47 resultados para carcass merit


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A kind of ultra-narrow dual-channel filter is proposed in principle and demonstrated experimentally. This filter is designed by means of two sampled fibre Bragg gratings (SFBGs), where one is periodic 0-pi sampling and the other is symmetrical spatial sampling. The former can create two stopbands in the transmission spectra and the latter can produce two ultra-riarrow passbands. Our filter has the 3-dB bandwidth of about 1 pm, whose value is two orders of magnitude less than the bandwidth of the traditional SFBG filters. The proposed filter has a merit that the channel spacing remains unchanged when tuning the filter.


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With the assistance of a kind of photonic Robin Hood that is originated from four-wave mixing in a dispersion-flattened high-nonlinearity photonic-crystal fibre, a novel dual-wavelength erbium-doped fibre (EDF) laser is proposed and demonstrated by using a sampled fibre Bragg grating. The experiments show that, due to the contribution of the photonic Robin Hood, the proposed fibre laser has the advantage of excellent uniformity, high stability and stable operation at room temperature. Our dual-wavelength EDF laser has the unique merit that the wavelength spacing remains unchanged when tuning the two wavelengths of laser, and this laser is simpler and more stable than the laser reported by Liu et al. [Opt. Express, 13 142 (2005)].


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Density gradient ultracentrifugation (DGU) has emerged as a promising tool to prepare chirality enriched nanotube samples. Here, we assess the performance of different surfactants for DGU. Bile salts (e.g., sodium cholate (SC), sodium deoxycholate (SDC), and sodium taurodeoxycholate (TDC)) are more effective in individualizing Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWNTs) compared to linear chain surfactants (e.g., sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS) and sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)) and better suited for DGU. Using SC, a narrower diameter distribution (0.69-0.81 nm) is achieved through a single DGU step on CoMoCAT tubes, when compared to SDC and TDC (0.69-0.89 nm). No selectivity is obtained using SDBS. due to its ineffectiveness in debundling. We assign the reduce selectivity of dihydroxy bile salts (S DC and TDC) in comparison with trihydroxy SC to the formation of secondary micelles. This is determined by the number and position of hydroxyl ( OH) groups on the a-side of the steroid backbone. We also enrich CoMoCAT SWNT in the 0.84-0.92 nm range using the Pluronic F98 triblock copolymer. Mixtures of bile salts (SC) and linear chain surfactants (SOS) are used to enrich metallic and semiconducting laser-ablation grown SWNTs. We demonstrate enrichment of a single chirality, (6,5), combining diameter and metallic versus semiconductillg separation on CoMoCAT samples.


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A novel 1.55-μm spot-size converter integrated electroabsorption modulator was designed with conventional photolithography and chemical wet etching process. A ridge double-core structure was employed for the modulator, and a buried ridge double-core structure was incorporated for the spot-size converter. The passive waveguide was optically combined with a laterally tapered active waveguide to control the mode size. The figure of merit is 4.1667 dB/V(/100 μm) and the beam divergence angles in the horizontal and vertical directions were as small as 11.2 deg. and 13.0 deg., respectively.


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Surface initiated polymerization (SIP) has become an attractive method for tailoring physical and chemical properties of surfaces for a broad range of applications. Most of those application relied on the merit of a high density coating. In this study we explored a long overlooked field of SIP. SIP from substrates of low initiator density. We combined ellipsometry with AFM to investigate the effect of initiatior density and polymerization time on the morphology of polymer coatings. In addition, we carefully adjusted the nanoscale separation of polymer chains to achieve a balance between nonfouling and immobilization capacities. We further tested the performance of those coating on various biosensors, such as quartz crystal microbalance, surface plasmon resonance, and protein microarrays. The optimized matrices enhanced the performance of those biosensors. This report shall encourage researches to explore new frontiers in SIP that go beyond polymer brushes.


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Impurity-free single-crystalline antimony telluride hexagonal nanoplates (see figure) are synthesized by a facile and quick hydrothermal treatment without any organic additives or templates. The inherent crystal structure is the driving force for the growth of these Sb2Te3 hexagonal nanoplates. Films of these nanoplates shows p-type behavior, and exhibit a promisingly high Seebeck coefficient of 425 mu V K-1 at room temperature.


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Polycrystalline nanotubular Bi2Te3 could be prepared via a high-temperature solution process using nanoscale tellurium, decomposed from trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) extracted tellurium species (Te-TOPO), as sacrificial template. The formation of such tubular structure is believed to be the result of outward diffusion of Te during the alloying process. The electrical properties (Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity) of the polycrystalline nanotubular Bi2Te3 have been studied and the experimental results show that the electrical conductivity is approximately three orders of magnitude smaller than bulk bismuth telluride materials mainly due to the much larger resistance brought by the insufficient contact between the nanotubular structures.


