动因子分析(以坡耕地为例) 分坡度的耕地变化分析发现,耕地减少主要集中在2°以下的平地、15°-25°和25°以上三个坡度级,是其它坡度级耕地减幅的三倍左右。这表明耕地减少受城市化进程和“退耕还林还草”工程驱动影响尤为巨大。 3.土地利用格局优化、集约利用评价和可持续利用及对策研究 (1)土地利用格局优化的战略选择及调整预测 土地利用格局调整的战略是农业生产用地、建设用地和生态及其他用地占幅员的比重分别稳定在13%、7%和80%左右,重点是三大类别内部二级和三级地类的合理调整。 (2)全省土地集约利用评价 全省农用地利用集约度为0.46,总体上集约度不高,处于较适度利用阶段。建设用地利用集约度为0.38,处于较适度利用阶段。集约利用提升空间较大。 农用地的潜力主要在于加强土地保育、完善利用制度、提高单产。城市建设用地的包括存量潜力、强度潜力、结构潜力,空间很大。农村居民点整理潜力可以逐步挖掘。 (3)新增建设用地集约利用的统筹安排 据测算,到2020年,四川省城市建设用地需求量在463850-492360hm2之间,城镇各业新增建设用地规模为361276.79hm2,占用耕地200565.94 hm2。2004-2020年间四川省农村居民点整理潜力33.86万hm2。农村居民点建设用地需求量为70.57万公顷。 (4)土地集约利用措施与坡耕地可持续利用战略 提出了土地集约利用的措施。在对坡耕地生态系统结构与功能分析的基础上,提出坡耕地可持续利用战略与生态恢复战略,并从技术和政策层面提出了坡耕地合理利用和生态退耕的措施和建议。 LUCC is one of the key questions of global change and sustainable development of society. After the opening and reform of China, the society and economy of Sichuan Province developed very fast ,the land-use/cover changed very strong droved by many factors .But nowadays we have no constant spatial-temporal study and driving force analysis about the whole province based on investigation. And it is lack of land sustainable utilization study based on correlative study. So we choose all the land resource in Sichuan, combine RS and GIS and field investigation, and take statistic-mathematic means and system analysis, to study the LUCC patterns and different scale driving force of different physiognomy regions, land cover types and periods; to analyze the current situation and potential of land resource intensive utilization, and gave out corresponding measurements. We found that forest and grassland are the dominant cover types of Sichuan provincial land –use/cover pattern, and becoming more and more stronger from 1996 to 2006,the natural landscape is the metric and occupy 70%,the diversity and evenness index are not high; the totally change quantity from 2000 to 2004 is the biggest; cultivated land especially steep cultivated land ,garden plot, forestry land ,settlement and industry land and traffic land changed relative stronger; among five physiognomy regions ,the changing intensity of PEN XI PING YUAN QU is the biggest, CHUAN XI BEI GAO SHAN GAO QU is smallest; under the background of policy system changing, the fast developing of economy, fast urbanization and industrialization and ecology construction are the macro-scale driving force of Sichuan provincial LUCC; to compare the impacts of “TUI GENG GONG CHENG” on LUCC especially to cultivated land ,forestry land and grassland is strongest, “TIAN BAO GONG CHENG ” is stronger,“ HANG FANG GONG CHENG” is smallest; the intensive utilization level of farmland and construction land of whole province is relative moderation, there is huge potential to excavate and fulfill the increasing demand of construction land;we must take synthetic measurements to accelerate the sustainable utilization of land resource, including administrative, economical ,technological and ecological policies.


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Locked-to-sliding phase transition has been studied in the driven two-dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova model with the square symmetric substrate potential. It is found that as the driving force increases, the system transfers from the locked state to the sliding state where the motion of particles is in the direction different from that of driving force. With the further increase in driving force, at some critical value, the particles start to move in the direction of driving force. These two critical forces, the static friction or depinning force, and the kinetic friction force for which particles move in the direction of driving force have been analyzed for different system parameters. Different scenarios of phase transitions have been examined and dynamical phases are classified. In the case of zero misfit angle, the analytical expressions for static and kinetic friction force have been obtained.


