79 resultados para community choirs


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The purpose of the research is to study the seasonal succession of protozoa community and the effect of water quality on the protozoa community to characterize biochemical processes occurring at a eutrophic Lake Donghu, a large shallow lake in Wuhan City, China. Samples of protozoa communities were obtained monthly at three stations by PFU (polyurethane foam unit) method over a year. Synchronously, water samples also were taken from the stations for the water chemical quality analysis. Six major variables were examined in a principal component analysis (PCA), which indicate the fast changes of water quality in this station I and less within-year variation and a comparatively stable water quality in stations II and III. The community data were analyzed using multivariate techniques, and we show that clusters are rather mixed and poorly separated, suggesting that the community structure is changing gradually, giving a slight merging of clusters form the summer to the autumn and the autumn to the winter. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to infer the relationship between water quality variables and phytoplankton community structure, which changed substantially over the survey period. From the analysis of cluster and CCA, coupled by community pollution value (CPV), it is concluded that the key factors driving the change in protozoa community composition in Lake Donghu was water qualities rather than seasons. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Epiphytic gastropods in Yangtze lakes have suffered from large-scale declines of submersed macrophytes during past decades. To better understand what controls gastropod community, monthly investigations were carried out in four Yangtze lakes during December, 2001-March, 2003. Composed of 23 species belonging to Pulmonata and Prosobranchia, the community is characterized by the constitution of small individuals. The average density and biomass were 417 +/- 160 ind/m(2) and 18.05 +/- 7.43 g/m(2), with maxima a-round August. Submersed macrophyte biomass is shown to be the key factor affecting species number, density, and biomass of gastropods. Accordingly, a series of annual and seasonal models yielding high predictive powers were generated. Preference analyses demonstrated that pulmonates and prosobranchs with different respiratory organs prefer different macrophyte functional groups.


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Over the past two decades, molecular techniques have been widely used in ecological study and molecular ecology has been one of the most important branches of ecology. Meanwhile, genetic fingerprinting analyses have significantly enhanced our knowledge of the diversity and evolutionary relations of the planktonic organisms. Compared with conventional approaches in ecological study (e. g. morphological classification), genetic fingerprinting techniques are simpler and much more effective. This review provides an overview of the principles, advantages and limitations of the commonly used DNA fingerprinting techniques in plankton research. The aim of this overview is to assess where we have been, where we are now and what the future holds for solving aquatic ecological problems with molecular-level information.


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No detailed food web research on macroinvertebrate community of lacustrine ecosystem was reported in China. The present study is the first attempt on the subject in Lake Biandantang, a macrophytic lake in Hubei Province. Food webs of the macroinvertebrate community were compiled bimonthly from March, 2002 to March, 2003. Dietary information was obtained from gut analysis. Linkage strength was quantified by combining estimates of energy flow (secondary production) with data of gut analysis. The macroinvertebrate community of Lake Biandantang was based heavily on detritus. Quantitative food webs showed the total ingestion ranged from 6930 to 36,340 mg dry mass m(-2) bimonthly. The ingestion of macroinvertebrate community was higher in the months with optimum temperature than that in other periods with higher or lower temperature. Through comparison, many patterns in benthic food web of Lake Biandantang are consistent with other detritus-based webs, such as stream webs, but different greatly from those based on autochthonous primary production (e.g. pelagic systems). It suggests that the trophic basis of the web is essential in shaping food web structure.


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We examined DNA polymorphism of the plankton community in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region of Yangtze River and studied its relationships to species composition. Samples of the plankton community were collected from nine sampling sites and analyzed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Nine of 60 screened primers generated a total of 88 observable 180 to 1400 by bands, all of which were polymorphic. Cluster analysis of the resulting binary format from DNA banding patterns grouped the target communities into three clusters. The topology of the constructed diagram from species composition data was generally similar to that based on RAPD markers.


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The performance of a wetland system in treating lead (Pb)/zinc (Zn) mine drainage was evaluated by using the polyurethane foam unit (PFU) microbial community (method), which has been adopted by China as a standardized procedure for monitoring water quality. The wetland system consisted of four cells with three dominant plants: Typha latifolia, Phragmites australis and Paspalum distichum. Physicochemical characteristics [pH, EC, content of total suspended solid (TSS) and metals (Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cu)] and PFU microbial community in water samples had been investigated from seven sampling sites. The results indicated that the concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, and TSS in the mine drainage were gradually reduced from the inlet to the outlet of the wetland system and 99%, 98%, 75%, 83%, and 68% of these metals and TSS respectively, had been reduced in concentration after the drainage passed through the wetland system. A total of 105 protozoan species were identified, the number of protozoa species and the diversity index (DI) gradually increased, while the heterotrophic index (HI) gradually decreased from the inlet to the outlet of the wetland system. The results indicated that DI, HI, and total number species of protozoa could be used as biological indicators indicating the improvement of water quality.


