55 resultados para bayes theorem


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准确的网络流量分类是众多网络研究工作的基础,也一直是网络测量领域的研究热点.近年来,利用机器学习方法处理流量分类问题成为了该领域一个新兴的研究方向.在目前研究中应用较多的是朴素贝叶斯(nave Bayes,NB)及其改进算法.这些方法具有实现简单、分类高效的特点.但该方法过分依赖于样本空间的分布,具有内在的不稳定性.因此,提出一种基于支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)的流量分类方法.该方法利用非线性变换和结构风险最小化(structural risk minimization,SRM)原则将流量分类问题转化为二次寻优问题,具有良好的分类准确率和稳定性.在理论分析的基础上,通过在实际网络流集合上与朴素贝叶斯算法的对比实验,可以看出使用支持向量机方法处理流量分类问题,具有以下3个优势:1)网络流属性不必满足条件独立假设,无须进行属性过滤;2)能够在先验知识相对不足的情况下,仍保持较高的分类准确率;3)不依赖于样本空间的分布,具有较好的分类稳定性.


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The discretization size is limited by the sampling theorem, and the limit is one half of the wavelength of the highest frequency of the problem. However, one half of the wavelength is an ideal value. In general, the discretization size that can ensure the accuracy of the simulation is much smaller than this value in the traditional finite element method. The possible reason of this phenomenon is analyzed in this paper, and an efficient method is given to improve the simulation accuracy.


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According to the method of path integral quantization for the canonical constrained system in Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin scheme, the supersymmetric electromagnetic interaction system was quantized. Both the Hamiltonian of the supersymmetric electromagnetic interaction system in phase space and the quantization procedure were simplified. The BRST generator was constructed, and the BRST transformations of supersymmetric fields were gotten; the effective action was calculated, and the generating functional for the Green function was achieved; also, the gauge generator was constructed, and the gauge transformation of the system was obtained. Finally, the Ward-Takahashi identities based on the canonical Noether theorem were calculated, and two relations between proper vertices and propagators were obtained.


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Within the framework of Dirac Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (DBHF) approach, we calculate the energy per nucleon, the pressure, the nucleon self-energy, and the single-nucleon energy in the nuclear matter by adopting two different covariant representations for T-matrix. We mainly investigate the influence of different covariant representations on the satisfiable extent of the Hugenholtz-Van Hove (HVH) theorem in the nuclear medium in the framework of DBHF. By adopting the two different covariant representations of T-matrix, the predicted nucleon self-energy shows a quite different momentum and density dependence. Different covariant representations affect remarkably the satisfiable extent of the HVH theorem. By adopting the complete pseudo-vector representation of the T-matrix, HVH theorem is largely violated, which is in agreement with the result in the non-relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach and reflects the importance of ground state correlations for single nucleon properties in nuclear medium, whereas by using the pseudoscalar representation, the ground state correlation cannot be shown. It indicates that the complete pseudo-vector presentation is more feasible than the pseudo-scalar one.


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In terms of the quantitative causal principle, this paper obtains a general variational principle, gives unified expressions of the general, Hamilton, Voss, Holder, Maupertuis-Lagrange variational principles of integral style, the invariant quantities of the general, Voss, Holder, Maupertuis-Lagrange variational principles are given, finally the Noether conservation charges of the general, Voss, Holder, Maupertuis-Lagrange variational principles axe deduced, and the intrinsic relations among the invariant quantities and the Noether conservation charges of all the integral variational principles axe achieved.


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Two new concepts for molecular solids, 'local similarity' and 'boundary-preserving isometry', are defined mathematically and a theorem which relates these concepts is formulated. 'Locally similar' solids possess an identical short-range structure and a 'boundary-preserving isometry' is a new mathematical operation on a finite region of a solid that transforms mathematically a given solid to a locally similar one. It is shown further that the existence of such a 'boundary-preserving isometry' in a given solid has infinitely many 'locally similar' solids as a consequence. Chemical implications, referring to the similarity of X-ray powder patterns and patent registration, are discussed as well. These theoretical concepts, which are first introduced in a schematic manner, are proved to exist in nature by the elucidation of the crystal structure of some diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) derivatives with surprisingly similar powder patterns. Although the available powder patterns were not indexable, the underlying crystals could be elucidated by using the new technique of ab initio prediction of possible polymorphs and a subsequent Rietveld refinement. Further ab initio packing calculations on other molecules reveal that 'local crystal similarity' is not restricted to DPP derivatives and should also be exhibited by other molecules such as quinacridones. The 'boundary-preserving isometry' is presented as a predictive tool for crystal engineering purposes and attempts to detect it in crystals of the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) are reported.


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The relationship between structures of complex fluorides and spectral structure of Eu(II) ion in complex fluorides (AB(m)F(n)) is investigated by means of pattern recognition methods, such as KNN, ALKNN, BAYES, LLM, SIMCA and PCA. A learning set consisting of 32 f-f transition emission host compounds and 31 d-f transition emission host compounds and a test set consisting of 27 host compounds were characterized by 12 crystal structural parameters. These parameters, i.e. features, were reduced from 12 to 6 by multiple criteria for the classification of these host compounds as f-f transition emission or d-f transition emission. A recognition rate from 79.4 to 96.8% and prediction capabilities from 85.2 to 92.6% were obtained. According to the above results, the spectral structures of Eu(II) ion in seven unknown host lattices were predicted.


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为了进一步研究青蟹属系统进化的科学问题,并揭示我国东南沿海青蟹群体遗传结构和群体进化细节信息,本论文主要开展了以下两个方面的研究:(1)基于线粒体12S rRNA、16S rRNA和COI三种基因序列探讨中国东南沿海青蟹的种类归属与青蟹属的系统进化;(2)利用线粒体COI基因标记分析中国东南沿海拟穴青蟹的群体遗传结构。序列特征、遗传距离和系统进化分析结果都表明本文研究的青蟹均为S. paramamosain。NJ、BAYES和ML系统进化树显示S. paramamosain与S. tranquebarica互为姐妹种,S. olivecea应该是4种青蟹中最早分化出来的种类。10个地理群体130只拟穴青蟹的线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)细胞色素氧化酶亚基I(COI)基因序列Mantel检验结果显示群体间的遗传分化程度与地理距离没有显著的相关性。分子进化中性检验结果表明自然选择在分子进化过程中起了重要作用,并暗示该物种在最近经历了一个快速的群体爆发及扩张事件。


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本文采用集中预规划方法 ,通过调整机器人的运动速度实现多机器人避碰 ,所提算法的基本思想为 :将机器人的运动路径分段 ,然后按避碰要求对机器人通过各段的时间进行约束 ,从而将避碰问题转化为高维线性空间的优化问题 ,并进一步将其转化为线性方程的求解 ,使问题具有明确的解析解 .由于该方法的复杂度较高 ,在实现过程中采用了多种方法降低复杂度 ,简化计算 .本文给出了该算法的基本思路 ,有关定理及证明 ,算法的化简方法 ,最后给出了实验结果及分析 .


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本文在分析简单遗传算法 (Simple Genetic Algorithm,SGA)的基础上 ,提出了一种新型结构的两代竞争遗传算法 ,并给出了算法演进的模式定理 .通过理论分析和对 TSP(TravelSalesman Problem,TSP)问题的应用研究 ,表明了该算法具有搜索效率高、鲁棒性强的特点