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The precociously sexual maturation in large yellow crocker Pseudosciaena crocea has become a serious problem. In an attempt to solve this problem, the production of sterile triploids could be an effective strategy. In this study, triploid P. crocea was obtained by subjecting fertilized eggs to pressure shock. Flow-cytometry analysis was used to assess ploidy level. In terms of triploid rate and hatching rate, the optimal conditions of pressure shock for triploidy induction in P. crocea were 7500 psi for 3 min shock at 3 min after fertilization at 20 degrees C. With the application of these parameters, 100% triploid fish were produced. During the first rearing year, triploid P. crocea had a similar growth performance compared with its diploid counterpart before the age of 8 months and showed a significant advantage at the age of 10 and 12 months in body weight and body length (P < 0.05). At the age of 12 months, the carcass weight of triploids was markedly higher than that of diploid control, and gonadal somatic index was significantly lower than that of their diploid control. During the first rearing year, survival in triploid group was 76.44%, inferior to its diploid control (83.21%).


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The effects of feeding level on growth, retention efficiency, faeces production and energy partitioning of redlip mullet were studied. A practical diet was used and fed at six levels from starvation, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% of body weight (BW) to satiation for 3 weeks. The temperature was kept at 24 +/- 1 degrees C. Reducing the feeding amount resulted in significantly lower weight gain, and retention efficiency was significantly affected by feeding levels and attained the maximum at maximum feeding intake. Feeding 2% BW was the minimum required for fish to maintain growth. Fish carcass composition under different feeding levels could be divided into three groups: (1) starvation and FL1; (2) FL2 and FL3 and (3) FL4 and satiation, with significant differences among the groups but no differences in the groups except that ash content remained at constant value. Body composition of fish of group 2 was close to initial fish. The thermal-unit coefficient was 0.0381 at satiation, and significantly increased with increasing feeding levels. In order to accurately estimate basal metabolism (HeE), another trial on the relationship between HeE (kJ) and BW (g) was carried out. An exponential curve as HeE=0.1255BW(0.8386) explained this relationship. Intake energy (IE) increased from 11.30 to 63.08 kJ per fish, matching with different feeding levels. Energy allocated to growth of IE decreased with reducing feeding amount. There was a linear relationship between metabolism energy and retention energy in percentage.


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Background and Aims The systematic position of the genus Metagentiana and its phylogenetic relationships with Crawfurdia, Gentiana and Tripterospermum have not been explicitly addressed. These four genera belong to one of two subtribes (Gentianinae) of Gentianeae. The aim of this paper is to examine the systematic position of Crawfurdia, Metagentiana and Tripterospermum and to clarify their phylogenetic affinities more clearly using ITS and trnL intron sequences.Methods Nucleotide sequences from the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA and the plastid DNA trnL (UAA) intron were analysed phylogenetically. Ten of fourteen Metagentiana species were sampled, together with 40 species of other genera in the subtribe Gentianinae.Key Results The data support several previously published conclusions relating to the separation of Metagentiana from Gentiana and its closer relationships to Crawfurdia and Tripterospermum based on studies of gross morphology, floral anatomy, chromosomes, palynology, embryology and previous molecular data. The molecular clock hypothesis for the tested sequences in subtribe Gentianinae was not supported by the data (P < 0.05), so the clock-independent non-parametric rate smoothing method was used to estimate divergence time. This indicates that the separation of Crawfurdia, Metagentiana and Tripterospermum from Gentiana occurred about 11.4-21.4 Mya (million years ago), and the current species of these three genera diverged at times ranging from 0.4 to 6.2 Mya.Conclusions The molecular analyses revealed that Crawfurdia, Metagentiana and Tripterospermum do not merit status as three separate genera, because sampled species of Crawfurdia and Tripterospermum are embedded within Metagentiana. The speciation and rapid radiation of these three genera is likely to have occurred in western China as a result of upthrust of the Himalayas during the late Miocene and the Pleistocene.