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Protozoan were collected from 16 stations in water system of Changde City (China) using the PFU method. Sampling programs were conduced on a yearly basis, with seasonal frequency at diverse sites in the water system and 488 species of protozoa was identified. At the same time, Water sampling from these stations was conducted and various water chemical parameters, including DO, COD, BOD5, NH3, TP, and Volatile Phenol, were analyzed. The aim of the research was, on one hand, using chemical method to take an investigation to the water pollution status of Changde City; on the other hand, using protozoan to make an evaluation to the water quality. With the chemical water parameters and protozoa data, a biotic index was derived for the investigated region. The species pollution value (SPV) of 469 protozoa species was established, and the community pollution value (CPV) calculated from SPV was used to evaluate water quality. The method of the biotic index was tested and the result showed that CPV calculated from SPV had a close correlation with the degree of water pollution (p < 0.00001). This indicated that the method of the biotic index is reliable. The water quality degrees divided by CPV were suggested. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The phytoplankton of Lake Donghu was compared between two periods (i.e., 1982-83 and 1999-2001). During 1982-1983, Lake Donghu was characterized by cyanobacterial blooms, very high summer phytoplankton biomass, and a spring clear-water phase. However, during 1999-2001, the lake was dominated by dinophytes and diatoms and had a relatively low phytoplankton biomass and a very turbid state.. Increased stocking of silver carp and bighead carp during the interim years eliminated cyanobacterial blooms and large-bodied daphnids from the lake, creating favorable conditions for growth of the small-sized algae.


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Structural and functional parameters of protozoan communities colonizing on PFU (polyurethane foam unit) artificial substrate were assessed as indicators of water quality in the Chaohu Lake, a large, shallow and highly polluted freshwater lake in China. Protozoan communities were sampled 1, 3, 6, 9 and 14 days after exposure of PFU artificial substrate in the lake during October 2003. Four study stations with the different water quality gradient changes along the lake were distinguishable in terms of differences in the community's structural (species richness, individual abundance, etc.) and functional parameters (protozoan colonization rates on PFU). The concentrations of TP, TN, COD and BOD as the main chemical indicators of pollution at the four sampling sites were also obtained each year during 2002-2003 for comparison with biological parameters. The results showed that the species richness and PFU colonization rate decreased as pollution intensity increased and that the Margalef diversity index values calculated at four sampling sites also related to water quality. The three functional parameters based on the PFU colonization process, that is, S-eq, G and T-90%, were strongly related to the pollution status of the water. The number of protozoan species colonizing on PFU after exposure of 1 to 3 days was found to give a clear comparative indication of the water quality at the four sampling stations. The research provides further evidence that the protozoan community may be utilized effectively in the assessment of water quality and that the PFU method furnishes rapid, cost-effective and reliable information that may be useful for measuring responses to pollution stress in aquatic ecosystems.


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Phytoplankton assemblages in the subtrophical oligotrophic Lake Fuxian, the second deepest lake in China, were investigated monthly from September 2002 to August 2003. A total of 113 species belonging to seven phyla were identified, among them, a filamentous green alga, Mougeotia sp., dominated almost throughout the study period and comprised most of the total phytoplankton biomass. Mougeotia sp. has made a substantial development during the past decades: it was absent in 1957, only occasionally present in 1983, increased substantially in 1993, and became predominant in 2002-2003. It is likely that natural invasion of the Taihu Lake noodlefish (Neosalanx taihuensis) has led to a change of dominant herbivorous zooplankton from small to large calanoid, which has increased grazing pressure on small edible algae, and thus has indirectly favored the development of the inedible filamentous Mougeotia sp.


