52 resultados para cold supersonic gas jet


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A 2-kW-class chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL) using nitrogen buffer gas has been developed and tested since industrial applications of COIL devices will require the use of nitrogen as the buffer gas. The laser, with a gain length of 11.7 cm, is energized by a square pipe-array jet-type singlet oxygen generator (SPJSOG) and employs a nozzle bank with a designed Mach number of 2.5. The SPJSOG has advantages over the traditional plate-type JSOG in that it has less requirements on basic hydrogen peroxide (BHP) pump, and more important, it has much better operational stability. The SPJSOG without a cold trap and a gas-liquid separator could provide reliable operations for a total gas flow rate up to 450 mmol/s and with a low liquid driving pressure of around 0.7 atm or even lower. The nozzle bank was specially designed for a COIL using nitrogen as the buffer gas. The cavity was designed for a Mach number of 2.5, in order to provide a gas speed and static temperature in the cavity similar to that for a traditional COIL with helium buffer gas and a Mach 2 nozzle. An output power of 2.6 kW was obtained for a chlorine flow rate of 140 mmol/s, corresponding to a chemical efficiency of 20.4%. When the chlorine flow rate was reduced to 115 mmol/s, a higher chemical efficiency of 22.7% was attained. Measurements showed that the SPJSOG during normal operation could provide a singlet oxygen yield Y greater than or equal to 55%, a chlorine utilization U greater than or equal to 85%, and a relative water vapor concentration w = [H2O]/([O-2] + [Cl-2]) less than or equal to 0.1.


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Laminar-flow non-transferred DC plasma jets were generated by a torch with an inter-electrode insert by which the arc column was limited to a length of about 20 mm. Current–voltage characteristics, thermal efficiency and jet length, a parameter which changes greatly with the generating parameters in contrast with the almost unchangeable jet length of the turbulent plasma, were investigated systematically, by using the similarity theory combined with the corresponding experimental examination. Formulae in non-dimensional forms were derived for predicting the characteristics of the laminar plasma jet generation, within the parameter ranges where no transfer to turbulent flow occurs. Mean arc temperature in the torch channel and mean jet-flow temperature at the torch exit were obtained, and the results indicate that the thermal conductivity feature of the working gas seems to be an important factor affecting thermal efficiency of laminar plasma generation.


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A numerical study on wave dynamic processes occurring in muzzle blast flows, which are created by a supersonic projectile released from the open-end of a shock tube into ambient air, is described in this paper. The Euler equations, assuming axisymmetric flows, are solved by using a dispersion-controlled scheme implemented with moving boundary conditions. Three test cases are simulated for examining friction effects on the muzzle flow. From numerical simulations, the wave dynamic processes, including two blast waves, two jet flows, the bow shock wave and their interactions in the muzzle blasts, are demonstrated and discussed in detail. The study shows that the major wave dynamic processes developing in the muzzle flow remain similar when the friction varies, but some wave processes, such as shock-shock interactions, shock-jet interactions and the contact surface instability, get more intensive, which result in more complex muzzle blast flows.


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A new DC plasma torch in which are jet states and deposition parameters can be regulated over a wide range has been built. It showed advantages in producing stable plasma conditions at a small gas flow rate. Plasma jets with and without magnetically rotated arcs could be generated. With straight are jet deposition, diamond films could be formed at a rate of 39 mu m/h on Mo substrates of Phi 25 mm, and the conversion rate of carbon in CH4 to diamond was less than 3%. Under magnetically rotated conditions, diamond films could be deposited uniformly in a range of Phi 40 mm at 30 mu m/h, with a quite low total gas flow rate and high carbon conversion rate of over 11%. Mechanisms of rapid and uniform deposition of diamond films with low gas consumption and high carbon transition efficiency are discussed.