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Petroleum and natural gas is an important strategic resources. The short of the reserves will block the development of economy and threaten the safety of nation, along with the main oil fields of our country coming to the height of power and splendor of the exploitation and exploration. Therefore, it makes a great sense to inaugurate new explorative field and increase the reserves of petroleum and natural gas. Magnetic exploration is a main method of geophysics exploration. the developing observation apparatus and the perfect processing method provide wide space for magnetic exploration in these years. The method of magnetic bright spot is an application of magnetic exploration. The vertical migration of the hydrocarbon changes physical and chemical environment above the hydrocarbon reservoir, the new environment make tervalent iron translate into bivalent iron, that produce small scale magnetic anomaly, that is magnetic bright spot. The method of magnetic bright spot explores oil and gas field by the relation between the hydrocarbon and magnetic anomaly. This paper systemically research to pick-up and identify magnetic bright spot combining an oil field item, then point out advantaged area. In order to test the result, the author use the seismic information to superpose the magnetic bright spot, that prove the magnetic bright spot is reliable. then, the author complete a software to pick and identify the magnetic bright spot. The magnetic basement is very important to research forming and evolvement of the basin, especially, it is a crucial parameter of exploring residual basin in the research on pre-Cenozoic residual. This paper put forward a new method to inverse the interface of the magnetic layer on the basis of previous work, that is the method of separation of magnetic field step by step. The theory of this method is to translate the result of magnetic layer fluctuation to the result of magnetization density change, and the magnetic layer is flat, the paper choose thickness of magnetic layer as unit thickness, and define magnetic layer as a unit-thickness layer in order to convenient calculation, at the same time, define the variational magnetization density as equivalent magnetic density. Then we translate the relation between magnetic field and layer fluctuation to the relation between magnetic field and equivalent magnetic density, then, we can obtain the layer fluctuation through calculating equivalent magnetic density. Contrast to conventional parker method, model experimentation and example checkout prove this method is effective. The merit of this method is to avoid flat result in a strongly fluctuant area because of using a uniform average depth, the result of this method is closer to the fact, and this method is to inverse equivalent magnetic density, then translate equivalent magnetic density to layer fluctuation, this lays a foundation to inverse variational magnetic density in the landscape orientation and portrait.


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The processes of seismic wave propagation in phase space and one way wave extrapolation in frequency-space domain, if without dissipation, are essentially transformation under the action of one parameter Lie groups. Consequently, the numerical calculation methods of the propagation ought to be Lie group transformation too, which is known as Lie group method. After a fruitful study on the fast methods in matrix inversion, some of the Lie group methods in seismic numerical modeling and depth migration are presented here. Firstly the Lie group description and method of seismic wave propagation in phase space is proposed, which is, in other words, symplectic group description and method for seismic wave propagation, since symplectic group is a Lie subgroup and symplectic method is a special Lie group method. Under the frame of Hamiltonian, the propagation of seismic wave is a symplectic group transformation with one parameter and consequently, the numerical calculation methods of the propagation ought to be symplectic method. After discrete the wave field in time and phase space, many explicit, implicit and leap-frog symplectic schemes are deduced for numerical modeling. Compared to symplectic schemes, Finite difference (FD) method is an approximate of symplectic method. Consequently, explicit, implicit and leap-frog symplectic schemes and FD method are applied in the same conditions to get a wave field in constant velocity model, a synthetic model and Marmousi model. The result illustrates the potential power of the symplectic methods. As an application, symplectic method is employed to give synthetic seismic record of Qinghai foothills model. Another application is the development of Ray+symplectic reverse-time migration method. To make a reasonable balance between the computational efficiency and accuracy, we combine the multi-valued wave field & Green function algorithm with symplectic reverse time migration and thus develop a new ray+wave equation prestack depth migration method. Marmousi model data and Qinghai foothills model data are processed here. The result shows that our method is a better alternative to ray migration for complex structure imaging. Similarly, the extrapolation of one way wave in frequency-space domain is a Lie group transformation with one parameter Z and consequently, the numerical calculation methods of the extrapolation ought to be Lie group methods. After discrete the wave field in depth and space, the Lie group transformation has the form of matrix exponential and each approximation of it gives a Lie group algorithm. Though Pade symmetrical series approximation of matrix exponential gives a extrapolation method which is traditionally regarded as implicit FD migration, it benefits the theoretic and applying study of seismic imaging for it represent the depth extrapolation and migration method in a entirely different way. While, the technique of coordinates of second kind for the approximation of the matrix exponential begins a new way to develop migration operator. The inversion of matrix plays a vital role in the numerical migration method given by Pade symmetrical series approximation. The matrix has a Toepelitz structure with a helical boundary condition and is easy to inverse with LU decomposition. A efficient LU decomposition method is spectral factorization. That is, after the minimum phase correlative function of each array of matrix had be given by a spectral factorization method, all of the functions are arranged in a position according to its former location to get a lower triangular matrix. The major merit of LU decomposition with spectral factorization (SF Decomposition) is its efficiency in dealing with a large number of matrixes. After the setup of a table of the spectral factorization results of each array of matrix, the SF decomposition can give the lower triangular matrix by reading the table. However, the relationship among arrays is ignored in this method, which brings errors in decomposition method. Especially for numerical calculation in complex model, the errors is fatal. Direct elimination method can give the exact LU decomposition But even it is simplified in our case, the large number of decomposition cost unendurable computer time. A hybrid method is proposed here, which combines spectral factorization with direct elimination. Its decomposition errors is 10 times little than that of spectral factorization, and its decomposition speed is quite faster than that of direct elimination, especially in dealing with a large number of matrix. With the hybrid method, the 3D implicit migration can be expected to apply on real seismic data. Finally, the impulse response of 3D implicit migration operator is presented.