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The effect of different nitrogen and phosphorus sources on pH and the availability of mineral nutrients in the root/soil interface of Larix gmelinii seedlings were studied by means of root-mat method. The results showed that the addition of NH~+_4-N decreased the pH in the root/soil interface, while the addition of NO~-_3-N increased the pH in contrast with the control treatment. The sort of the P sources and the distance from the root plane remarkably influenced the changes of pH in the root/soil interface induced by the addition of the nitrogen sources. Compared with the addition of only NH~+_4-N, the extent to which the pH in the root/soil interface decreased was obviously smaller when treated by NH~+_4-N and rock P. When treated with different P sources, the contents of available P in the root/soil interface were affected by the sort of the N sources. When treated with soluble P, the contents of the available P in the root/soil interface obviously increased for the addition of both NH~+_4-N and NO~-_3-N. When treated with rock P, the contents of the available P increased only in the area 0~3 mm from the root plane for NH~+_4-N, whereas the contents of available P in the root/soil interface changed little for NO~-_3-N. The results above showed that the protons excreted by the roots were the main driving force for the solution of the rock P in the root/soil interface. The availability of Fe in the root/soil interface increased as a result of acidity induced by the NH~+_4-N, whereas the availability of Fe in the root/soil interface decreased because of the pH increase induced by the NO_3~-_N. The effect of different N sources on the availability of Fe in the root/soil interface was also affected by the sort of P sources. The concentrations of P、Fe in the leaves remarkably differed when treated by different N、P sources and concentrations of the P、Fe in the root/soil interface were correlated to those in the leaves of the seedlings.


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Monolithic capillary columns for affinity chromatography were prepared by an in situ polymerization procedure using glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) as a monomer and trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TRIM) and ethylene dimethacrylate (EDMA) as cross-linkers, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy was applied to characterize the morphology of the end of monolithic capillary and mercury intrusion porosimetry to characterize the polymer rod prepared within the confines of a stainless steel column with 50 mm x 4.6 mm i.d. under the same polymerization condition. Obvious differences in the porous properties between the TRIM- and EDMA-based monoliths could be observed. Moreover, the mechanical stability of these two monolithic capillary columns was compared by testing the reproducibility of the column performance. The rod prepared with GMA and TRIM proved to be mechanically more stable than that prepared with GMA and EDMA. Protein A was immobilized on the monolithic rod for affinity chromatography and the experiments were performed on a capillary electrophoresis instrument, using its pressure system as the driving force. Non-specific adsorption was not observed on the TRIM-based affinity column, as proved with bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a test protein. The affinity column prepared with GMA and TRIM was then applied to determine the hIgG concentration in human serum. The correlative coefficient of the calibration curve reached 0.9942. The amount of adsorbed hIgG was unaffected by the flow rate of the loading buffer, which makes this method suitable for fast determination of biomacromolecules in microliter samples. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.


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土壤剥蚀是指由侵蚀动力引起的土壤颗粒从土壤母质移动的过程。细沟剥蚀土粒随着细沟股流中含沙量的增加而减少 ,已有的一些侵蚀模型 (如 WEPP)均提到了这一点。用黄土高原一种典型的粉壤土 ,在 5种坡度、3种流量下进行了细沟侵蚀模拟试验。对试验结果进行了回归 ,分析了黄土高原斜坡及陡坡地、细沟股流剥蚀率随含沙量以及沟长变化的函数关系。这对细沟侵蚀动力过程的研究深入 ,以及对侵蚀过程的预测预报提供了有力的参考依据