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Modeling study is performed to reveal the special features of the entrainment of ambient air into subsonic laminar and turbulent argon plasma jets. Two different types of jet flows are considered, i.e., the argon plasma jet is impinging normally upon a flat substrate located in atmospheric air surroundings or is freely issuing into the ambient air. It is found that the existence of the substrate not only changes the plasma temperature, velocity and species concentration distributions in the near-substrate region, but also significantly enhances the mass flow rate of the ambient air entrained into the jet due to the additional contribution to the gas entrainment of the wall jet formed along the substrate surface. The fraction of the additional entrainment of the wall jet in the total entrained-air flow rate is especially high for the laminar impinging plasma jet and for the case with shorter substrate standoff distances. Similarly to the case of cold-gas free jets, the maximum mass flow-rate of ambient gas entrained into the turbulent impinging or free plasma jet is approximately directly proportional to the mass flow rate at the jet inlet. The maximum mass flow-rate of ambient gas entrained into the laminar impinging plasma jet slightly increases with increasing jet-inlet velocity but decreases with increasing jet-inlet temperature.


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Investigation of kerosene combustion in a Mach 2.5 flow was carried out using a model supersonic combustor with cross-section area of 51 mm × 70 mm and different integrated fuel injector/flameholder cavity modules. Experiments with pure liquid atomization and with effervescent atomization were characterized and compared. Direct photography, Schlieren imaging, and planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) imaging of OH radical were utilized to examine the cavity characteristics and spray structure. Schlieren images illustrate the effectiveness of gas barbotage in facilitating atomization and the importance of secondary atomization when kerosene sprays interacting with a supersonic crossflow. OH PLIF images further substantiate our previous finding that there exists a local high-temperature radical pool within the cavity flameholder, and this radical pool plays a crucial role in promoting kerosene combustion in a supersonic combustor. Under the same operation conditions, comparison of the measured static pressure distributions along the combustor also shows that effervescent atomization generally leads to better combustion performance than the use of pure liquid atomization. Furthermore, the present results demonstrate that the cavity characteristics can be different in non-reacting and reacting supersonic flows. As such, the conventional definition of cavity characteristics based on non-reacting flows needs to be revised.


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Injection and combustion of vaporized kerosene was experimentally investigated in a Mach 2.5 model combustor at various fuel temperatures and injection pressures. A unique kerosene heating and delivery system, which can prepare heated kerosene up to 820 K at a pressure of 5.5 MPa with negligible fuel coking, was developed. A three-species surrogate was employed to simulate the thermophysical properties of kerosene. The calculated thermophysical properties of surrogate provided insight into the fuel flow control in experiments. Kerosene jet structures at various preheat temperatures injecting into both quiescent environment and a Mach 2.5 crossflow were characterized. It was shown that the use ofvaporized kerosene injection holds the potential of enhancing fuel-air mixing and promoting overall burning. Supersonic combustion tests further confirmed the preceding conjecture by comparing the combustor performances of supercritical kerosene with those of liquid kerosene and effervescent atomization with hydrogen barbotage. Under the similar flow conditions and overall kerosene equivalence ratios, experimental results illustrated that the combustion efficiency of supercritical kerosene increased approximately 10-15% over that of liquid kerosene, which was comparable to that of effervescent atomization.


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It is assumed that both translational and rotational nonequilibrium cross-relaxations play a role simultaneoulsy in low pressure supersonic cw HF chemical laser amplifier. For two-type models of gas flow medium with laminar and turbulent flow diffusion mixing, the expressions of saturated gain spectrum are derived respectively, and the numerical calculations are performed as well. The numerical results show that turbulent flow diffusion mixing model is in the best agreement with the experimental result.


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A series of experiments were conducted to characterize the self-ignition and combustion of thermally cracked kerosene in both a Mach 2.5 model combustor with a combustor entrance height of 51 mm and a Mach 3.0 model combustor with an entrance height of 70 mm. A unique kerosene heating and delivery system was developed, which can prepare heated kerosene up to 950 K at a pressure of 5.5 MPa with negligible fuel coking. The extent of China no. 3 kerosene conversion under supercritical conditions was measured using a specially designed system. The compositions of gaseous products as a result of thermal cracking were analyzed using gas chromatography. The mass flow rates of cracked kerosene were also calibrated and measured using sonic nozzles. With the injection of thermally cracked kerosene, the ability to achieve enhanced combustion performance was demonstrated under a variety of airflow and fuel conditions. Furthermore, self-ignition tests of cracked kerosene in a Mach 2.5 model combustor over a range of fuel injection conditions and with the help of different amounts of pilot hydrogen were conducted and discussed.