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The distribution of vascular plant species richness along an altitudinal gradient and their relationships with environmental variables, including slope, aspect, bank (flooding) height, and river width of the Xiangxi River, Hubei Province, were examined. Total vascular plant species richness changed with elevation: it increased at lower elevations, reached a maximum in the midreaches and decreased thereafter. In particular, tree and herbaceous species richness were related to altitude. Correlation analysis (Kendall's tau) between species richness and environmental variables indicated that the change in species richness in the riparian zone was determined by riparian environmental factors and characteristics of regional vegetation distribution along the altitudinal gradient. The low species richness at lower elevations resulted from seasonal flooding and human activities - agriculture and fuel collection - and the higher. Species richness ill (he midreaches reflected transitional zones ill natural vegetation types that had had little disturbance. These results oil species distribution in the riparian community could he utilized as a reference for restoration efforts to improve water quality of the emerging reservoir resulting from the Three Gorges Hydroelectric Dam project.


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Changes in the zooplankton community structure in relation to fishery practices in Lake Donghu, Wuhan, China were examined. The number of Protozoa species increased slightly, whereas the number of rotifers and crustaceans decreased from the 1960s to the 1990s. The total annual average densities of zooplankton increased 15-20 times in the 1990s compared with the 1960s. This increase was largely attributed to Protozoa, which contributed 93.4% by number of the total zooplankton density in 1991. Cladoceran densities decreased markedly from 1987. Changes in densities of rotifers and copepods were not evident. Trends in zooplankton biomass were similar to density. Large changes in zooplankton community structure coincided with markedly changes in concentration of chlorophyll a and transparency in Lake Donghu in 1987. The year 1987 seems to be the threshold year when the zooplankton community structure changed considerably. These changes were related to continuously increasing fish stock biomass in the lake. It was suggested that fish stocking and fish biomass should be a better managed for improvement of the quality of the lake's environment.


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The phytoplankton community structure, in terms of species composition, total standing crop, and abundance of the dominant algal species, at four stations in Donghu Lake, Wuhan, China, was investigated monthly from January 1994 to December 1996. A total of 260 taxa was observed, of which Chlorophyta (106 taxa) contributed the highest portion of the total number of taxa, followed by Bacillariophyta (82 taxa) and Cyanophyta (32 taxa). The total standing crop measured by means of chlorophyll a content, cell density, and cell biovolume, as well as the abundance of the dominant species, declined in the order of Station I to Station IV. Seasonal changes of the standing crop varied greatly among the four stations. Although the cell density at the four stations showed a single peak within a year, the peak density varied from July to November, dependent on the sampling year and the station. For chlorophyll a content and cell biovolume, multiple peaks were observed at Stations I and II, but a single peak was found at Stations III and IV. The phytoplankton community structure indicated that the trophic status was the highest at Station I (most eutrophic), followed by Station II; Stations III and IV were the least trophic areas. The long-term changes in phytoplankton community structure further suggested that changes in phytoplankton community structure were correlated with water quality, and eutrophication of Donghu Lake had been aggravated since the 1950s.


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In a Chinese eutrophic shallow lake, the spatial, temporal and vertical distributions of meiofauna in different lake zones along a eutrophic gradient were analyzed. The spatial distribution of meiofauna among sampling stations changed with nutrient levels. Nematoda were most abundant at the majority of sampling stations comprising 70.6 - 93.2 % meiofaunal abundance except for a hypereutrophic station. The seasonal patterns in abundance of nematodes, oligochaetes, rotifers, chironomids and different nematode feeding groups differed among stations, which revealed that the temporal variations of these meiofaunal groups and the nematode feeding groups may vary with different nutrient loadings. The vertical distributions of meiofaunal groups, nematode species, and nematode trophic groups in the upper and lower sediment layers were similar, suggesting a consistent vertical distribution pattern across different trophic conditions. Nematode species richness, Shannon-Wiener species diversity index, trophic diversity and Maturity Index were significantly correlated with nutrient levels (total phosphorus and nitrogen in lake water and total phosphorus in sediment). Our results suggest the importance of nematode community analyses in the assessment of freshwater eutrophication.


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From 20 April to 25 June in 1999, an enclosure experiment was conducted in Lake Donghu to assess the impact of planktivorous silver carp on the planktonic rotifer community. We set up four treatments with silver carp biomass at 0, 116, 176, and 316 g m(-2). Total rotifer density was significantly higher in the no-fish enclosure than in fish-present enclosures. Fish predation on the rotifers alleviated zooplankton competition and resulted in dominance of small zooplankton species (Anureaopsis fissa, Trichocerca pusilla and Moina micrura) in fish-present enclosures. However, some relatively larger species (Polyarthra vulgaris, Brachionus angularis, Brachionus calyciflorus, and Asplanchna spp.) showed higher densities in the no-fish enclosure than in fish-present enclosures.