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Soil wind erosion is the primary process and the main driving force for land desertification and sand-dust storms in and and semi-arid areas of Northern China. While many researchers have studied this issue, this study quantified the various indicators of soil wind erosion, using the GIS technology to extract the spatial data and to construct a RBFN (Radial Basis Function Network) model for Inner Mongolia. By calibrating sample data of the different levels of wind erosion hazard, the model parameters were established, and then the assessment of wind erosion hazard. Results show that in the southern parts of Inner Mongolia wind erosion hazards are very severe, counties in the middle regions of Inner Mongolia vary from moderate to severe, and in eastern are slight. Comparison of the results with other research shows conformity with actual conditions, proving the reasonability and applicability of the RBFN model. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Impurity-free single-crystalline antimony telluride hexagonal nanoplates (see figure) are synthesized by a facile and quick hydrothermal treatment without any organic additives or templates. The inherent crystal structure is the driving force for the growth of these Sb2Te3 hexagonal nanoplates. Films of these nanoplates shows p-type behavior, and exhibit a promisingly high Seebeck coefficient of 425 mu V K-1 at room temperature.


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Three-protein circadian oscillations in cyanobacteria sustain for weeks. To understand how cellular oscillations function robustly in stochastic fluctuating environments, we used a stochastic model to uncover two natures of circadian oscillation: the potential landscape related to steady-state probability distribution of protein concentrations; and the corresponding flux related to speed of concentration changes which drive the oscillations. The barrier height of escaping from the oscillation attractor on the landscape provides a quantitative measure of the robustness and coherence for oscillations against intrinsic and external fluctuations. The difference between the locations of the zero total driving force and the extremal of the potential provides a possible experimental probe and quantification of the force from curl flux. These results, correlated with experiments, can help in the design of robust oscillatory networks.


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NdF3 and TbF3 nanoparticles were successfully synthesized via a solvent extraction route using Cynex923 (R3P=O). X-ray diffraction (XRD) study showed that pure hexagonal phase NdF3 and pure orthorhombic phase TbF3 could be obtained under the current synthetic conditions. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations indicated that as-obtained NdF3 nanoplates have a diameter of 50-80 nm and thickness of 10-20 nm and TbF3 products have sphere morphologies with diameter from 70 to 170 nm. The driving force for the growth of NdF3 nanoplates could be attributed to the hexagonal crystal structure. The luminescence properties of NdF3 and TbF3 nanoparticles were investigated, which indicated that NdF3 nanoparticles showed typical emission at 888,1064, and 1328 nm and TbF3 nanoparticles showed characteristic emission of Tb3+ (f-f).


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The approach of water droplets self-running horizontally and uphill without any other forces was proposed by patterning the shape-gradient hydrophilic material (i.e., mica) to the hydrophobic matrix (i.e., wax or low-density polyethylene (LDPE)). The shape-gradient composite surface is the best one to drive water droplet self-running both at the high velocity and the maximal distance among four different geometrical mica/wax composite surfaces. The driving force for the water droplets self-running includes: (1) the great difference in wettability of surface materials, (2) the low contact angle hysteresis of surface materials, and (3) the space limitation of the shape-gradient transportation area. Furthermore, the average velocity and the maximal distance of the self-running were mainly determined by the gradient angle (alpha), the droplet volume, and the difference of the contact angle hysteresis. Theoretical analysis is in agreement with the experimental results.


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A new electrocatalysis of carbon materials for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on Pt/C catalysts was discovered. It was found that there exist two kinds of electroactive sites on these supports of carbon materials, which can effectively electrocatalyze the reduction of peroxide intermediated from oxygen reduction on Pt, as this provides continuous driving force to move the equilibrium toward the production of peroxide from ORR.


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First-principle calculations are performed to investigate the structural, elastic, and electronic properties of ReB2 and WB2. The calculated equilibrium structural parameters of ReB2 are consistent with the available experimental data. The calculations indicate that WB2 in the P6(3)/mmc space group is more energetically stable under the ambient condition than in the P6/mmm. Based on the calculated bulk modulus, shear modulus of polycrystalline aggregate, ReB2 and WB2 can be regarded as potential candidates of ultra-incompressible and hard materials. Furthermore, the elastic anisotropy is discussed by investigating the elastic stiffness constants. Density of states and electron density analysis unravel the covalent bonding between the transition metal atoms and the boron atoms as the driving force of the high bulk modulus and high shear modulus as well as small Poisson's ratio.