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Supersonic combustion of thermally cracked kerosene was experimentally investigated in two model supersonic combustors with different entry cross-section areas. Effects of entry static pressure, entry Mach number, combustor entry geometry, and injection scheme on combustor performance were systematically investigated and discussed based on the measured static pressure distribution and specific thrust increment due to combustion. In addition, the methodology for characterizing flow rate and composition of cracked kerosene was detailed. Using a pulsed Schlieren system, the interaction of supercritical and cracked kerosene jet plumes with a Mach 2.5 crossflow was also visualized at different injection temperatures. The present experimental results suggest that the use of a higher combustor entry Mach number as well as a larger combustor duct height would suppress the boundary layer separation near the combustor entrance and avoid the problem of inlet un- start.


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In order to obtain an overall and systematic understanding of the performance of a two-stage light gas gun (TLGG), a numerical code to simulate the process occurring in a gun shot is advanced based on the quasi-one-dimensional unsteady equations of motion with the real gas effect,;friction and heat transfer taken into account in a characteristic formulation for both driver and propellant gas. Comparisons of projectile velocities and projectile pressures along the barrel with experimental results from JET (Joint European Tons) and with computational data got by the Lagrangian method indicate that this code can provide results with good accuracy over a wide range of gun geometry and loading conditions.


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A theoretical model for gain saturation in gas flow and chemical lasers is presented. The theory is applicable to all possible numerical values of τ/τc, where τ is the characteristie flow time for the flowing gas to move across the laser action region and τc is the characteristic collision relaxation time. The saturation effects of the convection and the "source flow" of the inverted population are revealed. A general relation of gain coefficient and some new gain saturation laws are obtained. For the special case of τ/τc1, the present theoretical results agree with the experimental results on the "anomalous" saturation phenomena in the supersonic diffusion HF chemical laser determined recently by Gross and Coffer[8]. The theory also agrees with the measured results of saturation intensity varying with τ/τc in gas flow CO2 lasers[7]. For the special case of τ/τc1, the present theory is consistent with both the standard theory[1] for gas lasers where the gas has no macroscopic motion and the known gain saturation theory[2-5] for gas flow and chemical lasers.


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The two-dimensional accelerating theory about solar wind is applied to the study of theaccelerating process of jet beam in the radio galaxy. The flowing features are given with theanalytic method, and the basic flow is along the direction of the jet beam. The mechanism ofacceleration from subsonic to supersonic flow is discussed. At the same time, some fine struc-tures about the double sources in the radio galaxy are explained.


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Characteristics of supersonic combustion by injecting kerosene vapor into a Mach 2.5 crossflow at various preheat temperatures and pressures were investigated experimentally. A two-stage heating system has been designed and tested, which can prepare heated kerosene of 0.8 kg up to 820 K at pressure of 5.5 Mpa with minimum/negligible fuel coking. In order to simulate the thermophysical properties of kerosene over a wide range of thermodynamic conditions, a three-component surrogate that matches the compound class of the parent fuel was employed. The flow rate of kerosene vapor was calibrated using a sonic nozzle. Computed flow rates using the surrogate fuel are in agreement with the experimental data. Kerosene jets at various preheat temperatures injecting into both quiescent environment and Mach 2.5 crossflow were visualized. It was found that at injection pressure of 4 Mpa and preheat temperature of 550 K the kerosene jet was completely in vapor phase, while keeping almost the same penetration depth as compared to the liquid kerosene injection. Supersonic combustion tests were also carried out to compare the combustor performance for the cases of vaporized kerosene injection, liquid kerosene injection, and effervescent atomization with hydrogen barbotage, under the similar stagnation conditions. Experimental results demonstrated that the use of vaporized kerosene injection leads to better combustor performance. Further parametric study on vaporized kerosene injection in a supersonic model combustor is needed to assess the combustion efficiency as well as to identify the controlling mechanism for the overall combustion enhancement.


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This paper will introduce an atomization experiment of pulsed supersonic water jets and polymer polyacrylamide (PAA) (0.1% and 1.0% weight density) solution jets. The jets are generated from a small high-speed liquid jet apparatus. The schlieren photography is applied to visualize the jets. The velocities of the jets are measured by cutting two laser beams. The effects of the nozzle diameter and the standoff distance on atomization and the jet velocity have been examined. The experiment shows that the polymer solution jets are easier to be atomized than water jets. This may be due to low surface tension of the polymer solution. The nozzle diameter causes different shock structures around the supersonic jets.